-Once in a while or frequently -On short trips or long tours -For business or pleasure Jo VnNeedilBaggage 'Heeare a few hints froni Sgour stock whîch can't be du~- plicated-at the prices quoted. e Bhick IFabr coïd $8,5o010$1200 Suit Cases HBrown Leaîhtoi $1.250 t $.5o0 BlkLew al$20 $2.00 fB(lack Fabricoid $800~ to $12.00 Clb ags ý Black Keratol $5 Go to $800o 3 Smooth Brown Leather Bags, 0,000 TruksS fRlegulati.n or Steamer, TuiksM sizes A Trik o Ga(rip for anx Trip FRED R! FLEY On[h lyid Phonte 12 -la isl peil ForTise e k Aï3ymer ieas, cuti-i200 Alyruer Canat cari 20C Alymen Tamatoes, oai 20i- Best Red Salmon, simal.tin 20c Park and Beai's, regular, 15e Park a-ud Beans, regular- tOc Pxoad Pituk Salmon, can *2 2 r Best Red Ss.lian, cari Olea margarine, lb. Home Made S ýz'asges, 'a.W H1i'est ca-41 di cb" Paiji for " i, ; - ,ýýIci- 1' 2 cane, for " 5. 2 calne- for 3t 2 cana for 3,î .14 ans foi,2~ 3 cans for- 25c. 2 tItii',for 10ei .37C 40e 20e Hutralla Egg-i G. A Edondtone (0' dor est F Lî- & Son s) Phone 21 Bow mauil At. the large assortment of furniture we o now have in stock, %t nakes no difference what you want- sornething forý the sittingroom, dining- roombodri.ýoum or kitched-we have it. Anther very important thing-eur prices a.re net inflated-but as low as you ear. w bytoday. Furniture For 1, Phone 58 or 159 Have yar skaes sa-1edwhile yau maï nat a ïî-ad aae Officens oI Court b4Bmnvile N 964, Canadan Onder ol aetn o 19m0. I. P C, R. Ge.BagnaC. R H. tif Rîchande; V'7 C. R-W ,Mls K S --Fred W ouý ýa, ;F. S.-F.R Foley; Treasiurn --Gea, R, Mason; Cbap- l ain-A. M. H Sd,;S . . Hi PehcJ. -J ,ohnRu:.Pveca ¶ A ic îWey.M -F trniture jirst H1omé and Office 'Bowtmanville 143 ampaionoaithe Foi-t A . Hownantl , rcM rs E. G Mk îitchell, Sub Chit opanion Mrz.W. Rudd, Pas' cl),"f Companion, Mm . CRobinson, Fînan6tal' îre:ary , mrsIbs eigbt. on, Tressai- en, Mms. 1- Diling, Rigbî Guid; Ms, eoDilling, -Left Guide; Mi-s.E, J inInen Guard, Miss Wîg- <Iii lu the OPerz Hause Monday jan. 26t1, 'Walter ât Raye, Saîdier Lectunai-, will appear undex ibe auspices aI île <Great jWnt- Vetena n Association. Admission 35e. Réserve seais ni R. MM'ltchell & Ca s. Drug '.Store, Frday jan, 23-d. Walter mcRayeisr;nch1yaruned ion he fplaîlos-niHumoriaxe gaddese i" biîs and bis alsa is roance.[-Re h> Pat c-xcrllnce, the boit 1 have even cteri . r1 .,nI H in Mail & Empine. McRaye inieresis cuera i st-ni-te.He lakes lns and wrap i ond baud and foot wish a 1 n ta* ioC' a'. e,-'!o a Suein IC r' ia whlltcho brings as aci inn n wo stai led fri- n, ar', 04t1 rra wo'0iî, vcî'0',lae i- M1-eRaye.-Elb-t Htuboart Rernembor theo dateMooN-1r ar 2h, rpieo 35c, no extra charge fri rse ar, Icllent concert la tejuet thi ean *henRbeumatîs=Îithlt l tndlna pain and ettfen- oel Joint@ e e ahald of RhY u m tm Vaiisles btn 1 e ti *suiteU)They aretoeam.' Kin ïe y atara a er wit l Tmý etna Bawmanyill"e o sax J3WMNILLIF, -9. 