MR. AUTOIST IWhen you lay up your Car bring it to us and BOWMANVILLE, JAN. 6th., ý1920. FINE VALEDICTORY ADDRESS. By Miss Jane Grigg, BowmanvUlle High School Commencement, 1920. Mr. Chairman, Teachers, Students ,and friends of Bpowmanviile Hligh Il Sconol1 neyer did 1 understand a subject bgt- LAND 0F BEGiNNING AGAIN. ter, than as his pupil. H-e bas a clear and very effective manner of ex- I Wish' that there were sonie wonder- planation and imparting, knowledgeI fui places which is not eveyone's pr.vilege Called the Land of Beginning Again to possess. Principal Morrison has Where ail our mxistakes, and ail our now our highest respect and very de- heartaches servingly 'for hee bas display ed 4 And ail our poor selfish grief character and moral qualifies worthy Could be dropped like a shabby coat to be imitated by us ail. It is a at the door deep satisfaction to me tlat Our And neyer be put on again. Board saw fit to- engage Mr. Morrison, m &ILLIONS KlLLED IN ACTION Wonderfal iiewsl Millions and mil- lie", of grekilled li action and thoneandu and thousande of victime reiîeved of bronehitiB. asthma, coughs, and colds. There is great rejoicing in RAJLWAY TIME TABLES FOR BOWMANVILLE.ý Grand Trunk Railway. Going East. Going West Express 8.42 a.m. Pass'ngr 4.22 a.m.! Express 10.35 a.m. Pass'ngr 1.14 p.m.* Local 10.02 a.m.* Pass'ngr 3.14 p.m.* Local 1.56 p.m.* Local 6.54 p.m.* Pass'ngr 7.17 p.m.* Local 7.14 p.m.* Pass'ngr 8.16p.m. Mai] 9.58 .m.<,