CE BOWMANVILLE, AUG. 18., 1921. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Miss Lena Haddy is visiting rela- tives in Toronto. Miss Agnes Maynard is visiting rel- atives, in Toronto. Miss Mabel Wells, Gait, is viting Mrs. L. S. Caverly. Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Brown visited friends in Toronto this week. Claremont-$-owmanvi11e football match this Saturday at 6 p. m. sharp. Miss Elva B. Bragg and Miss Gladys V. Palmer are holidaying ini Toronto. Sergt, Thos. Annîson is enjoying the Muskoka air and scenery 4t Spar- row Lake. Mr. Victor Jeffery of this town was a visitor in Goderich during Old Home Week. Miss Tod and Miss Marion Tod, iToronto, are visiting their brother, fMr. Thos. Tod. Mrs. S. Wilson, Toronto, is visit- ing.ber cousin, Mrs. F. A. Haddy and other relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Pickard and family are enijoyjing holîdays in their new cottage at Cos area. Masters Maurice and John Ruskinj Windatt of Gamebridge are visiting their aunt Mrs, Thos, Tod.1 -Mr. Albert H. and Miss Ida Moore h ave returned from a very pleasant visît ini Manitoba and Pacific Coast.! Mrs Wm. McReynolds and Miss A. Edra McReynolds were in Toronto last week attending the Dunlop Pienic.i Mr and Mrs. Milford Wilkins and son, Trheodore, Oshawa, have been vis- iting Mr. and Mrs. Alex Wilkins, Sal- em. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Rundie and daughters, Oshawa, spent Sunday with hier parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Bragg. Mr. David Nicholson, Bowmanville, formerly organist1 at St. George's, Goderich, is an Old Hlome Week visi- tor-Gýoderjch Star. Mr. and Mrs. A, E. Sheppard, Tor-, onto, visited Mr. and Mrs. Elias Trimm and enjoyed (?) a day's fish-i ing at Scugog on Friday.1 Messrs. Geo, Humpage and E. Jones of Beaver Lodge, L. T. B. No 358,1 Bowmanville, are attending True Blue Grand Lodge at Mount Forest. Mrs. David Roberts and Miss Laura Roberts, Cobourg, have returned home after a visit with her niece, Mrs. R. T. Stephens, Beech Ave. Mr. and Mxs. M11lville Watson, Port Credit, and Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Montgomery, Toronto, were Sunday > guests of Mr. and Mrs G. N. Tus Miss Lizzie Cann has returned home after having a pleasant visit with bier sisters in Oshawa and Ked- ron. Her niece, ýMiss Lola Hoskin accompanied lier. iMessrs. M. G. V. Gould, M. J Smith, J. A. Webster, and Day C. Warnica took part in the Big Bowling Tourney at Belleville this week but failed to capture the Riggs Trophy or Ritchie Cup MiPrincipal and Mrs. S. J. Courtice and daughter Iva who have been en-. joying holidays with their many rel- atives in this vicinity have returned to their.home in Leamington accom- panied by Mr. Allin Annis, B. A., of Tyrone. 11ev. S. J. Allun, Toronto,, a Dax- lington old boy, preached in Victoria St. Methodist church on Sunday, August 6 "much to the pleasure of his former congregations', says The Goderich Star in its report of 0Wd Home Week. Mrs. Nora Varcoe, sole beneficiary and executrix, has been granted pro- bate of the will of hier husband, John Henry Varcoe, a mechanic, residing in Toronto, wbo died in'NiagarqýFalls, N. Y., May 11, leaving $5,324 in real and personal proýerty. Bonnett fiowers are retaîled in Bowmanville by T. H. Knight. 33-t Congratulations to Miss Helen G. Morris of Bowmnanville Public School teaching staff on receiving from the Onar o Department of Education a certificate as Supervisor of Vocal Music after pursuing a two years' Summer Teachers' Course in Toronto. Next meeting ofthe Bowmanville Womýn'snstitute will be held on Fni- day, Auguste 26 at 2.30 p. m. at the home of Mrs. E. Belîman, Centre St.. Mtembers please bning scissors, thim- bles, thread and material for making a guilt and quilting. Let everyone mnake an effort to attend and help in this good work. ,Mr. and Mrs. C. E, Adcock of Mel- rose Ave., Montreal, are at Asbury Park -dnd ldOrchaD BechAt4an- *1 .