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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Mar 1920, p. 2

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I NSURANCE AGENCY I- WILL INSURE you against loss by ire or by ligbtning to Your home j your furniture' 1 your clôthing your fuel, your barn you r stock your produdje your machinery your automobile -Flirst-c"l'ass companies Prompt att ention Beýst rts SEE NME. Mrs. Editli V. Scobeli Insûranice Agent Phone îgBowmanville Jeuwefry When in Bowman- ville we always had the reptation for very moder ate prices. Coupled with these reasonable prices we now have a much larger stock of goods in ,ail *departments which makes shopping a pleasure at, our store. if you can't visit our store, take ad- vantage of our. mail- order-service. Two thoroughly ex- perienced jewelers al- ways at your service. Eliot ros, JeWpelrs 14~imoeSt N Oshawa I flJ\flT ~r,-~rwtvrtfl.~,mh,1,, an1 NOTICE!i The Bank o0f Montreal bas opened a. branch office in the E"lliott Bloc-k, J Hampton and solicits your business. J. A. MeCLELLAN, Manager Dated at ilampton, July 8, 1919. Select A School With Your,. Eyes Wide Open; Ail Business CollegesAre Not Alike. Yonge and. Charles Streets, Toronto is noted ýhroughout Canada for' high grade training. Our graduates are in great demnand. Get our Catalogue, read our records, then decide. Enter any time. . J. ELLIOTT, Principal Slioes Repaîred While You Wait I arn now in a position to give you quick service and hest of workmanship as 1 have two assistants. Work Boots For Sale 1 have a limited stock of good substantial work boots for men. Also ser- viceable shoes for ladies and eidren at reason- i able prices. Geo. IHUMpage Regular m eeting was held March ist with members ail present and Mayor Quinn presidinig. 1Petitian signed by 63 citizeu's was read complaining against the manner lu which the pool room is conducted by 'W, J. Martyn and asked that license be not renew'd. Laid on table. Letter froux Clerk' of Ridgetowýn en- closed resolution asking Cauncil ta pass similar one regarding grants ta township' t'oads and that saine be.êxtended te towns and villages. Carried Application of Wm. Bennett for rentaI of townlots an Queen-st., was not enter- tained. Clerk reported that at the election ta fill vacancy in coutncil there was only one candidate nominated, Mr. John Grigg wbo did not qualify.' Coun. Hynds reported verbally for Public Property Com recommending that electric ligbts be piaced an road leading ta old power plant. Not enter- tained.> Account ai Miss ljawkey for services as stenographer at Collacott arbritation was ordered paid. Fire ICommittee was empowered ta buy one rubber coat. Deputation froux Board of Commerce addressed counicil lu re erence ta estab- lishing new factory in town Council de- cîded ta mecet representatives of company interested. Devutation cf Mayor, Reeve and Geo. L. Stephens was appointed to interview minister of Higbways in conection witb new bridge west of town. Letter front Aero Club was read in reference to regulations of municipal I aerodrames. Letter from McKenny & Flannery wss read giving resume of the McGîll bequest froux its inceptuon ta date. Clerk was înstructed to 'communicate witb towns from Trenton ta Toronto *with view to improve mail service ta Tor- OInto. Notices were given to athçnd,,by-iaw Nos, 946, 423, 433 and -515 affecting Fire Dept. and issuing af lcenses for pool rooms at next meeting of council. OBITUARIES. HARD ON SUBSCRIBERS The James Papefs must: have a b etter classof payingsbcier than somte of our brother publisàherýs. A Streetsville paper threatens to publish naines off de linquent subscribers and a rMilton paper says it would serve them rihadn that some people a ppear to thnktdost matter when they pay the printer, or whether tbey pay him at aIl or flot, but îhiok