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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Feb 1920, p. 6

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Pue CenIPreserved81 & sol on'I i Sea.led air-tight packets Ito preserve its native Eco mi l goodness. Used Jei Milions of Tea-Pots Da*ily I f -TOWN IIALL I TWO NIGHTS COMMENCING FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13T11, 1920 THE FAMOUS IERNIE MARKS' STOCK Co. ln aIl New Plays with Ernie Marks and an aIl Star Cast 14 PEOPLE 14 Opening Play "LITTLE PEGGY-O-MOORE" NEW YORK'S TREMENDOUS HIT ~PRICES: Children 25c, Aduits 50e The Oki Reliable Grocelry Phoneé 65 Satisfaction for Every Customer lu establishing sud build- ing. up our grocory busi- ness wa have aîways on- daavonred to satisfy every customer, wisether lis or lier needs were large or smail. Our service is reliable- your ciild can sisop liere as well as yoursolf. We turu over our stock quicky-no oid mercisandise loads down our siselves. Evarything -new, briglit sud ean. Try us. ARCHIE TIT PHIONE 65. Prompt Delivery. Bowmanville. I~ - Store xYour Car For The Winter We are now prepared to store a limited number of cars in our large garage for the winter months. You wilI be surprised at the very low rate. A ood Idea It's also a good idea to have your car overhauled during the winter months. Bring it in early for we are already very busy, And dont forget to bring us BOWMAINVILLE, FEB.1,1,2 SO![S ANO CJPU~TS SKIM MILK AS FOOD. __ That The Milky Way is the Best Beàt Suited :or Pot Plants, Hlot Wayhlas beau shovxn in our last two ed edSwiiEc issues, But the price of milk, like dSSo nt Ec avery other food product, is soaring and ona of the reasons givan for the Well-rotted. Tough, Fibrou S SM the increase in price is the usatter of hast Bass-How to Prepare I-i- supply. In some sections there ara not enough dairy cows to supply the Substitute Potttng Soit - Bone demands for frasis nslk, while in the Ment n Valuable Fertilizer. large dairy districts the demand is for the butter fat alone. By reason of, (Coftributad by Ontario Departmnent of this damand, wasteful practices have Agriculture, Toronto.) heen permitted to hacome prevalent, ECURING suitable sou or coin- And in spita of the fact that milk is ps o hfetrso ot oua of the most valuabla foods iu the ps o i et ie ffoi world, containing pra'itically ail of thes culture or horticulture ta aa elemants naaded to davalop and sus- very important matter if tihe tain the human body, the greater best rasulta are to ha obtaiuad. proportion of it ia aither wasted or aise used for stock feediug, where but Thse best hasts for ail ordinry pot- a fraction of its food values are atiliz- ting so ils ta welI-rottad, tougli, fib-. ad. Sucli valuable food should flot ha roua sod, taken front loamy or liglit so wasted. Scientists state that cday loam souls. Sod f rom au oid whola milk coutains the solids naces- sary to existence iu just thea right pasture field, or front the roadside, proportions as requirad by the body, from where the grass bias been kept aud lu addition coutains tise valuable fed or cut dowu constautly, will giva vitamines, or growth-produciug aIe- tise closeat growing -sod, witb lots of meuts, sud l isahemoat compieta and parfactly balanced food of any of the eibroua routa attaclsed. These fibrous natural foods we hava, especially for routa are oua 0f tise very uecessary children. «Seutials in potting soils to keep Iu buttar-making, only 12 per>cent tisa soil open and friable. The sod ia used-the butter fat or crean- laaving 88per cent, kuown as skimmed sisould not ba cnt from haavy dlay milk. XVa are told ou autisority that solla, or wisere noxious weeda, espa- only about 2 par cent of this la usad cually "concis," "spear" or "twitch" for isuman food, tisa rest baing fed to livestok orwased.grass la growlug. The aod sisould i stock oiwstasd. fs cooc lo t blieuct from near pine or cadar Skimmil la sedmoa acoomial-treea as the turpentine in the leavea ly in animal production whenfed to or pinne 0f tisase ýtrees is very de- isogs, yat it takes 20 pounds wisau fed tiatlt ln i .L aas alona to produace 1 pound of pork. tmntlto eutnthle.sod f rom ive The