~ ( Biargains In 011, Sto'ves Husbands, don't stop your one of these stoves this week, gain:- . wives from buying Every one's a bar- u PERFECTION OIL STOVE I only, 3 burner, slightly used, and going, for only $10.0O. CLARK JEWEL QIL STÈOVE 1 only, 3 burner, with high sheif, spécial-. ly priced for quick selling at $12.0 FLORENCE AUTOMATIC QIL STOVE 1 only, 4 burner, used for demonstration purposes only. Will be sold at a genu- mne bargain. Mason & DaIe's lhardware The Store with the Big llardýyare Stock Phone 145 Bowrnanville Compare these prices with others and you'll flnd that, as usuail, we save you money: 20, lb pail lard,........4...........................".20 Smoked or Pickled Picnîec Hams ...........28c lb. Kraft Cheese, very tasty ....................1.....40c lb Red Cab'bage,, large bottie, fresh .............25c Porjk & BÉeans, great value, 3 tins ...........25c Don't forget we have the largest varietý of Cooked Meats in town. G. A. Edmondstone One door east of F. F. Morris Go. Phone 21 Bowmanville EXTRA SPECIAL 25 only- Marabou Chockers, the very newest thing, colors natural and black, very special, Remnant Sale Price 1 $1.48 500 yards 36 inch Flan- nelette, plain" white and st ripes good heavy quality, this same quail- ity sold last fali at 60, Remnant Sale Price 29c a yard CONSULTING ENGINEERS JAMES, PROCTOR & REDFERN Liited. E. M. -Pi.octor, B. A.- Sc., Man~ager~ 36 Toronto St., Toronto, Can. Bridges, Pavements, Waterworks, ,Sewerage Systems, Incinerators, Sehools, Public Halls, Housings, Fact- ories, Arbîtrations, Litigation. Our Fees--UsualIy paid out of the Mon- ey we save our clients.. t M _________________________________________________________________________________ CONSERVATIVES, ATTENTION!. A meeting of the Libefal Conser- vatives for the town of Bowmanville will be held on Thursday, August 25 in the rooms over Engel's Store at 8 p. m Ladies specially invited. E. C. Rehdçr,_ Lou Tapeon, President. Secretary. WEDDINGý Boyes-Gakrbutt At Wesleyan Church, 'Middlesbor- ough, England, a pretty wedding was solemnized on July 5, by 11ev, G. B. Corin, when Esther Garbutt, late of Lindsay, became the bride of Ed- ward J. Boyes. Aften a trip to Bidlington on the Sea, Mn. and Mrs. Boyes went to the * very pnetty home at Dishforth, Thiîsk. MINISTERS'AND CHURCHES Union 'servic 'es next Sunday, 11ev. S. C. Moore, B. A., B. D., Will pneach in the Presbyterian Church at il1 a. m.-Subject--"The Shepherd Psalm"; 7 p. m.-Metbodist Church- "Countîng the Cost". Union services on Sunday were conducted by Rev. R. A. Delve of Smithfield who is enjoying a vaca- tionwith àrelatives in this vicinity. His morning subi ect, "Job's Strong Confidence" based on "Tho hie slay me yet will 1 trust in Him", Job. 13: 15, was a very encouraging and help- f ul discourse. A veny appropniate duet, "My faith Looks up to Thee", was splendidly sung by Mrs. C. A. Cawker and Mn. H. J. Knight. Rev. Mn. Delve's, subject "Victorlous Faith" in the Methodist Church in the evening was closely allied with the morning being based on the wonds "By faith the walls of Jericho felI down, etc", Heb. 13- 30. The Bragg Quartet-Messrs. W. S., Otto and Wallace Bragg and Mn. S. Gla- ville-sang splendidly tWo selections at the evening service which were very much enjoyed. We may add Mn. Delve has always been a veny ac- ceptable preacher to a Bowmanville audience and citizens tunned out in large. numbers to hear him on this occasion. His old parishionens at Ebenezen and Maple Grove