it their duti' to pav everybody else witb whom tbev do business.An they cali themselves' honest, and would flare up if you told them they were otherwise. THE PENNY BANK Bowmanville Publie Schools are flot doing quit e as well in deposits ln the Penny Bank as we should like to see the mupil-. doing. The average per schclar contributing in the repotrt be- fore us is only 30 cents for September and October last while the average for ail Canada was 40 cents per scholar. Mai-eh should be a splendid month for saving the 5, 10, 15 and 25 cent pieces. Boys and girls. try to make a record for Bowmanville schools during this mon Lb and next. We notice that NeW TorontLo SChool made a record of 82 cents per acholar. ,(Jan you match that figure. IN THE EDITOR'S MAIL Mr. Sam Hughes, Darlington boy, front the vicinity of Tyrone, went to Manitoba severai years igo but keeps in touch with West Durham doings by reading THE STATESMAN. In the course of a montb he and family are moving fromn Grand- view to Neepa wa, Man., in order to bej dloser to Winnipeg. have better railway facilities and also better schools. He1 sold his property at Grandview witb some surplus stock and implements fori $50,00o oo and bas purchased a section-1 640 acres-two miles west f Neepawa fo!r $30,000 00- Mr, Hughes raises pure- bred borses quite largely. He sends1 greetings to bis old Tyrone friends )< WEDfl1NG. HARDY-REEFSON. The home of Mr, -and Mrs. Jamesr Reeson, Columbus, was the scene of a pre.ty wtedding on Feb. 25th, when their eldest daughter,_ Minnie Aberdeen, be- came the bride of Mr. Harrv Hardiý Solina, son ot iMr. and Mrs. J. Hardy,y West Ops. The ceremony was perforai-0 ed by Rev, Geo. Nickle of Myrtie. The bridesmaid was Miss Marlon Reeson, sister of the bride, while Mr. J. Hardy ably assisted the groom, and littie Missv )elma Gilroy, niece of the bride, acted as0 flower g*rl. The presen, s were numer- ous and costiy, showing the high esteem in which the young coupie was held. Mr.~ and Mrs, Hlatdy left on the evening train1 for a short honeymoon, amid sbowers of confetti and good iýishes from their many rienos.r DO'-A'YIONS TO HOSPITAL. Z Ladies Hos pital Auxiliary-î doz. inner plates, 1 doz. tea plates, 3 doz. st porridge bowls, 3 doz.,iegg cups, i doz ir ups and saucers, 4 table cloýhs, 6 com- hr forters, 3 pairs flannelette biankets, 9 w iiiows, garbage pail, toilet dishes and ai ail a~nd V2 doz, pneurmonia jackets. n Isaac Selby-3 dcz fresh eggs, iIL.ai utter, I qt. cream. CL James Jebson-i q t. cre'ými, i jar fruit th jars pickles, basket of apples, ai Charles Carrutbers-1 bag of apples, i gE sg of potatoes, 1 bag of carrots, 2 jars of 'uit. Canadian Order of Foresters-2 cakes, pies, buns, devonshire cream.1 Mrs. Found- jar of beet pickles. Mrs. Thos, Heighton-i doz. oranges. Mrs. W. S. Bragg--currant loaf and ar of fruit. Mrs. A. W. Stickle-3 jars of fruit, 2 rs of pickles. Mr. Win. Cann-sewingý machine. easb-Major W. C. King, $25.oo; Mr. so. Buttonshaw $i.oo. TOWN COUNCIL. The Spirit of Spring GEORGE WRIGHT, OSHAWA Death occurred Feb. 25th, of George rWright, Si Richmond St., Oshawa, the proprietor of the fish store, Simcoe Street North. He was at bis shop that morniJng working as usual, but in the afternoon a cold wbich had been troubling him for some time developed into influenza which affected the heart, He was 58 years cf ragýe and was born near Haydon and mnov- ted to Oshawa with b is family 19g years ago. He worked in town at the Malleable iron Works and Pediar People Limited, and for a time was employed at the Tor- onto Fish Market. April last he set up in flsb business in Oshawa. He is survived by bis wife, two da ghters and one son, Mrs, Lou Disney, Mrs. Edward White and Frank, ahl of Oshawa. The funeral was held frot9 bis late residence on Fridav afternoon, interment taking place lu Unio s Cemetery. WHITBY