£ M A JAMES& SONS, Publishers. $1.50 a year inadvane, 3OWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, CANADA-ý,ý, TH.URSDAY, JLTLY 8, 1920. VOLUMELV. o2 THE STORE 0F QUALITY EýýW DRESSES FOR SUMMER WEAR We now have on display a very beautiful assortmnent of dresses in Silks, Voiles and Gingham"s. Ladies, ontfail to see this wonderful displayý before buying.' For those wishing Voiles or Gingharns by the yard, we have an elegant stock in ail the newest designs and coloi%. Silk Glove's In White, Black and fash- ïou;able Qlors. Our gloves are sure to please yon. Hosiery For'men, wornen and child- ren in cotton, lisie thread and silk. HON. N. W. ROWELL CONFERS BowmHnvlle-on-he-Lak Hon. N. W. Rowell, Presîident of the Privy Couacil aadO M. P, for Dur- F ham Couaty, was lii owaai oen Many Frmer Summer Residents are Back. Tuesday.afternoon la coaferenice with_________ the Uaioaist Committee for West Durham. The meeting was calied at the request of Mr. Rowell ia order Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Vanstone are Mrs. C. Rehder speat Suaday ai that hie might leara the atti.tude of enjoying if e at "Miller's Rest." bier' son's cottage. bis constîtuents toward bis resigniag Rev. and Mrs.A. Fleming, Toronto,î éMr. Cutteli is expected down froni fromý bis officiai position and t o dis- are agana occupying their cottage this Toronto next week. cuss the political situation,. The mieet- season. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Darcli and Mr. ingwasmos bamonoustbrugbut. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Grant and, A. L, Darcli are' at ýtheir cottage. Those pre'sent iachided Messrs. J. J son Charles are dowa fromn Toroato Mr. and Mrs. Archie Tait are oc- iMason, J. H. Cryderman, J. H.- ýýf.or tesuJ. K. lrihbshda e1cupying rooms over their store here. Jury, Wm. Cana, Geo. W. James, DrF.H.lit, ootmd C. Pethick, Major C. H. A ero of .Glbat à a a ir D.J 1, lit.Tootmd Bowmanville, and Senator Rý. A. Mjýul _guests Miss Cootes, T'oronto, and Mrs, frieadly caîl on Dr. John Hoskin on hollaad and Mr. W. J. B. Davidson of Mitchell, Port Hope. Suaday nfternooa, Port Hope. Mr. and Mrs. AIf. N. Mitchell and Schooner "Isabel H." has brouglit daugliters, Toronto, are visiting Dr. two cargoes of coal for McClellaa & STRUCK BY LIGHTNING. and Mrs. W. E. Tilley. Co. this season. _____Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mason have Dr. J. H. Elliott and Mr. Preston Mr. Hardy's Farm Buildings Burnxec. reated the Glover cottage and eipect'Tait, Tqronto, were registered at theé _____to occupy it next week. "Little Orchard". last Sunday. The electric stormn which passed Mrs. Irving occuqied the Morden Mr. Frank Vanstone, of Toronto, over this viiaîty on Saturday-,,7a fter- cottage f or a time but returned tospends the week-ends with bis parents noon, July 3rd., conipletely dcestroy- Rochester owiag to a bereavement in Mr. and Mis. Lucius Vanstonie. ed all the out buildings on Mr.Alf red the family. Mis. Weber and Miss Boylan and H, Hardy's farm, just four1 miles Councillor and Mrs. E. C. Rehder Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gent report crops ýi north of towa,ý formelyr Mrs. Frank and sons and Mr. and Mrs. N. E. good on the Pat King property. L. Bragg's farm. Gould are enjoyiag the quiet if e at Drdesexetd ay ayo Mr. Hardy was la the bouse when the beach. comm eiexen wrkondeepng aythe the barn was struck. On going arol!nd Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Knott and sonl water betweea the 'piers. Depth now the bain hie discoveîed smoke coing Clarence and Mr.- Lloyd Hardacre is 8ft 2in. out of the west side of the straw bain Oshawa,, have rented Mr, Archie Ti' tr sa oua see which adjoined the grain bain., lHe Taît's cottage. I wit astofi ane of grocrsp rs wored or tie wtb ate ting Mis. Spence and Mis. Pequegnat ions and ice creanranad chocolates. to extingish the fire, but it soon got were up town Monday afternoon at- Miss E. Hlicks is assisting ln the store. nebend otof i the hlipel f is .tending a Bridge Party given by Mis. Oui popular fisherman, Mr. Fred neighbos, mos of theimple n -.,H. Martin.Dewrptswiefsvrycae and aIl thie live stock, wtbthe Dpwex-t htefshvr sac ception of some pouîtry was g1otten Mis. Will Perey and daugliter Ruth at present and lake trout only a fair out. Some, bay, oats and