Cold Weather Specials Scranton Coal For your Furnace and Range; Cannel Coal for the Fire- place; (iharcoal and Hard and Soft Wood for Lightîng. For Your Poultry and Hogs1 Predigest Granulated Chieken Food to keep your Hens in Condition and make themn Lay i Cold Weatber. Predigest llog Mash to fatton. your Hogs and fit themn for market in fronm four to six weeks less time than or- dinary feeding. Grain and Seeds We are in the market for Buckwheat. Barloy, Oats, Peas and Fall and Spring Ryo; also Red Clovor, Sweot (lover Alsike, and Timothy Seed and will pay the Highest Mar- ke t Price for each and ail of those prodncts. We have a special mili for cleaning al kinds of Clover and Timothy seod, and shall be pieased to dlean up soeds for any who wish to have the work done properly, whether we buy tho seed or not. Bring in your seed and bave it cioaned proporiy so that you can get the highost prie. A good supply of Building Material aiways on hand at reasonable rates. McClelan & Company Limited King Street East Bowmanville Office Phono 15 - Residences 228 and 274 Tinsmithing and Plumbing Quality Hardware Phone 74 I il Léhigh VNalley Anthracite Coal D ON'T experimen1t; buy the coal that's certain to please every member of your household. We seli an honest ton of coal that will give youi furnace less trouble and will give you more comfort than any fuel you ever spent your money for. John A. Holg;ate &Son ~Queen and Divis Ion Sts. Bowmanville BOWMANVILLE, FEB. 19, 1920 Local and Otherwise Toronto bad 55 deaths from flu in a <single day. Have vour skates sbarpened ai Pickard's Gar-g-o Mr' Harold Muihail, Grafton, recently visited friends bere. Miss Lola Downs recently visited Miss Siockford of Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Harper, Warkworth were recent guesis of Mr, John R. Knox. Now is the urne to get your skates sharpened ai Luke, Boys & Crvderman's garage. Mr. Abert Malleit, McAuley, Man., bas been visiiing bis broiber-in-law, Mr. G. A. Corden. Masonic brethren from ibis iown were guecis ai a banquet and social evening given by Lebanon Lodge, Oshawa., We knew Sir James Grant wbo died in Ottawa last week. He was a very intel- ligent physician and an interesiing con- versationalist. Ail Ladies' Cloih Coats selling off ai 25% discount and any of last years Coats ai baîf price ai Couch, Jobnsion & Crs'- dermaii's Limiied The unanimous decision of Oshawa Town Council, that no more pool room licences be issued during 1920, came as a pleasani surprise ta a great number of. Oshawa citizens-Reformer. Lakefield is building~ a Memorial iown bail and a by-law was passed for $16,ooo, and the debenture sold- Up ta date the coci is $24,493, and corne $6000 or $7000 more is required ta complete the building. The hall is being consirucîed by day labor. Rev. H. B. Kenny bas been invited by Campbellford Officiai Board to remain anoiher year and hic salary bas been in- creased to $î8oo., The invitation was heartiiy accepted. We congiatulate Mr. Kenny on bis coniinued popularity and pastoral success. .Miss Annie Medland who bas been residing in Detroit, bas gone ta visît lier broîbers ini California. Writing toaa friend she says "I arn once more in the land of sunchine and flowers and enjoying the change as well as finding ail the boys in good bealtb." Osbawa's water systema is inadequate and the council is again considering the advisability of piping water in from Rag- lan Springs as was suggested wben the present system was installed. If the Ocb- awans gel as rnucb satisfaction from the gravitation cystem as we do and as good water as tbe Skinner's Springs qualiiy tbey will neyer regzret the outlay, Young People's Guild of Presbyterian cburcb held the aniual sleigbride recenily and the home of Mr. W. H. Wood, Base Line was the objectiv4-. It was a jolly crowd that went out on ibis trip and one of the jolliest was the minister, as yDung as the youngest. That tbey bad a good trne goes witbout saying wben you men- tion Mr. Wood's hospitable borne, and ibis was not the firsi urne the young people of Si. PauPs bave oeen the, recip- ients of Mrs. Wood's iindness in, enter- tainîng. Such events asibis makens wish the years turned round fastes'. Mr. Wm.Burden, Lindsay; who was bere attending -the funeral of bis brother Thomas, was a citizen of ibis iown in bis younger days, leaving here corne fifty years