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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Jan 1920, p. 1

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f -r-,,f _u IloVu BOWMAN VILLE, ONTARJO, CANADA TUT~IRSDAV, JANUAIRY 22, 1920 W LUMP, LXVI, No, 4 THE RIE 0F QUALL"3-',TY Afte~Jr Cirs B3efore tocm ak Sale froman Tc-day We iýf1 il Seil Ail Cl'Oth Coa-jts -NAN Furs ofl ail Kh~~a reatly and B ys'Suts -anc, Ov e r coats7 .Johnst ýý 'Èyerm 0 wmank le Phn i Oa Llýmted, TRUSE e cary he bgget tk ofiess younty1.L ptialConeioî the eadingSpcilitsfrom the ~ swere peet \va, good t rbshuir"with exohangides ndgain ikrniw itrion, v1 I~oveI1 Ç']I'pcaga Opistnalmic Callege 0i¼~'ilwYork Ss~haol aI Optica,, î~stroit Opus-ai College <.snadiau Optical College Cor-me Iu nd See DEMONSTRATION -ELECTRIG OIT niahl ersl iemnfcuee MASSAGE HRIUTJ Lueiaical rbiergeda W ra VIBRATOR IfuiA .Hry sitn ae-u ANNUAL M EETî NG O(y' EBOW MAti- t idn acharge ofth ise Bowmanviile iursday. Frsday and Saturday j VILEBRANCU. plant. L1k0 many otiser mnen at tise Owinig ta a hange in the Acf tde!iaifnnir, uiesmgae annual meetiing wseti n aur 1zntipoietdnctoait Mr. Geld FiaIs.ve have a uew lot buinstaio uNvmbs sfr(j.Had pn ovse aso e hiJiswil b tie ma fo tsisyer.The Socfetysppis sissmmrtise cesaf aioDris-as ConnY.ýty Boys wisoby ,lce îS ta$2,0 echJusv &Hospital, andthie mass af brillant bcoam andieasrgy hWsgraduaily worksd isi ~~îove1I ~there last summer was veýryfine. May nup ta iersosil oiinhe Offeice-sfori r 0 ee Preid4et- now isoîd!A, ifl dd ms-.:Hardypiun Oçaa n Volts NthnglierWilimTrewin; 1f ic.-rs L A trelahis "day deaa ka e pag W. Talje; nd: Vice-RcadJri eti tieue frrwon isiscfaumon tis resaii-ViAocletas.Scitar- evnti cncssin I arlngouTp ~athe aske fer ratigisface o i.Eii . cbl;Drcosfor 1921 fisat la besa tha n a quarter oftMaUnent Ch~pdbuds, 250 par-big bottîs, --A. H. Fleýtcher, M. ýA. JmeW. Jbs ccapaf - tionad sreni Jury & loveli, Morrison, Normnan jariesý,Ra akan ejbe o csne uouln tts Chrîstian Rebdiii-L.A. VW. Tale, J Factos- -gaiain t aian 3s Moarcraft,Jae Deymuan,; Auditrs-dprtet adtsemngeaa IEgelEgslEggs!i Are yen-WE Gry ni oar1olo. tiseedepartuents: . J. CICaTon. 1' mchancal ngines-;M. A. NemI, biene laying if ,naue"HeaSý' anr- PUBLIC LIBRARY BO0ARD pciiaios , .Rttnaycît ~ac ad if you do noJt gtreuts- lerghusead a rî;D. Mn gtour back, Juy &At tise annual meeting of tise Public risonjr., abatery; W A. Itigs 5920:PresdentJame Usyan; ecre- soles, iseels, îueulde'd gua m The Dontinion ,Plana (CogOse at1,1s .R.Fly;Tesre-îatuc keýrýrsuk ires At. Rchads 2ew guvm)uoa, d n e piano ese Ioe i.JA lia, iEi-isV.',Fis ii -ci;Xuî ee 55w grig I a sgod sae SaelPrincipalW,. MrrsoB. .,cînandru; .A Sîtniater- aand 'Yx O=s saveoves- $300, by act Cmntte:Lbar-î.Ev So tc sfrsinse oabet inueby. Jury t&LlblW J a-ioMis. f.