J ________________________ Our Christmaies and Nlew Year's busi- ness ths eason was ver-y brisk. Somuch so that ourimmenise display of choice beef was dsoe of mYuch earlier than usual. llowever, we are neyer, found wanting wfhen it cornes to good meat. We have agaitn scoureýd theconr for the best and now have on display someîveryïehoice young beef which. is bard to beat.' Prompt Delivery Service C.4M. awker&JSo Phc P111voyors e Ligh falley An'..thracite Cog1 peas very miember of your household. We sell an hon-est ton of coal that will give youi furnace less. tro,ýuble and will give you more' comfort than any fuel viou eveiT spent your mouey lor. John A. Holgate & Son Iowmanville Queen and Division Sts leets That Satisfy Can be had at Wîlbert J. Dudley's al,,ity Desired Beef Pork opr'C ie Lamb Poûltry cpierPr!vý--,Bacons llams ompt Service Lard Salmon id Satisfaction Canned Gôods We Delivei rsy lok Phn'227 Doing I f the, . 0,oý îonhing1 than another il 1 at 1T Have our~ delivery w ait yoni aker anîd Conflectioner il Gn~o~ Pgi~.s& Bo~ed~. -~ ~d Î~g~at~ tbo wbok~ \ u~ rvou.~ ~y ten ~iakes new ]3ieod v~ ~o jld t~'i~s (~.res N c~'oo~ 11< ~ttui end R~ tun Woc~'g, Des~g- ee~' <J Rx<~p, Pa1p~1otim~ of th~ irno M.<~mo, 1'i~ SI ~~er box ~ pi~oo g o~ r- ~ o~ %~ ~tphIet mofd h'ee THE WOOU ., îoum~ 0. 051. (~snstIy Wi~~ksr4 N. EOWANIZE.TA. 2,k~eIIN THE ED1TR-1S 7M IL HOCKE'Y NOTES rs. C. A. Pascoe, 19 Noton Ave, OSHAWA 8-BO WMAN VILLE 7 Local and OtherwiSe. Toronto, in forwarding $i.50 for lher Over 1100 people jamrned Taylor's -~~ home paper for 1920 adds this apprecia- Arena Wednesday nig t to zee the old ytie--w-rdt----Here'a -hoping- The -J-amea- fvt shwlr BwavIe 1iter Piokard sharpens skates. Brothers wili do as good work, holding mediatep, cross sticks for the firstilim Mr. Bert Bounsal, Toronto, at home. progress and humfan uplift among hi hs emeL asabti rylfon Mr. Herbert Fowier, Toronto, at bis idalasherahehsawysore tedp of the puck and after one bour's E nîother's. A good local paper bas an influence in a strenuous playing bath teams had scored x community not cften'f nllY estimated as 6 goals. Two extra periods of tenI Miss Evelyn Bounsali recently visited long as it bas the correct tore and trfnd minutes eacb were required to declare a in Toronto. in the interest of human welfare. winner when Oshawra finall3 nosed ahead' Mrs. A. L. Darch vîsited Toronto by one goal, the game endîng 8-7. Lt was friends recentlv. one of the fastest and most tbrilling G o Mr. Russell Copeland, Toronto, visited gaines played on the local rink in years. ii bis parents bere. Mr. John Broad, 1514 Spruce Place, At only one stage did eitber team have! Mis HagCoîore, asbee ge tofAlpine Apartnments, Minneapolis, Minne- the advantage of more than one goal and Mssi, C C rrues be ueto sota, wben remitting bis subscription for tbat was in the first period wben Bow- e Mr andC Mrs. C , lair, taamr 192o adds this note:- 'We are spending manville bad a two goal lead for a shorti* Mresisno, Mrs. A. Bi, Otwwr the winter in this fine city and the weatb- time, the period ending 4-3 in favor of to ar guess ofMrs.A. Bith.er remînds me ai the kind ire used ta the local boys. Second period started in' Mr. and Mrs. Moody, Oshawa, recently enjc)y in Haydon (nortb of Bowmanville> at a wbirl-wind pace and penalties On' xe visited Mrs. A W. Stickle. in my boyboad days." We -av Say ta bathi sides were being handcd out freely. Revival services are in progresin tbe Mr. Broad that me are enioVing a real Eacb teain scared a goal leaving Bow- Methndist Church, Part Perry. ol-aboe aain iîrii esnianville stili one goal ahead wben inter- Mis BeleRatlifeTornt, i vsitngsoa fr and the ice barvesi bas seldom been mission was called. Tbird period w.as brriMiss el FRtlifeoren or. iitn better or the skatîing more ehiatng usbered in by end ta end ruqibes on bath Stocl lierfrindMis Flrene Har.We bave had no sleigbing wortbv the sides. After 5 minutes play Roenigk S Mr. and Mrs , R Snowden, Oshawa, name tîll recentlv when a beavy snowfall evened the score on a nice sbat in frontî recently visited bier sisters here, added that winter pastime ta tbe ather af goal, R. Williams salon put the locals Standard Reliance stock bolders re- youtbful Pleasures. in the lead again taking tbe puck fro ceived 5 per cent interest an Jan. 1. _______ centre ice and scoring from the side, In Misses Fisher and Brougball, Toronta, less tban a minute Oshawa 1usd evened l were guests af Mrs. A. Beitb, Churcb-st. Dr. James N. Hutchison, 171 Yale-ave., the score once mare. At this stage Fair MrWmProerTornto wa reentWinnipeg, Man., writes a personal letter and F. Williams were ruled off for the w guesin.is oiber, TorntoW. P. rer. " enclosing $1,50 to caver renewal ta aur rest of tbe game for mixing ht. No h Wen o hstraellingC. WP. Pscroeyor old friend THo. 