PRESBYTERY. Whitby Presbytery held its regular meeting in'Oshawa on Tuesday, Marcb 2nd. Rev. J. F. Clugston of Dunbartén, the moderator of the Presbytery, presided. There were present, besides the rnoder- ator, Rev. J, W. Rae, Orono, clerk; Revs, D. W. Best, Bowmanville; A. MIcD. Haig, Ashburn; Dr. D. B Marsb, Pickering; S.G. McCormack, Newcastle; Alex McLellav, Claremont; J. W. McLeod, West Hill; R. Simpson, Columbus; Edward Tu kington, Whitbi; Geo. Yule, Oshawa;, with Messrs. Geo. Duncan, Brougham; David Gregg, Claremont; Tbhos. Moffat, New- castle; Dr. C. F. McGillivray, WVhitby; John McLaughlin, Bowmanville; A. Sharpe, Orono; Jas. Smith, Bowmanville; J. G. Waddell, Port Perry, Eiders. In the forenoon, considerable time was given to the discussion of a possible plan whereby the work in certain communities may be consolidated in order to more succ-essfully meet the problems confront- ing some of the rural charges. In the near future an agreement may be arrived at wbereby over-lappibg may be avoided and weaker charges strengthened. The plan of co-operation between the Metho- dists and Presbyteriaos working to ad- vantage ln other parts of the Dominion, may be effected in tbe-.case of Claremont; aise in the united'charge of Blackstock, Enniskjllen and Nestleton. 1 At the afternoon session, the varions reports for the past vear were presented. rhese included the Women's Missîonary Society, that of Home Missions, Sunday School and Young People's Work. T he news cf advance in ail deprrtnients of our ivork was crowned by the arnouncement of the success of the Forward Movement ' [he amount allocated to the Presbytery n the recent financial drive was $40,000. [Tbe condition of the roadsand the pre- valence of ep'demics in many of the outlying sections, made the canvass im- possible and the returns, up to date, are ucomplete. Alreadv the objective is in igbî and when the last place bas beeni beard from it will be found that the Presbytery wili bave "gone over the top." Later in tbe afternoon standing com- nîttees were appointed Also commis- sioners to the General Assembly, whicb neets in the City of Ottawa on the first 'Vednesday of June. A THORDUGH PILL.-To clear the stomach and 'bowvels of impurities and irritants is necessary when their action is iregular, The pilla that will do this work thoioughly are Parmelee's Veget- ble Puis, whicb are mild in action but mighty in results. Tbey purge painlessiy and effectively and work a permanen t ure rey can be used without fear b te most delicately constituted, as there ire no painfut tffects precedinig their 1entle operatîon. SCI1A TICA Would rau be ild of that ploee n !g »pn-.that .hayp ý -!0ýhrfta&laong the ffe*t erve-course st ffl7r mov.ent? Thou- 51 lhave found laotlng Capsules Ilany doctorâ Pre2celbe 'W rI, 1t4T,,mi .t on s, 142 Kina st. W,, Toronto, for freeamle Bold by re1iable druggits evryvhe, for 81.291 imples miay b. had at Jury &lLovell's 1 Drug Store.,.1 Herd Sire of Thomas J. Wilkins & Son Breeders of High-Class Ho1Iteelis Cedar Dale, Ontario. LAKEVIEW -COLANTIJA KING No, 3067.3 This is une nf Lb. most prumising sires thýt Canada bas ever produced, me himaelf beiug a -(ood individuai and is firat calves to dra ýp are very typ-y. He also la backed uý, îp by sOMe tof Lb.. )est- préducing failles luinCanada. Ris first seven siterL freshaen mnade even Canadlýt ian andtwo wrldrecords. One of theri, Lakeview DtbadAr- las, being tbv ,,firatCaadin ot produce 43 lbs.of buter lu '7 (days. Another sisterý, Lakeview Dutcblaud CalamiLy Ruse, a 2 year old, with first ah roduced 3171 lhs ýof butter lu 7 aya, a woId'srecord. Also Lakeview )utchlan Qenho produced 34.65 Ibs. of butter in 7 days frum a-, Lhree- [uarter udder. H1e is a brother to Lakeview Dutcb- [ad Rengerveld, a bull witb four grand champions Lu bis name. If you are at ail inteî-eated, lu