2, ~2 ILocal and Otherwîse Miss Maria* Morris spent the week-end îin Toronto. Mrs. B. Mý Warnîcs is spending a few days in Toroiron. Missa Gertrude Flarniley, Toronto, spent Sunday at harpe. Miss Reta R. Cale receîlily visited Miss Annis Penwarden, Newtonville. Miss Car e I. Painion speiit the week- end with ber cousins, the Misses Bale, Osha wa. Miss Ver.. and Mir. Mac Irwin, Part Hope, are guests at Mi-. A. Taits, "The Octagop". Miss Bessie McGee of Cardinal, was guest at Mn. J. G. Rickard's aven the week-end, This j-ouiual bas -limitatians-wè leave a scaro of happenings unrecorded for lack af space. Mn. and Mrs. John C. McClellan, Bas- sano.Ata, are visiting bis mother, Mrs. Johin VcClellan. lis. Lena &-ddy is erjayîr g a couple of weeks ldays wiih ber brothers and aiher relatives in, Toronto. Miss L. A. Sinitson, Toronto, foi-ner- iv of the Hfigh SchaaI Staff, was guesi af Nirs. C. Osborne, Ontarin-si. MNi. W. Bragg, M, P. P,, and Reeve T, S Àoîcegate attended the Poultry Show tn Port Hope Tuesdsv. Seete i-"rni-vies' .n ,the Opera r-buse Vt edu,sday avnnTan. 28th, urider 1auspices oftU ','i,.h 5chool. toc ta evtlody, Mi W. Caltî Rcbtestoi-, N. Y wht ~ ~dindan pniAl Convention in t.r--,sxo ndowýhîii aoiher,. t-lins"-, n i an ean hietbr~.nioîb' vsîwiih ber oncle Ma.ltcwtnOti -'inona, dsa, nd _h utiïonal valute af "movies" wxxii &Àîôde iistrated m the Opera Hoase w e tII be h ovuhai will insiruct as wel ase aanuse olc ta everybody,- Fi Me .H Dastai atîd ber daughîer, j 1 MnR r. sNichai, Toronto, lbIt an olooai 0 5el the winter wîth the toser'so,, i-W il Dustan, FresîYb, t a. M. [ustan wiII go ta tbe sunny clima a tile Iter an, M.and Mrs. Morley Cswker and fuiy, wh't have hem' -l- vnga ter-' pleasant viit wtth hou paentsMr. and IMrs. C. M. Cawker atnd otheýr relatives h ei-efo tanhe past six weeks, baýve returned ta their borne in Medicine tat, Alta. Mr. J. 1H>,fH. jury bias been attendinu- the thi-ce days' convention of the Can- adian Optometriosi Associatid 1n snd re- ports a largely attended meeting and splendid lectures. VMi- juryo1 as the irst President r f tit Assai- atian and -bas ai- ways taken a keen interesît istI wetaneý On Tuesday evening Miss mine W estaway was "teohosîess ofaI adeighi- fol miscellaneousshower i hanor- aI Miss Edra E. Gr iggý Many useful anîd i-rety gîftst were reeeived by the bride-to-be, i TUe remainder nI the evenîing wass pent iidancing and music. BefQre Miss Gýrigg tel t.Toranto Miss Gertruaoe Kaake entertained a number of the Head Office Goodyear girls, who presenied ber wiîh sevenai articles in siiver. The Service Departments of the Goodyear Tire & Rubber camp ny presenied Miss Gîigg th îseverai pieces af community ilIver aând ahi- also received a cabinet af coin- munîty silver tram th e Goodyear Ca. tHoney fen Sale-R. 'J. Smith, Enniski- ~ePhone 211-r 24 Yaa will be ena'î-tained and ut lte sanýrie sime instrueed b - atending the mavies as the Opera Hanse, Wednes-day evening, Jan. 251h The Thîrd Annuai Meeting and Ban- quet af the Durham County Holstein- Friesian Breeder' Club "wilI be beld în tbe Bawman Hanse, Bawmanville, Ont., on Friday, Ian, 23. The business meeting xxiii commence ut 3 p. m, and tbe banquet ai 7 p. m., when s goad pi-agi-arn wMlbo i-e dei-ed. Al persons inierested i- Hol- stein catile are cardially invited ta attend, Mn, H HBCowaa aofFui-m & Daîry xiii address