-,R.,ae;M lye-rs itîoae R-m -edmsTl iCeand n mahin1ssoi;E. PK onatecal- FR.Foëpy;Finauce oR Il Davitisaen, ests s 1p1D .'ki'i, lctia Mis. eClelanjas, Dya, isGal. jdep; St.Litie, oe ln;L Iii ~ cs. Genuine Import- biaitis. avoy, setasfttsa Pse akun ed' lcou ery cas-e ad en ieasesLiwwre shown rintsyadm, reporta for the yeaî. Ciru'at'on for tiseTise presetfatslinluigofc st -,va hàve s scall eyeýarwa's !neariy 1,0copies aninlu-staf nd t"n(îacter'îy bauds la 52,theè lot ~ r.~elbn wsil iffate rese a f over 3,inl emer.New tes-g snhypy-olbigae volumes atideti 92 andt tienouai cioce l$2O0000. 10cna ceiq.Jury 'fLa e . tay of Muqünnes and tisaptie local plan led Ti ý,ecrs aonz expîidi bauhusierY ls haisosy Sg&Madvancing. ï a ifrteyarva 527.tnn epreset Nme, anti dfPm-- âueiontbP wPM il.he hý No , 2, nous"?e.Gra emn o uS-inmutisezst 18menthe, 44,000.0 usen hasbeenaiLei a tis Buwau- illyeplnwtimoes11oener F r in t ss v ri n t epytu e ts c SPECIAL TO BS INPIBESyMEN Mi.Busnes MaIarn takin-g the -ý Oppoiryisy0 sayiug a few thongs ta Yau sbroujgbth!-e localeis. 1 am usig tPIS litr fLclRbe medum ecuseI nowifwii aca drewéig you bWaesuewhat ï am goE taMO 20 m say cancerus o (u proal oeta 5,O od any th thrctznBwai]ehshedsicon f I need not t u teM mesud space fa beng uamg the Ui sntawns ila(Oitar- decib uir esýurCes, cneine nd. lanifnoeth e fira, to haveïa Vrubber in- georahialposition foryou alresy jdusl'Ylcate ila ýIlssl dat. ThAey ýhaýve know teecniin.But do von ever been l i en arerciiesaofthe io- t ikMr. BusiÎness Man about these ad- vinces usualy. h is sme twey. vantage? Do you eer falt!ý hsm uLp orthree year ago l ,Ince e flzrstloa wýrite about them taoutýsiders?- Do(-)you rub apaywsogaie 1n îely eieeln yaur fown's pis- haut atresoe tr nthe- emienc? D yo eer alkabot f t prpery her T~ylo'sArena nowv thetaellîVýIin3g comeri mn wb eastands n IKing-stEsmt. Tt %vas known on yous Do you falk abhouif lu, a reail as thse Bowmnvile Rubber CJo. Te sPýiIt fpridie anid wifhthe atmeken L- eitnen hscmay srte feeat hayou de about the gonds Vou s lhorti, onl1Jlaicïîng abotayear. 171 are seiling over the counter? Are yenu the fal il s,98the DarhaMu Rubber1 ever and anan onau eneior possible Jo 0., ÀLiained, wsognzdaptiZtooýk industres thaf mighf locate here î Or do ; over thle oiginjal uberplant.Thiia ouleave aIl fhe b»otng 01 Bowmnaun-copanycodcdasucsflbai ville tav the Town Councïî l whcyou usas foabout 2 year, hen lu 1909 do flot take enougis ineîest ta eiect thein, ths de arTire& uberGoAc Again do not some of you sometîmew AkranObloened noegtais thoughissly place yvour town MnMan s-with fce DuramrCU. teucary on .cer- favoabl coparian Winh othér rowns tain work for the adyia (Jola th antI clasa iL as slow and unprogresive 1way of