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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Jul 1920, p. 8

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SAE.BOWMANVILLE, JULY l5th.,, 1920.11FED ____________ - -Miss Jessie Hawkins, Port *Hope, I -DON MYiss Irene Werry, Oshawa, were re- HAYDON. Itos: -'cnt guests of Mrs. F. L. Squair... _eetgsios Vr. and Mrs. Homer MAIL CONTRACT1S Mrs. F. M. Souch and son, Wreford, Mr. and Mrs. Bert McComùb, Mr. Huribut, Owen Sound, with rela- Mr. -and Mrs. Lou Cliapple, Billings, Harry MeC omb and Miss Pearl Sharp tives; Mrs. J. Abibahams,,.Harmony; B EALED TENDERS, addressed to Mont., visited at Mr. W. E. Pollard's were guests at Mr. Elgin Mountjoy's with relatives; Miss Ethel- Gilbert, I ceived at Ottawa until noon on Fr1- Sumimer School at Albert College, and chlldren, Burketon, spent the and Mrs. Fianki Page, Toronto, at Mr.. erns z Belleille.week-end with lier sister, Mrs. Elgin Stephen Page's; Mr. W. Walter and day, the 20th August, 1920, for the Bfeil.________ Mountjoy, !Mr. Geo. Walter, Flesherton, Mr. and conveyance of Hîs Majesty's Mails,1 Mrs. Rutledge, Messrs. Robt. nnd Wil-- en a propose contract for fo ur COURTICE EBENEZER. liam McFaddeni, Mono Rond; Mr. years, 16 times per week on the route RvW.SP.ByeistdNp Thos. McFadden and Mr. and Mrs. J. Haeeptonns R. R.MssNotell Peu The popular drama "The Rights of McFadden, Orangeville, at Mrs. J. -A. fromi the Postmaster General's'pleas- anfroua ds hmeoerSndy...MisZtlaPn the Child" will be given -in Ebenezer McFadden's ... . Mrs. A. McFadden Now is the timne to Vre. I n a hm oe una. cburch on Friday, July i 6th at 8 p.m. anid famnily have the sympathy of the Printed notices cotaining further Rev. Jas. Barnes, B. A., called on Admission 50c; ehidren 25c. 28-2 ýcormuity in their suddea sad ber- -have that emt Fern iliformation as to conditions o f pofriends here recently.. .Miss Dorotliyl m po0sed. Contract may be seen ad Brooks lias taken a position as-sten- The annual "At Home" of the W. eavement tbrough the deatli on Sun- oI a rPtfl blýanik forms of Tendermay be oh- ographer in Toronto .... Congratula- M. S., was held at the church Thurs-;day of Mr. MeFaddeuBw, a rPo il taind atthePostOffies f Hap-ions to Miss Dorothy Boyee on oh- day, July 8. The chair was taken by Several from here attended Orange, e hl h ete toaind atthe oOffices of tHap-st taining hier Interim Second Class Mrs. (Rev,) Boyce. A very full and (elebration at Peterboro. e hl h ete tona d hffice onspehorPoront Teaher's Certificate. ..Ebenezer co mnprehensive report of the Branch i_ _ _ __ _ _ _is f u ab e f r* ,Ofc npcoTrnosports are arranging for a basebail meeting was given by the delegate, ----vuabe o rapid. A. Sutherland, game in the near future.... Suashine. Miss Irene Wordeu. Musical num-j AL'RV.g.rwh naeafn Post Office Inspector., and Live Wires Sunday School cines- bers were reudered by Misses Os-! AL RV.goth u aeafn !"ost Office- Inspector's. Office, Tor-les will hold their annual pîcnic on borne, Penfound and Werry. Ice adMs .R unt r n pcmnfrtewn ýoiJul 2n., 92029--ýSturay t Brk' Bach cram nd akecreamevedandai cakedMrswere. urne M.vaddSeaied oa herin ~ond, uly2nd, 120 9-3 Saurdy