BOWMANVILLE, SEPT. 16th., 1920. Leskard, on which there is ten acres ________________________ of good timber, for $2000. It is to his credit that coming to this country ORONO ECHOES. a pennyless English lad, he was able ______to pay practically cash down for the (Fromn The News) farm, having made the bulk of the purchase money gro'#ing potatoes. M%,,r. William McLeod was up from His first home on comiling to Canada C(ioourg, over the holiday. was with Mr. Dave Stewart, but later Mi.William J. Walter spent a f ew he worked for farmers in Clarke' dayEi with friends at Lindsay. Uinscin Misses Dorothy and Olive Richards Pain Flees Before it.-There is spen thirolidys t hme.more virtue in a bottle of Dr. Thomas' spen thir olidys t hme.Eclectric oiù as a subduer of pain j Mrs. M. L. Travelleý is home after 'than in gallons of other medicine.: visitýing friends in Parry Sound. Public know this and there are f ew M1r. Ed. Worden, Wingham, visited househol ds throughout the country' with his nephew, Mr. Ed. Osborne. where it'cannot he found. Thrifty Mr. George Henry sixth line, had Yeax's of use has faxiliarized the, several sheep killed by dogs Sunday. People with it, and made it a house-i Mr, nd rs.Mithellandfamlyhold medicine throughout the western' Toronto, vîsited Mr. George Butters. world. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Davey, Tor- Mrs, Enos Keat, St. Mary's, whose onto, visited his aunt, Mrs. S. Halli- maiden name was Tamson Somes day. visited ber niece, Mrs, Len Gamsý,by. Mr. and Mrs. Keat were residents of Mr. Fred Wlliamson and 1edaughter 0rono haîf a century ago. The first Miss Lenora, and Mr. Il. Junker, house occupied by them was the pre- -spent Labor Day in Toronto. sent Dr. Tucker residence. The late Mr, Wm. Cornish and dailghters Bilil Kerr theil kept the Globe Hotel attended the funeral at Newtonville on the opposite corner. Mr. Keat of his niece, Miss Lottie Britton. later built and occupied the bri Send Adoph enry Seretrycottage on Park Street now tenanted your entries for Orono Fair nowý. by Mr. Lownie. Mrs. Keat is now Ia The more the better. Fair is Sept. ber 83rd year, is exceedingly active, 24. with 'a vivid recollection of Orono Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Patterson, Mrs. Richard Morton and Mies Cassee HalletL visited at Toronto and Wood- bridge. Speeding la the ring and a Pony, claes are among special attractions before the Grand Stand at Orono Fair, Friday, Sept. 24. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ballagh, Guelph, visited her brother, Mr. John Henry, sixth line, and sîster Mrs. Cooper, also brothere at Peterboro, 1Prize Liste of Orono Fair are eut. Special attractions liet almost ready. To make this fair the beet we waat you to help. It is a popular Pair al- ways. Attend. Mr. Madge motored from, New Yýork for a vieiL at Mr. James Hunt- er's, Labor Day. Mrs. Madge, Mrs. Thoinpson, Mr. Clalke Thompeon and Mr. Milton Huater accompanying him. Mr. and Mre. Nelson B. Cobbie- dick, East Toronto,, Mrs. Frank Downs, son and daughter, Douglas and Frances, motored here and vîsited friends. Mr. George Conlin intends moving te Orono from Fourtb concession, where he has been a tenant of the late -James McMullen, farm. He wiil oc- cupy the up-stair resîdence la Wm. Armstrong block. Mr. George Dobson, Vancouver, B. C.,, e witb hie mother, wbo je mak- ing ber home witb ber brother, Mr. James Maguire. Mr. Dobson ie a son of a former Oreno boy, the late William Dobson. Manager O. A. Gamsby as ar- ranged for a game of base bail be- tween Port Hope teams of the Cen- tral Ontario- League on the firet day of car fair, Tbursday, Sept. 23rd. MacDonald, coniceded to be one of tbe best pitchers in the league will bc in the box. Orono Athletic Association recent- iy metat the home of Mr. Floyd Cut- tell and presented bim witb a fine camera. Floyd bas been Sec-Tre-as., and resigned on leaving te take upi studies t Port Hope. The prese-nta- tien was made by the Manager, Mr. 0. A. Gamsby, in hie usual happy veîn.11 A Mild Pili for Delicate Women.- The most delicate woman can undergo a course of Parmelee's vegetable Pille wîtbout fear cf unpleasant conse- quences. Their action, while wholly eff ective, is mild and agreeable. No vioient pains or purgings follow their use, as tbousands cf women wbo bave used tbem can testify. They are, therefore, strongly recommended to 'womnen, who are more prone to dis- ordere cf the digestive organe than men., Rev. A. W. Rose, pastor at Saint Peter, Mina,, bas cbanged to Red- wood , Mina. Rex,., and Mrs. Rose ai'e w,-ell-knowa by lder Oronoites. Wbna young man Orono Methodiet Cburcb was one cf bis firet appoint- ments. Mrs. Rocs was a former Orono lady, Sarah McCormick, and f ew familles la this district were beL- ter knowa. Harry Davis bas bought the Frank Bradley f arm, 100 acres, aorth of CHILDIEbÊS$ Please Read This Letter And Se. What Normal Health WiIl Do For You. Berwick, Ont. - "I had organic trou- ble, and after aklng Lydia E. 