S.e.,ool Beils Ring Again Sept. 6 GET READY NOW - ~ The old shoes have had a ~ ~ ' ~ - ard time during vacation and new ones are needed, \ that will stand hard wear. and ail kindg'of weather. Î Y Strong & Sturdy We have studied the prob- lem of children's shoes from every angle, comfort, quaI- tizý ity and price, and offer the 00 best service and satisf ac- tion. uiere A re A Few Splendid Unes jBox Caf Blucher, size 1 to 5 iL/2... ..$3.75 5-veBox Cai Blucher, ilto 131/2. . . .. ....$3.00 ;)Chrome and Box Kid, il to 5½......... .$2,75 yIV Chrome and-Box Kid, 11 to 13-........$.OO Dongola Kid Lace, Low Heels, C'1/2 to 5 $ 3.7 5 0~O Dongola Kid Lace, Low Heels, il to 2 $3.oo Boýx Cali, stundy, and strong, 2Y2 to 6 $3.75 Bo)x Cali, sturdy and strong, il to 2 $3 .00OI Kiddies and parents 'alike will be delighted with the styles and values obtaînable in our well-stocked children's department. Fred R. Foley FOOTFITTER "On the Sunnyside" Bowmanvillbe The M'an Who Knows Qualified Qptometrists do not Experiment They SWork Along Sound Scientifie Lines They have the skill arising from proper train- 2ng, independent research and long experience wîth difficult cases. They have pérfectly ýequipped examining rooms fitted with the- best andmost modemn instruments for insuring precision. Their profession i aa legal one made so by enactment of the Legisiature of. the Province of Ontario. You will find them conscientious in their work and-willinig to adviso you to the bcst of their abil- it.y. You. can have a proper examination made by a Registered Optometrist at a reasonable cost and you can be assured that the flndings will be ac- curate. It will pay you to consuit our Registered Optom- ebtrist, R. M. Mitchell,'and ascertain if your eyes are normal or if you are probably and uncon- r. ciously suf ering from eyestrarn. 'R,,MMitchell & Co. Druggists & Optometrists Phone 92 (Nights and'Sundays 280) Rowmanvîlle W 1e Are Sel ling Cheaper Mileag-e Yumay get extraordinary mileage out cof any one tire-but that's flot the way ta figure mileage. Get the average of mileage given by a pair of tires or a set-and you wilI get nearer ta the actual cost of miîleage to be charged ta the upkeep of your car. r .t's just because we'vc taken the trouble 10 figure values ihat way, that we recomn- mend Amnes Holden "Auto-Shoes." WVe kuow they are givng reaî mileage over the worst roads in the country and their "average* performance leaves no douht iu our minds that Ames Holden '"Auto-Shoes" will give you the cheapest mileage you can buy. And they are guarauteed without time or mileage imits. Drop in and let us show yoouand tell you about ILAMES HOLDEN "AUTO -%-SHOES" «(7nrd and Fabrlc Tires i ail Standard Slzes J. HATLEY Temperance-st. 'Bowmanville. ( x v COURTICE OSHAWA FAIR Mr. Roy Nichols, Toronto, is holi- 'The Big Oshawa Fair will be held daying at home. .Mr. and Mrs. J.S. Septemher l2th, l3th and l4th. Felton and son Alan, Suffolk, Vir: Night show Sept. l3th and day shows ginia, are visiting friends and rdla- on l3th und l4th. Chas. P. Davis, Sec- tives here. . Miss Fay Young, Bow-1 retary, will send you a Prize List if manville, spent a f ew days with M ss you have not received one. Eleunor Boyce. . .. Miss Ethel Brooks _______________ spent the week-end with Miss V. Stevens, Maple G ....... Mr. and DENTAL OFFICE CLOSED Mrs. M. G., Gay, Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Gay attended the funeral on Stur- Dr. J. C. Devitt will'be uway on day of the late Mr. Rowden ut Portlholidays during the rnonth of Aug- Hope. .. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Dun- ust. The office will be open frM lop and son Edwin, Ottawa, are visit- August 27 for making appointments ing her brothers, Frank and Ceeuii80-5w Worden .... Mrs. Acy Penfound isi visiting her son John in Toronto.( A 1 T iin QA I BOWMANVILLE, AUG. 18., 1921. SOLINA Visitors: Mr. R. 