a Buk'sBeah.very social hour was spent. Mrs. J. L. Rook, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. :Flatt, Mr. and Mrs, W. C. Coulter ter rnonths. DARLINGTON. and sons, Mr, and Mrs. B. M. Yeo- mans and cbildren, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Fox, motored from Toronto and Miss Lyra Trenouth of Hdmpton, spent Dominion Day at Mr. F. Swal- ýis, visiting with Miss Florence lows ... . Mr. Franîk Swallow, iRow- Cati Us É~Nbow! Burk ... . Mr. and Mrs. B. Short spent'lyAlbra a envstn Siinay ithhisfaterMr.Albrt cousin, Mr. Frank Swallow. ... Mast- Shoýrt, Taunton .... Mrs. 1. Goode e r Willie Gibbie, Oshawa, is visiting Special V alues Il and babe are visiting friends in Tor- at Mr. A. 'SeWard's. . . Mrs. WJ.SJ ak a !o . ._Miss Mary Hume, town, was Snowden is home after a very pi O-SfJiacnàn& S «week--end guest of Miss Mary Wood-ant visit wlth Moorield friends... ...Mr. and Mrs. R. Fitzgerald, Tor- Master Vernon Trimble is well enougli Ilorists and Growêrs S un nii r F irn tur onto, have returned home after a to be home from the hospital. . .. Bowmnil Sum mtunr. leasant week with their aunt, Mrs., Master Bevin Snowden is reported mnil Phone 8 E. J. Bu. .... Miss Jessie Breath- somewhatbetter .... Mrs. H. S. Free waite, Chicago, Eli., is enjoying Cana-'nman and Miss Christine, town, wt dian air with bier cousin, Miss Pearl Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Freeman. This week we are featuring excepkional Meteaif ... . Mrs. Ervine Foster and, values in ail uines of summer furniture. sons Harold and Kenneth, are visit- -__________________________ ing rien luin Bothwell ....Mis Phemia Hall, Enniskillen, is enjoying' Wé IviteYourInspctio. >lakeside if e with ber, cousin, Miss Floreuce Burk ... . Al l is friends are glad to hear that Mr. Archie Aber- nethy who is in Kingston Hospital, eJ 2 A11? X [.T 'UXCT doîng so uicely .... Miss Pennl Met- WAL J£V.Li VY.Â.TJ calf bas returned home after a very WIL IA S C NNdelightful visit at Toronto and NEF-D FOTYOUR CA W ILLýIA , %,.i & A uLlIrNNiatgara Falls .... Mr. and Mrs. B. N ID F Faulkener andson were recent vis-, Undertaking, 7ýece»es Prompt and< cersonal Attention itors at Mr. E. -J. Burk's .... Miss, M Aaude Simpsou, Toronto, is withliber Ambulance at Your Serqice at Short NoticecosnMrBueMtal. oms We are constantly trying to imiprove our Dntforget men, when it oe 1 Phone 58 or 159 Bo'wmanitle te year round values in rendy- to-wear service to mnotorists. Whatever you nleed clotbing we excel. Coucb, Johuston for your car in the way of accessories and & Crderan td.supplies can be obtained here just when NESTLETON. yon want it. This reliability of service, PleA oseM.PtrWih conpled with our determination to give you la bis place in Sunday Sehool and better value for your money. bas buiît for Chureh after bis recent accident..., S the i eading acce 1ssory business in town .~~~ 'u~~~ M r. L. W. Veale of Toronto'Carpetan tE isil. Àî i ~ a Co., Mrs. Veale and Misses Doris andan tEnible. M s o S a iPhyllis and Master Marvin of Water- _______________________________________ ford, were visiting bis father and We repair ail makes of autos. other friends bere. Misses Doris and Phyllis Veale sang a duet very Full lineofo Ford and Chevrolet parts always in stock 100 Acres-In Darlington Twp.