For r$- Wa nk s Smart Women ar er îng These Comfoitt4le and Neat Spatts In Women's SpitSwe1 are showîng a larg- vr- iety of materis ar, 1 oi- - tweedies, 1 r d- cloth, and fel it -fawn taiupe, brown, d bl ack, priced fron4. 0 In Men's our i Just as fiee, -pri-ie t See our line of Men'S dark browrn brogc boots Women's Brogj Ox- fords in black oi' bro',vn for faîl wear çp4eed at $5,-75 te $10-00. Shoe Store phone 120 -Bwf~~il 1Ei-7 kENT 0F CuXI82I0MqAND !NLAeND REýV~EIýE EXCISE lfAX LICEN5TLS Retailers, Jewellers, Malufact- urers and Sales Tax Licenses- are required under the Amiendmet te the Special War Revenue Act, 1915, are ready for issuc giap plicatien forms may be Ê' for the uudersigned. Firms net in possession Of ii ceuses on the l5th of Novemnbpr, 1920, will be subject te ptenal-,tY as provided in the Act. PENALTY For ueglect or refusai te ak eut a license shahl be a sum net exceediug ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS W. H. BULLER Cllecter of InlandRevenue'- At Peterboro INSUR ÂN CE! Values of To-Day and of Yesterday. Have you inereased the amount of instirance on your property to meet pre- sent day values. What would it cost to replace your Woperty if destroyed by fire to-day? Place your insurance now before ît is too late. Fî,ksýt lass Companies rGood Service I~ontand satisf aetory setleientof losses. 'N. E N ADS Insurance .&gency Offioeé Wellington Street BOWMANVILLE, OCT. 14thi., 192û. Notices of BirtLs 50 cents., ______________________ Se50cents; Deathe 50 Cent Edmondstone saves you money, srfi .Whea f uneral Note changes in Railway Time intdathsefe ne Table. BIRTHS Miss Nellie Pattinson, Toronto, PEARCE-At South V spent Sunday at home. Darlington, on Octob, Dr. R. W. Clark, Kingston, visited te,. adMs osC.Pa fýri.ends here thîs week.1 NICHOLS-In Bo'wmanvillt Reserve Friday, November 26 for 1th., to Mr. and Mrs. Alfred English Church Bazaar. a. daugliter, Fresh strawberries are being Irlýk-MARAE ed out in New Ontario. AR GE Mrs Hary ox, Hop, sent RAHM-$LUTE-At the * Mrs Hrr CxPort Hp, sontnage,: owmanville, October Sunday with old friends here. S. C. Moore, B. A., B. D., Mr. Cyril Souch of PortsmouthAthr Rahm of Burketon, Ont., is home for a few holidays. Raglan.Ela agtro r Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Kerr, Toronto, aSPENCE-SÂTURLEY-On 'w-it frinds ere. Wesley Methodist Church, spent Sunday Ithfind ee ev. W. E. Baker, assisted Miss Renwick of Rochéster, N. Y., T. H. Cotton, Elizabeth Chui bas been calling on old friends here. ley, to Rev. Ben H. Spence, sc: Jaý-ob Spence, al of Toronto M1r. Fred R, Foley assisted at an ___ ___ entertainmint at Cannington last week Miss Jane Grigg, Faculty, of Educa- DEATHS tion, Toronto, spent Sunday at home. GAG E-In Bowmanville, O( Betsy, widow of the late N Mr. and Mrs. Dan C. Carr have re- -aged 75 years. turned to their home-in Chicago, 111. Funeral private from her lai Scugog-st.,: today (Thursda: Mrs. G. H. Bickell is visiting bier p. M. d1aughter, MÏs. Lorne Sanders, Whit- CORNIH-In Newtonville, by. Mise Mary Cornish. -Mr. Harry Cherry, Shenectady, N. JRYSON-In Kendall, Oct E.izabeth E. Elmer, beloved N Y., is visiting bis mother, Mrs. eluc Bryson, aged 52 years. Cherry. F'OUND-In Peterboro, Oct. Capt. an Mr. C.W. . Metherick George, infant son of Capt an Mrs C.W. . Methandthe late Franklin Pou Toronto, are visiting at Mr. W. B. days. Interred in Bowmanvi Couch's. DAVIDSON-.At Newcastle, Mrs. K. 0. Whyte of