the gatherîng aI ltne banquet. A LARTHUR eGîaSOr-t. ecreeîa onTresai-o, - Orona3-2- W N MT BD--Goond gena -ruaL, ndcapable maid Appiy te MRS. )Il. Homunas.Osbaova flOU--i'E TiiRNI--n bfioe, tontàiniog b i-noms ýAppif' te Na ranHOMEaBoa- nianil t 9-f OTfIAGE 10 RENI -On Dnke 'St.. Light uni C iator. Aipiy te Mo., t. j Navri, flake-el, IBoama-uvilie O itf1 GIRLS WANTRD - Experiencod Machine operator;a, aoo hearlhbans, Appty ta G vNrîaaa MarasOaF'CANADA, LTD. Osli21 a. 4-1 w P U TIY AlN JUNK-A. Diltick- pave l,5ca cash price for all tOnds o Futry anaSiJnnk. PPhone 299 or catiethi roieno77 Ontario Strecet. 19 If BUi»L$ FOR sALE-Twan pare buedShorint- houas, Sark ioaa a Ini-, r.Tlioy aie deep thicli feltoove, pite. reaeomabile. 8, CHas. At.LIN. R. R. 4, Bowmanvlits, phono 136-r 1 2 2tf FOR SALIO-Rit "n" abntOi osier j, ttove oil iCapinCd lvQuan- Flily o ioluifolicl"tte.Aitl oi- ick sl.Apply to Mus. -eB aovn~ Qm0'nStBaxxoit, lan 27 w ,- 1~. T Chur chesý Si. Pani a church, Rex',D. . - est, mninisi r.ii a. m -Son rLate". 7 pm. -'TIi-en Great Christian Wonds". 2.30 p. m.-Sunday Scîtool and Bible Clasoss Meihodist Churich, Rex'. S. C. Mtone,! B. A, pastor Sundax' subjects. 11 a. M.ý1 -"Thbe Fro.ntiers of the Ktngdom ini Canada"; 7 P. mnil'The Sîgns of the Times.', Sunday School and Men's Broiherho d ai 230 p M. Methadisi Epworîb Leaguers enjoyed a visit and a very interesti- g talk Mandsyl ex'ening trom Rex'. R. A. Wbattam,, Confeî once. Organizer, on the work af the National Campaign. The musical pro- grain was contributed, by Miss Evelyn Dickinson and Mr. Cynil Soucb, who sang solos, the Misses Devman trio, Misses Rets Cale sud Helen Yellawlees, piano duet. A conîest or increase of member- sbîp wns arganized and the Young people ai-e planning for verv interesting gathen-! ings. Next Monday evening, good liter-! ai-y pi-agi-arn, Stinday evening sIter service in Si. Paul's Chai-ch the Gaîld met in the. lecture room. Miss Wilson, conv -non of the missianary committee, presided. Twn mosî exce llent papers were rend by ,Miss Isabel '. Smith, B. A , on "The! Regime aI the French in Quebec",' andl by Miss FIai-a M. Galbrsith an "The coming af the Englisb". Lt was appar- ont ta the lîstenern ihai gi-est industry bad been emplox cd iin selecti ýg and col- lectng the historical tacts with wbîcb the two papers ahounded and mueb credit is due tai those wbo prepared tbeni for the gracetul langýuago in whieb the «oriles were tbld. Mi.-NVicCilan ofI Tai-auto sang pleasi g hyLebmn "Tell m2th old, aid Storv up by ibeBinb.ro dof St, Jobaý cbureh, B,,u-vtg ticouic off an Moiîdav eb21,, ). pm n ine1 Pariaîýi Hns. Ie on ngtats , aÏ Caot. Neai u ear arh ic -ee aI admission ioupefomac1, exceilent. Reserved sa a',i- tthrseais 25c;! chïldi Cri 15c. 4-2w-. Insurance Agent Sa wmanville1 Announce Me nt!1 My son, C H. Masan, hsvîng jain- ed me in the Insurance and Real' Estate Business, xxe are ln a posi- tion o ugivo mord attention ici ihe numerous details incidentai ta the business when properly conducted. Many people have Iound ta thib sarraw wben saltre occurred that thev were nat properix' pratacted awing ta anme aversight