samne quautity will make 3 poundisbs o oettesdaonvr of cottage cheasa. Iu addition, dot- swamp soli. Well-rotted banuyard tage chease coutains, 1 timas as mucis m.ure auch as fronsanu olI hot bad, protain and one-third as munch anergy or cow mnanure,,are both good farti- as pork, so that the skim milk lu tise liera f0 use for a soil compost. Horse cheesa forma givas quite as mucis manure alune ia flot a good fartilizar energy and 4j timas as mucis protails for a compost. About one-tisird hsorse as it wou1d if couvai ted into biaor nmanure aud the balance cow manure bacon. Evan at tisa iig hest prices yu ia suitable. Late Iu autumu or paid for isogs, skim milk fed to tham earlY spring isetisa hast tima to pra- la wortis not more tisau 1 cent a pint,pare s oi compost, autumu pre- and 1 cent a plut or a pound, la very terred. chaap for auy humian food, aud partic- How to Prepar.-Tise sod sould uîarly for a food so high inl nutritive ha eut about 'four incisas thick, sud valua as skim milk. about eigis tef0ton tuches square. t Skim milk coutains ail the food shouid bie stacked ont of doora iu au alemants of wisole milk axcapt the fat. out-of-tise-way part of the gardan or Thara ara tise protains, the carboisy- gounda. A apace six or aiglit f aat dratea, tise minerai saîts and tiselng by fOve or six feet wtda would watar, snd according to Dr. E. V ha a good supply for a amaîl green- McCollum of JohssHopkins Universi- housa, or for a f aw bot bads for a ty, and E. B. Hart and H. Steunback year or two. Staet by placiug, one of tisa University of Wisconsin, about rayer o f sod packad close togathar isaîf of tise fat soluble vitamine re- viti tisa grass aida dowuwnrd over mains in the milk aftar the creaiu la the space aelocted. Tisen add a se- ramoved, sud moat of tise water sol- oond and tisird layer ou top,0f tise uble vitamine, so every pouud of ftrst layer, About four or Oive iuches skimmad milk is a pound of valuable In daptis of eltiser of tise fartilizars isuman food and can ha usad as sucis. menttoned should uow bie spread Whan men of their acadamio standing eveniy ovar the thisd layer 0f sod. stand bahiud this valuation of skîm Another thrae layera of sod sisouid milk, we may baiave it if we had then ha placed ou top of the farti- pravions doubt. But aiy farm woman hIer as befora. Thon anotisor layer kuows tisa valua from practicel ex- of tise fartilizer as hefore, and so on perience in the famiîy. Chiissts until tisa pile is four or Oive f aet ta have discoverad a procass by wisich higist. About two incises iu deptis of tise fat presaad from tisa cocoanut and soil ahoulId be placed ou top of the iighly reflned can ha amulsified or pila to fiunis off with. Place some combinad wtth skimmad milk, thus wîra nettiug or bruahwood (not pins rastoring its food balance sud valua as or cedar), ail over thse top oftise pilia a cooking lugradiaut. This combini- to keap off ciickeus or animais. Keep ation, wisan condensad or evaporated tis pila quita levai wilue building, sud canuad, wîll kaap indefinitely, and, and draw tt in slightly narrower to.- dan ha usad as a substituta for whoia; ward tise top. Lt siso.uld ho flat on mslk in ail cooking oparations. î tisa top whenu fiuished. t may lie Not long ago, in an effort to savel nacaasary to gtve tise pile oue or two some of tise skimmad milk fed to; good soakinga wiîis watar after it is stock aud randar it availahia fori flnlised, or 'during dry waatisar in isuman food, tise Wasiington dapart-ý summner, to isasten decompositton. In meut of agriculture. conductad a six to etgist moufih isoutd lha rýegdy cottage chease campaigu, sundadr for use and wtll keep ta good condi- tisa direction of tise home dasuonstra- tion for about two years. tors tuittisaow o maue and mark- Preparlng for Use.