Tinsmithîng and Plumbîng Quality Hardware Phone 74 Cold Weather Specials Scranton Coal . For your Furnace and Range; Cannel Coal for the Fi 're- place; Charcoal and ilard and Soit Wood for Lightîng. For Your Poultry and Hogs Predigoît Granulated Chiekent Food to keep your Hens in Condition and make them Lay in Cold Weather. Predigest flog Mash to fatten your llogs and fit tbem for market in from four to six weeks iess time than or- dinary feeding, Grain and Seeds We are in the market for Buckwheat. Barley, Oats, Peas and Fall and Spri ng Rye, also Red Clover, Sweet Cio'er Aisike, and lîmothy Seed and wîli pay the llighest Mar- ket fPrice for each and ail of these prodncts. We have a speciai miii for cleanng al kinds of Clover and Timothy seed, and shall be pleased to clean up seeds for any who wish to have the wor1k done properiy, whether we buy the seed or not. Bring, in your seed and have it cieaned properiy so that yon can get the highest prîce. A good suppiy of Building Materiai always on hand at reasonabie rates. McCleIlan & Company imited King Street East Bowmanville Office Phone 15'-- Residences 228 and 274 P You KnIw rom 0 tlnàa .'i 1 BOWMANVILLE, FEB. 26, 1920 Local and Otherwise Several "flu>' cases ln town. Rev. Fred. G. joblin, Seagrave, was too iii to take bis work, Sunday, Feb. 15. Dr. H. Bascom, A. H. Allun and John McLaren have gone for a six week's trip to Cuba. Influeiuza has attacked Brookln with a firm grasp, a great deal of sickness pre- vails in the village. Col. J. E. Farewell, K. C., Whitby, has gone on a month's trip to Florida, prob- ably St. Petersburg. Mrs, Harold Greene bas returned to bier home in Toronto after a week's stay with lier mother, Mrs. W. J. Haycraft, Brooklu, who bas been ill. Annual Prohibition Convention for Ontario has been called to meet in Massey Hall, Toronto, on Tuesday, Wed- nesday and Tbursday, March 9tb, îoth and iith. Port Perry Methodists have doue well. Their allotment was $2790 in the Nation- al Campaign-tbey gave $2884, besides nearly $600 extra as a. special Than k- offering for their own churcb. Bravo ! With sugar now selling at 16c a pound and likely to go igber, tbere is every reason wny the people of the Provinee sbould tap more trees and produce a larger quantity of maple sugar and syrup. AlI residences in Bewmanville shouid be connected witb the sewerage system. Earthern closets are a menace to the tewn's bealth interests. Ail open wells are more or less poluted, too. Skinner's springs water is pure and good. Joshua Tomkins preaches two sermons and delivers a migbty clever address to boys and girls, too, in Port Perry Star wben be wrete: Now I ain't a saying that everythings all right in the world, but what I do say is that the best cure of inest of the ills is big doses of old.fashion- cd work, kindness, patience and common- sense. Brookin news in Whitby Chronicle: On February 14th, 192,), deatb came to Fiannah Stone, widow of the late'Henry Francis, in bier 9I1st ear, at tfie home of Mrs. Allems, Sr., witb wbom she bad ived since the deatb of lber busband Sbe was well and favorably known in Brook- lin, baving lived bere practically ail bier life. She was three trnes marnied, first to Mr. Crozier and ber second marriage to Mr. Moore and bier third husband, tbe late Henry Francis. "Laws of the Herd and Flock" is the title of an engrossing nature aýtiîcle iu Rod and Gun for February by George R Belton, the well-known- western writer.i Tbis article is one of ,ten stories and1 articles in Caniada's leading sportsmen's monthly. The introduction of reindeer into Canada is discussed in an able man- ner by Harry Bragg. The usual interest- ing departments dealing with the activities of rod, gun and trap are con- tained in this issue, W. J. T vylor, Ltd., Publishers, Woodstock, Ont. CHARL IE G. ARMSTRONG. How 'THIS ORONo MERCItANT PRINCE BECAMu FAMOUS, This isn't an advertîsement bute is a brief story in domestic real Mie as toid by the once noted singer himsev. Mr. Armstrong l5 00W &rnvinced ad- vertising pays, for bie writes: Sam, thei editor, and C. G. in the last twenty years1 bave had many a discussion as to-whetber1 it pays to advertise. 0f course, Sam, as a newspaper proprietor, always dcaims it1 pays. Wby shouldn't be think so, for ofi course it pays Sam, that is, if vou do pay bim. A lot of assertions 1 bave made to Sam I n0w am glad to apologize for in the columns of Thre Netvs. Those who bave read iast week's News will perbaps bave read that C. G. advertised that bis wifei In Heavensgate, the quiet, restful resi- dence of Mrs. Samuel Wesley, was the scente of an insplring *«At Home" on Tbursday afternoon. Mrs Wesley is fortunate, indeed, in ber friendsbips, and many of Winnipeg's womnen envy ber ber skill in drawing together so many of the city's sweetest and most aitruistic spirits. As an inspiration to more devoted social work, the affair was an unqualified suc- cess, and will surel3 bear mucb fruit in bringing together the various classes of Society. 