cempounding, millng and yDtamu eer hik if you are one t tese calenïdt- er work fhat' yen werezu knoiiCking vourseit by as- The Goodyrar CJoweeced a building sumlli that titud? TOwrIgow as a aludjoiigthe Dta p aand at îeutof ýIbe ca-operati ve -eegy andi pro- thaftim mnfatrenetig u gressvens (fof sbest and nams atve automoe tir.;es -e'an-d tbe.Tise de- cîI-Mns mand for lGoodyear products incmred !usihbesu1sfme ask yDu a Opla upe ta sucisan eent thetkt asbud >anal question, abat are you as a CcitenÈîtatunde Iseigina rangement briier town? Are von co-operamingewcet o-ition t inanpe ifs End of the a- Your feliw buiness men ta bQost yluiur grensnt ni in the talilof 1W10tise1 town, or are you wwaitngfr sm i adrwyon ,r'& ubr(J.utOa pCapîsaISt toaldrp la sud doethe hao' sgda, imiet, op %ght ntese D !Urh si lav enoudoue snythiug ta poriea(J' nre.Wp, aeahas gCO g at ~ eneigetic board aofrmade tailthe selsueifndn a at acst ln cosel detpmofing ite H.71D. Hoskin "managed fIsnc c oy,ý heu ;moem idýeas foravuîg orbig olwdby 1J ,J.osirywh fawns iterets? D you everrsop ta held the pu Cton untc irMy 1918,ce! ihnk, MiaBusiness Man, tha-t ama hihfm . 1.Kokenw, . tastr eveiy bui nes t cansacf ion tki lae u redtramthe Akion fac-, otaup- theC twevea to.suPppving am a s n-ý Cuinteu t e (anadian plat.i, vistaiis oe souarce cf rveuesd ros hs iseontieean o proft ta you sCher diîectly ' idietlvGodarodpafcurl te- iesonsbîityfo tsefown's empanas utesot pc Ifu ~~,ts 1 baeet wilih msny Orothes ba e î,ta 7 oie-e a aa yeai upon which wue hnasjoat et tiplntwrkd aisatida, -'i ta asticbe sofmtie hggest Mn-appas tuî.îfykeep 'upnéei se denmaispufoGodyer Iien, i Sap, aitUs aiu ll togeahs al euhChcapme 0o Cosgessped hat. issu,,a e long pull anda strag pull dnut ouipnio a as c'r"csa pragi s,=o thenid adage at'îtu Atra i9oalsrvyttseitI t il àt k à ývetigatio it ia dcidei. l !e ý' -ý fa s"uveia H.L. QUINN, Mayne at fts pýflntut e axne lare tactVaIland was aq i n l MO IESTHA AR Toosso'swe stern subaris on whicis hasbee baîtone of the fneaf and D uFRnT most modes nly-equippsd 'tcr aris l laa a, uOcsober 1917tisenew Tihse P roviýncia Mtin îctreBuea plant was ready for occupation and will give a emusraint af aving the tires, tubes and accessoeres depta. pictures in the pe ï7aeWdnes-wr8: nfredfoBowranville ta gram of films will ncud as apca t he local plant considerable roosu for reel, ane agricuiurai rceeoas idsrial ex'pansion lu mecisanical rubiser gonds reel, ans scenic ree 'd is cm"V whish has been an important part ef reel, This d-monstrstion o f'"moies latseoatput. Sa mach for the history j withaut cast tu us, and tiufre p î'oeo the, raiser industries in Bowman- of sbowing tise educafloual valueof ithe ile Ua, fu fis time, motion picturs, A charge of Yuacwill be 1Lfu o akt ts oa ad