-1 -Mile from sweetly at the afternoon service Sun-! Enniskilten, 2 miles from Enfield, 40 miles from Toron- day.Rev. Russell G., Carruthers, B, A., ou. new pastor, preached on hVTC to-70 acres workabîe, balance, pasture and mixed Sunday and was well received. . . . Mr. Lulke, Bl y & uryueri an Ï,1timber. Small orchard, dlay loam soi], plenty of water, and Mrs. C. J. Emerton and Jimie of Frame house of 10 rooms, stone cellar, cistern. Bank East Toronto, and Mr. Collins of West End Garage Bowmanville and Enniskïilen barn, 66x36, barn No. 2, 40x24, tie-up 7 horses arnd 22 Scugog, visited Mr. and Mrs. Josephi Noon on Sunday .... Miss Vera Jack- cattle, open yard. Water in stable, driving house, hog soanMisFacsPyeaea -__________________________________ pen, heu house, sheep bouse, sehool j mile, churcb 2 1 tending the Agricultural Course at, miles, rural mail and telephone, Stone ý.pad j mile. Whitby Ladies' College. . A large -_____________ Possession arranged. Price $3,700, Terms ar- number attended the Orange parade_________________________________ service at Blackstock odi Sunday even- ranged. ing and heard a gond discourse from 100 cre-InDarlngtn T p.-O th Stne 1ev. J. J. Robbins, Anglican... Mr. ~ OOAcrs-m Daringon T p.-n te Sone W. Leslie Wright of Baum & BrQdy's, Rond, 1 mile from Enficld, 40 miles frora Toronto. 70 Windsor, and lis bride. (nec Miss acres workable, balance pasture. and bush, élay ioïam Wunnie Elliott of Port Hope), are ývisv soil, frame bouse of 7 rooms, cellar,, bank barn 45x20, iting bis parental home and other barn No. 2, 30x20, ie-up 5 horses and 10 cattie, sheep friends around Cartwright. We ex- tend our heartiest congratulations. . tele'phone, railway depot 3 miles. Possession arrauged. spent the glorieus. twelfth in Peter- Price $4,200, Terms arranged. boro and report a god time. PIun-ibing 110 cre-m arligto Tw.-1 mil frm lay-A sociable evening will be held on 1 lOAcrs-I Da1ingon-,Tw.ýl mil frni ay- Friday night under the auspices of don, 15 miles from Osawa-l100 acres workablc, bal- the Epworth League, a good program 'e m itin ance bush and pasture, dlay loaru soil, frame bouse il wii be given, ice cream and cake wil rooms, cellar, cistera, bank barn, 80x36, barn No. J, 78 be served. Come and enjoy a gond's e f ti c time. 1.7M. John Bedford, Toronto, x», tie-up 5 horses ad 20 cattie, open yard, driving at Mî..James Gordon's .... Mr. and -hon O tit r house, hog pen, hien bouse, sheep bouse, and straw shed. Mrs. John Shne, Fleetwood, visited at Bath ý Roon 'LI IL r ýsehool and churches 1î miles. Rural mail and tele- Mr. John A-mstrong's ... . Mrs. ' Aýý phn.ýml rmsoera.Pseso rand- H. Veale visiting Mrs. (Dr.) James ME 1411,1cs nSale phone ~- ile rom sone ond.Possesionarraned. Moore, Brooliu.i .... Mrs. Rickett and M Cay~ rae nL Ie Price $7,500. Terms arranged. two children, Oshawa at Mr. Samuel Crawford's. ...,Miss Bernice Emer- We are specialists i n the above work. 1~~~ _ ~son and Mr. Gordon Hardy, Oak-;cosl s W IL ÜUG BY aa w ý e1RA- wood, at Mr. John Emerson's. oslý,u. HEAD, OFFICE, GEORGETOWN SLN.Genw y&Ilitt Reetvsitors: Miss Aima