wbeat were Toronto, are at their cottage. Mr. catch. So far it has been a very poor burned. Percy is over from New York for a season for the fishermen. The buildings consisted of a large montb's holidays. Mis. Roe of 226 St.Helens Ave., barn, 80x36, two drive floors -aIl on The Maliory cottages are occupied Toronto, bas purchased the Shaw stone woîk. To the west side wâs at- by Mr. and Mis. P. G. Cherry, Mi. brick residence and bas tuîned it into I acbed tbe straw bain and sheep pen. and Mrs. McKinnon and Mr, and Mrs. a summer hotel witb Miss P. Edwards At the eat oe~the bara was'the im-1 Coanell, Toronto., in charge. "Little Orchard" lias been plement shed. Adjoiaiag tbat was th¶e!Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Balles, daugh- open a montb and is very popular. horse stable and lhen bouse with hay ter Evelyn and son Douglas, Oshawa, As the board walk at the rear of loft over both, also hay fork, roe are at their bungalow which'they pur- the cottages is la a delapidated con- slings and silo-everytbing was bura- chased fromn Major W. C., King. dtow oeCu.Rldrwl e 1 ed. Mi. and Mrs. H. S. Langford and port sameý to Council and have a new He had insurance witb i J. J., daughteî, Oshawa, have rented the one put 'down at pnce. We thiak a iMason la the London Mutuial Fire Ia-' Nixon cottage for the season. Mr. cinder patb woulcf be moat service- surance Co. for only$1,0.0 It is Langfoîd is manager of the Bank of able ns motor cars destroy the board stated the buildings cannot be re- Moatreal. walk. We ahl pay taxes and deserve placed for $5,000.00 whîch wl make Mr. and Mrs. Percy Cowaa who some consideration., a loss of at least $3,500.00 for Mr. bought t he Bull cottage last summer Service was held at the wharf on Hardy, wbo had only recentý ly puir-}j bave had as their guests Mr. and Mrs. Sunday evening by Rev. C. P. Muir-' cbased the property and jutice!""y N. Casey and son Norman, Montreal, bead and Mr. D. Morrisoa's band con- 1moved thereon. a nd Mr. Rube Morris, a well known ducted the music. These services will ,--Mr. Hardy is verv grgtefu1 to the, turfman- of- Maivland. ls edeev ndazevnn urin_c u i HAYDON ANNIVERSARY. Greatest Financial Success-Receipt's Amounteci To $742.00 Another sucessful Anniversary of our Sabbath School has been held. Sunday, June 27th services were held la the, spaclous tent, which was very prettily decorated with flags, bunt- iag maple leaves, flot forgetting the beautiful plants and flowers so ar- tistiçally arranged on the platformn. Rev. H. S. Cobb of Toronto, former junior Pastor of this circuit, address- ed the children in the afternoon on "The Creation of the World," and with his pleasing manner and splen- did -delivery, the whole audience gave their undivided attention. Singing by the school ia the afternoon was ex- cellent, and those who had charge of the traiaing deserve great credit for their success. The evening service wds well at- tended and a verylmpressive one, when Rev. Mr. Cobbagain appeared, taking for his text, "What is man, etc" Psa. 8, 4-5. He was assisted by Pastor W. T. Wickett at both services. Enniskillen choir furnished excell- ent music at the evening service and every selection was appropriate and spleadidly rendered. Liberal offerings were-given at both services. Dominion Day, July lst., the an- niversary progràm was continued and the bright,' pleasant weather made it a very attractive spot in the shady church lawn, where for aiany years lias been the scène of this great pub- lic festivity, and the great, splendid maples that have been silent witness- es of these events would tell us if they could, that neyer la ail the years,,did they shelter and proteet so many good people, old and young, as they, did this year. The grand old Union Jacks agaîn told their, wondrous story, as they floated in 'the breeze, and it made us proud that we belong to this fair Canadaý The ladies laid out their tables un- der the covering of tent and shed, and with so many various bouquets, made them very fragrant and eaticing. While the ladies were serving tea Prof, C. C. Laugher's Orchestra of Bowmanville entertained the crowd with lively, briglit music, and which everyone enjoyed. There was not a minute that the people were not .en- tertaîned la some way. Duriag the afternoon a base-ball game was played between, the Higli