came in lange numbers to hear thein f ormer beloved pastor and wene delighted to meet him again. LAWN BOWLING. Mn. M. J. Smith, the bowling en- thusiast and President of the Good- yeqr Bowling Club of New Toronto came down on Saturday -with thnee rinks from - bis club who played a fniendly gamie witb members of the Bowmanville Bowling Club. A very enjoyable aftennoon and evening were spent together and al seemed well pleased with thein visit to the old town. Here are the rinks and scores: t Afternoon Bowmanville New Torontor M. G. V. Gould F. Rance W, 'E. Kelly W. A.Edger Jas. McDougall R. Wallbank J. A. Webster, 21 M. J. Smith 15 A. Dens em J. Webster M. A. James E. Thunston J. J, Mason W. Kerr J. Lyle 27 14. Bouchunt Skip 6 O. Smith G. Griffan Les Nichols W. E. Lowe C. A. Smith A. R.Ness W. B. McMurtry 1D Carruthers il Eevning M. G. V. Gould W.E. Kelly Jas. McDougal J. A. Webster A. Densem S. Woods C. B. Kent J. Lyle Skip 23 Les Nichols O. Smith L. B. Nichols Jas Carruthens J. Webster E. Thunston, W. Kerr 5q H. Bouchunt- 34 G. Griffan W. E. Lowe A. R. Ness R. Carruthens Skip 9 R.E lbn F.Rac O. C. Smith 20 M. J. Smith 9 NESTLETON. Ir. T. A. Brown, Normal school, Ottawa, pneacbed very acceptably in North anÏd South Nestieton chunches on Sunday, August 7 and renewed some old acquaintances. We would have been pleased to hear him sing again as in former yeans. -He taught school in S. S. No. 1, Cartwright, thinty-seven yeans ago. 1Mrs. A H. Veale acýomrpanied Mr. and Mns. Robent Philps, Bunketon, in a motor tnip'to Midland and othen centres in Simcoe County. The choir of King-St. East Methodist cbuncb, Toronto, motoned down to Nestleton on, Saturday evening and gave an ex- cellent concert under the leadership of Mn. Elliott. We fain would spec- ialize but special mention is due to Mn. Elliott an dMiss Abraham for sol- os and little Miss Gibson iu elocution- any work. They will have a heartly welconme wben tbcy return as we hope they will. Mn. Roy Wright of Baum and Brad- dys', Windsor, has returned to bis duties after spending two weeks vac- ation with parents and friends. Mn. F. L. Farewell, B. A. , President of Ladies' College, Whitby bas moved into bis new cottage, on, Emenson's shore, Lake Scugog Recent visitons :-Mr. -i Manwood and Miss Majory Veale, Toronto, with his father, Mn. John Veale and friends; Miss Marlon Somers, Water-1 ford, with Miss Ruby Veale; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mountj oy with Mn. Ev- ertt Trewin; Mr. and Mns. Rae Mal-1 colm and boys at Peter Wright's; Mn. and Mrs,,Payne and little Miss Payne at James Gordon's; Mn. David"-Mal- c ohm, Lindsay, wîth fnlends; Mr.--Wm. Porteous' bas netunned from a long visit with friends in Bethany and Millbrook; Mrs. Washington, Oak- wood, Mn. and Mns. Walter Washing- ton, Mn. and Mrs. Tom Moss and Ar- thur, Toronto, Miss Mabel Wight, Ty- none, at J. W. Emerson's; Mn. and Mrs. Griffith, Mr. Samelîs U. S., at Mr. William Samefls. Was interested in the article on "Early Days in Enniskilleii' particul- anly that referring to'Mn. Tom Swain. Mn. Hermon Samelîs visited Tyrone friends Sunday evening. ENFIEILD Mr, W. T. R. Preston, Port Hope, Liberal candidate for Durham County in thé coming Dominion election, r.~ W. E. N. Sinclair, M. P. P. for South Ontario, Oshawa, and Mr. W. J. Bragg, M. P. P. for West Durham, Bowmanville, will addness a public meeting beld in the Sons' Hall here on Fniday evening at 8 o'clock. Ladies invited. DARLINGTON Recent visitons ;-Misses Lillian and Florence Shqvrt, Taunton and Miss Olive Short, Moose Jaw, Sask., àt Mr. Blake Short's;-Mr. and Mrs. J.