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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Dec 1920, p. 7

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If so, corne in and talk'them over. J.J.MASON & SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 50 Bowmanvîlle Shoes Repaired While Yoni Wait I arn now in a position1 to give you quick service and best of workîwiaship as I have tw'o assistants. [Work Boots For Sale ýkood substanitial Vr boots for men. Also ser- viceable shoes for, 1adies and ebidren at reason-j able prices. NOTrICE TO; CREDITORS In the matter of the Estate of John Stacey, late of the Towýnsip 0)f Darlington deceased. NOTICE ia hereby given that ail per- sons baving any diaims or demands agaiuntthe -late--John-- Stacey, -who -died- on or about- the 18th day of October; 1920, at the City of Toronto, are required to send by post prepaid or deliver to the un- dersigned Solicitor for Mary Jane Dean, Executrix under the wlll of the said John Stacey, their names and addresses and full particulars in writing, of their clai-ma a.nd statements of their accounts, and the nature of the securitie,,s, If any, held by thcim. TAKE NOTICE that after the lOth day of Ja"uary, 1921, the said 31ary Jne ea wjll proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the persons entitled thecreto, having regard only to the d1aims of which she shall then have had notice, and tIhat the said Mary Jane Dean will ilot be hable for the said assets or aay part thereof, to any person of whose caim she shallflot then have recelved notice. Dated at BowmanVille, this 29th., day of November, 1920. M. G. V. GOULD, Bowinanville, Ont., 49-3-w Solicitor for Mary Jane Dean. and in the newsp;,pers as a testimonial. " 1 Among those whÎo were present at -Mrs. D. CASSADY, BOX Z.61, Paris, Ont. the funeral were his two sons and Why women will continue to sufer so daughter,' Mr. Cephas Woodger, long is more than we can understand, !Mitchell, and Mr. A. ýE. McCarthy, when they cin find health in Lydia E. Toronto, besides a number, of rela- Pinkham's Vegetable Compound! tives fromn the surrounding country. For forty years it has been the stand-_________ ard remnedy for female ills, and has re- stored the health of thousands of women Relief for Sufering Everywhere. lIe who have -been troubled with such -ail..-whose lifc- las made maiserablea by the suf- ments as dispiacements, inflammation, fering that cornes from indigestl6n and bas not tried Parmelee's Vegetable PlUs ulceration, irregularities, etc. does not know bow easily this formidable 'If you want special advice write toî foe can be deait with. These pis, wIl Lydi E.PinhamMediineCo.(cofi-relieve the suferer, They are the resuit dnial). Lynn, mMssi C. Yourlete if of long and patient study and are con- benta) open, Maea . and an's er by afidently put forward as a sure corrector be oene, red ad arsweed y aof disorders of the digestive organs, fromn woman and held in strict confidence. which so many suffer. D01,Tthink that bcuevu 00% N Pl"stomach can digest food you are proof against indigestion. The most important digestive work is done by the bowels, liver and kidneys. Unless these are active and work in harmony, you are in danger of Self-poisoning. PRIC TSSold overy- Worth -MI:where in a Guinea Cnd a box. 2CSc PILLS help the bowels to f unction&tc piroperly, and infIluence thLLE ['Vcr and kidnàeys to act vuery fivry Give e'a oo r When you select a Hloover electric suction sweeper as your Christmas gift to Cthe finest wornan in the world," you may be sure that she will know you have chosen the best, The Hoover is the only combinied electrie rug beater, electrie carpet sweeper and elctLrie suction cleane r. It, brushets up thie nap and pile. It brighte,.ns up the original colors and patterns in loor coveringsq, hangings and uphiolsteryý. It hais a wide range of ueuns through a ve 7,-riy 1cltestof speciatl att-achmeý-ntÏs. Cive bier a Hoover - It Beats. . As It Sweeps As It Cleans, and prolongs the life of your rugs. T he Hydro Shop Bowmanville'

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