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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Oct 1920, p. 8

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BOWMANVILLE, OCT. 21st., 1920 SOLINA. Recent Visitoîs: Mr. and Mrs. W. ENFIELD Van Nest at Scugog; Mr. D. Arnott Special services will be held in the at Mr. J. Arnot's,.Hampton; Mr. and rchurch on Sunday at 7 p.m., when Mrs. L. C. Snowden and family, Map-i Rev. G. T. MeKenzie, pastor, xiii le Grove, and Mr. J. G. Sulley, Bow-Ï pec.Music xiii be furnished by manville, at Reeve Baker's; Miss Irene1 Enniskillen choir.' On Monday ev- Argue and Miss Vera Gibbons, Toron-t ening a pie social will be held at 8 to, -at Mr. H. Argue's; Mr. and Mrs.1 p.mi. Capt. and Mrs. Neale, Bow- Joseph Garfat, Woodstock, at Mr. Jas.t manville, wlll f urnish an interesting Garfat's; Miss Olive Found, Eben- program assisted by the children Of, ezer, at-Mr. W. T. Baker's; Miss Nora the Sunday School, Pie served at Werry at home from St.Catherines; close. Admission 35e and 26c. ýMr. andMrs. W. D. McLaughlin and -Holiday Visitoîs: àVr. and Mis. children and Mr. Roy Blair, Oshawa, Isaac Martin, Guelph, Miss Irene and and Mi. and Mrs. Jas. A. Werry andi -Mr. Elmo Ashton, and Mr. Densem, Miss Grace, Enniskillen, Messrs. A. Toronto, at Mr. F. T. Ashton's; Miss and C. McFarland, Fenelon Falls, at Irene H. Bray, Toronto, at Mi .S. A.ý L. Pascoe's; Mrs. S. E. Werry and1 IBray's, "Brneside"; Mi. M. Hobbs at sons at Grandmfa Short's, Courtîce;1 teachers' convention, For tllope; Mr. Mr. N. E. Wright, Marguerite and1 and Mis. John McCulloch, Peace Riv- Norma, and Masters Edgar and Fredi er, Alta., and M rý. W. Hudson, of at Mrs. J. Van Nest's, Toronto; Mr.1 Hartney, Man., at Mi. J. McCulloch's; and Mis. Will Waîner and Mr. and1 Mr. and Mis. John Ormiston, Oshawa Mrs. Ed. Wilcox and daughter Helen,1 wîhrelatives; Mr. Russell Ormiston, Hastings, at Mr. H. E. Tink's; Mr.1 and Miss Myrtie Ormiston have lad and Mis. J. Affolder, Misses Bessie ýan attack of real "gflu". and Mary Reynolds, Toronto, Miss1 ____________May Reynolds, Sanford, Mr. R. Som- TYOEervîlle, Che riywood, Mis. W. H. Nidh- TYRONE ~OIS and Mr. S,ýidney and Miss Addie1 Mi. C. W. Woodiey, Mrs. L. Wood- Nichols, Ebenezer, at Mr. John Rey-1 ley and Mi. J. Burgess attended the nold's; Mr. Irwin Raney and Miss El-1 funeral of Mr. Moore, Rneboro, on Sie, Orono, at Mr. A. J. Balson's; Miss1 .Saturday. Elsie Staiinton, Oshawa-, with Miss Miss A. E. McKowan, in Japanese Marjory Pascoe; Mi. and Mrs. M. A. ýcstume, will give her experience in James, Mi. andi Mis. N. S. B. Jampes, ' Japan in the church on Friday night. Bowmanville, at Mr. S. E. Werry's;f iont miss it. Libeini collection. Mi. J. Baker and Mi. Arthur Milîson( at Port Hope; Mi. and Mis. Johnc Cnpt. and Mis. Percy Jobb and son Short and family, Courtice, atMi. W. Arnold, Osha*a, Mr. Harîy Hooey, N. Pascoe's. ..Young people of El- Eowmianville, and Mis.- Geo. Hooey, dad congiegation assembled at the1 MoosejaxW, Sask., and Major Haîy home, of Mr. and Mis, W. H. Mont-c Dudley, Newcastle, and Mr. J. C. Dud- gomery on Thuîsday night and pie- ley, Bethesda, spent Sunday at Lt.