"HowDeciu' ta ek opinion of ail who have once trlecl D'il U! Yo U have aot tried Îte send us a pont card for a free amestatlag the priceyou now pay and U ,qrotz use Black, Green or Mlxed Trea. Add -ess Siý.a1Toronto 00 04 E---k.ýT"R MASON & DALE, Bowmanville WM. JAMIESON, Newcastle W. W. HORN, Hampton ALL It May Concern T 'H-E Par1ian~ient of Canada has recently passed alill regula tith taking of the. vote on the Referendum in Ontario on April 18. ,The points to remnember are as f ollovs: Every British ubject by irtli or natiirtliatio», manior'woman, resâdent ithePomniuon of Canada one year previons :o Psbniary 1, 1921, and resident in the Province of Ontario for two months previous to same date,, is enttled to vote, unless therwise disqualified. 2. Voters' Lists uW ntels rvn lreferendum ta revision. Every voter i an urban poiling divi- sion nmust b. on the list, and will presumably ho on the list only i the division i which he resides. InL incorporated citles and towns of 1,000 popula- 3.tion or over, arrangements will be made for receïv- ing applications froni any who are flot now on the list on March 29 ta April 4 inclsive-exccpt Sutt- day-when for six clear days officers wfil sit ta receive such applications. 4. In rural polling divisions the voter must be ether on the list or be put upon it as a resident and ho vouched for as such by another resident. 5 Both affirmative and negative aides have the rdght to select scrutineers 6. Women have the right to vote. V T-andvote-YES, Ontario iReferendum Committee THE "LIFTUP" (Patented) ALL nIAs FILLED CORESsae sde- gigned ln conforsitY with the science of Anatony. The 'Lîtup a Patented Invention with ..,-slip eiastie Inside bet gentiy sup- ports the abdomen, ed j very beneflia fo; usea ater an op,'ation invoing an abdomina Incision. Mst effective lni Te-; lierIng those physIcai aiiment front whicis manY vomen sufer. Wrijte rue Non, for usefnl blte anL Ottiing and sef-measurement. Pro@ lpon reauem. M~AS 4a naitiniAi siraev' Tink these Points Over ith Care They may apply to you., Beechan's >Pis have been, for sev- enty years, used by thou- sands of people and are to- day considered very useful in safeguarding health. Beecham's Pis help to overcome disorders of the stomacli, liver and bowels, prevent biliousness, con- stipation, indigestion, sick- headache. They keep clear the com- plexion and help to purify the blood. Consider well Ind tak Sold everywiàere in Canada. la boxes 25c., soc. Largest Sale of any4 Medicine in the World BOWMANVILLE, MARCHI 24, 1,2. sausages hanging fromn the branches ýSaskatoon had heaviest snow Wlf virbo$es Magazine: Mail order buai-! You are Dot ____________by long cords; -and the Cannon Bail this winter on Friday last. ness isn't what it used to be since i exp7eriment. WINTR INWES INDES-11. reewit roud fuitsthesize of a February 28 there were reported the farmer's flivver has brought him igwe WINTER IN WEST hNllES-IL trse, theharound fruits the0 uui5 apples, New- mno coetouch with the merchants E Z Lf ~5use Dr. Orillian in The Packet tuko hete.onani o eema Ïhs0oit, ctterdo e the e avecads1600 1500, Oshawa 2000, Port Hope of country towns. The days of big mtiofs. Breievesatoe and gIrau~ Satrdoeth evsadalong 10,and Coîborne 16,000. epnin othsicmpne ae al eans thlee an anebxd rad thtthe fences are beautiful flowering ________________apaetyoe. Te a odOal e s e kn aoumentiox tDr. The story is told of Columbus, htaprnl vr hymyhl hs' itetfe fjUMninti when, on bis return f£romn o f his ahrubs. Crotons with their striking saes mewntho, adoption ofnew gperaand ele2.stoaEmanorst age. & o.,a voagshewas asked by the Queen yellow, red and green foliage; whule thlr odethlerhseo d as otagesC., of---- Spalndescrbe Jaiai Mlted. Toronto. ofSanto horbeJa ia over many of the trees lumb the Bon crumpled a piece of paper in his Liand gainvillSas and other vines. But it andthrwin itin he abl sa'dwould take too long to even begin toe "lThat la Jamnaica". Icntnkoderiehe oners of the Botanie no btte wayto escibe omicaGarden; and, indeed, to a Canadian, for a more uge andbroke'n land- thle whole island is like a hugebtnc/n~zk7 scraemorl e a d tand; utit sgarden the vegetation 15 ah so strange zens NCA wonerfllybeautiful, and the long- and beautiful. er une stays bere, and the more one Loigfoitewno fteco sees of It, the more beautiful does it 'loin in which1 arn writing, I can c-a see breadfruit treles, cocoanut palma, ffèee o i appe uar. ytesin antb mangoes, bananas and papaws. The;z': , Unfotuntel th sae cnno bepapaw, by-the-way, looks