a held last month acomplimentary re- Cok' C~tn&~ c.~LDo Dot suffer solution, expressive of their pastor's CET YOUR SECTION 450kkl Coton pwo 9emjuatanotherdiaWittworth was unanimously passed, and BAS RON N W ili, e Vrtra- rciredtobe inscribed in the churcb NreHof $7)gFhN; 3, $1,oxL 1 joî 1~#~ e5t~AND BE READY FOR sol ey ll renggth-,or P Iette HAYIN Vepaï 011re<u Zs o.ei i ementnu youaz wCouch was asked to preach before the H YN ree pamphlet. Ad rs and &fford lasting benefLI. M0 Dm5ani session, a similar resolution was ad-i THECO MDCNEC-1Toronto SaMnIe BOX free Ir you mealm ITUE REPAIR SHOP T~Rh.OT.'*rîry W.du) azr nd 20s. stam __ - I As one prominent church officia Temperance-st., omnie. BO-WMANVILLE. JUNE 16th., 1921. JUNE WEDDINC I I Higgiabotýham-McKe0ui%~ FRESH EAT DALY 1,Lca',aS Othe jwis This report from Chatham News of, I the mnarriage of a well-known Bow mu Imanville boy, Hubert Charles, eider 1 Cuff LI RalpUCoe, ictn, l VLon fi.. .E. Higginbotham, foreniay phCoePito, am t erly in business he re butnow retir lw y languish in jail 6 months for seiling and living at Nelson, B. C., will be i liquor. read with keen interest by his hosts; CU STO M ER Sis and Scotch Linoleums, 2, 3 of schoolmates and other acquaint- .and 4 yds. wide at Couch, Johnston & ances: Cryderman's. "Erie Manor", the beautiful resi- IMr. and Mrs. L. Jiliard, Toronto, dence of Dr. and Mrs. T. McKeough,l was "en f ete" on Saturday eveningj During the, summer months we have made spent Sunday with hier sister, Mrs. wh nhiyuger daughter, Besat~s~ie siwi speia povsin t sppy urcoutr ptrnsPort Hope Methodists and Presby- Mr. Herbert C. Higginbotham. c.ùg cd 12k. oid with fresh meat daily. All you have to do is to iterians will worship together during It wasý as i pca ragmn send us your order a day ahead and we will have it JtIi.L ewisnd August. enhad been nmade with Jupiter Pluvius Mrs Lwiswh ba benguest at and Boras to, takýe their playtbings' VM*Y hevy 10k. go] delivered next rnorning by any rural route going Goodyear Club for some montha has for that day f ar fromn the lake shore, 1 Ï& lever, i1mitaiIe E out from Bowmanville. gone to Victoria, B. C and as a consequence scores of rela: Mo 1nogram. 1Mrs. Richard Davies and da-tghter tives and friends mnotored from Chat-! FINE SUPPLY 0OF CANNED GOODS Violet, are visiting her sister, Mrs. hamn and, other points throughout J -Fletcher, Detroit, Midi. Kent County to attend a fuanction Samàe desiin witb ALWAYS ON HAND A. fine range of Ladies', Suits in ail wbich bas been uppermost for sorrne heavy casin g Of sizes up to 46 inch bust at'Capeh. weeks in'their anticipatory calendar. 12k. gold $143.5 ,Joýhnston & Cryderinan. Spring with ta magie- touch had iRev. J. F. Mears bas, been appoint- made the trees, shrubs and fiower 'W ib t J.IIIudl ed Assistant Pastor of M'%ethodist look their best, for this important ElIiot Church, Port Hope, for June. event,, and, deft fingers with artistic Sir Sam Hughes was remnoved from' taste had transferred the choicest of 'Jewelers llorsey Block 7Phone 225 House 272 Bowmaniville mOtw ohshm tLn~ the June bloorn in doors, making the' Sunday week by a speclal C. N. R. horne a veritable bower of-beauty. r train. At 7 o'clock, as the glow of the setting sun shot golden shafts through ______________________________________________ Mrs. L W. Gil of Ottawa, -Mrs. E. the lattice blinds on a bevy of beauti- H. Koken, Toronto, have been guests fui young girls and handsome women, of Mrs Jas. Lunney at Goodyear the soft strains of ,Mendelssohns Hotel. wedding march wafted through the House Furnîshîngs-scrinas, nets, air, and the excitement was hushed as chintz, linoleums, special to-day, at lîttie Peggy Teinpleton, cupid-iike, S T AT O W ouhJohinston & Crydermnan's. waiked down the beribboned isle foi- W ~Farmiers around Cobourg, have soid lowed by two other dainty littie gfis, S T A R T N %itheir surplus potatoes at 25c a bag. Katheri ne Campbell and Kitty Eiliott, How does thisefect the bigh cost