The Old Reliable Grocery Phone Sà'tisfactlo'n for Every Customer In establishiug and build- ing up aur gnoceny busi- ness we have always an- dcavouned ta satisfy every castamer, whether his or ber nccds were, large or smal ZMON Epworth League visited Eldad League on Monday night and had a pleasant time, those taking part were: Misses Janie Tre- vail, Beulah Chant, Doris Chant, Amber Sonley, Flo Cameron, Hilda Langmaid, Jessie Balson. and Messrs. Will Sulley and Anson Balson. Mr- Tracy Glaspell, Pres- ident, was chairman. Eldad League en- tertained after the program with a guess- ing contest and refreshmenta ... A. D. Langmaid Sundayed with his parents In Oshawa, . Mr. and Mrs. A. T., Staeinton recently entertained the former's cl4ss of young men ..... -Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Langmaid entertained a number of neigh'. bors at tea .... Mrs. G. A. Langmaid has been suffering fram sore throat .... Mrs. Will Fice had Ladfies' Aid meeting at her home, a good attendance and regular business meeting. February meeting wi11 be at Mr. J. G. Langmaid's-Reformer. Vo ake the Far 'ck iay BestI Oniy Onae Wus t have Jiarge. Ebecetrie Llghting Is n Great Conven- lence ou the Farrn-Wirlpg Caste About $100, Whibe a Smalb Plant Should Not Exceed $1500. (Cantributed by Ontario Department of Agrîcu1ture, Toronto.) UCCESSFUL poultry - keepers Qare found much more ire- quently among those Who operate what is tcrmed a "one- man plant" than elsewhere. Tihis simply means that poubtry require smonen persan5 s attention, or that personal attention iis so impo,.rtant fi f OUR NATIONAL .UeIOÀNImTc PROBLEM. Tht ola wing iateresting extract 'tram an article by Mr. E. W. Beattyw President eitirhe C. P. R. alpardm recently un thre Montreal Gazette:- -So Imach for tire manner in whidl, tIre transportation macinery oi the country is car'rying out its amliga- tiona ta te Canadien praduoer4 Otirer aspects ofthVIe tranaports'tla« ,problem are less sattsfactsn'y. Tire are mnany people whoa look upon 1 Oana4ian Railways as cuatod'iams of flWgie fortunes w'hfeh muet be ex- baUsted. Tiraitbokkeeplxgsg aiuud be as simnple and inemorable itits taie aof<lases a'nd vestished praifittat a raillway as lît may be ta a corner la r.îsta tiroe people umtbink- Iable. lIt aipparently dos not occur * to thom tirat ta no publie la it more Report of S. S. , Darlingua, for Dece.nber: Sr IV-Luella Moore. Jr IV -Dorothy Pascoe, Myrtie Vice. Jr III- Florence McFadden, Merle Ashto n, '-ielen Pascoe, Herb. Ashton, Henry -aunders. Il-Hat> d Cochrane, tCora vlcFadden. Jr I-Norman Stinson, Verna Ormiston, Amy Ashton. Pr Sr-Grant tirmiston, Grace Niddery. Pr Jr- George McFadden, Bessie Pascoe, Evelyn -tinson, Leslie Cochr me.* honors. ANNETTA BROWN, teacher. Warta are unsightly blemishes, and corns are painful growths. Holloway's Corn Cure will remove them, COUIRTICE Report of Christmas exams. in S. S. No. 8, Darlington, narnes in order of menit: Sr 1V-R. Brooks'e, H. Walters, G. Crittendon, W. Allun Jr jV-C. 1 ý A î.,. .rr With ithe girls you ~ ou bteries for safe keepjngj 'Yes,Itnki salt [I p p 'pp~p 't,.. ,- ~ '- J44t45~1At n puc Cl qui 4115 ~J1S y il i HAMPTON FLOUR MILLS Four ig aoie Turn that cuf down an yôur pants Have them -long enough for "wance". Put on good, aid, homemnade socks Unadornied'by fancy dlocks, Caver up your skinnv shanks Then you'il have the people's thanks. Take tram me this lle tip, Shave that down from off your Up. Grow >some hair behind your ears Say farewell ta barber's shears. Banish, too, that monocle If makes you look sa comical. Throw away your cigarette Lest h rrn yoa into deht. Stand up straightly, if you can Do flot be a "1cissy man". Sa long, "Mannie", do flot cry, Bye-Bye>eyu!tetKt ol, ta teed. They may learn somctiring fl, The problems ta breeding. paultry dacawel only wiren gtveni caret ai and s.tcnîýeuatic attention.-- Prof. W. R. C 0ai, . A. College, Guelph. Principles of Electrîc LIghtlng. In tire year, 18 00, Volta, a famous Italiau physicist, disco.vcred tirat il a plate ai copper and anc ai zine were plaeed in îweak suiphurig acld, and eonaected. by a àzre abeve the acid, there w0a transmittcd along tire wire a certain mrount of eaergy, which transmission we speak af as a current af electrrcity, eamparlng It ta a current af water. As It requirea presgure or head ta make water flow, so it requires etectrie pressure ta make elcctricity ilow. Thre pressure -of th smpe cl dsribed above_ la called.- vIA uirao o isd auCen 50 coansrstenuly erse, "The net earnings durme ithe war years et tose cmpaneswhh thatpeîd Thearer hae now ta 'be made up. During 1919 tire Canadî4an Pacif'ie lIzd 70,000 tons ai steel' place aof, say. 2ý- 000,000, ties, wor-rh 44e lnt 1914, the- Oaaadiian Pacifie laid 4,434,000 ties at 85e tper tie. Thé- sensatIo'naI ad-. vate n the r'ate of rallway w ages law'I known. Furtiri'ad-rance Maay i e neceutsary s ithin thre t 'y near future, as lndicgtcd by dsu- Sions iii the United States. The 1 pr(e ai coa] for loomotives was $3.09 in 1913. Now rt is $4.77. The eaaýt af hauling an average train (freigiri or passenger) anc mlle kras ri-.en fi-uta is hîgher to-day. Thre operating cx- Denses of anere of line in 1915' wee$4 2. y 9I,$ d4 and ta- day they- aree nven greater. Onthe Having secured a license as a to T I~l~ eerlarn prepared tc take iie vince Others. Christophier, 11- g four yenŽrs 1 auffcrcd 'fromi rregularnitieui, we'akmess, nervousncss, an d I w as in a run down I condition. Tvwo ot aur best doctors I [ failcd ta do n ie aoy I good. 1heL ds tand was C' I J,. 1 ý-farnlie longe'r nier- VUarn rg'r ~e ih t&ie ý tiv ion'irdxi daily for qa!fe rcutA course in one f ha's")hjl will qualiy you iShrtOrder. Write for catalogue andproof o demand for aur radutes, Ad- dress P. Mclntoshý, Chef-Principal Yonge and Gerrard S-rs., Toronto. Elà t.. iY ~1 I *) 1; 7a , wnri m 'A, -* 1e "0ely et, T Office. James B1oîX, 26 al;1mi 2 i -et est, Bowmnanvifle. Ontariocanada. M A. iaes .ons, Publishe"e and Fpr0pd1etore, ai5h50 er nmonths.F i; i. . T. 'iGtIE S V ET E RIN A RY -SU 'G'LN3.4 BOWMVAN VILLE Dav or Night CailsPromptlyA.,'t: edd l Office -King-St. W., Statesu s Blockt Phone 243 Companies Sevej Rates are of the best when you isr i NINA E. NEADS Insurance Agent., Phone 162 OfceW i --L 1