'TATESMAN, wisbing the jfurtber scaring mas done in the bour's Whe trvelin C.P. . ecue yurfriends in West Durhamo a verv happy play so an extra period was ordered, -ticket froin C. B. Kent ai Past Office, tf. and prosperous New Year," One point The île mas unbroken by eacb teato - Port Perry bas a Progressive Commun- in Dr. Hutchiaon's letter thai ilicited scoring a goal, requiring anotber extra ity League. Weil done, Scugog's summer aur admiration is his splendid pentoan- perîod. Lt mas quite noticeable the pla - resart, ship. Few professional men cao wield 'ers mere beginning ta fag under the Gea. R. Davev, Port Ferry, îs District the pen as skilfuliy ln these days of the, strenuous piaying but they fougbt game- Deputy af Sons of England in Ontario typewriter, as dociors are proverbiallyj ly ta the end Finally Roenigk drew the county, illegtble wriiers, it is a treat ta see the winning goal on a close-in shot Fletcher Now is. the urne ta get your skates fine exhibition of chrography bie put deserves special mention for the spec- ai uk. oy & r eran out. Wby, its almosi as fine as aur tacular sbowing bie made in goal tbrough- sbarpened atmkBy rdra' orthy iriend, Dr. John Hl akin, K C., of out the entire gaine. Hamley was also garage. Toronto, dashes off like a miiting toaster in tbe limelight and sbared 'the honora Mr. W. A.,Alexarder, Part Perry, bas and hie is only ïu bis 851h year. Query: mitb Piper who shone paricularly in bis Y accepted a position in Goodyear Ru'ber Will tbe present day scbools mm u i back checking. Williams brothers as Cýo.'s office, Toronto. such a'fine cîas ar writers ?calpayd ber feti.gaeae Port Ferry freeholders gave o111Y 4 ________ Hooper was matcbed close and did not votes agsinst Hydro Light and Power bave a chance ta score mucb. Densem he by-law and 235 for it, Rev, Samuel Sellery, Mý . A, B. . 216 made good lu bis firat intermediate gamre, bs Mrs Wmn. Gi, Arden, Man., is visitîng Giendonmynne Road, Toranta, io for-, takimg Grant's place wba mas nursing a ne lier brother, Mr. F. C. Pethick afier an warding bis subscrîption for 1920, tells USt vaccinated arm. Greenfield playedbi absence af iflteen years. af a surprise be gai. He says, "I apoke !best game of the seasan Port Ferry council: James Lucas, at prayer meeting ibis meek in Pertb Doo't .farget the Junior game bere ---eeCýHr- . ..ib so t1flty Rundie, jas Waddell and Allant Goode. Rev. Jas. J, Ferguson, M. A., D D., mben! Wben Pickard sharpens skates be does itouigm ad tmyntb a good lob. known ta Mr. Sellery that 1 bave been Motber Graves' Worma Exterminator matching hlm for the pasi imo years aud 1 ili drive morms fromth te avateni with- InternaI parasites in the shape ai morms listening ta some extent îndirectly ta bis oiijlvt cid ea.eisaction, in tbe siomacb and bowels ai cbildren sap preacbing. mbile fully effective la mita. l tbeir vitaiity and retard physical develap- Mr. Sellery adds, I could nat imagine - ho ti ment, They keep the child in a constant ma ematfriemmn eas stae o uneatand i na atendd t, a-le mas a total stranger ta me, until fie dangr le, Te cîld an e spredsaid "I bave been reading the Bomman j mach sufferiug and the motber rach an-i ville STATESMAN t seems Dr. Ferguson IT xiey b ib bet mrt reedytha ca Iis a Durham county boy and keepa posied v a be gat, Milier's Worm Pomders, mbicb n amavli ffis boubTH p a pers are sure deatb to morma in any shape. STATESMAN". Mm.sudMrs JaesSameusonJoh, es, Broý Sellery, Dr. Ferguson itaugbt It is not too early to Mrs, B, Bvrant, Mis. Wilfrid, Wbitby, in Bradley's School, 7tb concession aif were Sunday visitors mith Mr. and Mrs. Darlington, wbere the editor Itaught for B. BE.Read. four years prior ta bis teri as teacher tiko alaes Ail Ladies' Ciotb Coats seiling off aitbere. av 25%. discount and any ai last years