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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Jun 1920, p. 4

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1REPRESENTATfIVE WANTED- noULTRY AND .TUNI-A, Diflick pays highest E Canada Petroloum & Refining Co.,: as pic or eat ins ofesidey nde 77 nr Ltd., is off ering a limited amount' Street. 5-tf ~stock, strong diirectorate, good loca- tions, splendid pillspects, liberal comn- FOR SALE-Pair of White Brick mission. What about your terri tory! Veneer bouses on Liberty For particulars address R. McLellan!,! Pla ce. 'AIl improvements. Easy 81 Victoria-st., Toronto. termis. Ont I. X. L. TreasureCook stove almost na-w, also two mýortages on farmis near Bowman- Iville. Alpha Pinch, box 337, Bow- HELP WANTED. manville. 24-4w., "Six La-bourèrs, twenty ýnen lu HOUSE FOR, SALE $1650-Eigbt Production Departments, also twelvt room frame bouse witb electric young men fromr 16 to 18 years; six lights, ban and chieken bouse, about boys sfrom 14 to 16 years and tbreebaîf acre of good garden land la- Machînists. On account of lu- cluding cherry, peur and plum trees, creased production, we require this also raspberry, strawberry, currants, additional labour Immediately. Ap,ý etc. This property is cheap at tht ply ut tht information Wicktt, tht price being centrully located on a Office of tht Goodyear Tire & Rub- corner with good building site for ber Co., Plant 2, Bowmanvillt."'! another house. Apply M. G. Belîman, 25-tf., Centre-st., Bowmanville. 25-tf. PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW, In these days of inm sing prices and uncertain deliveries, it is weli to look a- head-place your orders now for Bath Room Outfits or McClary Sunshine Furnaces. If you contemplate s uch work, seeus at once and get an estimate on work required. ýWe make a specialty- of emergeuacy calîs. Greenaway & l1ott 1&dyConsulting Enjineers Phone W a or night Bowmanville - ber New Ford Cars Just Arrived. There is no trouble in selling Ford Cars these days, as it is an admitted fact thatL there is no better ail- round car on the market today thanthe Ford. Easy to run, upkeep very low, service Stations everywhere. Buy now. CLEARING USED CARS AT BIG SACRIFICIE We have already earned the reputation for giving eXceptional values in used cars. This week we are miaking a big effort to seil every u3ed car in our gar- age. They have ail been recentiy overhauled and will be sold from $250 to $700. litre they are: Ont 1918 Ford Touring "1917" 1916" '1915 ' "1914 < Two Ford Frncks Two 1919 ont-ton Ford Trucks, ont with stake body and solîd tires, the other with patumatic tires and express body, You must se these to realize tht big sac- rifice we are, makiag to clear these aI. once.1 I fat BOWMANVILLE, JUNE 24lth, 1920.1 O BS ERVATIO"ýN S and OP iIONS Eastern Canada Extends Hearty- Welcomý»-e to Visitfing Members of Unit',.ed Stàtes. Nlational Editorial Associat-ïion. tnk of Montreal Expanding [t is reported that the Banik Ô_f antreal at Oshawta bas purchased e property at tht South West ecorner Simce and Bond streets and will et a handsonme building on tht3 lot 1 ýt spring.' Tht saine bank 'haý'; so purchased thte lliott Block at imptoa, where the-y now have A anch. Extensive alterations will Smade to % his property in tht im- diate future we are iaformed by J. ,McClellan, manager of the Bowe- anvilie braach. Dwmanville Nat Represented. 