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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Jul 1920, p. 6

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DR. F.,T. TIGHE, V. S. VETERINARY SURGE014 BOWMANVI LLE' Day or >Night Cails Prompt y Attended To) Office -ý King-St. W., Statesmhan Block Phone 243 "Lest't e Forget'- E. R. BOUNSALL, Designier tnd teafer in Monuments, Tabiets, Markeirs. etc., tu 1 ranite and ~ahe Bowmanvîlle. U)tario M. C. V. COU LD, B.A." 11.0 BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY, Money to loan on Farm ýM Towr' Property. Royal Bank Building Phone 351 Bowmanville, Ont. :THE BUNCALOW For Dances, Receptions, Banquets,' Parties, Entertainments etc. Full Equipment and ail Convenienceý For Information, Rates or Reservations, address Box,390 Bowmanville W. F. WA»j~ B. A. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, N OTAIRY Phone 102, Offices : Bleakley Block 1(Over T. N. Rickard's Store) Bowmanville Ont. DR. V. H. STORIEY Graduate Toronto University Resldent Physician and Surgeon, Toronto General Hospital i915/16 Captain C. A. M. C., 1 Office Royal Bank Building (Office formerly occupied by Dr. Beith) Phone 143 Bowrnanville io G. C. BONNYCASTLE B.D ., D. D. B.,, Honor Graduate in Dentistry 11Toronto University. Graduate of the- Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario Office King-st Office Phone 40., -Bowmanville House Phone 22 FU1NERAL DIRECTORS L. Morris & Son Most Complete ICquipment Sunday and night calu. promptly attended to. Bvwmanville Phones 10'34 Branches:, ORONO IHAMPTON ý DR. J. C. DEVITT .DENTIST Graduate of Royal Dental College, Toronto. Office: King-St. East, Bownabivi'lëe Offilce Hours: 9 -%.m. to 6 p. m. daily except Sunday Phon e 00a House Phone 90b ........................ BOWMANVILLE, JULY lOth, 192( LOCAL. AND OTHERWISE. *Cobourg Concert Band bas bee organized. Onie hundredl Entrance candidatE wrote at Cobourg. Miss Elva IlHillier, aged 16 years,i missing from Cobourg. Lindsay hias reduced its tax rai this year from 41 mills to 38 milîs. John Ellis, one of Port Hope's oIE est resid.ents is dead in bis 9th yeni Mr. A. J. Leigb, Orono, may manu facture parts for the Gray-.Dort carý Oshawa reports hotels- so crowde t4at transient visitors find it difficul to secure accommodation, Mr. W. Bellamy, B.A., and Miss 1%1 J. Hinds, principal and assistant c Coîborne Higb Scbool, have resigne, to accept similar positions in Brigbtoi Higb Scbool. Mr. Bellamy was a Coîborne for tbirty years, and Mis Hinds bias been assistant for. elevei years. Mr. Neil Stewart, 6th line, Clarke is one of the few living pioneers o: that township, now in bis 88tb year Hfe was la Bowmanville one day- re ce^ntly an~d visîted bis cousins, thi Misses Galbraith, Queen Street. HL is father of Mr. John Stewart, well known. la cburcb, agricultaral, edu cational, temperance and other wor thy enterprises. 4Â&IRP ND ITS ORITICS. - ByJ .Mdleton. Public Ownerahlp of Utilities is dis- liked by two clamue of men; those wbo fear that, politios raay endaager the efficýency of management, and those who have some personal, interest fo serve. The latter sort will aever Ise 'convinced., Though a mountain of evidence were heaped before tbem, they wouldstill refuse to see it.ý But -tbe citizen of good faith who is willing to coasidor the f acts must find bis dîstrust of Public Ownersbip somewbat abatéd as hie considers the position of the Hy- dro-Electric Power System of O4tario. According to our politicýl system the Miniister in charge of any regular De- partment of Goverament.must remove if the Administration is defeated. If the Hydro-Electrie System were strictly a "Department of Power" under -1 Cabinet Miaister, its- directing head would change witb changing Cabinets. But the System bias been operating for twelve years under the control of a Provincial Commission, and the Chair- man hias held off ice under three Govern- mcnts. The "Hydro" bias always been sep-- arated frorn "the political game." The reasons are lear. It is thecentral Executive of a group of Municipalitis. represented by City, Tow an, ansd To- ship couacillors. Men sufficientlv weill known ia their several conimunitiei t) win places of municipal hoÉior are usueql- ly active la polities .... not all on 1h samne side. If a Liberal councillor (ý alderman discovoteed that the Ilydr were a mere political machine foiý th aid and comfort of thc Wicked Torie wouid lho support it? tn like manne what sympathy conld th,- System g,-i from a strong Coaservative if111 were mere hand-waggoa trailing af er Liheral Party Leader? 1- rom the beginaiag the Comm issii bis coîîsidered itseif as a husia directorate, with the pow o,-rs anc ir sponsihilities of a Trustee. Po'il; coasider ýýi,)ns, such as the "a ý'-ssiLv of psîying Pa'rty debts witli pubi moaley, have h ad no mo)re place iii t f(- Hydro than la the administrIton cf Trust Comnpany, an JInsuranc~e Coi-rp i, or a Bank. AppeintmtnLs h'\vr bý mde on the menit pii! t. SVIRROGATE COURT IN THE SURROGATE COURT, of the United Counties of Nortbumber. n land and Durham. IN THE MA'TTER of the Guardian.