~ Broôok and Mr. A Brook, Mrs. E. Pet- ty and Miss Landfather, West Hill, at Mr. E. J. Burks; Mr. John Woods, Chatham, at Mr. W. H. Woods; Mrs. A. Tnenouth and Misses Ethie and Nancy Johns, Hampton, with Mrs.1 Roy Metcalf e; Miss Elsie Whitmee, town, with Miss Mary Wood; Miss Lillian Smale, Providence, with Miss Stella Blackbunn; Mr. Henry Fowler, Mrs. Fowler and babe motoned from London, and with her mother Mrs& Geo. Fitzgerald, Toronto, were guests of relatives hene; Mn. and Mrs. E. J. Burk and Miss Florence Burk have been on a motor trip to Moorefield "and visited relatives at Highland Creek and Toronto. 'Notice to Creditors IN THE MATTEU 0F THE ESTATE 0F RICHARD OSBORNE, Deceased. NOTICE le hereby given that ail per- sons having any dlaims or denand s a- gainst the late Richard Osborne, who died on the eleventh day of May, 1921, at the town of Bowmanvilie ,are required to send by post pre-paid or deliver to the undersigned Solicitor for James F. Osborne, Richard L. Osborne, Edgar L. A. Osborne, executors under his wIII, or to the said executors, tlir namnes and addresses and f ull particulars in wxiting of their claims and statemient of their accounts and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them. TAXE NOTICE that after the 15th day of September, 1921, the said execut- ors will proceed to distrîbute the assets of the sald deceased among the versons entitled thereto, having regard only to the dlaims of which they shall then have had notice and that the said exeautors wili flot be hiable for said a"sets or any part thereof to any person of whose dlaimn they shallflot then have received notice, DATED at BOWMANVILLE this llth day of .August, 1921. M. G. V. GOULO Solicitor for J. F. Osborne, R. L« Osborne, and E. L. A. Osborne, execut- ors. Mn. John Tabb and son Harold Tyrone, spent Sunday with bis sonye Messrs. Charles and Thos., Tabb. Flowens for all occasions fnom Bon- nett Florista Ltd., are sold in Bow- manville at T. H., Rnight's. 33-t This is how they do it down Co- bourg way: Mr. J. Hayden, Pres. of Cobourg Hospital has neceived a check for $20Çkfrom Right 11ev. Mon- signor :Murray, Catholic Priest, a- mount of a special off ering in. St. Michael's Church, Sunday monning; also a check from Mn. Willis'F. Mc- Cook for $1,000. You get the best wheni yon buy Bonnett Flowenýs fnom T. H.1 Knight. Mes'srs. Hilton Pearce, EverefttOs- borne and Allan Cînyton took lu the excursion to the West. DON'T THROW YOUR OLD CARPETS AWAY They make new revensible "Velvetex" Rugs Send for 'Velvetex Folder 6 CANADA RUG COMPANY London Ont. The Shop That Leads- "As Usual, the Unusual' FURS 0F Su rpassing QUALITY AND Enhancing STYLES MODERATELY PRICED G. N. THURSTON Bowman.ville's Up-to-dateHaberdashery and Far Shop.. McMurtry & Co., Ltd. R-EMNANT S.-"A LE Cwontinues for One More,,,,Week ,We have added a lot more remnants to our table so have decided to continue our remnant sale I Satur- day, August 2Oth. Take advantage of this opp ortun- ity to corne in and look, them over. you- to buy. REMNANTS Dress Goods Silks Ginghamns Prints Towelîng Table Linen Galatea Cloth Sheetings, Pillow Cottonietc., etc. Neckwear, etc., etc. We won't bore Wateh for our announcement next week, it will contain some very interesting news for you and be sure and attend the Grand Opening of "the New Pavement, Saturday, August 27th.- lPHONE 83 PHONE 83 p Bon ett loral Ltd. Incorporated under the Ontario Compan- ies Act April 29th A. D. 1921. Capital $250,000 divided into shares $100.00 each. Now off ers stock.jor a limited time with some bonus of stock given to investors, a prospectus will be forwardeýd on applica- tion to the Directors of the Bonnett Floral Ltd. Bowmanville M t . t - MéMURTRY, & CO REMNANTS Chîldren's Dresses Ladies' Dresses Shirt Waists M,iddies Hosiery Underwear Glovesa' - Straw Hats Work'Shllits Odd Pants