Ç',hool bookcases, 50c. KXno0x 's Shoe Store Phone 120 - Bowmanville uaugiiuer JwtjIiuuIyI1, Ë £nio.nuv, Jva. Mr, and Mrs. S. J. Hughson and son Glenn, Toronto, and Mr. and Mis. Niram Fletcher and son Steven, Hamilton, were guests of Mr, and Mrs.e. Taylor over the week-end. Labor Day -was a very quiet holi- day in town, people bardly knowing what to do to put in thbe time. A bowling match between two ri.nks skîpped by J. J. Mason and Luther T. Nichiols wvas the only sports of whichi we've heard. Why Labor Day anyway sci soon after close of sum- mervaain It is a lost day to many who would mucbrather take a day off when somnethîing worth whbile is doing. LEPHA -N-.-DONCASTER, A.T.C.M.l Teacher of«elano and Theory, Pdpil of Mr. Paul Wells (Toronto Conser- vatory of Music). Pupils prepaÎed for ail grades of examinations. ClIass re-opens Sept.7. Studio-King-st. Bowmanville. VOICE CULTURE AN D PIANO. RETA R. COLE, A. T. C. M. Teacher of the Toronto Conservatory of Muasie will resume ber class In Bowmianvillle, Satuirday, September i th. Studio King-st, West, Phone 57 Dongola Kid Lace, Low Hleels, size 11 to 2 $3.50 7 Box Caîf, sturdy and strong, size 2-.I to 6 $ i41.50 Box Caif, sturdy and strong, size il. t 2 $ý3.DO Kiddies aad parents alike w-111 be deliglited with the styles and values obtainable in our well-stocked children's department. FRED R. FOLEY Phone 12 FOOTFITTERB "Orii the Sunuyside" prices. S. W. Mason & Son Across from Standard Bank ýý8ûwmanvilie 1 ~Telephone 1061 Bowmanville