1Tht marksiren 10 represent Can- la at tht Bisley matches sailed for gland last week, but whtre are tht Dwmanville riflemen? Who is com- galong to take the places of tht dguard-such as Major W. C. King? o was on tht team il years, ex- ayor J. B. Mitchell, John Morris and sson -F. H. Morris, also, Geo. J. Dwe? Although tht town is not treseated the County bas a member ithis year's ttam ia the person of' ,rgt. Wm. A. Hockin, formerly of s town.» ies Up the Ghost. Another weekly newspaper bas 'tfl Up tht ghost. This time it is e Florence Quill, published.at tht ,tty littie village of Florence in ?mbton county. Editor Jerome Scludes bis valedîctory as follows: sstated above tht Qull will pass ay. Tht funeral will be private, id will be coaducted by tht owner five -o'clock in tht morning. Flow- ,are not requested, and u,ýques- nhibly tears will not be shed, ex- pting for j-oy; maythe great Master ind of tht universe have mercy on decrepît rernains. iamber of Commerce Meeting. One of tht hardest organizations a town to keep alive is tht Cham- i rof Commerce. Citizens, par- îi iularly business men, appear to be 1 omuch absorbed ln their own af- ç irs to give any time or thought to 1 ebetterment of tht community at t rge. It is high time, we as a town E ,together, took stbckof tht -local r uation and formulated a progres- 1 Te program. to boost Bowmanville Dm its rut of indifference before it too laIe. Cooperation and a con- rted eff ort on tht part of every zen is aeeded. If you really have i einterest of tht town at heart and nt to do your part to improve it rBusiness Man, join the Chamber Commerce. Coma to its montbly ýetings la Council Room, Friday c lit Ibis week and take part ina im- -tant matters that will be dîscusj ,mier Drury at Orono. ivery municipality of Durham inty was well represented at tht lied Farmers' Picnic at Orono on tesday, June lStli. The big draw- card was Hon. E. C. Drury, itario's first Farmer Premier, who eated a most favorable iîlpression the large gathering in bis address which he reviewed tht work: of tht sion just closed, Among tht igs he, referred to included: tim- r inquiry, codifying Iaws of tht >vince, private temperance bill, in- tigation distribution of Hydro- ýctric requir1em ents, increased ats -for 'education in rural dis- ets, Workmen's Compensation Act,' Dthers' Pension Bill, minimum tes for women and cehîldren, and vil Servants,' Superannuation Bill. his closing remarks lie said tliey d endeavored to give a fearless, iest and just administration. Other akers- included Messrs. A. A. vers, W.R.Barnaby, S.S.Staples, M. P., and Mrs. Brodie. Mr. Isaac T.* spman prasided in a most cap- le manner. >foro-nto. june 2lst, 1420. With the annual convention con- cluded in Boston this year, some 130 members of the National Editorial Association commencedl at Yanojuth, N S., a tour of Eastern Canadai via the Canadian National-Grand Tunk Rail- They -have visited the Land of Evan- geline, HAlifax, the minles and steel works at tht Sydnleys, thte Brasd'Or Lakes iu Cape Bretoni, the industrial centres of New Glasgow anid Stellarton, trruro, Amrherst, Sackville, Prince Ed- ward Island (the mrillion acre farm), his- toie Quebec, and St. Annie de Beaupre, th-e big- power plants and industries at Grand Mere and Shawinigan, and are to-day in Montreal. This week they will conclude itheir 1920 tour by visiting Ottawa, the Gold and Silver Camps at Porcupine, the pulp and paper industries at Iroquois Falls, Troronto, Niagara Falls, Hamilton, wind- up the trip at Windsor. Altogether, some 3,690 muiles will have been travelled in what has been termed 'The Million Dollar Special," one of the fineat ail- steel car trains that has ever 'been assembled on this continent, consisting, of - six standard sleeping cars, two dîning cars, tourist and baggage car. The new steel sîcepers are of the very latest type and construction, with afi moderndevices that make for pleasure and comfort i trvel. Trhe dining cars are manned hy a specially-selectecT taff , and the excellence of the cuisine has been frequently commented upon by the American newspaper writers. Every possible arrangement for the safety and comfort of the editors while ta route is being carried out by an efficient staff of the Canadian National Railways which has been specially assigned to the varions duties.> As ont of the party'bas expressed it, "We are travelling ia a palace, through a country of marvelous scenic beauty, a land of, fertîlity blest with a wealth of resources which cannot help but im- Cane lost. Ste advt. Double frame house to rent. 