1 I was notable that those receiving with Mrs. Wesley represented ail phases of Winnipeg's life. Witb the bostess were "Ors. Caleb Dunning, wbose busband bas just assumed charge of the Consolida ted Banking Companx; Mrs. Ben Scovely, the brilliant wife of the, oresident of the Pickle Makers' Uniioni; and Miss Rose Coglan,',superintendent. of the Mobers' Aid Society. The entbusiasm of the company reach- ed its zenith, when it was announcecl that a certain wedlthy lady on Bfilington Boulevard had sent her faitbful scrub- woman, w ho bas been lu delîcate bealth, t0 Calîfornia for a tbree months' rest, the employer foregoing ber own winter trip in order that ber servant might be re- newedjinhealth. Many of the ladies came, as usual, with their minds appropriately robed in the best poetry, and many were tbe cboice bits recited from Tewiyson, Browning and Ella Wheeler Wilccx. Mrs. Allen Rosetti read the paper of the afternoon, wbicb, in truth, migbt be said te be a social pronundiamento of the wowen of Winnipeg.' The reader de- ciared that neyer would tbe ladies of our fair city return to the idie frivelities of pre-war days. The war bas swept away the gross extravagances and the brazeîî displays of wealtb wbich characterixed tbe old days. "We are resolved 10 assist our busbands in bridgîng the gulf be- tween the rich and the poor," said Mrs. Rosetti amid cbeers. "Instead of heart- lessly arousing the envy oi the iess fortunate by allowing the papers te describe their foolishly extravagant gowns, as in the old days, we are glad to note tbe spirit of mutual sympatby actu- ating our more wealtbv ladies. 0f this I am confident, ibat had the horrible fashion of dis playing weal tb, even te the horrible folly of wearing and describing diamond-studded anklets, been allowed to be resumed duning those dangerous days Of 1920, the social catacivsm, whicb we havenarrowly avoided, would bave fallen upon us witb unthînkabie results." Mrs. Rosetti stated that while the majoritv of Canadian women bad giadly simplified their social life tbrough the, new spirit wbîch the war bad brugt was for- tunate that the littie mainority of so- called-society leader, whicb could net learu the lesson ol the new ena, were frigbtened loto foregoing the follies of their idie and seifisb lives by-the mutter- ings and the activities ef the Reds. As usual, the happest feature of the day was the babies' baîf-bour. Fully thirty of the younger women brought their sweet babes. We wlsb we had space to describe the beautiful dresses of tbe infants. More than once it was ne- markéd, that the terrible danger of the Aniglo-Saxon race dying eut througb a' decline of ihe bith-rate had evidently disappeared. The tbîrty minutes aliotted te this function were ail tee short, and when tbe precieus deanies were carnied away, several ladies, whose homes bave net been blessed witb cbildren, were THE SOCIETY COLUMN. Rev. Byron Stauffer recently citicized the practice of soiety editors publishing descriptions- of gowns worn af social affairs. City Life, a Winnipeg weekly, took the preacher te task and chalenged him te give the public bis views of what a society r epert sbould be. The next week Dr. Stauffer sent in the following. It must bav'je made a stir lu Winnipeg, for the issue was sold eut, and the manager said the rush was the result fsoit leaders te sec the article. Statement of the business cf the Bank for the year ended 31st January, 1920 PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT »alance brought forward from January 3Iot, 1919... pý..........................$ 227,326.90 Profits fer year ending 31st january, 1920, after deductmng expenses, interest accrued on deposits, rebate for interest on unmatured bis, Provincial taxes, end making provision for bad and doubtful debîu ................................... '. 76,310.19 $1,003,637.09 Dividend No. 114, paid lst May, 1919, at the rate of 13% per annum. .................... $ 113,750.00 Dividend No. 115, paid lst Augoot, 1919, St the rate of 137 per anuun........... ...... 113,750.00 Dividen.d No. 116, paid Ist November, 1919, at the rate of 13q, per annum........... ..... 113,750.00 flividend No, 117,' payable lot February, 1920, at the rate of 13% per annum........ ..... 113,750.00 Contributed ta Offiers' Pension Fond............ ..... ................................. 