very much saîd for Roseau, the principal towfl like a bunch of leaves stuck on topy4 and eatof oveumen. Sen romof a concrete pole.; but the fruit the steamer's dock in the early. morn- tastes somewbat like a very ripe '~ . ing, just as the sun la rising bebind, mskmelon; but, has a pecuhiar and the mountains, it is most attractive, elusive flavor of its own. and gives one tbe impression of a well Speaking of flavors, vory few of the E G A L YC A built and prspru littlo town, but, troicl fuis, sie fom orage on landing it is disappointing. Theo ad reàfruit, havie very uchL " n post office, customs bouse, and othor afact, as eompae îth au .norbr buildings along the waterfront are ail fruits, hey seeni quite insipid; and of tone, and painted white or tinted, the samne applies ta tbe vegetables- ' o t Money invested in our coal is cash conscient- usually pink or yellow. Between tbeip they ail taste very mucb aliko.I and the seawall is a broad stoime-paveQ ai, told, however, t'bat the? finest iously expen1ded. Here you will get your money's esplande, from'which throe piors pro- fruits do not ripen at this time ofà teyaand, that and f he .n-AV.ýe Worth of coal. Here you receive a full ton plus Streets running back from the es- goes are delicious. Just the sanme, planade are, with one or two ex- a gond apple is bard tob~eat. THERE. is1no time in wom- satisfactory service. ceptions, just narrow lanos paved withT cobble stones, and it ia quite evident________ an's life that she, cannot that this, the older part of the town, owes notbing ta any town planning benefit by the use of Dr. ye commission, but "just growed", as U'YIr U " Cass I1 oo i order Joi-hn A. Holgate &b SonL the streets, or lanes, rua "every wbib IfLeLhhaes eveFddi way". Yet alI are well paved, the v u to keep up the'supply of pure, old streets witli tone, the newer withh reIet r d to nue a Queen and Division Sts., Bowmanville Macadam; and, are always dlean- as IJ n N t R t li âh lo n oesr they are swept every day. There Thq ýr hPe ,4 eri*g1~y etalhul cnito oa are no sewers; but on the sides-or anu yacept_______________________lai""___________conditionofthe in the middle-of ahi the streets are ug1 Y effla înmaz peaseïul nervous systemn.______________________________ tone or cement gutters, wbicb are ?0r t poopk ad constantly flusbed by Water fromn the uo that tbt7 .aiï elit esh Ia Headaches, neuraigia, alicepiess- hydrants; for Roseau bas an abun- emaahlug low 1* wlfl nover mirvive. ness, nervous spells, lrritabiity, dant supply of pure water. la every viuge, to>wun ar it7 led onou eiignondap town are either al tone,orbv the unes enwith the gzreatest "Plup arn- pear when the vigor and energy of B Thpe buildings i, atdis pat ofthe aaams BeEr friylgam uppr aor ofwod, nd sully te munition, kna'w to soiene-Baek- ,the nerves are restored by thec use second story projecta over the street, ley's Bronchîiis Mlztace. Cdsold f this great restorative. or bs avernda supored n ion oughs, ete.-the advanee 3uia< 0 cents a box, 6 for $2.75, al dealera, or, brackets. Many have tonepaved F'l-are met withwthrng M Edmanson, Bates & Co., Ltd., TorQuto. courts, enclosed'iby tone walla eight relief from these troubles î.surea ta twelve foot higb, witb beavy wood- every rne. ou himared thousandQ on doors or gates opening fromn the canaàians ' ar aytawil7 ots street, and fromn the court, a stair, ty lu the great hel ower tMis Y k to ýabu sometimes of tone, takes one ta the rmd ot.io th.eoqee You cannot ue topriua b upper storey. Some of thie courts eouighs of s5 yearg, 0tanding. It ea"- the insurance you choose. The 40 com- are made very attractive by vines not fr11 ta 1o for you what it haalesere eetwl sad~eai trained over treilises, and roses grown donc tor athers. You have svcrsandytehing in bordera along the walls, or ferns tuamin and nothing to lose, as it isteto and wonderfully colored f oliage tundtesa mfninvestigaataote plants ln pots and urns, ta banieh cougbs, solde,,bronehitis, La the old days of the wealtbY bronehial astbrna and prevent youFip ose de twthvr lbeay sugar and coffee plantera, Roseau was tramn getting the "Pl." It is net a Firf Lru TLU I AIJ Ml 1. îbeall made up, almost entirely of sucb y"p, but a seientifis mixture, 20 IrO IO IUUU ~aupi~u ina iteaîya osbe builings but wit theaboIto of limes stronger thon any other eangh slavery, and the f allure of the augar sure. One dose gives instant relief. an ofe lnaios ayof these Pre, 7 cnt.Takenosustîut D rag i hru ith L-Day's ork" Y04JGET THE BEST WHEN YOU ta ruins. 