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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Mar 1920, p. 5

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j he ,Shop That Leads j THlERE IS A REASON -QUALITY YOU GET THAT WHEN YOU BUY HERE BOWMAINVILLE, MAR- 11, 120 Local andOtewe Mr. Roger Bird, Toronto, spent the Week-end at home. Corne to Goodyear.FridaV nlght. a" a good lime and win a prie. Miss Helen Ross, Elievilie, has been visiting witla I', rs, C. F. Rice. Miss Carie I. Painý'ýon spent the week- end with relatives ilu '[oronto. Mr. J. C. Elhiotî, M. A., spent th-. week- end wàk h is failyluLondon. Miss Mîn nie Trt'oilcock spent the week- end wth relative-s in Peterboro. Musses Winnic 'Varcoe and Agnes May- nare spent Sunday in Toronto. AUTO FOR SALE-Chev'-olet touring car, 1917. M0e ngood condi.tion. Apply lin Frank WW.ter, Couries. PMoue 114r2. lit C 'LEPIP LOSf-Anyone 1-iÏ)o ringsame vill e prosecsËied. Bewac-d 7or returno ALAN M. WILLIAMS, Bow11Ml'Nlîe il-if. ~,%"îDDLE-AGËqD WOMNAN f&gcneral bouse- Alwork. Smcall family. G ed ages. Apply ai Mise Harudeu's Mîllxuery, Ring-et, Bowmanvila. 1"w FOR 8 'ýLE-Quiautiiv Mixed Hay. A 1 quality alec Zwo-roexed Bartioy and home-gowu sed corn on cul HôwAeiD Cou. ese, R. B.4, 'o.- manvile, phone 146r 11. 11-1w. S ERDGRAIN--For ski J A. C. 72 Seed <)ats, Ap ply 'N. C0ILAC01j'I. yrone. khone 146-14. G IRLS WA N iËý)To learo operating on or. glqveis ad 1itts. Apply at once. Boy- manville Èeve& Mitt Company, Bo wnan. vie. 7 - tf wAY FOR SALE-Mixedh9,y, Ai quality, Ap- Ily HS oward Couch, UR 4, Bowmanv1l]e, 1 Phone 1l iSil 1 P U1/IRY AND JUNK-A. Dilllek rpays higbeet cash price foi ail kinds of Poultry and Junk. PFPone 299 or ala a hie cesidence 77 Ontario Stipee. 5-tf G BUAIN FOR SALE-Two-rowed barley andJ home-grown seed corn on ca>b and Banner Oats. Howar.d Coucli, RR 4, iiowmanville. hoe146rl4. il 1 ARM FOR SALE-iîî acres, lob 21, Coni. 4, [Darlington, good buildings. 2 acres orchard, là acres timber, 2 wells, 30 acre s eeded, 50 ýaces fISpl9ughing poss"eeî1on ibis springý For mati ars apply to HENRY ISOCLEN, B.R 2, Fort Perry, Ont. 10-Sw SEXTON WANTED Caretaker wantecl for Bowmanville Meihodisi Church. State salary and expecieuice if any.j Duties to commence on April 1, 1920. APPIv to: P. C, Trebilcock, Secretary Trustee Board, Buw-'1 mans-elle. 7-if 1 j' 'I Ail of the aforementioned are necessary for a thorough eye exainination. Each patient who cornes to us is scientifically ex- amined in the above manner by our qualified Optometrist, Mfr. Pt. M. Mitchell. If you value your eyes, we strongly advise you to have your eyes examined regularly, ini this strenuons age, at Ieast once a year and preserve that most precious gift of nature- V) tur E y eýight RM. Mitchell &Co. SDruggss& Optometrists IN'igh-t orSudayPhne 280 Phone 92 Cali lid see Our White and Sanitary Optical Room Donald, Toronto's popular baritone, sang "Crcssing The Bar" and I'Deep River" accompanied by Prof., Laugber. Rev. Dr.*Oaten of the Dominion Alliance, gave a good addresq on the temperance situation iu the Province of Ontario snd in Dominion of Canada. He strong]y urged everyone possible to attend the convention ibis week in Massev 'Hall as the situation was a very serions one. Another selection by Mr. McDonald and the meeting closed with the National Anthem. Guîld met in the Lecture Room of St Paul's church on Monday evening, Presi- dent W. Ferguson, in ýthe chair. A good programn of music and readings from different authors in their varions moods was provided under the convenorship of Miss Donnelly of the fiterary department. Misses Yvonne Hazlewood, Gwendoiyn Williams, Mary McClel]an, Helen YeIlow- lees, Elizabeth Best and Miss Smith and Mrs. McNaught, Mrs. Best and Master Jack, Kent were the 'contributors. As if the audience were a fair landscape-most- ly fair with a few- rugged places, over which passed the clouds and the sunshine the grave and the gay, the smiles and the t lars, and the sweetly murmuring winds breaîbed their lullaby "Sing me ta sleep" and the instrumental music, too, like a joyous fountain with its ten thousand twinkling, liquid notes. God save the Guild, God save the KngLuidisave us a'. J havwe recently completed myý first year's business in Bowmanviille, and I arn more than pleased with the steadily growing cus- tom 1 have received during that time. A New. Idea The cash vad carry idea was a new one in the buitcher bu siness in this town but it bas met with -popul ar favor with ail classes of people. We , wil conltinu te to give the best meats at lowest, pric'es, G,. A, .Edmondstone (one door east of Levi Morris & Son's), PhoDe 21 Bowmanville Somne Scarce Goods' We are also showing New Prints, Ginghams, Galateau, Sh-irtings and Flannelettes in a linited quantity, -thege goods are very scarce and bard to procure. Ifyo will need any of these, bay early. S. W. ao & Son Across from Standard Bank Telephone 106mnvII DR. V. H. STORBY Graduate Toronto University Resident Phy8iclan and Surgeon Toronto General Hospital i915/16 Captain C. A. M. C. Office wilI open sbortly Royal Bank Building <Office formerly occupied by Dr. Bejlih) Bowmanville 10 1 t

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