ago and iook up hic residence in Little Britain, Mariposa, He worked while bere in the James Morris Carrnage works and also for Wm. McClung. The town then was not the quiet staid place Àt is now, One, did not need ta go around then with sornething in their ip-bars and lîquor stores were apleniy and boys 0 f ihat period, alihough not of the wild1 and wooly-west variety, were a buncb that ail one had to do was ta star corne- ihing and iben you got your money's wo th. The Rosses, Coogans, Trîvets, Foxs, Tilloisons, and a hosi of others, kepi the smouldering embers burning and ready for anytbing that came along. Seing no electrie ight or'gas, made il ail the bettes' for pranks that caled down the wraîh of more tban one good cburchrnan. Mr Burden will recaîl those good old urnes and no doubi be could give sDme inieresting reminîscences of that lime as that was the palmy days of the Upper Canada Furniture Co's factory, whicb was a great graduating institution for the boys of that day.-D. M. in Orono New. PILLs THAT HAVE BENEFITTED THou- SANDS.-Knowii far and near as a sure remedy in me ireaiment of indigestion 1and ail derangements of the stomacb, liven and kindeys, Parmelee's Vegetable Pilîs have 'broughi relief to tbousands wben other specifics bave failed. Innum- erable testimonials can be produced ta establisb the iruih of ibis assertion. Once tried they will be found superio to ail oshen puIs in the treaiment of the ail- rn.nts for which they are pnescribed. W. .Ale iscrg 20" Bookstore -Il ________________________________________________________ help to restore 1 PiCEe eemm activityof liver, MEL bowels, kid- neys, and skin, and so count- eract cause and relieve symnp- toms. i..ouent sale aiAxMerJdicia, lu ils. WesM. Sem~ ev.zywhe im CAssis, la bo«., 25«.., 5t. 3 0 Days, Hard Labor or 'JUST a m,'nute, your- worship." A .N Officor in uniform steps for- Sward, and holds a quiet con versation with the magistrate and other court officiais. T HE story is simple and oft re- 1peated. Just a lad-îî this casa f rom N-. Got into fast company. Gamblod, took money from employers. Ho ped to win and pay it back. F OUIND out-arrested and jail- OF coarso he's sorry-but the Officer has sized hlm up. Be- lioves hie has the stufi to make a mana of. Knows that a jail sen- tence May on.iy harden him and start him toward continued crim- inality. TH E Officer in uniform was the T8alvation Army Probationor. By manly counsel, supervision and prayer ho ena bIcs the lad to regain control of hiniself and get, another start, froc froni the stigma' of a prison sentence., IF somoone you know makes a 1false stop don't judge theni harshly. 'T E E i s s o mucîs good 308 Service PostsH in this Territory. use them! URONO (From the News) Mr. James Brown bas been very ill. Reeve F. W. Bowen bas been tussling with a severe cold. iss Bell Allun was home from Oshawa over the week-end. W, G Cowan bas su)d bis farm ini Sil con. to L. Barrabaîlj Mr. Ceci] Joist, Oshawa, visited recent- ]y ai Mr. Isaac Winters'. Dr. W. W. Andrus, Miles City, Montana, is expected March 1. Mr. Henry junker spent the week-end at Tavistock, bis mother being ill. Misses Dorothy R*chards and, Amy Foster, Toronto, were borne recently. Miss Elva Tucker is home froi~ Dundas bier school being closed owing to smnall- pox. Mrs. Geo. H. Linton, 'Toronto, visited bier aged faiber, Mr. Thomas Doncaster wbo will be 92 next birthdav. Miss Kate Willîamson and Mr' Percy Ross, Dental College, Toronto, were ai F. W. Williamson's over Sunday week, Mrs. George Allen, Peterboro, and Miss Leta Allen, Toronto, are viiting the latter's parents, Mr. a id Mrs. -Wm. Allen, The marriage took place Monday Feb. 9 of Miss Mabel, daughter of Mr. W. C. Rtithven, sixtb uine, to Mr. Geo. Leonard hivers, Portland, Ont. For years Moiber Graves' Worm Ex- terminator bas ranked as the most effect- ive preparation rnanufactured, and it ai- ways maintains uts reputation, Mr. J. R. Ruddell bougbt recently the Anderson farm, lot 21, 3rd con. 150 acres. Mr. D. Whitney was a tennant, for a number of vears. It is ai present tenant- ed by Wesley and Lewis Smith. Dr. John H. Aluin, an old Orono boy, brother of Mr. D. T. Allin, is in St, Luke's Hospital, Chicago, for a critical surgical operation. Dr. Allun recenily sold hic practice ai Centerville, Indiana. Run Iv IN FOR LAME BACI-A brisk rubbing