Montrea, Victoria A. Davidson, eldest Uthe late Benjamin S. was guest of Mrs. B. M. Warnca formerly of tlie township an last week. Brighton, and sister of Mr. 1 Mrs. Isaac Tabb visited bier daugh-sodirNecse he ter, Mrs. J. C. Ward, Oshawa, on Wednesday. IN MEMORIAM Mr. and Mrs. H L. Creeper and, WOODLEY-In loving mer babe, Toronto, spent Sunday witb dear husband, William Wçodl( relatives bere. October th., 1919. Dearly sadly missed by his sorrowin Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hamley, Family. Peterboro, were at Mr. P. C. Trebil- "Gone from our home but ni cock's on Sunday. hearts.'" Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Eastwood, Tor- in loving memnory of Louis onto, spent the week-end with Mr., who died October 11, 1917, and Mrs. John Curtis. year. A Bud the Gardiner gave uts, Prices talk-readi Edmondstone's A pure and loving chiid. advt tbis week if ýyou want to save He gave it ta our keeping, To cherish undefiled. money on your ment bill. But just as it was opening Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Morris were in To the glory of the day, Toronto Tuesday attending the fun- Down camne our Heavenly G And took our Bud away. raI of hier aunt, Mrs. J. Mott.' Mother, Sisters, Brothers,1 Mrs. Perry and Mrs. H. Brown, Toronto, are visiting Mr. F. N. ýSte- yens and Mr. W. C. Stevens., WANTED 1Mrs. A, Beith left last week to TWO FURNISHED ROOME make-ber home in Ottawa with hier -With or without board. daughter, Miss Helen Beith. Drawer B., Bowmanville. Mrs. Wm. Painton and Miss Eliza-. POU LTRY-I will take ev beth Painton visited their cousin, Mrs. anything In the Poultry Une a: JohnBale Osbwaon Wdnesay. est market uriees. A. L. Car JohnBale Oshwaoh Wdnësay. st., or phone 297 for appointnu Miss Sadie Cameron and Mrs. E. G. Fitzgerald, Oakville,1 are visîting their brother, Mr. D. F. Cameron, Elgin-st. HELP WANTRE R. CAPABLE MAIO WANTEI Miss Reta R. Cole and Mr. F. R. Mrs. Geo. Hall, Concession-st Foley are booked for the concert at ville. Newtonville Fowl Supper on Tbanks-- CLERK WANtED-Lady giving.with some experience preferri îvîng. M. S." Drawer B., Bowmai To Again Remind You-tbat Ed- COMPETrENTr COOK GEh mondstone bas lowered the price of family of two adults, Good beef tbis. week. See my advt for good w-fages. Light work. AI Hartld A. Greene, il Courtleii prices.j Toronto. Phone Belmont: Mrs. E. W. Rundie and daughters HOUSEKEEPER-For Chil, and Mrs. Arthur Legge, Oshawa, ivere ter, capable worklng housekei reen gess f hefome'smoheaged woa rwdow pref( recnt uess o th fomers mthe be fond of cblîdrenl. Lait Mrs. J, T. Bragg. Apply to Mse Henderson, 215 Mr. S. W. Mason Jr., who bas Oshawa. been spending the summer with a survey party ïn British Columbia,________ bas returned home. SMr. and Mrs. J. H. Cavanagh and' son Williams, Toronto, spent tbe week-end with bier aunt. Mrs. W. H.. Williams, Liberty-st. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Broad and Mr. Maurice Broad,, Toronto, and Mrs, S. Trewin, Haydon, were recent giÜests of Mr. Wm. Trewin.I Mr. and Mrs. B. Y. Haddy and Betty, and Mr. and Mrs. Haroldý Lowry, Toronto, were guests of Mr.' and Mrs. F. A. Haddy on Sunday.I Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Webster, Cam- bray, and Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Jewell,. Cannington, ar evisiting Mr. and Mrs. WVm Foley and other relatives bere, Tbe James Papers are the only Cýounty -newspapers ta publisb the ,ize lists of