'Pink- ham's Vegetable Ceompound and Blood Medicine all my troubles paesed away. 1 was made strong and well and have been ever since. Now we bave a fine baby boy six menthe old, and I know tbat I would net have this baby and would still be suffering if, IL had not been for yo'ur remedies, My busband end myself say that your remedies are worth their weight la gold, and I and uits peouple ofi. meu lu eys. Many cbildren die from the as- saulte of Worms, and the first care of mothers should be Lo see t bat their! infants are free f rom these peste. A vermifuge that cati be depended on le, Millers Wormn Powders. Tbey will not only expel worms from the sys- tem, but act as a beaith-giving med- icine and a remedy for many of the ailments that beset infants, enfeebl- ing Lhem and endangcring their lives.f THE CHOICE 0F A SCHOOL IS. VERY IMPORTANT! Yonge and Charles Sts., Toronto Possesses a reputation for, high grade work that lu absolutely clean and will remain so., This la the reaon the demand for our grad- uates lu five imes our supply. Do neot fool with education. If you do, you loue. IL always pays te geL the best. Wýite for Catalogue Enter any ime. W. J.. Elliott, Principal Catchers. Clean to handle. Soi -by Druggists anid Groccrsecverywhere' gil"ALNUTRITION1 Iis tin rot of mmb iwemm.s, hindou pioge. and vpwâh Sft's EIUUWiS Iis the natural eeay 01 nul- nufition ad i eakuei Scott'$ tbeco.or tour Urnes -' ~ f - f Wash Day and BRackae WASH day is the least we- corne day ofthe week in, most homes, though sweeplng J¶1I day is not rnuch better. Bothy days are rnost trying on the back. The strain0 wsîg rnngan swePirig reuently deranges the po kidneys, The system le poisone and backaches, rbeumnatism, Pains insue.T the. limbe resuit. ob2 Kidney action muet b. arous& - the liver awakenea. to action and the bowels regulated by sucb treatm.nt as Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pille. This favorite prescription of the wel.l kno'wn Receiet Bock author will ot> fail you in the hour of need. On. PI! a dose, 15e a box at ail deaIers Or Edmansvon, 1Bates & Ce., Ltà., Toronto. New, Life For OId, Tires T'HE final thousand, or two théousand miles of service you get from your tires cari .1 often be made the cheapest of ail by timely attention." The tire which blows out or otherwise fails before ît should is too common, Long, bard ýservice and accidents often cause insîde breaks, which, if neglected, resuit in blowouts, In most cases the timely use of a Goodyear Reliner would have saved the tire for a thousand or more extra miles. With a Goodyear Reliner for a very small cost, y-ou can add three new layers of strong fabric to the inside of the tire. This reinforces and strengthens it, and prevents f abric breaks froma becoming blowouts. This Reliner is easily applied with a littie cernent. Ualf an hour of your time is sufficient. If you prefer, your repairman, will apply it for you for a srnall service charge. Any Goodyear Service Station and most tire repairmen1 can suppyyu II~ Hogg & Lytle, Limited. AlIsike, and Red Clover The Seed Market is unsettled just now, but as soon asthe prices are established We will be open to buy anything offering in the Seed Line, Full stock of Feeds on band at lowest prices. Let us hear from yu LIM1TED Phone 203-Uý-se it. -Oshawa Shoes Repaîred While Yon Wait 1 arn cow in a position to give Yeti quicok service and best of workrnanship as I have tbwo assistants. Work Boots For Sale I have- a I1imited stock of good substantial work boots for rnen. Also ser- viceable ýshoes for ladies and bidren at, reason- able prices. Geo. ilumpage King Street East Bowmanville Office Phono 15 - Residences 228 and 274 HAMPTON FLOUR MILLS WESTERZN OATS CORN, We have a it 4ited supply of Corn and. Wester n Oats which at a close price for qýick sale good Pig Feed, we are offering F our Big Favô'rites Grahiarn FlourXX Pastry Flour Whole Wheat Flour Royal Flour for Bread If you cannot secure these popular grad es of Flour from your grocer order direct frorn us. Chas,. H"orn, Hamp*%ton Plione 129 Zr 1 Prices of Crem arehigh. We pay Good Prices for Goiod Cream. AStitchIn 'Time Even if ail kinds of Commoditiesý are at Top Notch, it will ply to Keep Yonr Buildings In Good Repair And if you have not'sufficient accommodation for either your famîly-, your stock or your implements, it will be a good proposition to Erect New Buildings of the Right Type. We are prepared Lo furnish estimates and supply material for any style of building you rnay require, and at price8 as reasonabie as you can get anywhere. Our Specia.lties Riemlock, Spruce and B. C. Fir joists and studding; Hemlock, Spruce and B. 0. Cecdar Roofing and Sbeeting; }'ine, Spruce and Hardwood flooring ; B. 0. Red Cedar Shingles and Brantford Roofing; Canadian Portland Cement, the very best in the market ; aiso doors, sashes and ail kinds of interior finish and trim. Caîl or write us your inquiries and we will do our best to give you satisfaction. McWClellan & Company Limited