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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Aug 1921, p. 7

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FEEO LAYING PULIETS ONTARIO AN_____ COP The Bank of Montreal has sent us îts crop report dated August Il1. It ThyNeed Extr@a Food to Keep says that in the Province of Ontario They harvesting has been completed ia Laying. many districts and reports indicate yields generally ighter than last year. Root crops promise to be e'ood with The fe]low who is pulling on the oars hasn't much time to, rockth bout. Keep -pulling., Advertise niglit and morning, and are scat- tered iu straw in' erder te induce the ? birds to scratch or take exercise. Ar a B L mixture of two or more kinds of grain usually gives better resulta than one single grain, largely be- B a~ ~erycause individual birds' appetites vary from day to day. A good mixture for You won't be satisfied muchi as fiL ty Per cent. good corn, 'with a car unless you are 1old ot hdad h satisfied with the battery. were accustomed to eating buck- wheat, the buckwheat would answer ,The Willard Threadedl Rub. nearly as well, or one could use tweuty-flve per cent. buckwheat and 'ber Battery not _only gives thei tweuity-flve Per cent. corn. To the right service to begin with, but corn or buckwheat could be added twenty-flve per cent. of barley, ten keeps on giving it, and actually Per cent. of wheat screenings, and oulssthe batxery plates. fifteen per £sent. of goed oats. If one iras obliged to do so, almost auy The plates are insulated- of the grains could be fed alone flot inerely separated. And th with the exception of eats. There la, too much huli or husk on oats Threaded Rubber In1SUlatien Ilte use'entirely as a single feed., neither warps,, cracks, nor puc At present for a mash feed we are uslng the standard hog feed. If tures, because unlike wood ýthe ground grains are to be fed meitt separators, it is flot affec..ed by or mixed with coeked household battry aid.-refuse then the mixture sheuld be bates- acd.one that wlll mix to a crumbly state. Drive around. Ask questîons. btiffddr!n noenhp e h W~ gve uthoize Wilard above le not so important. I'V, giv autorizd Wilard The mnash feed is the one where Sel-vice. the animal meals are generally gîven. The amounts vary front teet ONTARIO BATTERY SERVICE te twenty per cent. of the mixture. 11 curchst. Oshwa.The animal meals used are cofi- 711 hurc-st Oshwa.monly high grade tankage and beef SOLD IN BOWMANVILLE BY scrap. Where, one lias plenty ofi skimmilk or buttermilk \the other Il q animal feeds are tinnecessary. Somej LUKE e Îuse green cut bone; cooked refuse meut, suds -as livers, liglits, beef GRYDE Aheads, etc. A very goed mash can be made of one part each by measure iof WEST END GARAGE shorts, barley meal,ý and ground ___________________________ ats. Corn meal could be used in th 0lc f the barley or witli it. If oe isshort of green food or 'uposïrP ay oots itwouId be weIl to add one Giei i lyPartof brant. Perhaps the smls Why flot decide NOW te give miash te feeci fromý an open hopper ZUTOO Tablets, the remedy se general- is rolled or crushed. oats. We have ly used for headache, a fais- and square used this, when the'birds had iL-ilk trial? te drink, for a number of years withi If there is any doubt In your mind excellent s-es ults. as tothe worthof these tabét or ef their Laying liens requiÈe plenty l f larmiesaness, try them aad &NOW tii. green feed.- This green, succulent tfllth. feed, is very important. Tee inucli Don't sacrifice your comfereno coent tof prejudice or skei*Icism».1irytZ. grain and no green food at times tablets andIknow. 25e at dealers <or la rery dangetous. Calibage is one mailpepal. B.14. oblum Co of the best green feeds. Roots are mlkgd preatid, B, QuN. baosvery good, but cdorer leaves should teg'd Cr'ticoo, Qubecbe withua reach as well as che roots. Sprouted oats are used te a iarge exteut on poultry farina. When the birds get accustomied to a green and :Z u to o succulent food it is genierally wise te 01- fenPlet iletafuîr-sized lieud et cabbage alinost every day, M or 0ee lundred liens wili eut a peck 11017 of sprouted o ats day ufter d ay, Keep your pen sweet aind cdean, The D, abh Track Ro-"ute but net drafty. Give the liens plenty te eat and somne variety to the teeds. l'~te iiIf yen are regular in feeding %,id Montreal kind iu your maïiner, the liens us- Toronto uully redpond with very fuir egg Detroit production, & Grit and sUell should always be Chicago ithin easy acces.-W. R. Grahaai, 0. A. College, Gùelbls. Unexcelled dining car service. Sleeping cars on night traine and Eas-ly After-Harvest Cultivation. Parler cars on the principal day crains " ttl ntm ae ie"l Pull information fs-cm any' Grand "Aie cn f we emp nd thos-u Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Horuin tecs fwespop n hr DistictPassnge Agnt, oÎotý v ents muny thousands of weeds front . IL~ H. JURY, Agu developing seeds, and tlies saves Phon 78own îneheurs of tedieus labor the succeed- Phona 1 Bowmaa i ng, sea. Eas-ly"'after-hurvest cul. tivation is one of the best waya te We see thut Mr. W. S. Bowclen aL destroy unnual and inter unnual former pupîl of Bradley's School, No. meeds, sucli as False Flax, Ces-n 14. Darlington, mus Secsetry of 1Ceekie, Wild Buckwheat, Pigweed. Goderich Old Home Week. Hem Bail Mustard, Wormseed Mustard Durham county boys and girls us-e' and Annual Sem Thistie. Plough valued when important public ses-- shallow, net more thun three or four vie is te be performed, eh? luches deep, immediutely after bar- vest, and harrow and cultivate fre- Worms, however geueruted, are ý%p nenitirY.