or defeet in lIeu- pVIicy. We are detenmined that no ane xxbo entrusts as with theii- Insur- ance shal ho disappoînted when iîoy have a ti-e. We havea djusted ovar 50 fine lass- os during the last three years sud evenyone 'as boen perfecîiy catis- fled witb the settiemeni, Insurance is a very important mat- toi- and should lave undivided at- tenion. We are in a position ta give it. Cait, plane or wite for information. J. J. aso &Son OUR ANNUAL, 0fe TheBlance 0f Our Ladies' Rer,d3 l To WVear CloWth9ingd 9 emua nts 0 Alinids is Now û0ný 11 ouly ladiîes' andc Misses'Coats, size 7t ~ lTRIS AencyIs iati uany wel equipped to a dle aiUnes of FARM JINSL RANCE, rppre- scntiug as ît doos the' WATIER- LOO M1JTUAL and thn' flORE MT1IAL,hetoo'rngs M oîii,ý1 Col. ~~dotgbîr ii ïn outari-~dy o h MAPLE LEAT' "ARM ER 74ML-IJIAL. an,, îo the ouly ca_,ncy in ftowmahville autharized hy _he1: Campanies ta ýioîit buisnes New rates fortieohru u. panies are just ta haýndid inv- formation xxiii hapromptýy and gladiy furnished ai any' tiîne an request. Mrs.Ediîth V cbeli1 Insûrance Agent pho 189 onaii For The long, siender, taper- ing lînes, -so much souglit after by fashionably dress- ed people today are carried out in Ourune of"È pum"ps. Women's Black, Kid Pump s, with or without buekies, priced from $6.00 to $8. 50. Women's Black Patent' Pumps, with covered heels with or without buekies, $6.100 te $8,00. Womnen' s Grey lSuede Pumps with beaded Or- naments at $11.00., Men's patent pumps at $9.00. See our display of boots for men in brown and black kangaroo. Shoe store Phone 120 - &wmanvîfleCà' STYLOSU $30.00 Coats, $33.75~ $36.00 $41,00 $42Y5i $46 O DUR-ABLE, for $22.50 $2 6,2, 3nySilk PlushCat lig t price ,$4.sL iCOO t<fanr , O $ .50.25 - $4L,75 - $57M7 $43 So) 3 Only Baby Lamb R-tguwar prïc(r $14.75 Coat,' b - $225c 2 Coats Ouly at 58.K5 SPECIAL SACRIFICE C2 t~l- oal... Assorted Sizes and Style- litign About Ifall Pnice, Ladies Dresses, Skirts and Waistsd Youe C-o-e)aIany Dres Skirt a;W- o'r pa ceint off ReguLaMurePiiu. Knîed*00 Uoods.--20 paceta oqe- ialaut scarîs ;$et,,,TeJdy Ba-- utS eatroats, etc. 8 Sp iiodles nlv, fine i3irWoo, edinoLîginu Grey, Regular 20Jeoz dneinn t1i%,le oan-, 4 os far 60c R[-MNANIS ,REMNANTS Of eve y deniriptîo d cean ig tut Sacrifice prices T'hts Store wïll be C1osed eveýýry Wedu4-esday atternoon at 1230 ecepln drngDeeber, Across from Stadard Bank ilowrtiL-rIlt 'i If the parsan Who oOaa Iha Wh Wyandotte Lock t-ami M-ChasCar naihens' han bouse Iast Saiurdo 'yngh rotai-ns him at once no questjans iii ha b askad, oihenwise the ihiaî Wha is knaxxn will be punishad to the aitosic extent af thei5w. Thebe ird bast orne ,pecliai- unarkingEu atîd cri eui ,4byîe [ V ~ ~~~~" 9i-rnlahomanS 2 kitchensý', mb- 'Ji, F tINITRR BUcdT-Iami prepared to bu, ait hsSentnemI aunitre S u -wicno pi ___ NS! Look Them ýOver Men 's Overcoats 20'/. off. Prices range from $25.00 to $50.00 Black Meltons, Beaver, Grey Meltons etc. Young Men's Overcoats Waistline and Belter'Models, prices $25. 00 to $40. 