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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Feb 1920, p. 2

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RAIL WAY TIME TABLES FOR BOWMANVILLE. GiAND TRuNIC RAILWAY COI NG EAST GOING WEST Express 8.52 a. nm. Local 9.45 a.m. Express 10.30 a. mi. Pass'ngr 1 56 p. ni,* Passenger 3.28 P. M.* Pass'ngr 7.16 p.m Local 714 P. m-* Mail ç 0.8 p. ni. Daly except '.unday. CANADIANPACIFIC RAILWAY G01N WEBT GOINrE AST Express 5.58 &.m. Express 10M20am *Local 8.20 a nm. * e6 3.05 P.m Express 4.44 p.m. *Local 9.48 P ni 66 " 7.42 p.ni,- Express 12.03, M iJDaily except Sunday. C. B. KENT, Town Agent CANADIAN NATIONAL RAuL wAy GOING EA.ST'GOING WEST Express 6-45 P. ni. Express 9 -40 a. ni. Daiiy except Sunday. ,CLUBBING LIST, 1920 CANADIAN STATESMAN. ........$ 1 50 BOWMANVILLE NEWS ............ i 50 N I N N i I BAND at t he RINK Tu esday Thursday And, Saturday APPLE GROWERS 'Î- BOWMA-NVILLE, FEB 12, 1920 THE EDITOR TALKS Oshawa citizens have alreadv found the benefit of having a professional school nurse. Her first report ho the School> Board is railher startl'ing. She has found 125 chîldren afflicted with pediculosis, 26 dirty, '728 with carions teeth, 18 sub- normal and 5i with enlarged tonsils. Singular 10 relate the Board simplv re- ceived and filed ber report!l Is this al the sympathy the members have for the poor dirty, îousv youngsters ? Why didn't they order up a supply of carbolic soap and fine-tooth conibs? Miss E. Seiling, the nurse, advised establishing a dental clinic for the children but no action was taken. A verv excellent report of the apple gruwers of these United Counties appears ini this issue. It is great]y ta be regret- ted that "Dad is dead and dosen't know il", South Durham and Northumberland is the apple garden of this P ovince and il is sureiy up to the local orchardista to keep this district on the apple mnap of the country. Thousanda upon thousands of dollars have been made froni orchards and surely the growers can afford to make a good showing when opportunity offers. That was a splendid annual meeting and the report of it should in- terest ev ýry app'e nian who reads this paper See page 2. We are- pleased to note by the report of the 47th annual meeting of the Midland Loan & Savings Company of which Our worthy friend, Mr. Thomas Wickett, ia the President and Mr. Walter J. Hem, Manager, that the company has had a highiy satisfactory year with earuings over $96,ooo-largest on record-and $28,000 paid in dividends, a rate of 8 per cent. Reserve Funci was increased by $io,ooo, rnaking it now $285,000 or 85 per cent of the paid-up capital. We cougrat- ulate aIl concerned on this excellent showing on the vears operations. Port Hopers may jestly feel proud of having such a saccessful financial institution in tht' pretty bilîside town. "The Light", a spiendid little magazine, is the officiai organ of the World's Purity Federation. A special offer made to i NINTH ANNUAL MEETING 0F THff NORTHUMBERLAND AND DURHAM APPLE GROWERS' ASSOCIATION. From Our Own Reporter "Six or seven years ago these United Counties sent apples to the Horticultural Exhibition in 1 oronto by the car load, boxes, barreis and plates and won the very highest awards. These apples won the admiration of ail and were the envy of every other apple producing, district. This last fali there was not a single plate at, the Exhibition froni these t wo counties. How are the mighty fallen !" 11 Sa spoke Prof. Carev, Government Instructor lu fruit packing, at the njnth convention of the Durhanm & Northum- berland Apple Growers' Association. UIi.at'- the iatterP As we might infer froni a huruoros ,a necdote of one of the speakers, "Pa's dead and he don't know il" "Some years ago", said President] C. R. Lovekin, "one-seventh of the apples grown in Ontario came froni these Uaited Counties; but r.ow l frost, dis- nase, blight, pests and possibly spraying niaterial have wrou-ght havoc to the once flourishing and productive apple orchards in this district. The Association met in' the Court Rooni, Cobourg, on Jan. 28, Pres. C. R. Lovekin, presîding. Sec.-Treas H. Sirett, read the minutes and gave his reports, which were adopted, after which President Lovekin addressed the meeting. He spoke of the large amount of labor involved anid the capital expended lu the apple growing industry, as much as iu any other two lines of farming; the attention but tittie heed the ministers of the late Governmeut paid to the requesta of their deputation which waited on theni on Mav 2th, i919, and made some very pertinent remarks regarding the staff and work of the 0. A. C. Mr. W. Il Gibson, Newcastle, led the discussion on the Tractor, its advantages and weaknesses. Mr. Ivan M. Law, Solina; P. C Dempsey, Trenton; Warren Pinch, Newcastle; and Supt. F. E. Palier, Viueland, Ont., added their quota 10 the discussion. The concensus of opinion was lu favor of a light, haudy, powerful tractor, Mr. Gîbson thought the Caterpillar was gîving DRIVING TRADE TO ORO NOI Port Hope merchants ant bankers must change their Wednesday Isalf holi- days or continue to lose business. Elizabethville, Osaca and alI the -villages in that section are served by the C. N R, and passenger trains esst stop at stations between Oroîjo and Port Hopé, on