H- steins do hot fail Lu secure somne of this breeding. Fhos. J. Wilkins Ca D t gr i FarmLabor Scarce ThisSeason Every indiction points to anotýher scarcity of farm labo)r the comîng season. Farmers are already worrying about this great question. How .can5 it be oYercome ? Here I aeAdvc Have you ever given_ it a thought, Mr. Farmer, ',bat it takes less labor and ime to grow fiax-and the seed couta you nothing-than any other crop on the farm ? To you who are short of help our adviue ta- G-ROW FLAX Many farmers ms.de well out of flax growhing last year, even although it was a poor season. Call, phone or write for particulars of our very at- tractive contract. DURHAM FLMA eo. ïLTDe With the coming of Hyacinths we naturally think of Spring's Awakening and it's oflering of gorgeons bloom. But why wait? Have and enijoy them in the home Prices from 500 up S. J. J ackman &.Sons Florists and Growérs Bowmanville Phone 80 001£1"8coffpai Koot Coapoune A safé, reliable regu1ating - Medicine. Sold in three de. grIes Of strength-No. 1, 1 N. 2. $3; No. 3. $5 Per box' SOld by ail druggists, or sent P, r-aid on receipt of pnece. ne~ namphlet, .%î Address. Tu O~MEDOCINE CO., In ail coantrles. Ask for our 1NEN.. TOR'S ADVISiERwhicl will besent iree. e MARION & MA.RION. 364 Unîverslty St.. MontrêajL E. WEILER, Sec'y-Treasi and Manager Bo wmanville Dutchland Colantha Sir Mona Colantha Johanna Lad No. 100 1 -',ýNO.. 32481 J. UILThe world's greatest producing and Grandsire of-Finderne Pride This bull has produced more Can- transinitting bull. This bull bas sired Johanna Rue who made in, adian champion daugh ters and sons a greater percentage'of 30 Ibs. daugbt- days 36.86 Ibs butter, and, ln 8 monthi than any other sire. Amnong theun are: ers than any other century bull that aftýer calving 36 02 lbs.; alsQ she- ma&~ 1Ëakeview Dutchland Artis, Canadian (ever lived, and alsn bas as rrnany i 1 year 28403 lbs, milk and 1470 lbs. Ex-Champion Mature Cow. daughters over 600 lbs of milk in seven butter-a World's Record, Mille, 7 days ............ ...... 654.9 days as bis 2 nearest competitors.com- Ris daughters, grand-daughters and Butter .... ............. .... ... 43.05 bined. great - grand - daughters hold more Who ia also Canadian Ex-champion 'Sire of 128 A. R. O. daughters, 80 world's records than any other bull lu 3 year old. producingsons, 35 producîngdaughtersj the worl d. Milk ..............567.7 25 above 30 lhs- butter and 30 above 600 Sire of: Butter ................... ... 34.66 lbs milk in 7 days. Johanna de Panline 4U3i..... _..25.46 Lakeview Dutchland Queen.34.65 The sire of more cows producîng over Segis Inka Bonheur.. ......... 23.45 (Canadian worlds champion 48 cow.) 100 lbs, nîilk daily than any:other bull Johanna Bonheur..............3.05 Lakeview Dutchland Calamity in the world. Ris daughters and Johanna Rosa. .... ............ 2285 Rose 31.71 grand-daughters are making world'a Canadian world's record 2 year nid records faster than those of any other Colantha 4th's Johanna witb firat caif. aire living today. Some of bis world No. 48577 Lakeview Mona Rattler, 2 years 22.35 record daughters are: The only cuw in the worid that ever Lakeview DeKol Duches,, 2nd - Dutchland Colantha Vale, 2 years nid: held ail records froin 1 day to une year 2 years 21.05I Milk ...................... 22,750.0 at the samne time. Lakeview Duchland Duches, Butter ....... ......... ...... 8585 Butter, 7 days ................2 2 yeara, 18.53I Dutchland Colantha Mona, 3 years old: -Milk, 1 year ............... .27,432, Lakeview Mona Rattier Girl, Milk-e.......................2,654,6 Butter, 1 year.......... _.....1,247.8 4eas2.7IButter..................... ... 762.5 Sarcastic Lad No. 23971 Sire of 34 A R. O. daughters and 30 A. R. O. sons. Grand Champion bull Brothel, to, Dutchland Colantha Vale, at 2 yeara: Milk ............ ......... 