-Wheu ready comnnniieshowto akafor use, trim or suice dowu, Witb a et cottage cieses. Tisa campaign was Sharp spade, thse qssautsty required quite a success, and lu some coummun- fromn top to bottom 0of tise pile so as iLles the daily consumption of cottage toscr1iapoprpootoso cheese rosa from a few hundredj sou sund ferttlizar. For potttug pur- pounds to many tisousauda. and al posas tisshaouîd ha put tiscougis a great deas of tisa milk formerly c reseeiaiga~ic ei thrown away was thus savad foi' Altse sed acne ibroaus part s is cieses making. If this campaigu of Altedcydfbospr n h education can be contiuued, aud tisa ferttltzer, sisould ho workad tiseougis damaud for' cottage cisease and syn- tise steve. Tise pastly decnyed fibrous tisetic foods stimulated, our food or organto matter tisat wiii not pasa rasources would ha very matasially tiscougis th isasee raadily sisould lie cisopped or puiied finely to piaces sud strengtisaned. Put tuto tise soil, if at ail docom- Spacil Capaîg Offe-THECANA Specal ampignOffr-TF CNA- Tempertng or Mtxing Sols.-lf tisa tuJAN STATESMAN or THE BOWMANVILLE soi is of a lea.vy dlay ioamy nature NEws will he sent to a bona fide new about ona part saud sisouid ha mixad subscriber from now tilI Jan. Ist, 1921, at tisa time of using, witis iglit or for $i.oo.' Enclose vour address and a nn at fts o ops o a dollar bill in an anvelope and mail direct nIneprso h o ops o to M A.Jame & ons Bowanvlle potting purposes, for Planta sucis as to . A Jaes Sos, owmnvîle eranuuma, roses, chrysautisemuma afnd similar plants. If tise solithtie OSHAWA POLICE COURT sois taken from 15 0of a itgist loamy nature, a vary iittle sand, if Sany, wil harequired, GOLDEN WEDDING. Special Campaign Offer-THE CANTA-5 DIAN STATESMAN or THE BOWMAN VILLEï - NEWS will be sent to a bona fide new MR. AND MIlS. G. MARTYN, WELCOME subscriber from now tili Jan. Ist, 1921, Tuesdav, Jan. t7, a quiet célébration for $I.00. Enclose your address and a ýtook placé at the home of Mr.-and dollar bill in an envelope and mail direct MesH. G. H. MVartyn, Welconie, on the to M A. lames & Sons, Bowrnanville. fiftieth asniversary of their wedding day. Prasent ee: Mr L. H-. Mar- tyn, London, Mr. 1H. G. Martyn. Steatfosd Normal Schooi, Miss Thyra,GIN 2NIss L. B. Symons and Mr. E.H liIstyn, Welcoîne, and several grand- chi dren. Messages of congratulation m~ ere received frorn friends and rela- [ORDV rives sud gifts suitable to the occas ion. A pleasant occasion was spent, aliv- ened by singing old so- gs &î.'d hy SPARK reminiscae '(S of 50'years ago. Mr. and Ždrs. Martyn -s ere married Jan. 27th, 1870, ut Proton, Grev Co. The IT N II R fityyersof' thair wedded life bias T fifty yaars in and near Welcome.EN I ER Bowmanville and Daslington friands unita in wishirig them many more years of ha; piness and prsperity. Makes starting easy in cold ?People prefer pis, ~Jprovidad prompvt and X proper perf9prinance provet promise. p L. ' Beecham's Pilla are Lk used by people ail over tisa globe and have tise largeat sale S of any mediciue iu ' tise world! SaId everywluer lu boe'a. PUlL GET SOMEWHERE Don't be sitting 'round ahi day; Get sornewhere I Make a stab at it comae way; Get somnewbere I Sameness sort of drives you mad; Get a hobFy or a fad, Yes, and get it pretty hsïd, Till you make the neighbors sad- Get somnewbere! Don't get rooted on one spot, Get somewvhere! Strike it rich as like as not, Get somnewhere 1 At the risk of seemning blunt Break away from use anîd wont Get a move cn-do a stunt; Sec what things are like in front- Get sceas ere! HAVE VOU ATHB BMA?) Du pou endure thse miser>' of Asthmua with alee Bas slghs, dlifficult bresatlsu and 1 oseaof strength 7 Eow- evar bad your case qutok reniet la guarsnteeà hi 1the me of TEMPLE'TOWS RAZ- MAH CAPSUJLES Tirearationla thé rl. 77 =8fyaraof xe xeri nt-. ne, ndstud7.Thousandu have dertved thse greatest beeAit through île U&84 Wrîte for free sample te r.mIeoa 142 King St. w 64a Sold hi reli;ble druge everyvisore f or *LO4 a Sam pies may ha had at Jury & Lovell's Drug Store. SMILING Wben tle weather suits you not1 1 ry smilsng, When your coffee isn'î isot, Try smiling. When your neighhor don't do right, Or your relatives ail figbt, aSure it's bard, but then Vou mnigbt Try smilîng. Doesn't chanige the things, of course, Jusi smihing; But it cannot make tbem worse- Just smilîung; And ht seems to help your case, Brightens up agioomy ps.sce, Then it sort o' resta your face- Just smihing.' weatcIanas pu&ji ac uay ut - miles an hour on high gear. TRY A GIANT With a broken porcelain. It oan be installed in 15 minutes Complote set sent