Wed- nesdav and Saturday only. The train fom'the west arrives here about noon and as a consequence Wednesday visitors are deprived of doing any banking business-and are unable to do business in any of the stores during the holiday season. The resuit is that the residents of that- section are doing most of their business in Orono. A prominent resident of Elizaibethvil1e told the Guide that un- less some d ferent arrangements were miade that bank accounts would be trans- ferred te, Otono and the bulk of ail thý- business along the C N. R. would go t0 Orono. This is a serious stuation and one that should receive the imrnediate at- tention of our Board of Trade. Real Estate We have c&dis for houses- both to rent and purchase al- Most every day. Our office being centrally ]ocated it is coâvenient for people 10 cali. List yous- property wth us, wo will soul it for you. If you waut ti purchase property, see us. Our exper- jonce will he valuable. We ]tnow conditions and values and eau, assist you in yout- se-. lection and pr,,ably save you Insuranco in ail linos given careful persontal attention.- Imkéson Bros. I "OÔrner King and Silvér sts. Ploe193 -pe.npl's dingsdwrte-.- Yorsuy, -G. . --iENNE1-T, 79i Kinigsway,--Van- couver, -B.-C. Dominion Orthopteiic Hospital, Christie Street, Toronto, DEAR MR.1 JAMES: Please find encio-sed mv renewai for STATESMAN for another year- t ïs like a vis-tor froni home, dropping lu every week and we enjoy hearing of the doings of our friends down lu the Home- land of Durhami. Mr. S. A. Devitt of Cartwright, writes: You will notice oy the above address that Pinm in the Sunny South. Mrs. Devitt and 1 Ieft Blackstock on Jan. I4th., arriviug here at Panama City, Florida, on the i7th. This is a beautîful winter resort, not as old as many others, so has not as yet a very large population, but property here is fast being lively picked Up bv people froni the North. Trie port here is second to none on the Gulf and every effort is being put forth by the Board of Commerce to make Ibis city first on the map as a popular resort. We woud like very much to have the Bow- mauville paper sent 10 US UP to April ist. t0 box 135. --Pref.-Carey- spoke -of how -tihe- box -is t- u graduallv dispicing- the barrel for- ah -an --exact - inqtrnry into me fr a ie _bu better grades aud gave some helpful sug-Im oto a i getinsfo bx acin:only No. i your eye condition and ways urging me to gre soudorbex ptlubxekitn te xgt;fo thave an operation. grd sol b u i oxswthteex operscribefo yon - be ý My sistnr asked me ceotion perhaps of No. 2 Greening or totyLdi E. Pink- Russets. %Irasses that wilI restore h.a m'try Ly tabl Chief Inspector Robinson addressed the yu sicrht C ompound b o f o r e meeting relative to the great market // consenting t o au n waitiug iniEuropean countries for Cana- e Y/ operation. 1 took The afternoon session. closd wilbi bas compietely dlin apples. closd t e oto f Dgssad Owitb . fivýue botmes f an m the two foliowiug resolutions That this Phono 92 Bowmanvillo workisapleasure. 1 tell alî myfriends Association ask the Ontario Government who have any trouble of this kind what to institute an enquiry lu these United -ights or Sunday Phono 280 Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegebabie Coni- Counties, int the cost of apple produc- pound bas doue for me. "-NELLIE B, tion, and aiso request the Government ta BRITTINGHÂM, 609 CalVerton Rd., Balti- establish lu these counties a fruit ex-Donotsfe mrMd perientstaion A tron deutaioano.ther day wtth It is oniy nabural for any woman to wlll be appointed by the executive ta Itctiing, Bîeed.. dread the thought of an oporabion. So carr thse rsoltian mbeffeî. ngor Protrud. carr thse esoutios ito ffet.tng piles. No îrîany women have been restored to West Durhami represented by Reeve surgicalopr health by this famous remedy, Lydia E. Gea. A. Stepheqs, Oscar Andrus, Warren Dr ChseF ninent wîl re aiv o a Pooe nkham's VegtalCopud fe and Nanman Pinch, W. H. Gibson, Squire and as oerlaiul"Y cure yeu. 6i00, a Dox; ail an operation bas been advised that it jovekin and two sons, Ivan M. Law, dealers, or Edmianson, Bates & Co., Ltmited, wilI pay any womnan who suffers froni Harry R. Pearce andI others. Torouto. Saqmj1i5 box free if yau mention 11115 such aliments ta consider trying lb be- papar aïJ n 0QS0 "> . t&DID topav5tagO fore submibtiîng toa uch a trying ordeal. The Spîirit of prn With, the e-olinng of Hyacinths we naturally think of Spring'S' Awakening and it's oilering, of gorgeous bloom. But why wait. Have and^ enjoy thent in the home S. J. Jackman & Sons Florists and Grawers, Bowmanville Phone 8() W O~SPKOSPRODINE. The Great Eýnglisi.Poeparat«n. ST re n nîoates the whole nervouss5%tem.,maltes ne Blood ;ni old Veins so for Nervois, îDý!îebiIity, MNétal and Brin Worry Despondencjy, Loss of Energ, alitation o the Heart, ailing, Memsry. Price~ e box, six for $5. Sold by ailtdruggisî s, or miled in plain pkg. on receipt 0f priçe- New pam'phlt maled, free TUE WOOD MEOfCIlf«CO..TORtONTOONT, Sý'hoes Repaîred I While YOD, Wait 1 arn, now ina position to, giTve you quick service WE REPAIR-ýl ALL MAKES Greenaway & Elliott Phoneý 18Sý day or niglit Bwnni j I N Beter T Than, now- o buy your roofing. METAL Bôwmanvîlle

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