There is no trouble in selling Ford Cars these day, B OWMANVILLE, JULV lOth, 1920. Local and OtlierwiseI Potato bugs dont go on strîke. Note change in G.T.R. time tables. Truest joy comes £rom du ty well done. Great scarcity of school teachers exists. Dominion of Canada was 53 years old on Thursday.11 Bowmanville Streets are being ex- Local and Otherwisel A big apple crop is predicted. Dr. lVcElroy, Orono, is home from the West. Oshawa police have captured more whiskey consignmentsý in suit cases. Robt. Miller, Stouiffville, shipped 441 thoroughbred shorthorns recent- !y to Ohio. Revý. W. H. Truscott has been re- turned to South Oshawa Mission for the year'. James'Holman's store, Prince AI- KEEP UP MILK FLOW. Once more we are entering upon the season of the year when the dairy farmer expects the greatest yield from his cows and his pastures, and if th e seaspn is right the land will be fnirly "flowing wîth milk and honey." For those who have flot yet made any provivion, it is flot too late to sow an extra acre of corn ,som 'e fal %urnips, or Èven a piece of rape. The turnips may be pulled as needed and fed tops and ail while the rape may be pnstured off in the late summer Maàde From The Heart of the Finest' Wheat This is one of the reasons why l'od's Bread is best. It is made from the pick of the wheat, chosen from the world's finest grain fields.--The grade of wheat we use in bakiDg is one of the assurqnces you ____________ 4 L W 13 -~ j -j i -i New Ford Cars J vust 5 1-