'See advt. Important Change of Time Effective June 27th, 1920 For particulars enquire of the, nearest 0. N. Rys. Agent. CANADIAN, NATIONAL I -j SUMMER READING We have a good stock of cloth bound books by the best writers. Just Received This Week Also a good selectionlof re-prints by alI the good writers at 95c Each Dr. Vivien Marvin Laughlen, -wife' of Dr. George Laughlen of Toronto, has been appointed Pathologist of the Woman's College Hospital of that city. Dr. Marvin La,-ughlen is t-ht daugliter of Rev. Dr. Marvin, a f orm- er pastor of C;ourtice. Tht resuits of the examina±ions of Toronto University, shows that Har- old Couch, son of Rev. Isaac Couch, M. A., B. D., pastor of Quebec Methodist Churcbi obtained first cîs honors, lut'Biblogy ýnd Physie", and stood first in bis year, m Get The Bugs and Inseets. Wie have a large quantity of press 'usprotou >. dlVWe shal leave Canada with the jia!u,;iest recollections of hem progressïve ~îi and hospitable people.~ Tht party, whic'h represents sorne 34 States of the ,noitave been ofcal welcomed by th! ieueatGonr of Nova Seotia, Prince;L Edward Island, New Brunswick and Quebec, and have been the gliests ofeach of the cities visited; while numerous special social functions have been arranged for their entertaînment. While 'in Toronto, his Honor the Lieutenant-Governor will hold a reception at Govemament House. Whea, at the suggestion of Mr. D. B. Hanna, the President of the, Canadian National Railways, Mr. C. A. Hayes, vice-president, went to tht Maritime Provinces last winter to arrange a pro- gramme of entertaiament for thet Amen- can Editorial Association during their proposed visit, he said: "I regard tht visit of these editors- as of very conlsider- able importance to tht country-im- portant commtrciaily and also politi- cally--aad 1 should likt to feel that tverythiag were donc that could be doue to give them a favorable impres- sion of tht country and of us. ftLast year the, same pafty of people toured the Canadian Northwest, and tht articles they afterwards contributed to their papers proved a great commercial ad- vantage to tht section of tht country which they covered, and ptrhaps what is still more important, they expmessed impressions of tht Canadian character which were all to our advantage."' That Mr. Hayes was sincerely convinced of what lie said is demionstrated by tht fact that he, in company with Mr. H. H. Melanson, Passenger Traffic Manager. made tht "preparations"~ tour of tht provinces himself. Altogether. tht tour lias been of exceptional educational value, and 3hould be ont more step in fosttring the spirit of amlty, between tht two adjoimfng countries where pence has reigued for the last hundred years. * OMETHING EXTRA NICE INMMEATS Yrou wiIl want somethingextra choice in the wayof meat for the., holiday. We have anticipated your wishes and will have the very choicest meats ofail kinds at low- est prices. We Deliver the Goods Wilbert J. Dudley llorsey Block Phone 225 House .272 Bowmanville Rea'îl Estateu for Sale. SEVERAL GOOD RESIDENCES No. 1, Solid brick in splendid location, 1/4 acre lot with good garage. Blue Stone Arseniate of Lead Berger's Paris Green Best grades and at lowest prices.. W. H. Dustani, Hardware. Plumbing. Tinsmiithing. Phone 74. Bowmanville. CONSERVATIVE MEETING. Ladies and Gentlemen: The an- nual meeting of West Durham Liber- al Coaservative Association will be held la Council Room, Bowmanvillt, on Saturday, June 26, 1920, at 2.30 p.m., when every eleotor is invited o attend-Ladies especially. Tht election of officers and general busi- ness. Tht meeting will be addressed >y -Mr. W. G.- Clysdale of Toronto. Yours truly, Milton J. Elliott, James Nokes, Presideut Sec.-Treas. Bowmunville, June 15, 1920. 25-2. Bowmanville stores will be open al day Wednesday, June 30, on ac- count of holiday Thursday.

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