'Somerville, Cherrywood, at Mr. John Reynolds'; Dr. H. Gibson, Govt. Veterihary In- spector, Toronto, at Mr., A. L. Pas- coe's; Mr. Elmer Frost and his father Iand mother, Peterboro, and Mr. and IMrs. W. Chas. Werry, Oshawa, at Mr. IJ. G. Langmnaid's; Masters Jesse andý IArnot VanNest at Oshawa; Mr. and IMrs. Lewis Luke, Oshawa, and Mr. and,,Mrs. L. C. Snowden and fami!y, Maple Grove, at Reeve Baker's; Miss Elsie Stainton, Oshawa, and Misses Grace and Edith Duthie, Toronto, at Mr. L. Pascoe's, Mrs. Pascoe and Edithi returned to Toronto with them; Misses Mildred and Helen Baker at Bethesda; Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Pas- coe and Cecil and Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Rundie at Little Brîtain; Miss Aud- rey Werry, Oshawa, with friends; Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Hogarth and Bruce at Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Rd. Pascoe at Brooklil; Mr. N. Wotten at Toron- to; Miss Marion VanNest at Kedron and sang a solo at the W. M. S. ,meeting on Sunday night ... . Mr. ,Norval Wotten's friends here sym- pathize with him.in the loss of his sister whose remains were-interred at Hampton on Thursday.. . .,. Quarterly meeting was held,,at Zion on Sunday . .. We are planning to meet Dur- ham Old Boys and Girls at opening of Elliott Memorial Park at Hampton, September 10th .... Mr. W. N. Pas- coe has been under the doctor's care ï *..Mr. Bert Montgomnery is around AUUfl.. II IN b LI JWednesday, August 24-The exec- utors of the estate of the iate Ai- bert E. Clemens, Tyrone, will seli at the farm of Albert W. Clemens, lot8, con. 6, Darlington, a quantity of iiplements, stock, etc. Sale at 2 p. m. See buis. L. A. W. Tole, Auctioneer. U. F. O. MEETINGS. South Darlington Farmrers' Club will meet on Friday, August 19, at 8 p. m., in Ebenezer S. S. Room. Ladies requested to attend. Alan Campbell,f Tru. Power, President., Secretary. Special meeting of the Providence Farmers 'Club will be held in Provi- dence School House, on Friday, Aug- I gain after six weeks 'illness... .Mrs. jec valueci at about $700u. ust 19ta., at 8 p. m. Tue object of H. G. Pascoe attended the funeral of I________ this meeting to assist in onguniz- ber nephew ut Drayton ... . Choir! ing for the comîng bye-election. Alil rendered fine music Suinday with the HMPO farmers and their wives who are in- assistance of Miss Lenu Taî ylor, Tor- Vst terested in the election of the Farm- onto, Mrs. J. Baker makes a capital........rs: Mrs. Couiter, Milîbrooli, ers' Candidate are' requestedi to be I lade..>4Mssr. tevns ndShot-is visiting Mrs. James Curtis; 1oMrs. present. Iridge have been laying cement side- Geo. Duvey'and chikiren, Port Perry,'à. C. Alin, C A. Wight, und Mrs. W. J. Hall, Lindsay, Mrs1 Mr. and Mrs. E. Ward and sons, Tor-' Dawson and Velma, Toronto, Mr. ani onto, and Mr, Howard Prie ut Mr. Mrs. S. Hall und baby Harny, Littl F. G. Kerslaý4's; Misses Sadile and Britain, ut Mr. Frank Orchard's.. LuuVrueaevstngfinsu MAPLE GROVE Mrs. Orchard is under the doctor's Sîmcoe;, Misse nes and Ruby_____ care. Clutwortby visited, friends ut Whit- Misses Margaret and Annie Bal-j Ladies' Choir are practising for the by; Mrs. Jno. Willis and sons, Tor- four, Manitou, Man., are visiting service next Sunday. They will be onto, are visiting her parepts, Mr. their cousins, Mrs. J. D. Stevens and Sassisted b a numiber of former mem- and Mrs. John Colwill, sr; Dr. and other rel~atives fhe4eabout ... . Miss bys oe ohaealrecn Mrs C. W. Slemon-and children, Bow- Violet- and Master Harley M4son,r brers. opeoutto ba haem. la rge con- ue t Mr. J, J. Virtue's; Mrs. Wichita' Kan., are visiting their J. Fletcer, Mr. and Mrs. Cbisholm W. J. Virtue and cbildren are visit- uncle's, Mn. Truman Power and other and children, Kalamuzoo, Mich.,, and ing ber sister, Mns. W. Ranton, Tor- relatives in country and town.... Mrs. J. D. Hogarth, Norwich, are vis- onto; Misses Mary aud Mildred Miss Irma Power was guest over the j iting Miss Mary Hogarth and other Souch are visiting friends in Oshawa; week-end of O rono friends.... Miss relatives here. Mrs. Forcythe, Toronto, is visiting Mildred Heath, Sterling, recently vis- Undubedl te inet ispayofher sister, Mrs. A. E. Jennings; Mr. ited Miss Clara Tucker... . Miss Undobtely he ines dipla ofEdgar Horn played footbull ut Gâlt Laura Lune visited Miss