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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Dec 1919, p. 8

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Se sible iftn eggs At~~~~ Moe=aigPices, Men's Shirts: Lot No. 1 Real bargain to clear $1,25 Lot No. 2 Big Special to clear $2-50 Boys' Overcoats Greatly reduced $4.95 to $20,00 10'/,, off aniy Boys' i ________________________ n ____ I EBENEZER BOWIIANVLLEDEC. 25, 1919 EN1 NI1SKILLEN New Years wili be celebrated ai the ~resbyterian cburcb here by special Tbhankoffering services on Sundav, Dec. 2Q, wheu Rev. J. Hamilton, formerly Chaplain of the 2ud. Division, C. E. F, wili preach at 10.30 a. M. and 7 p m. Good music. Offeriuig laaofcburch funds. On Thursdiay, Ja.t i8 p. m, aý bigb-ciass concert ýiji be given by Mr. L-Roy Kenny, Toronto, coînedian, Mr. ,J. A. Gamsby, entertailler, Miss Eva .itcheli, eloctitiobiisi, Orono; and an1 Žddress by Rev. G. T. McKenzie. Ad- mission: adults 49c; children 25c. Cal',ea.rly at Dingman & Edtnondstone's and pick out your stamped goods- wonderful assoriment. DEANVILLE NEWS. Miss Marion M. Van Nest, Toronto, spent the week-end, guesi of Mrs. Frank Worden.. . .Miss Myrile Blair and Miss Aura Osborne visîted ai Mr. Jesse Aruott's, sua ing for the Xmas concert on Frïday evening at bis scbool, others aise et3jýuyed bis Concert and spenu a very enjoyable evening. ... Mr. R. E. Osborne und àviss Louise lefi on Friday for a visit with relatives in the States. . .. The Mis- sion Circle girls met Thursday witb our worthy President, Miss Carrne Courtice, in the chai-. A reading by Miss Aura Brooks, solo, Mrs. G. F. Annis, another chapter cf our interesting book, "Mary Sleasor" was given by Miss Estella P'en- found, reading on "Japan" by Miss Alia Pickell .... League -meeting Thursday evening with large attendance, our 3rd. vice President, Miss Olive Found, was in charge. An interesting program, on the Xmas spirit, was presented, Miss M., Deans, taking as ber topic "A Christmas! Carol," clesing with Mizpah Beneciciion ...Miss Lyla Osborne and Miss Luella- McCalpin, Toronto, Public School teach. ing staff, are home, for the holidays.... Before ieaving us, Miss Vida Langmaid of S. S. NO. 4 school, had an aýternoon program and Xmnas tree which ýhe chul- dren greatly enjoyed. Miss Hiler, our new teacher, will be with us atter holi- days. TYRONE A number of Bowmanville Leaguers visited us last Wednesday and a very enj- yable time was spent. Pastor Wick- ett conducted devotienal exercises and uxtended words of greeting, then called on President J. J. Mason, who, made a very efficient chairman, making some profitable remarks on "Real happiness cornes from rigbt relaîionship witb God" -Misses Agnes Hladdy and Kathleen Knight gave a duet; Miss Evelyn Joness a piano solo; solos bv Misses Evelyn Dick- inson, Elizabeth Painion and Mr. C. H. Mason and a chorus by the visiiors. Readings were given by Misses Lena bladdy and Lois Souch; Miss Knighi, acting as pianist for ail. Esch number was well rendered and much enjyed. Miss Mary Richards, 3rd. Vice, deserves credit for'the splendid way she arranged the social and literary part of the evening A gond representation of our young folks atiended the Base line enteriain- ment. Much sympaih3 is eéxtended te Mr. Penberihy in his long ceouiînued affiction and suffening. Mr. Sidney Nichols has sufficiently recovered from,' bis receut li nies te return to work ai Oshawa. Mr. Ted Riveit bas re-engaged as foremnan with Mr.. Ross C, Pearce and Mr. Geo. Gore wiîh Mr. Arthur Osborne. Communiîy are mucb pieased te nre the improved bealth of Ex-Reeve W. E. Courtice and are' glad te sec 'uns arouî,d again, Some mucb needed improvemnentinl the shape of gravel and levelling bsbi doue on the road from Courtiesub Mday the good work continue, Go toit,, Blake. Thresher Wilson has been over the line on the dloyer jub and somc of thc farmers bave sold their seed ai fancy! prices, aubeo the yield is only about / bushel per acre. Pasior W. S. P. Boyce, gave two very instructive sermons '.o large audiences on îhe Inter-Cburch Forward Movement. Mvr. F. iA. Haddy of Bowmanville, a min- ute man, gave a splendid taik on 'Cnur- age" to the young people. This neighborbood has agaîn losi one of is oldest citizens. Mr. John Oke cf Hilîdale Farm passed away te bis reward't on Thursday, Dec. 18, ai the age of 80 years Io monîhs, He will be missd greatly by bis family te whom be was so much devoîed. He wss a kind husband and father, h la noteworîby uhat ibis is the firsi desuh ini the immnediate fsmily, Mn. Oke leaving te mourn bis depature, bis wife, five sons and four daughiers, Lades' A.