Bowmanville Fair and r - Wes-,t Durham Rural School Fairs. -'lad reports in this issue. D)r. J. C. Devitt will give an îllus- ~ttdlecture on "Teeth" on Friday af-nýoîn at the Teachers' Conven- ~,Oiwhicb meets in Port Hope this TPrdy and Friday. vand Mrs. Arthur Wright and l eorge and Tom of Hamilton, sprttle week-end with bier parents, Mýr. andl Mrs. Thos. Tod. M,,. Geo. S.,Jobnson, Principal of Witby High gchool, bas been ap- poinitid Principal of the Monteith Northern Academy by the Ontario Departient of Education. Mr %fndMr.-,T. Braud, I r on Friday ev nh,à!ueba splendidI success,. Th'e eer of the Wom- I en's Institute u~ whose auspices I it, was held are vé y rateful to al l wohelped in auy wy. either by gifts I about $25 wilThe pefor he r orl sevc.Te apetd thchpare Chase of thebac4theialu ___________ forý the upstaý,irh of the HospIt. 1mIP The -,Leadsc1 OUR NEW FALL GOODS ARE HERE -Neckwear -Gloves -Sweaters Socks - Shirts SIf you want anything that is new ini Men's Wear-We have it, YOUR FALL SUIT IS HERE Let us convîice you that Art' Clothes are in a class by themselves., FURS Buy your furs in town-. We çan seil furs for less than wholecsale prices. Corne in and look them over Wh en buying From thbe Maker lie Saves You Money. OUR SERVICE MAKES FRIENDS. Thu rst on Bownanill'sUp-o-DteHaber- dashiery and Pý ur Shop.e ________________________________________ a ~ 'w CHIROPRACTIC If yen are sick, take Chiro- practic Spinal Adjustments ,and get Weil. EXAMINATION FRE AT OFFICE, DR. S. M. JONES. 86 Simcoe St. N. Ohw 1Phone 224. MariaesROOMS TO RENT. FOUND t., eahl- T WENT-3 Unfurinished Roomsý DOG-Fox Terrior came on miy prem- arsaePhone 297,. 42,1'ises. Owner may have same by paying iertîu fre. - expenses. Wm. Simpson, R. R. 2, Bow- ARTICLES FOR SALE manville. 41-3. Vie Vila, PARLOR COOK STOVE-In good con- ber Sth., dition. May he seen at T. H. Knight's rce, la daugh- store, King-st., Bowmanville. 42-tf. YOUR FLOWE'~R GAD ENI 1STOVE FOR SALE-Art Souvenir, self- e, ctober feýeder, double etr George Charlton, M. Nichols,CocsinsBomnie. 4-f This is the time of the year when FORD TRUCK-Une ton capacity, in you should plan your garden and or- god clondition, must be sold at once. Ap- der your eénas eaetk ply Bowmanviile, Foundry Co. 40 tf rPrnil. eaetk PIANO FOR SALE-,Square Grand In ing orders for ail kinds for either ithodist Par- good condition. Stool and cover for $100 FaîllOr Spring planting and at present Br 6, by Rev. cost $600. 'Miss Muir, Chtirch-st., Bow. are offering some specials at about ,Mr. Albert manville. baîf regular prices. See our large land Miss STEEL RANGE-Large warmlng oven, advt. Jury & Loveli. W. J. Slute, high shelf, water front and tank. .AlmestJ new. ureat bargain. ApVly at Williams & r~i r upie ttev nOctober 5, Cann, Bowmanville. 41-t Pl r upie ttevr Toronto, y DRHAMB -ueBe eitr large stock of chocolates we carry. byRvDr. ed, il monthe old, very promis'Ig Young The reason we sell s0 many us that ircbllSatur-I animal. Apply te Norman E. Wright, We get themn fresb every week and on of the late Solina, Phone 167-1-1. 