25,000.00 Contributed ta Patriotjc and other Funds................... .......................... 8,100.00 War Tax on B3ank Note Circulation to December 31st, 1919............................... 35,001000 Reserved for Dominion Incorne Fax. .................................................... 45,0000 eduction of Bank Premises Account.............................................. 715,000.00 .elance carried forward ............................................ ................. 360,537.09 $1,003,637.09 GENERAL STATEMENT 31st January, 1920 LIABILITIES Notes of the Blank on circulation ... ................................. ........... $ 6,766,218.00 Deposîrs bearing intereot (including interest tau date)....................... $49.940,378.87 Deposîrs not bearing intereot................... ........................ -4,o78.643.26 74,019,022.13 Dividend N1,o. 117, payable February 2nd, 1920................................ 113,750.00 Former Dividendo unclaimed................................. ................ 377.00 Balancéo due ta other Blanks in Canada.................................... 1,249,985.65 Balances due ta Banks and lîanking Corrcspoiidenîts clsewbre than in Canada.......... .... 972,612.08 Bills Payable.................. ......... ...................................... ý... 189,543.23 .Acceptances under Letters of Crédit...................... .............. ... ............ 1,726,921.24 Iiabilities not included in the foregoing................................................. 6,438.85 Capital paid up........................... .................... .... ............... 3 100,00Q.oo §eserve Fund............ ................... .................. ...... ........ ... :: 4,500,000.00 Balance of Profit and I.oss Account carried forward.................................... . .360,537.09 $93,465,405.27 ASSETS çuorrent coin helà by the Bank ................................ $ 1,731,285-45 Eomîni1on Notes held sre................................... 11,193,837.75 eposit in thxeCeta Gold Reevs................... 500.000.00 ______$16,425,123.20 Notes of other Banks ...... .................. ý....................... $ 424,,380.00 Sheques on other Banks,...--....... .....-...... 3,633,'129.31 alances due by Banks and Bn;gorsodnsesweeIa aaa, 82 ,2 4.8 ominion and Provincial Government Securities nul exceeding market value.. 4,M4:369.53 ïanadian Municipal Securities and Blritish, forcigo and colonial public securîlles other than Canadian .......... .................. .......... 8,262,809.61 Railway and other bonds, debentures and stocks nul cxceeding mnarket value 908,193.80 Caîl and Sbort (not exceedng thirty days) Luans in Canada on bonds, debentureo and Aocks. ..................................... ........ 2,786,957.07 20,987,064.20 $37,412, 187.40 Other Current Loans and Discounts in Canada (îess rebate of inlerest).................. :52,463,278 SQ Llahilities of Customers~ under Letters of Credit as per contra..........................1,ý726,92l.24 Rteal Estate other tban Bank Preunises........................................... ...... 4,915.86 Overdu e Deblo, estimated bass provided for............................ ................ 114,672.70 Bank Premises, at not more than cost, leso ameunts written of............. .1385,358.39 Depooit witb the Minister forithe purposco of Circulation Fund*....*....*...»......*..*."......175,000.00 Other Asseta flot included inthse foregoing........ .................. ............... ... 123,071.18 $93,405,40S.27 W., FRANCIS, Pretsideîst. Toronto, 3lat January, 1920. C. H. EASSON, Gserai Manaegr. Auditor's Repôrt te the Sharehoders, 1- have compared the above Balance Steet witb the books and accounts at the chjef Office OIfixýe Standard Blank of Canada, and the cci tifled returns received frons ils branches, and after checling the cash and verifying the securities .at the cbief office aud certain of tlie principal brancheo on 3lst tjanuary, 1920, 1 certify that lunuiy opinion sucb Balance Sheet exbibits a cr107 and correct view of the state of the Baîîk's affaîis .îscording lu Ibe best of my information, tIse explanations given ta me. and as sbown by the books of the B3ank.-- > . Iu additionî lu the examiniation-nmentiîon ed, the ca'1t aud ecuciticos t tbe clief office and certain of the -principal branches were chccked and verified by me at anotber time during the year, and found 10 be in accord witb the bookso f tihe 13ank, Al information and explanations requîred have been given 10 'nie, and aIl transactions of the Bank which have comne under my notice have,-in my opinioni, been witbin the powers of 'the Bank. G. 'F. CLARKSON, F.C.A., # of Clarkson, Gordon & Dilwoîth, Foronto, Canada, Toronto, Februar3F l6th, 1920. ~e- '~- of Cnd M