to car owners with printed instruc- tions. regular $3,50, to intro- duce, $2.00 prepaid. VICTORY SALES, ROOM 14, 84 VICTORIA ST. TORONTO, Notice To Creditors IN THE MATTER OF the estate of JAMES SCOTT, late of the town- ship of Darlington, farmer, dei eased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that ail persons having any c1aims or demands against the laie JamesScott who died on or about the 3oth day of April 1919, at the said townbhip of Darlington are re- quired to send by post prepaid or delîver to the undersigned, agent for Elizabeth Scott Doidge, the administratrix of the proptrty of the said James Scott, their names and addresses and full particulars in writing of their dlaims and statements of their"accounts and the nature of the se- curities, if any, held by them. AND TAKE NOTICE that after the first day of March 1920 the said adminis. tratrix wilî proceed to distribute the as- sets of the said deceased among the per- sons entitled thereto, having regard only to the dlaims 0f which she snall then have notice, and that the said administratrix wjll flot bce hable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person of whose dlaim she shahl not then have received notice. Dated at Bowmanville the 7th day of Pebruarv, 1920 MRS EDITH V. SCOBELL, Box 308, Bowmanville, Agent for the said Elizabeth 7-3w Scott Doidge, administratrix, Administrator' s Auctioni Sale of Valuable Farm Property. THERE will be offared for sale by public auctuon on Mondav tise 16t1 day of Fabs uary A. D. 1 920, at i1 a. m. at A H. Veale's store, Nortis Nastle- ton, lu tisa Townshsip of Cartwright, subje ct to a resarved prica and condi- tions of sale: The foîlowing property: AIL AND SINGULAR tlat certain parcel or tract of land aud pramises situate lying aud beuug un tisa township of ()artm rigît in tise couuty of Durham sud Province .of Ontario, coutaining by admeasut'emant forty acres of land, ha tisa saine more os less, being coun- posed of tisat part of lot nunibes' twauty oua lu tise 8t1 concession of tise said township of Cartwrighst, owned liv John Cisapusan at tise time of bis death sud a full description nhiereof wii ha given at tisetime of sale Tisaie ara said to ha ou said premi s a good liouf e sud barn and sawnilhi, TEBa CA19ÂDi 'N STÂTESYÀAN* and TUa OEKq SILa ENws are published every i hursd y an& 1riday n.orning, respectiveiy, at THE STÂTESMÂSf Office, James Block, 26 and 27 King-st. West, BovwmanTi1Ie. onitailo, Canada. M. A. James & ýcns, Fublishers and Proprietors, at $1.50 per annum, payable in advance;$2.00ater firet tbree- DR. F. T. TIGRE, V.1 S. VETERINARY SURGEON4 BOWMAN VI LLE Dav or Night <alls Prompy A ttended To, Office- King-St. W., Statesman Block Phone 243 Companies -Service t Rates I are of the best when ýyou insure with A NINA E. NEADS> i osurance Agent. Phone 162 Office Wellingto)n-ý, Bowmanville RITMERAL DIRECTORS L. Morris & Son Most Oompiete Equipment sundav ard agbcalls promp .;o Buwmanville Phones 10 34 Branches., OBONO HAMPTON DR. JI. C. DEVITT, DENTIST Graduate of Royal Dental College, T,3ronto. Office. King-St. East, Bowmaiàvi1eý Offioe Hours: 9 na.rn. to 6 p.m. daily, except Sunday Phono 90a House Phone 0b Alan M. Wiliîams Funeral Dire ctor - Embalmer No extra charge for dïstance in country or to city or outside places. Embalm- ing done in the most scientific manner. *Charges reasonable as my expenses are low. Phione 58 or 159 43-6m* G. C. BONNYCASTLE L. D. S., D. 1). S., Honor Graduate in Dentistry Toronto University. Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario Office Ring-st -Bowmanville Office Phone 40. Hou1se Phone 255 Auctioné-er Having secured a license as auction- eer I arn prepared to take a limited number of sales, For terms and dates apply to THEO. M. SLEM01VJ ENNISKILLEN Phone- 197-r3 32-ti Business Calls- daily for qualified' recruits, A courseîn ione of Shaw's Schools will qualify you in Short Order. Write for catalogue and proof of demand for our graduates, Ad- dress P. MeIntosh, Chief-Principal Yonge and Gerrard Sts., Toronto. Carpenter Work Ladders Made Saws Sharpened W. P. MOSES Bradshaw-st Bowmanville, 40-Irm '77-

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