NEURALGIA y >ou *k1 ow lthe nCla- Temp&eton 's Rh.umatie Capsules " Imr»ed. Thli5 ' p0U8rens r Isabo Bowmavd for rshrawa. t NCImICs 12 iiiToz. BOWMANVILLE, JUNE 24th,, 1920. WEEKILY PUBtISHERS HOLD SUCCESSFUL CONVENTION. Record Attendance-Splendîd Ad- dresses-Members WeII Enter- tained. June may boast of its many wed- dings, but equally popular and ai- miost as numerous are the confer- ences, annual meetings and conven- tions being held this month in various parts of the Dominion. Not the least important of these gatherings was the first annual meeting of the Canadian Weekly Newspapers As- sociation held in the King Edlward Hotel at Toronto, on June 3rd and 4th. Whien it is borne in mind that the party included several hundred pub- lishers from the Atiantie to the Pacifie it will be realized how repre- sentative of Canada it really was. The weekly newspapers serve over f ul grounds and- the magnificentq rooms of the house, assembling later on the Terrace to be, photographed. In the 'evening the newspaper men and their ladies were entertained to n theatr e party at Loew's and early on Saturday morning were seen wend-1 ing their way to Yonge Street wvharf1 at 6.30 (standard'time), where the. memabers. of the Fourth Estate and their ladies were guests of the Can- ada Steamships Lines, Limited. The large company enjoyed a pleasanit sali by the fine steamer "Cayuga" across Lake Ontario to Lewiston, th ence by trolley aiong the Gorge Route to Niagara Falls and on to Buffalo where they went by the Penn- sylvania Railway to East Auro*, N. Y. On our arrivai there we werel met by the 'ao(ycroft Band and march- ed to the "Roycroft Inn", the early breakfast in Toronto -and on the boat and the long journey fitting them admirably to enjoy the very excellent repast la readiness for them in the, large, quaintiy decorated and pieasantly situated dîning-rom of this historic place. The welcome GOVERNMENT STOCK COMPETITION. Big Prizes for Improved Offapring of Cows. Ontario Departm,-nt of Agrlcul- ture has set aside $(300.00 special prize money to demonistrate the value of Pure Bred Sires at the Canadian National Exhibition this year lan Tor- onto. Animais in this Competition wil be iudged from the standpoint of improvement of ofispring over dam. Cattle la these sections wili be shown la pairs.- Sections a nd prizes are: BEEF- Sec. 1.-Cow, with senior caîlf, steer or heifer, sired by regist-j ered, pure bred buli-$50, $40, $30,, $20, $10. Sec. 2,-Cow, with junior caîf, steer, or heifer, sired by registered pure bred bul-$50, $40, $30, $20, $10.. 1 DAIRY: Sec. 3.-Cow, with senior yearling, female, sired by regîstered pure bred bull-$50, $40, $30, $20, $1.0. Judging will be done by,the Pro- Sweet and- palatabie, Mother Graves' Wormn Extermiinator is ac- ceptable to chiîdren, and, it doesit work surely and promptly. The Cost of Wiring Your Ho 0me is but aniavestment. It wiil in- crease its value aad add to your own comfort and conivenience. Tfhere Are Stili a Few Women Who Persist In Baking Despite the hot weather. But let us reason this matter out. When you consider the TIME it takes (timhe that probably vou couid use to a better advantage> plus the HEAT, plus, the WORRY, and at no less COST, do you re&lly believe it pays you? But you say"My bread is go much better." Weii if that be so, bring aiong your combination 'and we wiiI make our broad YOUR WAY, That's faîr, isn't it? WB MUST ADMIT that up to the present ýwe cannot find aay combination to beat yours, but we believe la being openl minded and aiways on the lookout for somnething a bit better, so we wili aiways be glad to hear from arybody alonig this Âne, But we stili have faith ia our slogan- IF ITS CHRISTIE'S BREAD IT'S TUIE BEST. -r DLiV The Bes~ t: P-çîoc~paL r ' ien rcrease in ost of la9bor and! t good many v weste-rn homes andwe-li n roducionr, thie lnote- soun-ded omed la noi1( more than myoa.iu ~~h ii hr~em'iV~, w~ o ofThen~w At a r iet fro'n t!e an Purvevors L~ V< g~ -r ~ Z t: ~1 Clean to hlandI1, S, gists, Grocers and 'neral Stores. ail maresent.-o -Fr-iday -afteërnoon the ladies -ac-ý compaied,, by the gentlemen were honored with an invitation to a Gar- den Party at Government flouse, -by- private-street cars to Rose- dale and thence to the beautiful home of the Lieutenant Governor who with Lady Clarke and their daugliter, Miss Clarke, received their guests la the pink drawing-room., Afterwards the visitors passed through 'the grey room out to the eastera terrace and to the ioveiy gardons where the tea table la. the maarquee was beautifuliy *depckedI with liiac, pink'honleysuckrle, bridai wreath an&dyeilo>w-anc purplný jrý COL. F -rîalid en pi;. Silme a ssisted la heiping the gueststo feel at home while dainty refreshmlents were bountifuliy served. The guests wandered lat wi through the beauti-. - ;ttIitable -Compound -a ta-and found-good resuits, and I aso Springtonicarduse- trom which 1sliffer much. 1Ilhave rec- eral friends, and am wiliing you should Ifyou have warning symptoms such as a sense of suffocation, hot flashes,' headaches, backache, dread of impend- ing evil, timidîty, sounds la the ears, palpitation of the heart, sparks before the eyes, irregularities, consipation, -var-lab!e--appetite%, weafknessq, inqniet-- n e, and izziness,ge -aote of y -_ia E. P-*inkhamri's Vegetahtle Compound- and bgntaking the medicine at once. e knoýw it ai heip you as it did Mrs. Lindsay. W. J. Virtue's Blacksith-:Shop- This should prove to be a great convenmence to car o---wners in this vîcinity. We wilLcarry a full line of Ford and Ch evrolet Parts and ho prepared to repair ail makes e-f cars. Auto ac- cessorios of ail kinds wiii be kept, inciudiag oils ead gas., This garage ai be lan charge of our Mr. Hi. W. Boys. LUKE, BOYS & CRIDERj'iAN GALAGE S AT BOWMANVILLE AND ENNISKILLEN 'We Want'Yours t, If we fail to eall on you we would appreciate a phone cail or write us, Orono Creamery Coo.1 h ~ i m 7A