ý B. Class held the regulan imonthly meeting last week when- they ubougbifully remembered their teachens, Mrs. A c.. Oke and Mrs, F. W Rundie, preseriîing tbem each wiîh a suitable book and they a]s, dîd the nice and rigbi thing by presenîîng a member of the class, Mrs. Penbertby, wiib a Santa Claus Box con- taining about $150. Mrs. (Rev) Boyce in a few well-chosen words made the presentation. Ouir Choir gave a very fine concert recently, which was well pstroniz2d,l Courtice, Zion, Enfield, Solina, Enniskil- len, Hamnpton, Tvrone, Shaw%, Bowman- ville, Oshawa, Toronto sud- ouner places being well represented in the very appreciative audience. The choruses by choir called forth special -applause, de- mandiug encores. The quartet by the ladies, 'Mesdames Rundie,,Courtice ai d Aunis and Miss A Courtice was very fine, whîble the duet "Love and War" hi' Messrs. Annis and Walters is deserving of special mLntiou. Vocal solos by Mrs. Geo. F. Annis and Mrs. W. R. Courtice were a, delight te the audience, as was also the piano trio "The Sieigb Race" bi' %Irs. Annis sud the Misses Osborne aud Penfound, wbich was excepîionally well reuîdered, ioused mu -h applause and the duet by the 1issi iwo mentioned artisis was as usual ve n.higas wel as.enter- uaining. àirs. R. c. Pearce, also a member of the choir, re;. dered wonderful atssistance te the already bigb cias toue cf the program by giving iwe sel- SOLINA EpwortL, Leaguers had a social evening and refreshments on Mondav night; good attendancie and defigbtful trne. . ..Mr Henry Argue has gone toToronto for the winier wiib bis daughter, Mrs, A, Gibbons, who with his daughier, Irene, have been down o, er the week-end... The joint meeting of the farmers' Club and Women's Institute was slimuly ai- rended on account of the 'cold night. Debate was quire successful ..Miss Irene Walk, r bas resigned front Baker's School and gone to ber horne at Port Hope.... The remaîns of the laie R. H. Campbell of Entield, were interred at Eldad Sunday IXmas Gifts Cal] and inspect our choice assortment of Xmas and New Years, Cards, Picture Books, Ladies' and Gents' llandkerchiefs, Fancy Chinaware, Choco- lates, and many other gifts sitable fo'r this season of teyear. Il. Elliott Estate Hampton 1 NSU RÂNC E AGENCY INSURE against fire and'lightning damage to your home, furniture, clotb- ing, buildings, stock, produce, etc. INSURE YOUR INCOME against sickness and accident. Lt can be done. INSURE YOUR LIFE for the ben- efit of those dependeut upon you and also as an invesiment for yourseif. IThe old and reliable SUN LIFE0F ICANADA wbich I repiresent is the Ivery best company for your purpose. The 2o companies 1 represent are among the very best-there are none beter-the rates are the lowet poss- ible for your proper protection in case you have a dlaim. I will draw your Will, Deed, Mort- Again we wish our rnany friends and patrons the old, old wish: "îMay your Xmas be a Merry one and may the New Year corne to you laden with Happiuess, Suc- cess and Prosperity. Cou, urave sole v ---------- k ~ r-. 3,- - -~. 33' .3- a~Y-3- 'r 'i Žl~1 5- - Where- You Get Most Value-For your$ v ~ -. ~-.-~l- .~ -~ ........ Our Mai1',rder Department at your service. 1An excellent pî' sent for Xmas is a pair of Eyegiasses or Spec- tac-es- O-or -Ortonsorni1 -t,- -. R ,Mitchell, eah-sEe scientificaliy in our W biite ,and Sanitary Optic-al Room. R. Michell & Co. Druggists & Optici$gns Bowrnanville ~~rp (~~Sf i..arry i our rarceis- And Sàave Money. ALE-T-IIS I 1Phone 97 The Cash & Carry Bakery -Bowmnap Il £ < '-1 Liville j --J ~- -3-g, ~ fie washbigh Y respecLed vbyalho knew, AUCTION SALES. ih -g1.im hereabouts.... .GIdt see Miss Annie Williams oui gan fter lier iii- SATURDAYT, Dec. -27--There wiH t-ý ness. offered for sale the brick_ S and lots in connection there-H Vîsitors: Mrs. Arnot and Ms Mary at situated on the Corner of Weldo Cartwright; Mr. Peter Êhd rMiss Emma ton and Liberby StQ lnm, Werrv, Tvrone, at Mr. A. L. Pascoe's; sale at3,U5 p.m. LU A. W. Tt, Mis or Wrry, St Catharines, withi auctioneer. relatives; Depuîy Reeve Baker at Toron- j-h os to; Mr. C !1 - Scott home from Montreahoufor Mir. and Mrs. Emer Wjlbur a nd son at 0frîery, wned and occjwd, Dra yton; Mný ar.d 'rs. ohnLai e Bow.. the late Mrs. Catharine Pie1'Ïý iville, and Mn. D. vid Malcolm, Nesile-l Coner 5cugog and Vellingtoin-Ft. ton, ai Mr, Sîas W ii ams' Bowmanville. Sale at 2p. iii, à. W.TOLE, auctioneer. j The Shop That LeadsI The Holiday pri The spirit of the holiday season finds exprýessl)In in numberless ways in the attractive stocks of ien's furnishings and furs dis-played in this shop. Special Display Thesday and Wednesday VTe have made special preparations for abi rush of business T'uesday and Wednesday of Men's Furnishings-almost everything that will please 4 Him. If it's Furs you wish to give you will likely flnd just what you're looking for in our large display. G. -N.THURSTFONL' Bowmanville's Up-to-date llaberdashery and Fur Shop. Hr "ià THE OL'".D WISH

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