made ta caver expenses. vear nian was it thc locnîal ss,,,i next October: n Aitsaou F Bakor J T arsgg (t Bat,, W Bsrîy i Coulier H cooper L J Clavron A Coivilie F Den,îen E P Dancasiri A adear a ri~se B Fenoeli Mss FielS 55 ('Ireoufiald D Grigg GitI Si Hall promises wta e sebiggest Neoli 'veapr mnale m Auche rissy t tis 7co s Lpau. E ey scdr u A i, conspny istaiig tiss recrd bu ingneeînsolt n tsnuext pais'oft sisoA t'r,--; y. innesoe deies- may ry tarrsdI ye sac void cthc o' soles'asutiey ralize tiy wllletr wcaer aaons el, es hiiet Gloodyears peopîle hno.ve tii g ptse ttie formou Eta owmry Beitiatg"va favoritee dappîoxssssaelyresearc weet are mmdc nsanrtly, Has ee n- durialanS dnlste seisai ea socet- Ilue 200000et permnh Alassible squimenttas sanfctring of daily Cas.iage-tire rodutioafr dîtàenags-rils, rabier nrail Gooysa ppie haîve ierepfa tien for morhn rdiny nititiv tas- heirprodata. iltaeinpo-ý anil ifpromissu be n ftise«iead artile hichis e Cg turnPe asr a raee 20 ray Art-,-ýecen ei;er tiss efwfesYýn aticlew sqeinpe-l ssas o manu éYfacte nd i eru anuis maîe .aîshs-ly Tere tok as oi dstbkespio-11 T his ustok wri soti te plyea ta $975prer sinAeth-Ge iyemr Ps-stere -with tse guarî1eeti iiîtreî.tout 7' Will on te fisst dy un Achctoes-à seneis n aiiioa % eaprmu on al hodins npta 0 shres The large ;amou ruti, tokn b T 1-4 ýa -n Heopes EiEJi~ Dý M PorîoS M5 MorN, Jr J ,Ai b!t"-Lsi t, bee ogAn- d wlfsi PAYS TOADVERSF. ( w0oring contaîned tholwn esg "DEAR lis, JAmES'-Ihave phoardi ne, grocer sthi mong no inacude là thn grocer owrderaor0o" bume a hmthat omîvl& so h r eek's Jam-es Papers, bt avnt ekw the trobletowr-ite us. IL doSn2t on]y pay ta adverois, bu t pal s to rer the, Barlsy la the crene e cs e rek fau çereals audshould be b iconsant us in evervbosehld EDUCAIO AL_î OCifE Bdwit h serics wn t RY d=4WfMd gEsluo Ç, B. U. , teiarnaC, CBelle - vie on Su s~a hngl"eokesumen"u aer cOnr esig and practicl mnue Mos P f~t ~easonl oceî o and Cbucbmakng sypahei an sarnesht ieifoirli us cleesand ot;hic- fins edcfoninaflîcionsin th marIu mdanfen rqulysrosg appeeal for Socia weVT ie and ang iielimi heeeig Bohsujet er bydal ît n Mi. and ssîteWatroper<ý çI Jonod, MaB'wan.,wee ee.en g.ss f i.t ahd Mpars. h. Balson ext ?uîe Honil eFrsalge- .,. T alSeedit,.nîsh- e.erve Fr.ida y'noldst.if,foth Bakter hs eppelas.Bethesdandurh raOsPerce, davslîngCton, l'tioni ....nMrSuppe-revd ont -It lcý,, MToroCroise,,îsîtd at Toronto . M JeonAHogse omavlwilb theicpeaker at Eldd net Suday ith vIpecilmsag,.nna ed arhr Fa eb. 6tb. .d âeenodsrueeiin Toronto . . . Pleased to bear Mrs. Jas Agictuethîs Thursdy muf-rnoo, a nd _i, olcýv eay ev bngeG aand h neathedrmI y fivr her labor in aT vyear. dnngfathulsece, GO£yae A L Y" a Fil A T)

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