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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Jun 1920, p. 6

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HAMPTON FLOUR S{ILLS --------- When >çu lWtus suppfyooeur img ne!edu you get a great deal more than Just » many feet of lunber-bnffl«. of smls ý,Ip043lds of ne&f-or pedsof< BeaferBoar& You get the bee(t of om buildig material knowledge end experience i Service1 thlat hepsy=n get the resuits you want at the 4. ~rÎlht kP-riCe. Service first ini Planning the work-more servîce i selecting proper mate* rkls--speady servie in deliverng. the goode. You pay for the materala, Zýe evc Djmfor itsqelffn the larger volvme of business thnough aPer-satisfied customere McCIeIIa & CompaayYLumted Kiag btreet East Bomanvl Offie Pone 5 -liesdene 22 an 27 The , =n Boe digestion, but the most- important work -is doue by the bowels, liver and kidneys. Failure of these to act efficiently allows the whole body to be poisoned. BEECHAM'S PJLLS do more than produce-bowel movement. Liver, skin and kidneys are influenced to more active effort with resulting increased effeet. It is alWays safe to take B;eechaM'S puils Sold eVerywhere in Cndl oe,2eSc M M fl There's No -Qul'estîon About It# mat AldreadN si, whio was takeu to Bowmanville -Hospital and operated on for appendicitis, is re-, ported teo be making satisfactory re- .Mr. Harold Rîckaby is now at the Bonsaill Minerai Mines, thirty miles north of Gowganda, ini the interest of the Government. Harold was suc- cessful iu passing bis second year exams. in Chemistry and Minerai ogy at Toronto University. Reduced by Asthma. The con- stant strain of -asthma brings the patient to a dreadful state of hope- less exhaustion. Early use ýhouId by ail means be made of the fumous Dr. J. D. Keilogg's Asïh ma Remedy, whiceh- more than any, other acts quickly and surely on the air pas- sages -and brings blessed help and comfort. No home where asthma is present iu the least deg'ree should be without this great remedy. TENDERS FOR DREDGING. SEALED TENDERS addressed to the undersigned and endorsed "Ten- der for dredging, Port Hope, Ont."' etc., as the case may be, will be re- ceived until 12 o'clock noon, Tues..l day, June 29, 1920, for the dredgiug required at Port Hope, Ont., Cobourg, Ont., Whîtby, Ont., Bowmanviile, Ont., Oakville, Ont., and Kingston, Ont. Tenders wil uot be considered'un- less made on the forms supplied by Department and according to con- ditions set forth therein. Combined specificatiou and form of tender can be obtained on application te the Secretary, Department of Pub- lic Works, Ottawa, or* from District Engineer, ut Toronto, Ont. Tenders must include the towing of the plant to and from the werk. 1The dredge and other plant which are intended te be used-ou the work shail have been duly registered ln Canada at the time of the filing of the tender with the Department, or shall have been bultitnl Canada after the filing of the tender. Contractors must be ready to be-. gin work within thirty days after the date they have been notified of the acceptance of their tender. Each tender must be accompanied by an accepted cheque on a charter- ed bauk, payable te the order of the Minister of Public Works, for 5 p. -c. of the contract price, but ne cheque te be f or iess than fifteen hundred dollars. War Loan Bonds of the Dominion will aise be accepted as security, or war bonds and cheques if required te make Up and odd ameunt. By order, R. C. DESROCHERS, Secretary. Departmeut of, Publiec Wol'ks, Ott;awýa, June 17, 1920. 26-1. BOWM~ANVILLE, JUNE 24-h, 1920. OBITUARY. W. Webster Mathews, Oshawa. On Monday, June 14, there passed te bis reward William Webster Mathewsl' eldest chîld of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Matbews, 141 Simcoest.,' South, Oshawa, after haviug been confined te bis home fer three months Webster was oeeof the cheeriest seuls lu Oshawa, and a great favorite~ of ail who knew hlm. He died lu bisi seventeenith year.. Besides bis _par- ents there survive two sisters, Jean and Helen, and twe brethers, John and George., Webster was boraf in Bowmanville but had -Ived ln Osh- awa fer eleven years, ever since bis parents meved here. He had atn- ed the Simcee-st., public school.,The funeral was held Wednesday after- neon te Bownianville Cemetery, Rev. Gee, Yule, efficiating. The four palîbearers, ail pupils of the Simcoe- st., public scheol were Harold Mer- phy, Maurice Hutchisen Bert Wood and Bert Bellis. WebstÏr is a grand- sou of MVr. and Mrs. Archie Mathews, and great grandson of the late Geo. Webster, Bewmanville. ORONO (Erom Orono News) Mr, A. A, Somerville, is ln