'To-day as you walk As& yonr drugglst17 i the compaint of many a woman INSURE 'WITH tbrough the streeta 'of Roseau, you in the household, office or factory. wiil 500 niany of these reminders of SOLO IN BO'NMANVILLE 8V Aftersuffering AIe% Oý% old tixnes, with the ababby, unpainted F .KRLK pain, feeling J e__e S O bouses (often more bovels)'of the nervous, dizzy,M AO natives, built on the aid foundations, ?w ea k andRalE at and nua eBr er or even within the still standing wal Doctors G v elEti n nuac rkr and it is not atail uncommon to see À-geddw sldsoeseslaiguteteby weaknesses Phone 50 Bowmanville door of a tumhledown, sback that M ae û etâà fle e would not ho aliowed, even in the out- WKood4er6rcoOOry ofcvel.vick o w i t h le y le s akirta of any sef I'especting town in This is oesof the rnany striking storîes we i sunken, black _______________________________________ Ontario.aepulsin fhateD. .prescription la accarnpiishing arnong Canadian sufferers. c i r ees and South of the esplanade the ground Casesetroa ownneighborhoowill besent paie cheeks- rises ta a beight of f orty or fifty foot on applicatien.Uschaoa above the waters edge, and on the top "I was laid up ail winter with weep- sucklyre C' ! of the cliff are the old fort, (now used sema 1I triid every dactar iii IJEE I.A '%, Are- as plic saton)th Pbli Lb- knees were a sight. 1 have used several heaiclth by the SE rary, and the Victoria Museuma. The botules of D. D D. and arn weli of the> Library, a cool, airy building witb terrible disease. D. D. D. ise eertainly Favo rite Pre- IL lt~ ~i ~ IL wide verandaba, sbaded by groat trees cer, it. Burweii, Ont. seriptîon of Dr. Pierce. Chaaged, I L &% .PN iBE H R E that would dwarf Orillia's largeat ?ne irst drop of D. D. D. and theic tek <e too, in looks, for after takiag Dr. maples, from wbich one can look 'out Ce Your rnoneîback if tbe tiret battis doese iresFvrt rsrpintheWear opnt bu ali tdqatty f over tho blue waters of the Caribbean sca 0ti 10 ats . skin becomes elear, the e oeaeoetbu iie uniyo in Roseau, and an ideal spot in wbihbihete hepuptis S EED GRAIN of the following varieties: te spend a quiet hour witb a book. là pureiy vegcýtablead contains no A L YO A ,N.2 an w o e The reading room is weli aupplied M I[lofic.br ~Sk t Lleaecohol. ALY0A.C.N.2an1TwRwe witb Englisb newspapera, magazines, JURY & LOVELL Druggists soul it in tablets or OATS-:any good grade roies sead illustrfatd paers;ho- lDRUGGISTS BOWMANVILLE iquid, or send Doctor Pierce, ut SPRINC1 RYE joaids.everscenificand sltenia1- Invalids' 1Hotel in Buffalo, N. Y., 1WHEAT-Mar"'uis, Prince Imperial, Goose of books of fiction, history, biograpby, _______________ 10 cents for triai package. travel, etc., inluding several, books ARE xÂî.' a ufrn e aeas o aecoc o oen on Canada, but perbapa the most1BAREONAI."1W sfeigW haeas fo sle hic N .1Gvrn înteresting section of the Library ilsNT.ro aru-down aystemn some time m n tnadadhm rw E L V R a loana collection of rare aid books on ago, wa unfit ta perform my daily ALSIKE TIMOTHY, and are prepared to sunrily tbe West Ladies. lan pasaing I would1 duties, and was advised te try Doctor like ta say that, when a year ago, I1 H S iresFvrt rsrpin re other varieties if needed. went ta the Orillia Public Library ia it, took two bottins, and was reatored Still have a good supply of Coal, Wood, Lum- searcb of information about the West ta my' natural trength. 1 cannai brad aeil.t1 ladies, ail I could find was an ancient Dotoerecesaendne Building Maeil uality righ~ anu copy of "Gossip of the Caribhes"-i praîse hoco iresmd st t prices reasonable. Caîl and see us. and ,it wasn't very interosing gospi bighly, and wilh bewilling t write t ete.anyone sending a stamped envelope." e' eitr Victoria Museum, in the samneLO AR-Ms A. H. BîsHlor, R. R. No. 1., c lla o p n i ie grounds witb the Public Library, con- I igStetBtt omjil tains an interesting collection of the 9t Min tretEatI Lavil natural producta of the island, such E ffcePhnoE5-AesdocFI28 0 "27 acntrepodfuct;som atii STOPELEVS EANESSimndplyfiePoe1 esdne 2 n 7 ler's Tree, of Madagascar, the rare i.A ('fSIflttIIIOF - Cveo de Mer of double cocoanut, of p àS MK»S F-irni l the Seychelles Islands, and the Coh- C g, am enIIo une palm, of Honduras, witb beaves Yl twenty-feet long. Among the trees I perbap the mot striking are, the (ablets or Granules) spathodea, vwich ât titIn time s1 For Sale in BowmanvHIe By FO covered with fiame colored biossoma; F. R. KERSLAKE- the sausage tres, witb bard' woody R .MTCEL&, 20-311. fruits tbat look like over grovn R .MTHL O