- sented their daughter, who, was re-é Col. W. Faîîell's, North Darlington. cently marîied to Mi. Gabraith of 'Wýe welc ome to oui viinity Mis. Cartwiight,' with a beautiful wiickei _e. V. Hoar. Mr. boar is f ortunate chair., Complimentary Speeches fol- indeed in wînning for himself sudh lowed, ail wiishjiig bier eveîy happi- :a capable partner and the best of goodj ness and pîospeîity in lier new home. wvlshes accompany them in their home A jolly good time was spent by al life .... Mi. and Mis. Wm. Wright, present .... Mis. Richaýrd Pascoe lias May and Russell spent Sunday at been under the doctoi's care, but is Newtonville .... Mi. Robt. an d Miss bette .... Mr. ýC. A. Blanchgiîd is Minnie Jewell, Oshawa, visited'at Mi. home £rom a thiee-weeks trip thru 'Thos. Richards'. Minnesota and the Western Provinces Visitoîs: Mis. Butler and son Ted, .' .. . Rev. Hiram Hull, Toronto, will T2oronto, with ber sister, Mrs. L. G.preach here Sunday, next at 2.30 P. HAMPTON Holiday vîsitoîs: Miss Sadie Vii- tue, Toronto, at Mi. J. J. Virtue's; Mi. J. Willîs, Toronto, at John Col- will's, sr; Mis. W. N. Brown, Miss Ethleen Johns, Toronto, Miss Nancy Johns, Claremont, at home; Mi. E. Kersiake, Mi. Howard Price, roîron- to, at Mi. F. G. Keîslake's; Mi. and Mis. W. J. McLellan and son, Toron-, to, at Mr. W. W. Horn's; Mr. Walter Trali and son, Ross, WhIitby, at Mi. E. Trull's; Mi. and Mis. Frise, Toronto, at Principal F. J. Groat's; Mi. C. Pascoe, Miss Hilda Pascoe and Mi. McDeîmid, Toronto, with Mis. Geo. Taylor; Mr. N. Doidge, Oshawa, at Mi. Jas. G. Burns'; Mi. -Orville Clarke, Toronto, with his sis- ter, Mis. L. Crydeiman; Mi. and Mis. A. Paîker,ý Toronto, Mr. C. H. Buiiows, Oshawa, at Mi. J. Hl. Bur- îows'; Mi.,and Mis. Milton Wilcox, Bowmanviile, at Mi. ,T. Wilcox's; Mr. Lorne Hastings, Toronto, at home; Mi. and Mis. G. Edgei, Oshawa, with her sister, Mis. H. Wilcox, Jr; Miss Grace Rogers, Toronto, visited Mis. E. Hastings;. Mi. and Mis. Boyd, sr., Mi. and Mis..Elmer Boyd, Toi- onto, at Mi. E. 'Stevens'; Mi. and Mis. C. C. Jefl'rey and childien, Port Perîy, at Mi. C. Hoin's; Mi. and Mis. G. Edwards anddaugliter, Miss Edwards and Mi. Clarence Martin at Mi. Wm. Frayne's; Mi. C. Horn visited lis son, J. B. Horn, Peter- boro; Mis, L. Williamson is visiting friends at Cre sswell; Mi. S. Ruse, Oshawa, Mi. and Mis. W. Ruse, Toi- onto, at Mr. T. F. Claike's; Pastor Totton preached a splendid Thanks- gïving sermon on Sunday evenîng from the text Luke 17:7 to a good congregation. Mi. and Mis, Will Lander and daugliter Jean, Toronto, and Mi. and Mis. Richard Oke, Whitby,' spent Thanksgiving at Mi. Thos. Elliott's. League meeting Friday was in charge of Miss Mary Souci 3rd. vice prest. Meeting. opened with singing and the Loid's Prayer. The'lesson 7th Psalm, was rend responsively. Miss, Louise Johns gave the Topic, "Canadian Poetiy". Miss Mildîed Souch favoîed with a solo and Miss Mîldîed Cole a reading. Meeting closed with the National Anthem. Gioodman over the weeI-eci;Iu; Licb Im. Rev. J.