witb Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oul will cure lame back. The skin will im- medîately absorb the oul and il will pene- traie the tissues and bring speedy relief Try it and be convinced, As the lini- ment sinks in the pain cornes oui and t ucre are ample grounds for saying ibai its touch is magical, as it is. Mr. E. C. Tbornion's company organ- ized to purchase the faciorv and stock of i,he Morris piano plant ai Listowel, Ont., and of whicb Mr. J. H. Pettit will be the presideni, bas applied for a cbarter under the naine and style of M )rris Pianos Limiied. Mr. Thornion is an Orono boy. Panu Sensat%4in "Lest We Forget", E. R. BOUNSALL, Designer anSd ealer in Monuments, Tabiets, Markers, sic, I Granite and Marbie. Bowmianville. 0Ootaro.- PITERAL DIRECTORS L. Morris & Son Mont Complete aqnipmeni 8enday and n!ght cal!, promptiy attendeS to. Buwmanville Phones 10 M4 Branches: ORONO HAMPT014 Companies - Service Rates are of the best when you insure wiîh NINA E. NEADS Insurance Agent, Phone 162 Office Wellington-st Bowmanville D o ot suffet another day with ing, or otrud. 1.n7 Piles. Ne ýP I.LE Surgical oper- Dr. Chas' Ointment will relieve you at once and as c rtil"c r ou "c" ox i in. ail countrie_?. Ask for our NEN- 1 ,Wi, ilTOIt'S ADVISERhjhwilbe et ifree. 9P MARION & MARIO, 364 Unversity at., montra 'i t F Sale If you are looking for special values in Furniture - for any room in your house - don't fail to visit our store this mon th. Another large consign-. nient of furniture just arrived. iEvery Prurchase Means A Savingr To Yo-u WeILLIAMSaCAv Furniture, For Home and Office Fhone 58 or 159 comnif Ail1TheyWn Christie's Bread is the purest, rnost wholesome for children. For Rosy Cheeks There's nothing like fresh air and Christie's Bread. Fresh air the natural tonic- Christie's IBread the natural food, Costs less than if you made your own bread. Carry Yoûr Parcels and Sâve Monêy ALEX". CHIlR I STI1E The Cash & Carry Bakery Phone 97 Bowmanville l CARTWRIGHT COUNCIL Regular meeting Feb. 2, aIl membens present, Reeve W. A. VanCamp, presid- ing. -% 0 Minutes were read and adopted.M L, C. Taylor and Jas. Wilson applied M ai 1 c.oflraCL to have centre noad opened on con. 6 Referred 10 whole council. Auditors presented their report, re- SEALED TENDERS, addressed 10 the ceivd ad auitos dichàgedPosimaster General, will be received ai ceivd an auitor dicbared.Ottawa until noon, on Friday, the i2th Win. Steele was reappointed janitor ai Marcb 1920, for tbe conveyance of His $25. Majesty's Mails, on a pîoposed Contract Reeve and Coun. Jobb will have closets for four vears, six trnes per week on the built in Fair Grounds and hall. route, Dr. McAribur's bill for services to BOWMANVILLE R. R. 4 Titus family, Cadmus, $io8 was referned from the itJuly 1920 next. back for deiailed staternent. Prinied notices coîîîaining furib ter in- N. E. Marlow asked council t0 erect formation as to conditions f proposec grand stand on Fair Grounds. To couns. Contract may be seen and blank forms of Hyland and Ferguson. Tender may be obiained at the Post Orders were signed as follows- Offices of Bowrnanville and at the office R. Edgerton, services Auditor $ 8 oo of the Post Office Inspector, Toronto. E. Deviti, 8 00 Post Office Inspector's Office, Toronto, R. A. Fretchette nmeat Brown famîly 19 25 Jan. 27, 1920. R. E. Brown, shorts and grain 10 O5 A. SU1rHERLAND, G. W. Brown, grocenies and butter 19 o8, 6-2 Post Office Inspector Refund statuts labor 43 00 F. Gibson, collector 8o oo Council adjounned to.-Tuesday Ma rcb _________________ 2nd. DR. F. T. TIGHIE,V. S. VETERINARV SURGE014. Mail Contract SEALED TENDERS, addressed t te- Postmaster General, wîll be received ai Ottawa until noon, on Friday, the I2tb. Marcb 1920, for the cooveyance of His Majesty's Mails, on a proposed Contract for four years, six times per week on the route, Tyrone R. R, 1 frorn the IitJuly 1920 next. Printed notices containing furtber in- formation as to conditions 0f proposed Contrnci mav be seen and blank forms of Tender may be obtained ai the Post Offices of Tyrone, and ai the office of the Post Office Iiispector, Toronto. Post Office Inspector's Office, Toronto, Jan. 27, T920. A. SUTHERLAND. 7-3 Poct Office lnspector. BOWMANVILLE Day or Nigbt Calîs Prornptly AtiendIed To Office - King-St. W., Staiesman Block Phone 243 le it h is st r