of dressed in white organdie and carry-A] living? ing baskets of fiowers. Mr. Win. Prower, Bank of Mon- Miss Gay Shannon, in pink em-: treal, Mt. Forest, Iwhile->on bis vaca- broidered georgette, radiantly ber-! tion spent a f ew days witb bis sister, alded the senior portion of the bridai L A lot of people, are doing as littie baking as Mrs W B. MeMurtry. procession. Then the bride, with ad- No need to suf er with corns, or to mirable poise and pretty as a picture possible during the summer months. You can't run the risk or paring tbemn. Remove In. crepe dé chene with bugle trim- 0 them sureiy and painlessly with Hol-. ming,an wedding veille of tulle and O blamne them very mucli either when we- give them loway's Corn Remover. lace, on the armn of berfthrap daiy srvice ndbakng f te ighst ualtyMr. FredR. Foley is representing proacbed the altar where tebie FOR ALL1 a dail servce an bakig of te higest qality Bowmanviîîle Court, No. 964, at High gom teddbM...let which is just as good as mother makes". Court an adanrdro Frsers ceive the bride. inanal convention at Niagara Rrfoeswr bwrbu Falls. Hrfoeswr hwrbu Men, don't order your suit until yo quet of roses. Rev. D. H. _Marshall, I Start.to-day, madam, and let us relieve you of bave seen our special values at $25. pso of First Preshyterian Cburcb, Laowesi your baking drudgery. Wagon calîs daily. Coc, Johnston & Cryderman. rirnony in the presence of neariy 150, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. James were- guests. .j Yuwl favoredl with an invitation to attend Mrs. G. Grant McKeougb and Missle the ommncemnt xercsesof n- -Isabel Saunders, Toronto, madejo gr nh tario Ladies' College, Whitby, liast chrmig rbbo grls Th brde rnP r~wek.mother was most becomningiy gowned , any time., Tliu V SA b "Jj Total immigration into Canada for in blue georgette; Mrs. Walte~r EIliott,. year ending Marcb 3ist is 148,477, sister of the bride, wore blue taifeta Baker aind ConfectionerBomnll 74,265 £romn British Isies 48,059 from and lace; Mrs. Riddeii, Montreal, was Bo mavile Unte Sats nb26,153 from other gowned in taupe georgette; and Mrs. S.JJac counties.W. T .Sbannon of town, chose a gown j ___________________________________________________ Down in,,Port Hope, the pretty bill of ivory georgette over black, wit _________________________________side town tbey steai chicken, rnpney, îvory beads. Foît autos and dlocks. Senator RÈ. A. Following congratulations to tbe Mullboland's auto dlock is the laSt bride and groom, the wedding supper Phone 80 steal reported. was served and dancing was-indulged Our Business Is Grow i*ng N icely Hon.~ G. S. Henry, M. P. P.,ex- in. The lovely gardien was bright' T a nik Yo u the Liberal Consprvativ'eAssociation ing arnost artistie c h urday, June l8th., at 2.80 p. m. 1 wishes, Mr. aad Mrs. Higginbotbam SPECIALS IN BULK TEA Capt. John Jarrell, a former cap, ieft by motor for Detroit and otber New Back Ta, 3,Ibs. or..tain of the l"North King>, has accept points, after whicb theY wiii reside in Ne Bac Ta 3lb. or. ........... $1.00O ed the position Of first officer on the Cobourg where the groom is Manager Very Special ,Black CeylonlTea lb......... ...40ce naroCa ery No. 2, to suce ed of the Standard Bank. Extra Special, Black Tea, lb .................60e C apt. Redfern, Cobourg te Charlotte. The bride travelled in navy canton "The stork bas brought a littie peach"l crepe and smart taupe bat. Out of Fine Green Tea, lb ..................................6()c The nurse said with an air; town guests were: Mr. R. D. Albert- "J'ai mighty giad", the father'said, ini, Cobourg; Mr. and Mrs. R. E. OTHER WORTH WHILE' OFFERINGS "Hle didn't bring a pair". 