-U. Totten pieacedE a niskilleîi. PI. B. Muilin, -M. L. Wight and A.1 fine Thanksgving sermon Sandny and G.Werry attended tendhers' conven- the church was niceiV decor aied for tion at Fort Hope; Miss Elma Gardin-'the occasion .... Mi. R. J. McKessock STENOGRAPF ei, Peterboro Normai, at Mi. B. F. President, attended Teachers' Con- and other comn Gaidiner's; Miss, Geraldine Clemens, vention and presided... Mi. J. J, and quickly ti Mr. and'Mis. Dawson, Campbeilford, Brown bas been laid up with ihea- in demnand.E at Mr. A. W. Clemens; Mi.. V. A. matism in the shoulder. timne. HoeToronto, Mis. C. Awde and Honey for sale. R. J. Smith, En- 274 CANADAe Francis Awde, Orono, at Mi. C. Hoop- niskilien. Phone 211-24. King Street C er's; Mis. T. A. Anderson, Toronto, at Mr. S. F. Hoaî's; Mr. Willie Little at hiý gîandmotler's, Mis. Little's; 'Mi. and Mis. W. Hugîson and daagh- ter, Mi. Geo. Arnold, Mr. E. B. Hugi- son and bride, Mi. and Mis. Wise, Mi. Aithur and Miss Margaret Wise, Toi- BRO onto, at Mi, R. McCullough's; Mis. J. Virtue and daugîters. Toronto, at Mi. Ed. Virtue's; Mis. J. McCullougl the Misses Marion and Adeinaide Mc- Culloagh, Toronto, at M.,J. Weriy's; Miss Ethel and Mi. Harry Smith at -Mis. T. Smith's; Miss Edythe and Mi. ed A.-W. Ciemens with relatives la Toi- est de onto; Miss 1. Malcolm at Mis. A. W. og Anis'; Miss M. L. Stinson, Rock- ioft, i.r. *J.- Weîîy, Miss Helena one o:l ,and Jor1S Werry, Enniskillen, Mi. sye J.G oo da Toronto, Misses Marie and Irene Weîry and Mi. I. Wotton, a pair Oshawa, at Mi. A. E. Clemens'; Mn. and Mis. N. Woodley -wîth friends at COOD VALUE AND WHEREI Maripo sa; Misses May and Evelyn Hý.oidge, Toronto, witl Miss Veina Yu neeta e bro h o Davey; Little Florence Scott, Oshawa orine staam mb fth cn at hier giandfathei's, Mi. Levi 5kin- and ours as a retailer of shoes are rc ner's; Mi. and Mis. W. R. Clemens Te a esm e p!' ige ,Mi. B. Honeywell, Toronto, and Miss Thymyb su ed pinasge E. A. Brent at Mu. W. H. Ciemens', Centieton; Mi. and Mis. Wm.Hoidge ity Shoes at Fair Prices." and Mijss H. Hoidge, Toronto, at Mu. . . eCollacutt's; Mi. and Mis. Hy. MODERATE PRICED SHOES Pye, Miss Greta Oke, Mi. WilI Fair- 'head, Bowmanviile, at Mi. J. Oke's; HAVE Misses Beatrice Bigelow and Mary Brightwell with friends in Oshawa; Mi. and Mus. Cassidy, Toronto, at Mi. We have the snappy, styiish, higyh-t C. Bigelow's; Mis. J. -Water, Mi. F.11,-' -1 and Miss M. Walter, Courtice, Mi. $13,00, $14.00 and ý$15,00 but we ali and Mrs. J. Moore, Enniskillen, at MVr. Wmn. Moore's .... Giad to see Mi, did range of black and brown Goo<' Peter Weriy able to be aroand again $.0 1.0 n 1.0 . . League on Tlursday la charge of $,0 1.0 n 1,0 Miiss E. A. Buent, 2nd. vice. Topic "Japan" abiy taken by Miss F. 1. Two special uines, black and broi Werry and a reading by Miss M. iRichards. Solos by Miss M. Thomp- son and Helen Argue. Questions on FRED R, FOI Japan were helpfu .... A very hlp- fui Thanks giving sqmon was preach-FOTFTR ed by Rev. W. T. Wckett Sunday ev- OTF TE ening. Choir rendered two good On The Stiany-Sîde Thanksgiving, anthems. Mn. W. S. Staples took the ieading part. îî I Few Men Can Judge 1IlateriaIs for men's clotiies edciscgta e accurately valued-Fahoh-Craft Nfrs 'test JaHclot'ks before purchasihg' from inaiers, 'ahd qualîty which purchýsers of Fashion-Craft can re!y on is the resuit. That ýahcl the sul>erior makîhg, explains why clothes labelleci with'their brahd give such Iasting satisfaction. C ost no more than the otixer Stiekie & Crydermn-an,71 kind. Sold by 300 merchants Bowmanviîîe Otro throughout Canada.,naro lone 211-2-4. -IY AND BOOKKEEPINO mrercial subjects thoroughly taught. Our graduates are Students enrolled at any BUSINESS COLLEGE .t ,Toronto Chambers -.