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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Jun 1920, p. 8

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T~PR T(HRV JOWMNVLL, JUNE 24th. 19M0.MAPLE aROVE. GïIVINC. UP I ra.C VETERINARY SURGE014 BOW'IVANVILLE Day or Niglit Calis Promptly Attended To Ofie-King-St. W., Statesman Block Phone 243> J::THEUCLO I Fonr flnnes.Re-.,Dtions.nQ irets. ENFIELD. Visitors:- Mr. and Mrs. Albert Nid- dery and Calvin, Tweed, at Mr. J. Listowel, at Mr. John Campbll's; Mrs. Simpson, Renfrew, at her son's, Mr. Charles Simpson .... Mr. Geo. Ormiston has returned from-Toronto Visitors: Miss May Werry, Ty- rone, with Miss Edna S'tealow; Miss Katie Sawyer, Town, with lier sister Fanny, at Mr, J. D. Stevens'; Misses Oox and Laila Wilkins, at Mr. Tru-, man Powers'; Mrs. G., L. Stevens,1 son Farroni and grand-daughter Mar- j garet, Peterboro, at Mr. -R. R. Sta- vern-'&. iqTýv T rnaii The undersigned lias received in- structions from NATHAN HAYES to selEb Public tïon on tTh premises Lot 15, Con. 6. Darlington, on 5'PIflAV -IIJ T 9ý l9A SOLINA. Mr. C. D. Pascoe, Mr. Arthur Moore, Miss Margaret Pascoe and Miss Viola Truil recently motored to LittkeBritair a&iieLred.. Mrs. Harry tCrooms and daugliter Doris, have ret-urned home to Tor-, onto after a lengthy and pleasant visit among Jarlington friends. -._ Mr,-A. L. Patcoe renresentedm*Iamn)- -I-eadqua rters * ompanies - Service Rates are of the best when you insure with NINA E. NEADS Phone 162 Office Wellîngton-st Bowmanville G. C. BONNYCASTLE Honor Graduate in Dentistry Toronto University. Graduate of the Royal Colege of Dental Surgeons of Ontario Office King-st - Bowmanville IOCffice Phone 40. House Phone 22 ~UqEAL DIRECTORS L. Morris & Son Most Complets Equipmant Bunday and nlght cal. p rompt ly attended to. Btwmanville Phones' 10 34 eanbe ORONO HAMPTON_ DR. J. C. DEVITT DENTIST Graduate of Royal Dental College, ToronXto, Office: King-St. East, Bowmiauvilie Office H ourm9O-%.ni. to 6 p.m. daily except Sunday Phone 90a Hanuse Phione 90b1 Auctionéer Having secured a license as auction- -er1 ara prepared to take a limited z.4mber of sales. For terms and dates apply to THEO. M. SLEMON ENNIS KILLEN JWilkins motored to Toronto 1on Wed-. Oay Scthoolor Uhurcli next Sunday, it, vuieens-viassey njarris ninu- Z-10 1-41-4'851 and purposes gvn nesay ast. . issDooth'Boce beng amtonannvesar, asoa er, Massey Harris Mower, Sylvester horsemen îh the Counties of Dur- Scliool of Faculty, is home on vaca- Patriotic meeting at Ebenezer in the Reed Drill, 4 section llarrows, Land ham and On tario the opportunity of afteroon. o.lM. and Mrs.shutt Gang Plow, Wilkin- breeding 1- the best stallion ever tion. atron- M.ad Ms onsnWligPoHyRk;ci-bogtit ,i Account of Ebenezer Anniversary Cbown, Mrs. Payne, Cartwrighit,1Mr. o akgPo,1a ae, o-bogtit ti istrict, appears on1 page 3.ad Ms onBres Dresden* bination Grain and Stock Rack, Bai ug'akr sa xrml vistin Mr. M Mnda, s., ndWagon, Set of Sleigis, Chatham Fan- handsome èark, brown horse standing ~~SLET N.Mrs. R. R. Stevens .... Mr. Dudley ning Miil, Root Pulper, Wlieelbarrow 15 3-4 handls higli, of beautiful con- NESTLTON.and Rev. J. W. Rae, Orono, at Mr. Wilkinson Scuffier, 1 set of double formation anfi style, and notwitb- Mr. ete Wriht et wth ser Trman owes'.brass Mounted Harness, 2 setof standing a_ very brilliant career on Mr. ete Wrgbtmetwit