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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Mar 1921, p. 4

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BOWMANVILLE, MARCH 24, 1921. MINISTERS ANDCHURCHES-. WEDDII4G SINGING AND VOICE PRODUCTION. Rev. S. C. Moore took Rev. Capt. Bonathan-Walton MRS. J. B. NEALE,A.K.C., B. A., (Mons 'r ______hrch PuPil of Sir Charges Santley, the wrduI~ Hitoy f yrone O tshawaorn Sday.greatest Baritone, and madame Amy î___ .tlzstoryGarbutt'swork in imcoe-st. Church, The marriage took place at New- Sewn h mnn oalt litk "WES DUHAM BOY WIH By, W H.Spago as t Oonocastie on Saturday, March 5th., of a limlted number of pupils at her studio, .II Sunda takDgRteAMorBOorRev Mis Gladys E. Walton, niece of "Berneval" Bowmanville, and at Mrs. D. Sundy tkin thewor f r Rv. A Mis R Morison's, Concession-st. Phone 165. XRA DD'dMMORsTLLnK B. A.,wh ws l.1 Major and Mrs. H. W. Dudley, and Students prepared for ail examinations- GRdN son, WOEMWaY TELL Mr. Harvey Charles Bonathan, son of the Tornto Conservatory of Music. OF PERSONS AND CN Rev.*W. H. Spargo will preach in fM.adMs S oahn O- -3 h TNC DITIONS I INE the Disciples Church Sunday morn- manville friends offer hearty con- DAYS. ing and Rey. W. C. Washington in the gratulations.,cc TIe NUMERTWe(Cntnud)g. S yIt Witn atirrnthn NUBRTOýotne) A special lantern service for young "" s saoti The only stone bouse in the ilg people will be held in St. John's ýwas built by Mr. John Gray adjoin- Church this (Thursday> at 4 p. ni. SALVATION ARMY APPEAL Flowers" $.OPRBTL ft~ V ~~ - ~ inghis tore and it still stands as Ail young people are welcome. »COVEFE solid -as when erected over 60 years St. Paul's Church, Bey. D. W. Best, Fie uned omnpse log bouse to the frame house statua, Communýon" 7 p. m.-"T~Hmsi aaad~g12,adE se EY S RN ~ E R M g . t e p a s n g o t e i l a e f r m m i isf. l a . - T h e Hw- o i y t h i g a v t o r y R ~ e1 the irs reordd crpeter o oerae Athoityof Jsus-Th viw-pintonly 13 of these (less than thrêè per was a Jasper Clarke, a Yankee from of a Captaîn in the Roman Army.cet)podunasatry "Down Eaut"., He was first emi- Prelude-About Millions. 2.30 p.m. cethis isonly ne brsach ofth ployed by Mr! John Gray to build -Sunday School and Bible Classes. Thork fo w onhich o the >efDna p At the frtidcto a bouse on the present Williami Brent St. John's Church, special Easter peal is being made, but the signal of this unpesntcni d.farin. Many of the older buildilgs services. Bey. A. L. Fleming, Tor- success achieved ini dealing withl tion the 1etpsil d f'lstill standing were built by Mr. Alex. onto, will preach. 'Subject il1 a. m. womèn of the. àdmýttedly diffitihte oeillf vc hulteotie H. Gibbard who was a practical car- -"Coronation". 7 p. m.-"Con- class referred to has been more than Wihteo nng f c3 hl penter, as were also his, brothers secration". Special Igaster Mnusic equalled in many other spheres of and a thoruhadce- r W homas and, Charles, who followed by the choir and solos at eachi service Army labour. In Prison -Work, the Spring season Flowers eaiain sol hie and William to Tyrone, Chanle by Mrs. J. B. Neale. Labour' Bureaux, Dispensanies, Sum- . tific ea locatng luthe illag, an Thoms Seviceswillbe hed inSt. John's mer Camps for Children, Children's are epCa.t ecm. b aeb h pcas a mile north on what je nowte Church on Good Friday at il a. m, Homes, Maternity Hospitals, Police hieto snbe in refractio-h Otm Oppsie Pos Ofie owmnie Woodîey falm n P . M igebet-"ýlIt Court Work, General ReliefWork,' The cocs fsaoal Opost PstOfieBomavlieAmong the men who assisted stj iihed". Evening-"'The and Women's Industrial Homes, as he erection of McFeeters Mil were Crucifixion". Mrs. T. W. Cawker will well as in many other ways, the best iomarheeo-.de etst Mr. John Hughes and Christopher sing "There is' a Green 11111 Far interests of the community are served Ivrdpopî hn MR. R .MTHL Mitchell («'Kit"), a local character Away". Bey., A. L. Fleming will by the Army of the Helping Hand i iee rmty we ______________________________________envied by every boy and adoIle- preach. taking hold 'of the individual and adwee wn hm Our- Regseed ptm. T_ ~~~~~~cent youth of the township of Dar- Methodist Church, Bev. S. C. meeting hie or bier neede, whatever adweeyuwn hm lington for hi&s kili, athletic agility, Moore, B. A., B. D., pastor. Sna they may be. ti b ready wit and dare-devil perform- ila.m-Rv.W C ah- ances at the "raising" of evey services11a -e.WC.