-.-Oshawa )GUES ARE VOGUE Ve are always ywith the new- esigns in foot- ery. Here is f, the popular sfor Fali, Try ro CET IT nsuming public phrase "Quai- ETHE CALL -grade shoes at o have a spien- ,year Weits at )wn, at $8.50 Bowmanville COURTICE PAY FAIR PRIZE MONEY M r. W. J. Iîeland, Beaverton, isl' F. Brandon's store at Canington _____the new Principal of Whitby HîgI was reicently îelieved of $890 worth Visitors: Miss Marlon Worden, of West Durham Fali Fair Prizes will School.ofgdsbbagas Toronto with, lher grandmother, Ms be paid to exhibitors, at the Treasar-ofgdsb ula. Joh Wîdn; i.Hary tafoderys office, Town Hall Building, Bow- An old and respected icitizen of Rev. Ben H. Spence, Secretary ol JohnWoren;Mr.Hary Saffrdmanville, on Saturday, Oct. 23rd. Cobourg passed away on Tuesday, Ontario bianch, Dominion, Alliance Oshawa, with friends; Angas Traîl J. S. iMOORCRAFT, Oct. l2th., in lis 73rd yernte was mairied Oct. 5th to Miss Eliza. home fîom Nanton, Alta.; Misses Dor- 43-1w Treasurer, W.D.A.S. peison of Mi. Aeane ai, in.btChril aue the mariI othy and Efieanor Boyce attended _________Mi, Batten was bora in ]urham coun-ibeing the culmination of a romancE Teacers Conenton t Pot Hpety, near Bowmanville, on Decemberlbegan when Miss Sattarley nairsed Tener' onvntonat or HpeAUCTION SALES. 2lst., 1847, and came to Cobourg Mi. Spence safely throagh an attael adsetthe week-endinTrto haîf a century ago. of, "flu."Y Mi. John Penfound and Miss Bailey, Friday, October 22,-A sale of 25 Toronto, Miss Ethel Kirby and Mt.i head of springeîs and milkers will_;---- Hutchison, Oshawa, at Mis. Acy Pen- be held at T. C. Woîden's, lot 34, _________________________________ found's; Miss Vera Weiiy at Ennis- cn 1, Darlington. This is one of ---- killen; Mi. Elmer Randie, Toronto, the best lots of cows that has ever at home, Miss Fenil Faisons, Oshawa' been shipped into this district. Sale at home; Miss Lyla Osborne, Toron- I at 1 p. .m. See bis. James Bis- derson, East Toronto, at Mi. W. R.1 and T. C. Woîden, owners. 42-2w., Coartice's; Mis. L. M. Courtice witl bier sister,, Mis. J. D. Storie, Oshawa; Saturday, October 23-Lt.-Col. Win. Mis. ohn Walter, Miss Mabelle and Farrell, lots il and 12, con. 7, Dar- Mi. Frank at Mi. W. H. Moore's, lington, will sel ail of lis faim Tyrone; Miss Lillian Hillier at her stock, implements etc. Sale at 1CLDR WPRAI COAR home in Cobourg; Mis. 'S. S. Brooks p.1 m. See posters. Geo. and Ted with lier daughter, Mus. M. S. Soules, Jackson, auctioneers. Toronto; Mi. Roy Nichols motored to Peteuboro on Monday.... South Osl- Wdedy c,2t.Ms .A awa oungpeope gve teir an- McFadden, lot 28, con. 8, Darling- tata qntitled "Workers" here on toxiislalof1ramsoc Thursdyeeigt napeitv implements, etc. Sale at 1 o'clock. aadinc ~ Thansgiing ervces See bills. Theo M. Siemon, auct- were well attended. Pastor Boyce loer413 preche tw spendd srmos.Mi. Tuesday, Nov. 16th.