a er-Truan owes'!single Driving Harness, 2 Buggies, 1 the turf, le is to-day, sound and as ious accident Friday morning falling ýGray Top Buggy, new, Gray Cutter, fresh as a minted dollar.., It is a several feet and fracturing some ribs TYRONE. Masscy Harris Cultivator, nearly new, very rare ttiing to find, beauty, breed- '-while workink on Mr. Reader's barn, Mase arsSprtr nwsto - n ,ee orcl lne o Scugog Island. We hope' for a Visitors :Mrs. Barrabaîl, son and asseey Hairris Separtrs,wset of ig ndsjee olichy bendarerta speedy recovery.. Mrs. John Ed- grandcbild, Orono, Mrs. Harry Smi tee iefnc tcersto gether.Ntol sJdePre wards, Saskatoon, Sask., is home on and Mr. R. Sudds, Bowmanville, a ! ara Scales, 25 Grain Bags, f Grind- trotter wîiL' speed to burn, but lie a to onhs vsit... r.Ro Mrs. Thos. Smitl's; Mr. Frank Mc- stone, quantity of mixed Grain, comes froïn familles of trotters, who WrîgtW i ndsr isat ho.. .. Mr.o Laughuin and family, Oshawa, Rev. quantity of hay, 1 crosscut Saw, 1 have produLced some of the greatest and Mrs. Russell Griffith and family, J. E. Beckell and.,family, Bethany; , re Cun ah hr,3Cra rtes tJiat have history for the Dundee, Ill., have been visiting Mrs. J. McCullough, Marion and Bns, Horse Collars, 1 string Of American Trotter. Judge Parker's *fred ....Ms.Pro ad Adelaide, Toronto, at Mr. M. J. Beus, Shovels, Forks, Hoes, Chains Sire Jay T-ýleIGregor, liad n record of daugliter Hilda, Detroit, Midi., are Werry's; Miss Myrtie Moore home oand nume-f rou sns.he rtcesa s long7 1-4, tWhle i d asPaonellaf visiting at Mr. Robt. Jackson's. fromn Oshiawa..Tyrone boys were *som os rihns isln enrcgie soeo surely at their best on Wednesday. Sale at 1 o'clock sharp. the best, if flot the very best matrons, * Anniversary services in connection îast when tbey secured three goals T l f h in the United States or Canada, being with Nestieton Methodist Sunday over Solina boys...Or yug Trs os unsi n the dami of 6 trotters in the 2.20 School will be held as follows: Sun- yepl.... u raaonFryon sums of,$15,00 and under, cash, over îists, incltidling-Kentucky Tod (3) day, June 2 7, services will be con- niglit at Pontypo ol and report a good ta mut5mnh'céi na-2(83-; Nli a 3 .4 ducted at il a.m. and 7 p.m., by a time .... Two of our Junior Pastors proved notes, 3 per cent per annum Country Jay 2,10 1-2; Judge Park- founday music.'E.E.Hoar. w ordained in the recent Toronto off for cash.1- er 2.10 1-4; Malese C. 2.17 1-4; Blackstock choir will furnish msc Conférence in the persons of Rev. L. A. W. Tole, Auctioneer. Lady Rip,,Jles 2.19 1-2. What rend- Offrin inai ofScholW. L. Cullis and Rev. Frank Newell, I________ ers this A#cord more remarkable is, funds. Monday, June 28, a straw- B.A. Best of wishes go with them these trotters were aîl sired by dif- berry festival will be lield on churcli .... A numbei from here attended U. F. O.,NOTICE. f erent sireýs excepting two. lawn, tea served from 5 to 8 p.m., Conference on Sunday and met ai Judge Parker's breeding, individ- after which an excellent program will number of former pastors ... . Rev.1 The next regular meeting_ of uality and! speed, recommends hlm to be rendered consisting of" a play en-, W. T. Wickett bas rettirned fromn at- Providence Earmers' Club, will be be a most désirable acquisition to the titled "Aunt Susan's Visit", given by tedn Conference. . Sunday School, held in Shaw's