Wil-ý IRepresentative: J. J. VIRTIJE. HAMPTON adMsMJhI1nond sawa Consulting Engineers Mr. W. T. Baker's; Mr, and Mrs. W. Phone 18 d-ay or niiglit Bowmanville Toroto Ofic: 43Vicoriast.N. Pascoe and Cccil, and Mnr. ann Toroto Oflc: 43VicoriaSf.Mrs. J. T. Rundîs at Pickering; Mn. Corne . .I eS IEihPso.Sin and see our stock. We will be pleas- Jr II-Annott VanNest, Norma qOTCOLADBW NVIESLSMNAR edto-Helen Baker, Tom Westlnke, Edgar Over Royal Bank, Bowrnanville thm. Wright, Madeline Truli, CGeorge Kers- J r~<IîrN'~r ~lake. Jr Pr to Sr. Pr-Margaret ELLIÙ'*'4T BROS., ~~~~Scott, Evelyn Tink, Frank Westlake. SAN REL ST ESLS00 "~~~~'~~ ~ ~ ~ R. J. McKessock, teacher SA ARA STT AE 0 JEWELERS Ladies §uits and Spring Conte new- -Phone 793 Offices, 59-61 King St. E. Oshawa 14SiiioeSt.,, N. Oshawa est materials and lateet styles. See jj,~~rncoethem at Couch, Johuston & Cryder- ___________________________________nlan's Ltd. U. F. 0. NOTICE Important meeting of the U. F. O. Mapie Grove Branel, wll be lield at Ebenezer Sundny Sehool Roona on Friday, July lOth., at 8 p.m. Business Ite be discussed-Comunity Pienie, IFnnmer's Haif Holiday, U. F. O. Con- vention at Orono. 29-1* Redpath's Gra Special Sale from J in ciisi lbo This Is Ho Preserving seas.on is now in ful thing te make it as economical as F Se we make this special offer good. clusive: We will seil you $1.00 wo worth cf otheî goods purchased ini at 22e per IL ugar must be paie ofler is te consu mers only. An1alysis That it takes 1j lbs of beet suý of eau sugar. That's nother reaso ulnted Silgar macle f rom sugar cane Eggs 54 Cash or Groceries and Meats MOTOR BUS SERVICE. My large and confortable motor bus le pilaced at the service of the public. I endeavor to give beet poss- ible service and am very caref#ul liowe I drive. The safety of my passenger,ý is first consideration. For three years 1 was a transport driver in France. If ueeding a moto. bus cousuit me. nulateci Cante Iily l5th to 2Oth ve at l bq î, We -Save o0ney: il blast and we are doing every- possible in preserving your fruit. from July 15 te Jualy 2Oth ln- )rth of sugar with every $I.O0')s our store up te 100 lbs Of s'ugar à in cash and this exceptlonal POves Lgar te sweetcn as mach as 1 lb on why we sdi Redpath's Gr-an- Ic Doz, Trade Bowmanvillet Good Palf Especially s0 when y reqiuireni WEB#. O OD PAU~ are those who er joy good companý, pleasant surroun1ingp an-d the satisfaction -c feeling well-dressed A is good to& look. upon.1 has that' attrativenes which fine fabrics andsJeaL- tifully blend"c colors alon can giVe. Young men c good taste like this kmn of shirts. A new Ashirt for one thaïtfais. WEBSà Whelle You -Get MVost Jhone 61 Use'Our Mail-O s Right iou buy yonr clothing ST ER Next Shirt you buy, try a Forsyth from WEBISTER $Ï.75 to $7.50 s n- SPECIAL Foi syth Athletic Underwear- $1.95. Balbriggan Combi- nations- $1.95 Tru-Kuit, the make that wears and fits you right- Late Shipments of goods in all de-part- ments at reduced prices. Meu's Suits Men's waterproofs Menl's Trousers, 11 -t 1- le of id 50 STRAW HATS sailors, etc., worth frorn $1.50 to $4.00, To-clear- $1) TERS tValue For' Your$ 1 iîîïiîîiw

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