1 Barnes, Cobourg; Mr. Kendall L. Finest quality Bulk Dates, 2 lis ...............25c Grand dispiay of housecleaning flu Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. A. F. helps-scrims, nets, madras, chintz, Riddell, Montreai; Mr. F. S. Jarvis, Raisins, -per. lb..................................... 28c linoleums, etc., at Couch, Johnston & Gaît, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gordon, Good Cooking Rice, 3 lbs. for ...............25e Crydermnanls. Wllaebr; Mrs. Walter. Hayes,. Corn Starcli, 2 lbs. for .....................Maso...Da.e.ractice..at the Mr. Douglas Wigle, Windsor; M'4r. Salmon, small, 3 for.... 5 save ail". This firm basreniy......... ...2 pec-sv th sufeadyo Brooke Baxter, Windsor;-Miss Maryï 2 fr 5e improved the appearance of its elr rran, Toronto; Miss Maude Ban-i Salmon, taîl,..... ..............ware Store with a coat of B H--Paint, ning, Detroit; Miss Gwendolyn Gra-1 Samo, al........ ............ 18C choiKsing ae bright Woolworth ied h am, Bothwell; MissIsabel Saunders, Choyer Leaf in haîf and taîl tinscor.WlimaTono A SHARE 0F YOUR GROCERY ORDERS WILL stroke recently and bis condition was BE APPRECIATED thougbt so critical that the members aptly remarked: "Hie bas broadenedj of bis famiy living at a distance, our horizýn, enlarged our concep-i were summoned, but be apparently is tions, enriched our if e, and every1 M TITTS N mucb improved. Mr .Adams who rigbt tbinking person must view witb! Grocr Phne 6 Bo manvlle makes"bis borne with his daugbter.. egret the approacbing departure of 1 GroerPhne36 Bo mavile Mrs Len. Garnsby, for some 'years Rev. Mr. Coucb £rom our city", I - past was a former old- and mucb es- Rlis address bas been marked with' lnM- teemed resident of Bowmanvile.- breadtb of vision and deptb of O'rono News. tbought, and neyer bas an audience Undubtdlythefiestdislayoflistened to bim without receivinig v o be d l yve tbe fninewnstaila ofelpful1 ,instruction, li e emphasizes jull mlCocv oilsevrsbon &is now onsla essentials and feels tbat mankind is Couc, Jhason &Cryermn ~ one great brotberbood. 'Ail wbo knew hiai realize tbat lie is a lover DURHAM COUNTY BOYS of iurnanity and bence bis frîends in y< Y T A T Tare to:be found among ail creeds and IL ~classes. a uo HJ IN]I AL IRev. Isaac Couch, M. A., B. D., Leav. hr r te raiain 1in QOuelbec, tht sbare inths rgt. lathe foe $ tBr HAT iJ .inks i Desiî $8 th heavy WERS ýND' ýNT'S ALLL KINDS. OCCASIONS AT 5t Prices enjoy a visit to rnses. Corne man & Sons ind Growêrs Bow'inville AREk 1YOU PROTECTED? are rabie '3.75 Oshawa are takfing an unnecessaryi sufficient protection in the- risk by not way of In- We represent 40 of the best Insurance Corn- panies doing business to-day. Losses deaIt with liberally and paid promptly. YOU CAN CET TUE BEST WHENI YOU INSURE WITH j. je.MASON &: SOCD1'N Real Estate and Insurance Brolcers Phone 50 Bowmanville Cwook By Electricity IT'S CHEAPER 1T'S CLEANER IT'S COOLER IT'S CONVENIENT IT COOKS BETTER $1 50.00 *Ilnvestigate And Be Con-vinced An Electrie Range will give you more comfort and convenience irnr home than any other investment you can make. It will also big dividends on the cost of installation in the saving of fuel. [AT IT COSTS FOR OPERATION Here are some sample monthiy accounts for De- er and May wbere stoves are in use. The figur- dicate the number of iamps ln use in eacb case, also are included in the bill: ..AMPS DECEMBER- MAY il $2.08 $2.16 il 3.87 4.41 12 4.50 4.00 13 4.21 4.89 14 3178 3.76 14 2.77 3,53 15 4.65 3.96 15 - 3.81 4.66 16 5.50 4.98 17 5.29 6.47 18 3.8,1 4.15 18 2.25 2.06 22 4.37 7.15 26 4.19 2.35 26 5.,15 5.17 36 3.88 3.10 CANY 0F TUE BOWMANVILLE $110.0 87 ELECTRIC RANCE' USERS, AND SEE WHAT THEY SAY Every well-appointed house in Bowrnanviile should have an bric Range. Talk to 'your husband about it. TimHE HYD]r'à-%RO0 S HOP "DO IT ELECTRICALLY" BOWMAN VILLE You Can Aff ord It Now Are you arnong those who have been waiting for prices to drop be- fore putting in that bath roorn outfit? The wel- Scorne news lias corne at last and we are now in a position to instail a modern and up-to--date bath roorn equiprnent at very attractive prices. Don't wait any longer-get an estirnate frorn US. Greenaway,,& Elliott Consulting Engineers Bowmanville -Phone 18 day or night s E You carrying surance. 1 au