Scliool House on breedin-g ranks of Ontario. It is to the young people of Janetville. Miss eingi will be a Red Letter Day. 1 2uesday eeig June29 at_ 8 p.m. bc e, that Mr. Graham's prhs Aileen Law, elocutionist, Lindsay,i Booths, parcel posts and tags with 1vnn, 2,hpdprhs will entertain between acts. Admis- 1___________will Lbe bath profitable to himself as concrt 6c; ta o races, and basebail ganmes will prlo- j well as a boaon ta intelligent brec'ders sion: tea andcocr60;tar con-, vide ample cntertainmcnt and re-, TENDERS FOR CEMENT RDGSwho désire to breed flot only the best' cet3cqire considérable money. . No ser-1 btth et vice next Sunday. Ail ronds will j "Sealed Tenders" will be receîved btte~r et ZION. ~lend to Haydon to hear Rev. H. S., b the undersigned up to 2.30 o'clock Judge Par-,ker wîll make the seas- ZIN.jCobb .... Miss Evelyn Brent was with p.m., on Saturday, June 26, 1920, on of 19,20 as follows: Monday nooni About 40 young people met at the lfriends at Kedron Sunday and was'for' the erection of four or' more will leave bis own stable at llaydon; home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gif-i delighted ta see and heait Revr. J. E, Cement Bririges in th e Township of riglit at Fred Nîchols' Courtice;- ford (nec Clara Beekel), on Wednes-!Beckei, a former pastor, at the even- Darlingtu 'r i, )rof120. Bowmanville; night nt, Hotel, New- day, June 16. At 9 p.m., Mr. Frdýn service. The lowest or aï.y tender not cnstle; Wednesday noon at Wm. E. ameoncaled hecomanyta W. M. S. will hold 'their annual necesaryncetd Hooey's, 6th line, Clarke; niglit to lis order and called on Miss Florence Strawberry Festival on Monday, June;ý Furtber particulars as to locationow sabe Frdy onatJ. Cameron ta rend an address and Miss 28, on the church lawn. Strnwvber- of Bridges and other -information re- Arhr9 s.cn Crwih;ngi Hilda- Langmaid presented Mr. and ries, crenm and other good thingsqurdmybhdfomtene- at homie till Mondny unless called Mrs. Gifford with a four piece set of served from 6 ta 8 p.m. Good mur,'-, signed on application.nwytmetcsoes cut glass. Mr. Gifford made n suit- cal programn.'Admission 35c and W. R. Allin, Terniij-$10 at time of service, able reply.1 Speeches were made by: 20c. Township Clerk. and$lSt-,on Mardhislt, if mare proves Miss C. Cruse, Messrs. A. T. Stainton, Dont for-get men, wýhen at cornes ta vear Hampton, June 15, 1920. 26-1. ta be iný foal. Wmn. Sulley and Tracy Glaspeil, nfter 1 round valu-s in read,,- to-wear c1'.,thing which a social evening was enjoyed on eexce1f. Couch, Johnston &Crydermanl. the lawn. Refreshments were served1 Ltd. and everyone joined in wisbing the -1 ibride and errom evt-rv n 1 a -IMPTÇN t t reg. 15c, 2 for 25e Star Ammonia, regg,15e. Liptoni's Coeoa, reg-, 18e Salmon, reg. 25c 5 cans for $1,00 White Knighit Laundry Soap, 3 for..25c Pure Castile Soap, reg. 10e cake, 5c We have Strawberries picked fresh every day. Fruit Jars sold at Iowest prices. Daily Delivery to the Lake N o extra charge for delivery. A.~~I . Sic&Sn Groceries and Meats Bowrnanville I Goo PisI wRightIl I ~, ~ n EspeQceially 80 when you buy your clothing. WEBSTER R. Cole, soloist H. Maybee Coopi towmdnville, called ai ,elociiionist,I churchL onte d n from, Over -Royal Bank, 13o 'Lest -We -F0ojzt!' nanville J 2 for 15eâ 2 for 25c 1~ Y L) P.M. Te 7n £rom 4 1 --li

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