ý es ship of H1ILDA RUTH PAUL, infant child of Richard Paul, late of the is Town of Melville, in the Province of Notice is 1tereby gîven that' after te the expiration'-of twenty.days after first publication ofthîs-Notice,,ap- j.plications will be made tà the Surro- r. gate Court of tbe United Counties of 1Northumberland and Durham for the u- grant of letters of Guardiansbip of s. the ahove naîned infant to Margaret Arthurs of the. Townsbip of 'Manvers d in the County of Durham, married Ilt woman and aunt of the said infant. Leigh R. Knight, VI. 'Lindsay, Ont. Df Solicitor for the Applicant. dDated tbis 29th day of June, A. D., n192e1. 27-2 Notice to Creditors f IN THE MATTER'0F the Estate rof William James Jones, late of the ie Town of Bowmanville, in the County [e, ofDurbam, Retired Bannker, Deceas- l- ecl. S Notice is be reby given, pursuant *to section 56 of tbe Trustees Act, R. S. O. 1914, Cbap. 121, that al credit- ors'and others baving dlaims or de- mands against tbe estate of the said William1 James Jones, who died on or about the 6tb, day of Marcb, 1920, at the Town of Bowmanville, are re- quired, on or before the lStb day of August, 1920, to-send by post, pre- paid, or deliver to tbe CANADAI PERMANENT TRUST COMPANY, the executor of the last will and test- ament of the said deceased, their Christian names and surnames, ad-. dresses and descriptions, the full particulars, in writing, of tbeir dlaims a statesment of their accounts, and the nature of tbe security, if any, beld by tbem. And take notic e tbat after such last mentioned date the said executor will procede to distribute tbe assets of tbe deceased among tbe parties en- titled. thereto, biaving regard only to the dlaims of wbich it shall then bave notice, and that the said executor wil flot be hiable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of wbose dlaim notice shal not have been reeeived by it at the time'of such distribution. JONES & LEONÂRD, Solicitors for the said Executor. DATED at Toronto, this 29th day of June, 1920. 28-3 OaVER-ACID)ITy1 of the stomach bas upset many a night's reat. If your stomach is acid- disturbed, dissolve two or three on the tongue before retfring and en. joy refreshing sleep. The. purity and goodness of Ki-moida guaranteed by SCOTTr & EOWE MAICERS 0F SCOTrs EMULSION 1-2A Good Opportunity For Fsirm",-rs. Expected minimum teacher's sal "= ýayinEsex county will be $120 netyer IWhen You Feel It Co'ming tWhe at old Headache -sends luâ arnngZUTtt you ae going to. sufer- j akZUOO hn you feel a Cold comîing on take=ZTOO. At the first sign of a pain-at the firstfeeling ofsick.. n cs-take ZUQ. You w1211 be ah right in 20 minutes if lt's a headache, or the next morning if it is a cold. Pain ail gone, and-the wbole body refresbied. 1 Don't wait-don't take chances. Get ZUTOO Tablets to-dlay-and have them ready to take at the first sign of a Head- ache or cold andTAXE THEM. 25c a box-at denlers or by mail postpald B., N. Robinson& Co. Regd.Coatlcooki Q. such a paint to the pure 70%Piirehite Lem ENGLIJf »(Brandram's enirte B.B.) 30% ueieZn Its-outstanding merit is primarily due to> its white base: zinc white and Brandram's Genuine t3.B. White Lead, which for two centuries lias been the standard white lead of the world. The pûrest linseed oil (fromn our own milis) with best turpentine, aids in giving a tougli air-tiglit coat. You can- flot prove these higli c1aim~s until you've used the paint-but you can meanwhile accept as your guide the experience of your neighbors.- Ask, any man who ever used B-H if it is not true that it gôes far- thes-andlasts longest. You will find unvarying conviction among experi'enced pe,;,Int-users that the qualit.v ,al:-d îrabîlty HOGG '& LYTLE LTD. SEED OR"N Our stocks ol seed corn are complete in aill varieties and prices are attractive. Fuit Lines'of Feed~ lmcluding Sampson, Eureka, Adanac, Corn, Peas, Oats & etc, LIMITED Phone 203-Use it. Oshawa H'I«URY ! HURR - vy Just a few weeks Ieft and we vacate our building which has been sold to the Bank of Mon treal, VISIT ELLIOTT'S'STORE AT HAMPTON. Goods Clearing Way Below Present Prides Boots, Shoes. Slippers, Rubbers also Wall Paper. Har.dware, Paints and Ois. of ail kinds at rock, bottom prices. GOODS MUST BE SOLD. ,.,EIIiot-t Estate Phone 190-r2 Hlampton '7 il When you let us supply orbidn needs you get a great deal more than just s many feet of lumber-bundles of ahingles- pounds of nails-or panels of Bea'ver, Boa-&. I Steamshi'p Tickets TO EUROPE CanadianPacific Wbite Star Dominion Curnard American Ask information of M. A. JAMES, Ste-tmship Agent, Phone 53 Bowmanville. 'I I paint-unless you re-paint frequently. That is extrav- agant-so you naturally seek the paint of utmnost durability. Your search for will lead you ultimately and permanent

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