- flYlilie iall ow-plorghing- feunfd in --the diËesTive Ïtrds-, m-h(e-e the weed see-ds are kept near the they set up disturbauces detrimeutal, surface and by the' frequeut stfsring te the heulth of the child. There of the soul they are made tu apreut, cari be ne conif ost for the littie eues udbvgsroedtyar asl -until the hurtful intruders have been ý destreyed by uthercutrto, expelled. An excellent pear-Dr. C. A. Zavitz, 0. A. C»lleg. tien for thia purpose eauf be had ý,n Gueýipl. Myiller's Worm Powders. They will_________ îmme-fdiately destroy the rsms a17'd One and a halL ex. or formalîn la ciisrect the conditions thut were f av- 15 % oz. of mater Led at the rate ci ole te their existence. one teasoteoufl per pint nf 7milk 54 a go4 remiedy la the cae of! 41* P4oek la calyves. ,by the C. & B. Line, and mthe novemy of the idea, excellence cf accoms- modations and low rates charged for this service have been highly apprec- iated by motorists. Soft corna are difficuit te, erudicate, but Holloway's Cern Remover wIll draw thens eut painlessly. John Greer, ex-reeve of South Monagban, mwas élected by acclama- tion in place cf Mar-shall Willan, de-7 ceased, King St. E. pear when the v1gorý and energy of thËe nerves are restored bythe use of this great restorativ. 50 cents a box, 6 for $2.75, ail dealers, or Edmnanson, Bates & Co.,, Ltd., Toronto. * 4 e,2 Bowmanville. ImpeialPolrin Ojs required to correctly lubricate your car. Use this grade exclusively and you will get the years of service and satisfaction which you have a right to expeot from your'car. Consuit our Chart at your dealer's or write to 56 Church Street, Toronto, for a copy of "Autoniotive Lubrication," which contains the complete Chart and other useful information. IMPERIAL OIL LIMITED Brancheg in ail Citice PO»PACLEAIIVFFCET7j. Net even Imperial Polarine Motor Oils wiiI lubricate properly if mixed çdt gr-it and dirt. Your'crank-case shonld be thorooghiy cleaned every thousaid miles or les Dealers displayiug the aigu to the left wili dlean yeur crank-cau in an'ex-pert and workmnan-like manner., Such dealers use Imperial Finshhig 011, the modern scientific cleansing agent. Employ crank-case service reg. larly and you wilI save hundreds of dollars every year. Do< 4< r 'YOUR co-operation-the eo-0peration of ail the Citi- zens of Ontaro-is the biggest need in Ontar'io Foreýtry to-day. Histes-y shows that impoverishuient and national decline,,fol- loirs fs-cm thse destruction of a country's forests. Most cf the area cf thisProvincýe is non-agricultural, suited by Nature only for growing trees. This land rpn'ains yours but the Goverament sella the trees. Ever sunsmer un Ontario an. average area of 425,000 acres cf foreat land is burut oves-, equal te a strip 130 miles long, by 5 miles wide. This yearly desolution ut tihe bands of her owu people la gradually turning the nostheru part cf the Province inte, a rocky desert. Ou thousanda ef acres, even the soil bas been de§troyed by fise! Tey're furs The average yearly num- ber of forest fires fil OntarÎo is jabout 1,275. Thse vigilance e! the Pire Ranges-s keep two-this-dS of Ontus-io's f oreat fis-es down te lan average size of leas than five acres. But the others are big enough te s-aise the total average te 350 acres, Fus-est fires in OntarÎe are de- sts-eyiug provincial assets of tins- ber and pulp wood upon which the Province relies te help puy ber sause cf Cunadu's War Debt. Forest fis-es destrey fish and gume, decrease thse segulurîty cf streani flow, cause spring fioods, land es- sien and the crippliug of wuter poirss; turn revenue-preducing as-eus into rock deserts. < tario's fos-ests enly, tbsee are caused by ligbtnîng, unie ninety or mos-e are due te max's* cas-. lessness. One thousand nmen scuttered oves- 100,000,000 acres, have littie chance cf ps-eventhmg fis-es. Ail they can hope te do is te see the aseke in time te check them and put theus eut befere they spread beyond contre!., The problenu of adequate pro- tection of Ontario's Foreats frons fis-e is almost entïrely a moral one invelvîng the irbele public of On- tarie. The vast majority of forest fir-es are caused by humax cas-e- lessness due te lack, of civic s-e- sponsibility. The tendency is te leave ail the responsibility te the Governnient for protecting the f orests frem, fis-e, The Goveru- nient canssot protect the f oresta belonging te the people of Ontar-io unless thse people'o! Ontario ce- patriotiani, yens-public, spirit, yens- regard for the general irel- fare of Canada. Ontario Forestry Bra.nch, Parliament Buildings, Toronto, Ont '4i !Nmliil IMIIII, Rom" ---4

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