poor- Mr. A. Odeli, Cobourg, recently ývisited friends here. Mr. H. J. Bullockand Miss Muriel, Lakefield, visited bis parents. Miss Ettie Cooper of Ryrie staff, Toronto, is home for holidays. Each oay more beautarul, As time declares their good, Forgets the rest, and proves Their immortality. -Hugh Robert Orr. WlhenTheLay I3 OVer When the /1', ~household -, as and the worries of /1 everyday lite V you dowa, made you un- happy, and ing îlu lifehbut headache, backncheh and worry, turu te the right prescription, ore gottea up by Dr. Pierce fifty yeasao. ~Eývything growng out of the greund seems intended for ouse ln establish.. ing natural conditions. Dr. Pierce, ot Buif aie, N. Y., long since found eut what is niaturaily be.st for wornen's diseases. He learneci it al through treating thon- sands of cases. The result of his studies was a mdi i!ec Il Doctor Pierce's Favorite Frescryti ý -Tils medicino is made of Né_,etablo growths that nature suerely intended for baekache, headache, weakerling pairs, irregularl- tics, injammations, and for thec many disorders comm -,inte woinen in ail ages ot life. Dr. Pierce's Fa 7,ývorite P'rescription fr, made of lady's sip a -er root, black cohosb root, unicoru rooýt, blio cohosh root and Orýegon grape root. Dr. Pierce knew, when ho first made this standard medi.. ciao, thut whîskey and morphine are ln- jurious, and se ho bas always kept them out of bis remedies. Women who talcs this standard remedy know that la Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription they are gtting a sufe woman's torde se good thMa druggistseverywee ciiit> iquid u "ablet fonam. Gojod Opportunity For Farmers. I nOW have myi.hay-presser in the vicini ty of Bowman- ville and arn ready to buy hay at the highest cash price. And WiIl supply press With- out any charge. Communicate with me at Joe. Rosenvald (Formerly of Bovinanville 18 Baldwin St.j Toronto. Phono OI ollege 2395 or Bowrmanville 289 HORSE, ROUTES ROYAL RIBBQUM (13932) (16972)- The Imported Clyýdesdale Stallion, the property of The ClydesdaleHorse Breeders' Association of Darlington. Will make' the season of 1920 as follows - Monday,-May 24 will leave bis own stable Enfield, and proceed te James Crossmau's, Haydon, night. Tuesday,-to Hlarvey Curtis', Ty- roue, noon; thence to John Colwmill's, south of Hampton, night, Wednesday,-to Frank Hocka- day's, Solîna, noon; thence to, Bert Glaspell's, Taunton, ight. Thursday,-to Gordon Scott's, lot 6, con. 6, East Whitby, noon, thence to bis owu stable night. friday,-to Aleïc McKenzie's, East Whitby, noon; thence to his own stable until the followiug Monday. Ternis $ 15.00. W. J. ORMISTON, Manager. AST HUMA Ifl nhzVe Aethma do=lt Tnagine that you Mus ai- Vas suifer untoid l.GF oeif quick, szeand st la guaraniedl wM h Wrst cases bliv n RAZ- MAH CAPSULES W. are go cartain of 1-10 _Meltsvo iii end youa You Will Corne to Prest-O-Lite a-thiebatLery &t feýi e oe at Ifs, dves ld. weg tart&ni andbtsho. battery btir irepresê.O4Jte &oaeBtva ddsp eeiymn fpleame edrivbeg gAd Ibure& puzicwua&y and dePed e "ýce whe usg your car for busineWé stregili and eperkyt engkt yo ÉÀMe *I"o o tardDg and ' g exigineeg m»Ute ile, p. 5e bttery you do' have te *dnk aboutwh by Pmt-04yftot9ceicm Dttve ip aDy tgemeaudwekcomai. O ur pires rapüoma a U01 m a ie. .1 bm u è leal w hs ,KJRKENDÂLL & DAVEYG64R4{iE .Au th rizevu Pre.t-0- Li tuivhtr~a~d~r '~~L lihon e ý's. 4 ;an id (01 to, i n r rI The high white-tipped Rlame of the Long Blue Chimney Fer- l'he Lng Blue fection burner is the speediest Chimntzey with the Rame knowu. No ire to buil'd, solid bross barner' no slow generating flamne to wait il gives the stead y, for. It burns coal-oil and turns intense, while-tipped ail of the fuel into useful heat. .iam. High, low ormedium-the Riame burne clecqn, no smoke, no dis- à agreeable odors. The New Perfection 011 Cook Stove is helping thousands of Canzade There is n'o high exebange rate&' fipred in the price of New Peeectloa Oil Cook Stoves. They are' macle in Canada. Four gizo--one, two, three and feur burners. Your dealer, can su pply tiese ize you need. Asic for denienstration et the Long Blue Chimney burner, or wte W~f New Perfection bookiet. 7IkE PERFEetION STOVr COMPANY HOME OFFICE AND FACTOP.Y SARNIA -" *~ONTARIO v That we are doing everything possi- ble to loWer the cost of living to our niany customers. Our low cost of doing business7and being satisfied With reasonable profits are the reason's we are doing, it. Buy your groQeries from the Old Reliable Grocer and get best values. ARCHIE TA'-w\IT Bowmaanville. Prompt Delivery. PUONE 165. i a , - j 1

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