22750,001 Butter ... ..... z................58f.5 World's record. Who also at 6_3'ears made- Miik ....................... .27654 Butter ........................ 1080,8 Dutchland Colautha Mona Milk at 3yeýars ................. 22654 But ter at-3 years .............. 7625 World Record Dutcbland Colautha Denver Miik ......................7025 Butter .........._...........6..12 Lakeview Queen 2nd No, 24299.1 Butter iu 7 days at 4 ayears ..30.151 Miik lu 7 da.ys at 4 years......... 562.21 Sister Lo: Lakeview Dutchlaud Queen. Butter in 7 daysý, mature........ .34 65 Milk lu 7days, mature ..... :..... 705.8 Lakeview Queen 3rd, butter, 3 yrs 25 34 Lakeview Queen 4tb, butter, 2 yrs 17.25 ~Lakeview Queeu 5th, butter, 2 yrs 14,72 MonaaulnePauo .. ...1 . ... ru Milk ......... .............. ......1Madge DeKol Queen.....- .....27,14 Butter ....................... 27.18 iDiyPeeteHnevl .49 Dta d olath MnaIdaline Pauline Hengerveld... 24.80 DutciaudColatha onaworid's 1 LEx-champion senior 3 year old cow: Mona Arah, Milk............ .. ...... .. 22,654.6 N 41 Buter.....-......... 5 Butter, 7 days,.... ............17.44 Mona Veeman ............... «33.78 Daof Baroness'Mona Pauline......,... 726Mona Pauline DeKoI ........... 27.1S Mona Arah Veemnan............ 2407 Nancy DeKol Pauline ...........1.54 CountlHengerved Fayne DeKol Pietertje Hengerved Count DeKol No. 7877 Sire of over 100 A. R. O. daughters r anud 69 proven sons. Aiso aire of 13 Sire of 36 A R. O daughters. On e daughters giving uver 100 lbs of milk of the greateat producing sires ever lu une day. imporLcd into Canada. 11e is a brotb- Blancb Ly'ons DeKol ...........3. 31 er to the grand-dain of the ffirat cow lu Blanch DeKol Hengerveld.-3.19 the world Lu make 50 ll4s. oi butter lu Frenesta Hleugerveid DeKo ..3219 7 days'06 Beauty Rauward DeKol....... 3 Segia Fayne Jobanna. ...0..68 Ida Lyuns 2nd....... 292 Sonie of bis daughters are: DeKol Creamelle .'............ 28ý13 DeKol 2nd'8 Paul DeKol D. nakeview Lestrange: Milk.............. * -«-..... 741.0 Butter .........***............. 3805 Lakeview Canary C.. butter.. .3146J Lakeview Queen 2udi, 4 yrs old....30.15 Lakeview H-engerveld Wayne.... .27.421 Lakeview Winner 3rd........... 26.57 Lakeview Queen 3rd, 3 yrs old .... .25.34 ILakeview Rattler 3rd, 3 yra old. . 24.66 ILakeview Daiay 4th, 3 yrs old .... .21.80 jLakeview DeKol Duchess 3rd 3yrs 24,53 jBrother Lu: Girace F., 2nd Homestead ........ 35.58 SWorld's firat 35 iba cuw. Also Lu fdam of Vikinna Johanna.......... 39. Grace Fayne 2nd No. ?41M4 Butter ............~ 6 Mîlk ......... ............ ......67.00 Dam of: Grace Fayne 2nd's Homestead. ..35 5 ~Butter lu 30 days.... i......... ý137.31 Grand-dam of: S. F. Johanna..... .......... 50.68 .The wurld's Ex-champion cow, ail breeds. Brightest Canary No. 5786 Ir (e ëuf- Milk...............564.0 Butter.................... 28.20 Lakeview Queen Clothild M. C., yeara:........ ... No. 13069 Milk.......................... 6214 Buterin NO,1369Butter... ................... 2-1 Buter n 7days..............2.20l Milk iu 7 days................... 564 Queen Inka DeKol t-!Dam of 5 R. 0. M. daughters. No. 8987 Lakeview Dutcbland Queen ..34.65 In 7 days: Lakeview Queen 2nd at 4 yrs.30.15 Milk .................. ......20 Lakeview Queen 3rd at 3 ys .25.34 Butter,................ ........ 27.5'~ Lakeview Queen 4th ýat 2 ys .17.25 Milk, 1 year.............. -..24,277.q',> Lakeview Queen Sth at 2 yrs.14.72 Buter........................ 17?(«4 For four years Canadian capo 8 monthsafater calf. Lot 33, Con, 2, Darlington Elgin S. Wilkins ( /f I i ThisSir1isf orSrvc e Fees $2,5.00 - ew= Presbyterian Book of Praise We have a large assortment of al different styles, of bindings an d priceý frorn 20o upwards. W. T.,,A.llen "Big 20" Bookstore Phone 328 Mona Pauline DeKol

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