às- As is known, the ramifications of "Prices Most Reasonable" thoroughly ulfe od building, where hie invariably attend- ,ntn .Awh opee i the Army's work are world-wide, and so. Satisato gar- ed. e~~ighticth year on that day will preach teSl-eîIEfr smd o h Potted adCtFoes ed. '7 ~p. m.-Easter Message by the Past-thSefDnaEfotemdeorthadCu 'O rS teed. G r ce ie trete i te uidig peaton o 230~ 5pciî eric un- tainong andexeingitoerain- James Jamieson was also largely in- or. Special music by the choir. purposde f raiing ioneora EaterLiles this period. Two brothers naxned day School. Commissioner, Richarde is asking for R M. mithl o Danîel and William White who after- Be.WlimPRyr .AB $5'00,000, and in view of the splendid ________ wars loatedat Slinaor Bwman! S. . .,iipa l of eMA,B.n Cl-service the Organization bas rendered S. J. JACKMAN & SONS DRUGIsT N OTMER ware octeflt sone omasownsleD., foricyalrof died TrtCo-in so many different ways the amount OT ville egfr 8yardedi orno hould be readily forthcoming. Phone 80 Bowmanville BWAV L callcd oy the writer, these being suc-, March 22, aged 68 ycars, He wae, ceeded by Mr. John Hoidge. . i boru at Orono, Durham County,___ s'Editor',a Note-We wereunable to , where hie received bis primary educa- The Corner Grecer 18 W ell find spaceý for the foregoing in con- tion. Mrs. Amos Callender, Orono. nection with the instailment in laet and Mr. E. V. Dyer, Port Hoean Watch Our WindowsForOdotalwdhsa Prepard To erve T e B t ssue.James H. Dyer, Belleville, sister andony 5cprsue Prp rd T ev " etNUMBER THREE brothers survive. Internent at Bel- yard75 My1bgi th'snme of M leville to-day. Inteest 0f is zrstmer At sketches by saying how ple"ed 1 amy InteestsU'fHis ust mers .4t to read the contribution ini the last ST. PATRICK AT ST. PAUL' issue by Dr. James L. Hughes, supply- A wec Ai Tm s.ing information of the Weldon farn-, n Iih eme and an Irish pro- A IlTim s. ly hich asI sate I ws uabl togram wcre'given to ail who attend- do. Be it understood by your read- ed the St. Patnick entertainmcnt in crs that my notes are of a sketchy; St. Paul's Church on Wedncsday character, witb no purpose of con vening. The minister, Bev. D. W.EATROFR Dq ~~fully into family history and nt Best, pcrformed the part of chair- urally many minor details will likely man, in good Irish style and with wit HA RR"àY ALLIN go unmentioned especialy wbcn I:am an.d humor kept cvery, one'in good A Few Day-s Left TIo Prepare For Ecaster. Y u W l My referende to Mr. John Hughs The decorations wcre in kccping P IONE 186 BOWMAN VILLE as a carpenter was the result of a with the day and occasion, streamersBe Wa tn oth Iew W A e nC -oeraib etenh>Huees and gre~n shaock leaves real Irish B9Wnin om tin « eL eAr'q o d h p Mitchell with the wvnite'r asfourth aid Isle adding very ecfectivElyt h ih a yN w L n S 0 larnlpp rlFoue party. Duning this conversation an whole. p amusing incident wae recalled by the The programn opened withi "Kil- T party, relating to the "framing" of Larney" well sung in quartet by Mes- W m na dC id e .îo ' i ly I e the McFceters Mill, and, as Mn. John ens. C. J. Halîman, Gco. R. Chase, H. v o e n h irn o ' ea nS lcigY u Hughes was a main actor in the in-' J. Knighit and D. W., Best, and so wellA cident and muet have been engaged did they sing- that an encore was de- Requ iremiits. First Choice !s Always Thç et in this "framing", 1 naturally as- manded and given. eumed that he was a carpenter. ~ Miss Thom gave an Irish recitation, I flnd also tbat I was in error in my and as an encore a bilmonous number impression that tbe fathen of Mesess "The Bacbelor's Reflections". r~V D1I1 John and Samuel Hughes came> to1 Mrs. (Capt.) J. B. Neale sang ErA~ ASTR SPCALS. Canada with the party of Inish refer-, "Lovely Night of June" and as en- IN THE MEN'S i red to.1 core "Little Orphan Annie". NEW COLLARSSETO MEN'SAN BO S The Kitty McLeod, so pleasingly! Mn. R. M. Mitchell sang "0 LittleSETO refercd to by Dr. Hughes, is Missi Mother of