-Mr. James Jeb- and Mis. Geo. F. Annis sang a duet son, lots 31 and 82, con. 6 Dar- very effectîvely at the morning ser- i, xiiseli ail of, bis faim vice. The church was beaatifally sok implements, etc. Sale at 1 decorated with fruit, vegetaâhles flow- p. mn. See bis...Jas. Bishop, ers and Maple leaves.nutner iC(PQ TT ÎP0AV" TlRI TVI .LJ1V1J.11-XI AL A J- UJ L)..A CHlEAP MEAT? From a consumer's standpoint and aiso the deaier's it has been proven time after time that in the long run cheap meat in reality costs the con- sumer more than meats of best quality. Because with cheap m'eat you get more bone, it hasn't the quaiity and therefore you do not get the satisfact-, ~~ y.,our-nmon Ly's wrat -a ., k_ ___.----- Ouý large business has been buit up, ,first, iast and always onquaity-which means young beef purchased from weli-known breeders of good rep- utation. We have seécured a car load of excep- tionaily choice steers averaging about 1100 Ibs. each. Quaiity is our first consideration. C.,M, Cawker & Son Purýveyors Phnn 9n Bowmanville PROVES BIC SUCCESS. l'ne auvantages of tne tiecia iipeless 11urnace are numberless. You will be amazed at the dif-. f erence it makes to your home, From celiar to attic it wili mean a home more comfortabie, more convenient, more heaithy and more pleasant., If you are considering a furnace come in and let us further explain the efficiency and economy of the Hecla Pipeless Furnace. W. HL DU'STAN iJ Hardware 11e Started Gutting The High=Cost~-Liing Tinsmithing Plumbing - Others Followed Forced To Seli Haif Our Stock DONT DELAY We have the goods that satis- fy, and bought at prices below to-day's costs, MEN'S SUITS ASSORTED Grays, fancy blues, etc., To Clear, $18.75 $25.00 and $30.00 values To Clear, $22.50 $35.00 and $40.00 values, To Clear $29.50 $45.00 and $50.00 values, To Clear, $38.50 SPECIAL Fin e Twill blue serge, staple or, Young, men's models, worth $55 While they last, $44.50 UNFINISHED BLUE SERGE Staple, ýor young men's models, A Real Btrgain, $29.50 MEN'S OVERCOATS Ail kinds in stock, Dont $22.50 to $37.50 Dotmiss this chance. - BUY YOUR REQUIREMENTS NOW Would you pay $4.00 for a $5.00 bill? Then Buy- At Webster's. NECKWEAR, 69, 98, 119, 159, look these over' MEN'S FIOSE, iight or heavy weight, 3 pairs for $1.00 THAT NEW FALL HAT A few just opened up, velours, etc., $3.95 KING HAT-THE'BEST $7.00 values, 5 doz, to clear $5,75 SWEATER COATS $12.00 and $15.00 values $10.50 Others fromn $1.95 up. See. them You doýnt have to walk up stairs to save $10.00 on your suit or Overcoat at Webster's. BOYS' SUITS(& OVERCOATS. At haîf price according to to- day's price.1 MEN'S SHIRTS 10 doz.. to clear, 98c Others $1.95 to $5.95 MEN'S PANTS $2.95, $3.95, $4.95, $5.95, $6.95. The kind that wear like a pig's nose. OVERALLS The best make-Peabody's, $3.59 Smocks to match Overails,................... $2.95 Cotton Pants .......... $1.95 large size mostly. $5M0 OFF any Tailor-made suit i Our range, Get measured to- da-,y. Satisfaction guaranteed, Buy ahead-We do, A GOOD CHANCE TO SAVE MONEY ON YOUR CHRISTMAS GIFTS Where you aîways get most value for'your $BW AVLE IC-920 In Cloths BOWMANVILLE.

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