Coats ____________. We e received ai balf price ai Coucb, Johnston & Cry- derman's Limted Canadian Express Company miii soon. some Spring. papers move-frao-Baunsail Biock ta the Hrsey---- Biock, opposite the Post, Office, mberean mr i riv Bà asD ndmorsw]Jariv tbiey ii do business a12.ual Omitted from'aur list ai donations ta in a few days his he lbammanvilte Hospital mas the Christ- - ut teth tme-o ppr mûas gitai the Ladies' Hospital Auxiliary i-h iet ae -Hey- ah, Grapefritr ageý Grampes, Bananas and Nuis. The Ladies bfr h pprag do a grand mark for ibis grand institution bfr h aehn~i tbruoui tbe year. ers are rushed withal Warriner Ladge I. O. O. F , No. 75, S. Port Ferry, bas elecied these offlcers.N.G. 1iuesuayT work. -T. W. McLean, V G.-L, Honey, Rec, Sec'y-A. P. Ingram, Fin. Sec'y-E. H. Purdy, Treas. W. H. Letcher, Warden- .ai rs ayi John Doubi, Cbapain-Robi, Murray,. .T le Saturday maroing, Osmaid Armstrong And iras fined $50 and coats for being in- îtoxicated, h mas bis fo2rthBuffence. Armairong was was isfut fec.so sentenced ta tbirty Satu di dava lu jail for refusing ta tell tram .mhom u d y"I 0 oktr lie cbLained the iilor. Afier sp)ending a flew fls lin UtAIL , n,ttnn0cçit r the Goods it mas better ta be a free mac, and paid the fines and gave the necessary informa- tiau,-Oghawa Reformer. ASTIIMA No LONGER DREADED. The J. D dleydread ai renemed attacks from asifima J. D dleybas no holiuo boe mho bave leamned ta pnDr . .Kellogg's Asitma JInî~ 27 Bomanv1~ R emedy Sa taie do they feel that coin- plete reliance is placed on ibis true speci- fic ib the cretaintv that that it miii aI- maya do al that tstmakersedaim. If yau have coi yet learned hom safe von mith ibis preparation ai baud get ut to-day and knom for yourseli, The many friends in Bommauivilie and Hampton of Miss Gladys Westamay, L. T. C. M., of Toronto Conservaîory of~ soprano soloist in Walmer Road Baptisi Cbumcb, Toronto, ane af the city's large h and popular cburcces mbictî bas a very fine choir, Miss Westaway is a gold medaliat in vocal and possOs _a'iieb that we eau do better aind attractive voice. cn Statement af P. C. Frebilcocl Finin t s good bakîig. cial Agent ai J. H. Devitt, candidate ln nore ofWest Durhamo in 'tbe election for the îore ofLegislature of Ontario: S. Cutteil, prînting, etc$ 29 0G0 Br adPersoual expenses, candidate 106 8a Bommanvîlte, hall rent 1,6' oo t eWJ W. Hyisds, priuiog, advt. 3t35 M, A. James & Sons, do540 vasry$337 ~ Mr. chas. M. Reid, manager of The Ritchie Ca,, departinent store, Belleville, wagon call regular1l lias served on the Board ai Education 15 home. vears and this being fils retiriug year bec Lr fon.ihas very magnauimocsly suggested counicil appoint tmo ladies insiead ai wies sud suggesis naines ai a number ai A S T O D inieffigent ladies one ai mbom, Mrs, (ug)Gea, E. Deroche, m as educaîed Bowuîuvile aiBommanvý!i-lleHgb ,Sehool sud is daugbter of Rev, sudMra. Robert Mc-.i Culch, Tcorpo fommerly of byrone -Circuit. __________________________ A SAFE.PL FOR 5tIFFERFRs.-There are pills tiba- violently purge sud fil] the stoinseah sud intestines with pain Par- Do so sufft ieîee's, Vegetable Pis are m!ld aud suoherda~itheffective. Tbey are purely vegetable, no Il minerai purgative enterýing inta their i ie, Av camposition sud their effectislasothiug surgcalape~ ad benieficial, bry tfiem sud fe on ~~f*L'.ý Oha.'s laeentmin e vnce. Tousandsra t e atesi ir greai sud s cetatly urejas.SPa ~ uratve ualtiesbecusethousud aw denIrsor Emsnon~ ate & Q., heirhehfi ad sreugh t timlv a-i s one 64 tensiveAleain ng On At Sti*cki's have sold Our entire stock of hardware Ln out-of-town firm and are uow rnaking ensive alterations preparatory to -king An Entirely New Line 0f Goods the meantime see if you ca n guess at this new line wil.] ho. G'77roceries and 'Meats As Usual hile the iter' tions and improvemeuts P beiug made we can stili, serve you st in our Grocery and Meat Depart- uIts. ieMeats and llardware I3owmnunille toý haVe---the bowels imo-vt. kis more important to persuade liver, kidneys, skîn, and bowels to act în harmonv and against- selfpDoison-- BEECHI-AM'S PILLS act favorably upon, organs co-ncerned in food-digestion and ~teelmintin;they remove causes v, cl as relieve, symptoms.___ îqi 1lxr Qug pre Pru Ani Sold eyerywhere i nadInluboxf>, 2b z.Qe t 1' M T---Tý- 1