41-5w' epeapeit tefn ivro 3 seMares-TheeyogGee raaPur-tbe "fresh from factory" chocolates. _________ pseMaes alo tp buggy nearly new. ppyte Frank Aldsworth, near Solina Jury & Lovell, S-'tation. Oshawa P. O. 41-2w* c zh.'SberI PR RCOKsTroVE-1 Tose who require glasses sbould Neloi Gae largest size, in first-class condition. Aise phone or caîl and make an appoint- eson box stove. Wîill sell cheap. Small coal te residencle, hecater wanted te buy. Appîr to C.' W ment. We have two experienced and y),at2.5 Such, 1a1, on 41-2w f ully qualified Optometrists who will MUST BE SOLD)-M-\ahoga .ny China i carefully examine your eyes and give ctbr7Cabinet, Mission Oak, Writing Desk,!you all necessary advice. It is al- Baby's High Chaiir and Crib, Lawn wy etter to make an appointment Miower. Leaving for, England next wy ctober 10th., moenth, Appy Mrs. A. Shrubb, 12 Liberty a day or so ahead. Jury & Lovell, sife of Samn-PlcB mavie 42-1*. t. th. Frd- FOR SALE-One P Ilatform Spring Wa- Fountain Pens the biggest stock iu thFe-gon, MLýlauglinr make, steel tires 1Y, town. Prices te suit everyone. Regu- 3f Mrs. May inh xle, two seats with shafts, pole, lar $2.00 line self filler $1.49. Jury, und, aged 5 whlffle-trees, neck yoke-all cemplete; ille. aIs80 one rubber tired Brockville Buggy, & Lovell. elOct. 7th,, withi remnovable top, fiull auto seat, leather daughter of upholstered, padded dash and aný up-to- These who appreciate good choco- Davidsen, date buggy ln every way. These will be lates and are not particular about a nd village of seld at about one haîf of present prices, bx hodcaln LB. David- Apply at Statesman Office. 40-tf. liiT bxloldcallon aturday endent. __________________ and get our special mixture worth £ rom 80c te $1.0O-Saturday only-, 69c. Jury & Lovell. rnorY 0f y, RPRYFRSL Those who prefer the soft, creamly ley, who died HOTEL FOR SALE OR RENT-At Bur-, hand rolled chocolates can procure yloved and keton. Possession Nov. let. For partic- the finest on the market at our mg Wife and uars apply te Chas. M. Dean, Burketo. 41-3 Candy Counter. Price 80 c per box. net from our HO0U SE FO R SA LE-6-roomed bouse In Jury & LovelI. good residential section, electrîc lights,,1 waterworks, 3-piece bath mre, new fur- Travellers tell us we carry the ýArmistead, iÉnace; garden, small fruit trees. Apply finest hune of Chocolates between Tor- in his Sth Geo. W. James, Bowmianvijle. 1tf ot n elvle fyuwn DESIRABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE-otan Belvl.Ifyuw t 8-roemed bouse In excellent condition, somnething really choice caîl aud see combînation. furnace, smiall fruits, apple us. Jury & LoveIl. trees, garage. This property will stand investigation and wlll prove onse o the best real estate bargaina obtainable in This is the time of the year when Bowmanvlle today. Apply te owner, B. Gardener W. Masou, Bowmanville. 34-tf every home sbould have at leastone FARM FOR SALE-l0s acres, more or bottle of Cream of Violets. It pre- Margaret. s, being lot 9, con. 2. wlthln the tewn 1Vents the bands and face fromi get- liMits cf Bowmaanville, one, of the beat ting rougb and cbapped. Large bot- farmns in Durham Ct. There are tle 25c Jr large brick residence, two barns with 5 Jr Lovell. stone stables underneath for 20 head of cattle. 5 acres erchard,, twe geod wells, IS WANTED an neyer falling sprîng. Possession te Apply te ploW at once, f ull Possession April let, 40-3ýw*.j 192-1. APPlY te ROBERT FIELDING,bo FRUIT THIEVES WARNING. 195, Bowmianviile. 