Mine", and as an encore NwCfas oto tf ATRH T N Kate McLeod, daughter of the late1 an cqually good Irish selection. NwClas otosifESE D. W. McLeod, general merchant, En-, Bey. J. R. Fraser, M. A., Brook- models, the newest low CP * ~niskillen, grand daughter of William; lin, gave a review of Ireland and bier A ro gRogers, Esquire, great-gnanddaugh- .people, their charactenistics, and ec- collars, priceu ron Re y r r D g usness ter of Mr. Henry Paton, niece of thecentnicities intenmingled with somey Borsalino Ht i late Mn. John McLeod, M. P. P., and'hmrossone"ha ok clOib2c to 50c each shdso grn,*ge also of the Bey. D. Rogers, your yer-, the audience. SLLdso This Spring ste cntibt a beceler naý The Ladies' quantet by Mrs. C. A. black' $900vle _______ III ~cestral inheritance. TeM.c-Cwe, Mrs, B est, Mrs. A. N.'Mc- N WSIK NDCA Intyre to wbom Dr. Hughes refera s ,Mla n Ms agrt lme Eastern pca 75 From inquirers for Ford cars we are anticipat- an old Ontario boy from down nean' sang a Spri»g Song that pleascd MOIS ETTE, GLOVES H ing a big rush this Spring. You may still rest Udotdythrar meusag"MtrMcre"adanOd FOR EASTERotoBrnsft at assured that there is not better allround car for Il equally intenesting events and imci- 1 £at hioneliesetw avrtesngn newest mdl n temoney and the service it gives in return than, ets as. ugso thos ered, ad ; A few good Irish stories were told Kayser and Niagara colors, alszs u th e . cither r. H ughes or he w niter and by the C hairm an, M r. J. L . M orden,M a d a k , n w s a e 5 th O D eh v h m i u a o t o rn , publishing of these historical sketch- M . H. J. Knight and e. Fraser, Qpcal a Couplet, Sedan or Truck. es may bring. theni out as iî1 the i- the decision asdto the best one not and double tips on fing- FORDSON TRACTOR Hughes last week.y Mrs. Neale sang a couple more es uiueo ie Waferlite hr as The first chunches in the vilg o' and this neal Irish evening was nficed at light wegt nw There 15 1no tractor on the market to-day that warrant a brief reference. The Wes_ 1bnoughtt acoec by ahl joining is ettr aaptd t geera fam ue tan he leyan-the ealîlest crected-was b.. 1 ihertIY'in the National Anthemi. $100t$175 erpi 25 Men's Sample shapes, blac ny i Fordson Tactor. Dop in an ask us uestions cated in the centre of the village on, .S eke lydtea-SisfrEsen ie FordsonTraetor Drop n and ak us qustions the site now occupied by the brick j companiments throuout the prognam ut o aseniie odifce, afrme bildng, paintcd i ey pleasing and satisfactoryîastatr whtwt hrmanner. . s netae$5 01 ~wht, it sap pointed gable wîn- NEW SHIRTS two alike, very lts A FE USD CRS OR ALEdows. The inside was funnished in AFWUE CA SFRSLMost severe style, the pcws being BAIL!FF SALE.. FOR EASTER models and materials Nèw Caps oQe n pine, equare-built, straight back, al fitted with doors. Whcn antificial ih There will be sold on Tuesday, alszsi h o, byybý L k ,îo s& C y e m nwas required, it Was supplied by tal- Marcb 29th., at 2ý o'clock p. m., at the We have a wonderful alszsi h obybg rne t 'v p-+P-nl( Bn5o ys low cand e set in candle sik týTw Hall, Bowmanvilic, the Cana- hoose from at p pua via Prry ad Sudury - containcd th~e rare iuxury of foot-1, Paris Revicw, necently purcbascd bte h rc osd excellent wearing ma- newest sty, figur vaar Sotd nd Sdbrystools. Immnediatly bhind Mn Y C. C. Nixon, Toronto, as suspend- ber e es aser ospe-piedaaneu atr eca Paton, the last to remnain of the orig- "Shaîl the importation and the rcda STANDARD TRANS-CONTINENTAL TrRâON EQUIPMAENT inal settiers. Behind that came the bringing of intoxicating liquo rs into ciîalIs 35c to $1.50 $12-50 to $25-00 at $.5t 75 Triolots and full informatimn f-om nearet Canadian gatloraI Gibbard pcw and next fanther back- the province. be forbiddcn?" YES. or Grand Trunk R&w;a Agent. the Bingham pew. Mn. John Waeh- Ail say so on April 18. ington'e family located a couple of New York Hcraid figures that'the ' pews bebind John Gray'nand the rear average farmer-- wife -canas- 4,004- pew oUthe centre tien was beld by a year and she gets the $4. focs Mr. Robent lHodgson. The Herald imagine that $600 toit , (Continucd on page 2) $800 fur coats grow on fumze bushes?'Phioie 83

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