00 Men's Suits 20,off any Suit in our Store this week only Men'sllose Black Fancy Clock, etc 125 Pair of SiIk Socks special a pair 500 To (bear 92o q Cashmere $1.0o Value P, 0'n p~t to clear 3 paîrçs $2.00 1 ia Mens Sks F~or Men outside-, or like the-eesiýour Grandmother used Lu îak I I-anson- Mar ) 5 1asu-~eil85(- Ioo 'ý0k Men's Underwea4-,r Bargains in ah lines, CjoniV i adse hn WherAae You Get Most 1ValeFrYu$ BIRTHS. O wluBowmnnvile, ia1â,StÀi, ta Mr, and Mms Dan Drew, a daugh- LAG-uBov iruilean, l5th, ta Ir. -cd Mrs. F mardLage, a datogbtanr. MONTOMEY L OsistaJan 9, t MI'. aînd 1Mr3, Jo9 2 MntgOMery,a J,,i. 9UIthtoMr. and Mrs Clarenc~e Hall, Darlington, a daughter. ALL, NEW Itegalur pi-ici ý 1 -.- L--ý MARRIAGES HO T RhiL-DwYER- In 'toroti at Sr, Peter's Church, on Mondav Jan. 12, by Rex', Father O'i-iara, Mr. Francis W. Hottreil, second son of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bottîxeil, Bowmanville, and Miss Anne Dwyer, vounigest daughter of the laie James Dwyer, Oshawa, WFS1AWAY-GR1GG-At the resi- dence of the bride's parernts, Ontario-st., on Tuesday Jan. 20, by Re. S C. Moore, 8, A., H. D., Richard ilerman Westawav, eldest son of àMr. jeremiah Westaway, and Edra Errîuane, yeungest dangbter of Mr. John Grigg, 'both of Bowmanville. 'rAPE lu DarlingLn, an. 19th, 'J'hn Tape, aged 76 ïer WEBBER-ln Bowmanvîlle, Jan. 16,1 Wesley Webber, aged 59 years. -MARTIN-lIn Oshawa, Jan. 13, Sanford Frederick Martin, in bis 461h vear, BRowN-At Orîllia, Jan, ii, Martha Jane Beacock, widow of the laie Andrew Brown, aged 66 years, BURGESS-In Chathamo Gore, Jan, l8, William Burgess, in his 76tb vear, In- teri-ed at Wallaceburg, RAE-In Richmond, Indiana, Jan lith, Clara Wells,' beloved wife of Rex', J. J. Rae. Funeral tock place fronx the home of ber sister, Mrs, N. Tobey, Brighton, on Thursr ay afternoon, I5t inst, ta Mount Hope Cemetery. IN MEMORIAM MARTIN -lu aBd but invingnoomory of onr iear danghter and sister, Jeannî Martin, Who died on Jan. 29. 1918, sadiy missed, No one knoovs hûw mach ove m'oa lier None but an, aching heart oan tell Earth lbas iost lier, heaven lbasowon lier j osas hath doue all hinge ovell Jouas-m lovîag memnry niof nM. dolas, lie toved insliand of Iaiiabetlb Joline, wo died Jan. 19,1018. Y on have go1ne tram ue oh hoov I miss von Loviag yoa dearty, yonr memory 1 will keep, Nover until life ends ovill 1 forget yon Dear te my heart je the place whoer on sleep, Father, dear father, 1 miss yoa M"iss yoar ioving face Bat von toit us to remeinher Nons on) earth cau f911 yoar piace, M OTHiER and DîoA Uiroran t, ioviang momory of JIyrtleArmstrong, dearx' beioved dagliter of Mr. and Mrs. Jo)hn Arni sting, N;eseto, ont., Whiodeparted this life, Janaary litI * 1M9ý C.1i not Ie ehIlhe dea O epar ted Arcý0- o .aoe wliere dorms are oa' 0, 0iaeborder lnd oe teit lier, fo n 1etni e,, topit ao more, heý cepon oo Mi e thy work ian ci, ï'oY waidog uP , adovii iork n.more 1t Was (do t a a i ov-,e ill not tomplain. 811t i j'e OLP any t 100300again, Sh ort andsr.i' iW ovathe rail The blow w '2g a, he shock seoir We litile tIîonplýýit ne deathlisOosna- unrs yearblas paot sýince that sad day God ciled thone we ivoved away, 9oreet lierf No wove cer ull Ah years rdon01 Wove beler atilli ____ _ ~--~-- - =