364tf _ ývrtIn~gorl FARM FOR SALE-100 acres, moreor Ifapro beksitasoe Ind aý.hgh:less, being lot 14, con. 1, within the town Ifapro beksitasoe mlfedt.Hl-5* limits of Bowmanville. There are a stealslanything hie is scorned as a thief len. 0-5 ,.large roomy brick cottage, ene barn 100 but parents in this town will wake up x45, with stone wall under ali, 5 acresaytfndtercidna- orchari, 2 good wells, large drivingshed somne dayt idtercide ,D with loft. Pall pleughing will be done. rested because' tbey are allowed to D-Apply tolPull possession April let., 1921. Apply break down fences, destroy gardens, t., Bowman-,to ISAAC TABB, Bowmanville. This break down branches of fruit trees 40-tf. farte needs no recommendation. Every Clroefoot workable land. 38-.3w* and steel grapes, apples, plums, etc.1 lerk n REAL ESTATE-To close up the es- It will be tee late then te avoid the e. iA.PPlyte ae0 the-lt r.E .Crtedisgrace of seeing their cbildreu in' nylle 421~double framne cottage and brick bouse onth PoieCu. meforct- ýNERAL-Por Church street and the small frame cott-thPoieCu. m for î- Id home and age and vacant lot on Brown street. zens wbo owi gardens have decided ply te Mrs' These properties are well situated and are te put a stop to fruit stealing and a .gh Crset a good lnvestment, the cottages renting rewardof$00i fedfrin 2474 . 40-tf." now for $24 monthly-the brick bouse lsoe50 fofee o n [dren's Shel-, vacant, possession can be given immed- formation that will lend te the cou- eeper, milddle iately. The prices are right, and terme victien of certain parties who are ferred. Must cmn 0e arranged to suit purchasers. 'For guilty btwohvo enpoe indress kelt paric-ulars apply te Mrs. Editb V. Scebeilbtwohv e enpoe Klng-st. W., ( (insurance agent), executrIx of wiîl oÏcuted out of sympathyý for their 40-tf late Mrs. Carr, Bowmanville. 38-3w friends. Deficlous Creamy C hocolates, Every one hand rol- led., Everyone a sample of the tionersart, perfect Conf ec- Everýyone a produet ofý the WiIlard Candy Kitchen. This new line has been added to our un-' usually complete as.- sortrnent of high grade chocolates and our pýiee is only8Oc. Do not fail to try our w eek-end bargains 69c for 85e 'boxes. When We Test Eyes 1 t Is Done Properly No guesswork. No overeharý,-giing. No disappointed cus,- tomers. 30 years practical experience makes it possible to give you satisfying service. Ju5ry &LoiI A diily qualified Optometrist always at your service. fChucago Opbthaimic College Gradate ofNew York Scbool of Optics Gradutes ~Detroit Optical College COanadian )ptical Coleoge THE LADIES' STORE OurSpecial Showin of Fail Apparel Should attraet every'woman in thîs vicinity who likes good clothes. This week we are- featur- ing Coats, Suits anid Dresses in a big variety of smart styles and, colors. S.1 W. Mason & Son Across -from standard Bank Telephone 10t Bowmanvalle 'il ~' 1' Fire Prevention Day on Saturday was celebzrated locally by Mayor Quinn and Fire Chief Edger taking a joy ride around the principal streets of, the town in the new motor fire truck. The objeet oý proclaiming such a day is to impress the. citizens with the immense losses >Canada sus- tains annuallythrough the destruc- tion by fire of both natural and created resources. Citizens are re- quested to have ail refuse and com- bustibles removed which has accumu- lated in or about their buildings. Now Is The Time To Plant P E R Eý- N NIAL -S We are booking orders for ail kinds and have some real bargains. Shasta Daisy splendid for bouquet 30e for 35e Fox Glove 30ec 2 for 35e Golden Glow 30c 2 for 35e Hollyhocks 30e 2 for 35e Beautiful Hardy Phlox 30e 2 for 35e Lily of Valley 6c doz 30e The FallýBearing1' Raspberries 2.00 doz $1.5Odoz Leave your orders now for Shrubs, Roses, etc., for Spring delivery. We can supply any Rose that grows.