Elsie Martin voiles ever shown is now ou sale at ou, Saturday with a picked teum front at Hampton. _. .Mnrandl Mrs. L. C. Couch, Johuston & Cnyderman's. this districet,-und visited a few days Snowden and family Siindayed with witb relatives ut Kitchener and Wat- her parents ut Solina, und ut Mr. ENNISKILLEN erloo... .Rev. W. W. Joues neturned McGregor's, Kedron .... Mr. and Mrs. ______£ rom vacation und occupied the pul- John Snowden, Mr. Sam Snowden,1 Our symputhy is extended to Mrs. pit, preaching very ucceptably Sun- Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Trimble and fam- WmGrfiinteuepcedet day evening TbeA pulpit supplies ily, Sunduyed with the former's of her sister, Miss Aima Wotton, duning Pasto's v, cation this yeur daughter, Mrs. Lewis Hockin, Cor- Toronto. wene Mr. _. ' )wn. Ottawa and htt's Point. Miss Vera Tnimble Next Sunday evening àamn Mr. John A. Holgt P1e owmunville. remained for a visit.. Mr. and Mrs. S~camntThe services rendene&, by these gen- R. R. Stevens, daughters Marjory and service will be held. Business meet- tiemien were unusually good....Dorothy, Mr. and Mrs. J. H, Munday, ing of Quarterly Board and Board Some men of the village uneî develop*- son Wallace, Mr. and Mrs.,M. Mun- of Managers following Monduy, Aug- ing favorubly toward basebaîl and day Jr., cbildren Elgin and Greta, ust 29tb. football urtists; while the young lad- motored to Chatham and are vîsîting W. M. S .,held their August meet- ies are confining their, interests to their brother, Mn. Will Steve Munduy ing oný Wednesday afteruoon ou Mn. 'the indoor basebaîl game. __ ndoereltvs. M-nd r. Jon leso'slan. An excellent Mrs. W. Hl. 1Howden ut hen futher's James Wood, Mn. and Mrs. Howandý progrum was reudered ufter which a Mn. T. H., Clayton. Wood, Mn. Elmer Wood, Miss Ida dainty- lunich was served. Mrs., T. H. Cluytoný visited ut Dun- Stevens, Miss Annand, Misses Muriel hThe business managers of our das, Wentwortb County. Ms and Helen Foot, Virginia, motored ingrc foamoefor laew unvac - League on, August l2th wus _i n Iout and spent the week-end with Mrs. igfrmnyfranwfrae. M. . Lawrence Wood, Miss Viola Stevens. b Tey are wise to the fact that t change of Miss Marlon Stephns -MiIaSeens rmie ee tukes tbe ladies to get the money.. .7ar Vice-Presideut. Meeting op- . Glud, to report Mn. Noble Metcalf ened by singing and prayen be înBomuvîleHopia Mn. T. McGill, Adult Bible Class W. W. Jones,. Pustor. Lesson Maut- ýoft iely erowatilln...ogrutu- Teachen, and his sister, Mns. R. Ash- thew 7:,1-14 by Miss Louise Johns; lOatr his opertôi.. ogau ton, teacher of Young Ladies' Bible topic was second part of Summer lations to Miss Irma Power on puss- iCiuss, are on a trip out West to visit Scbool report hy Miss Mary Kater- ing ber Middle School Examinations. relatives there. Mr. Cousins will son. Miss Erma Salten fuvoredi Voiles and Porch Dresses greatly teach A. B.* Class next Sunday. 1 ihavcl ooadmeing closed reduced la pnice. Couch, 'John- League Wednesday was in charge. witb the League Benediction. ston & Cryderman. of 2nd Vice-President, Miss May ___________________________________ W 9erry. Miss Muniel Ashton gave balance of her report of Summer School. Topic was taken hy Mrs.1 Theo. Slemon. A solo "ln the Ser- John Wilkinson. A social baîf hour was thoroughly enjoyable, IT "Early Days lu Enniskellen and W T Darlington "-article No Three-wîll he found on page six .of this issue.1 r~ f 1 ' The Editor bas hud several requests *M ER PRI4Ib to give the namne'of the writer but "DuhamOldBoy" peer omain- L tain bis auonymity'for the present._________ But this weeks instalîment may belp guessers to fix.Old Boy's identity- It makes no difference if you carry home your gro- IEditoi. cre Rev. G. T. McKenzîe returned on creor have them delivered our prices compare favor.. Saturday from bis motor trip to West ably with them al Here is also the certainity that wheni I eptinntyarge udieneenjoynex you deal here you always get the best quality.of goods. very impressive service. On Paston We pride ourselves in our fresh stock. gave one of his mastenly sermons kfnom Luke 19: 9-"This Day is Sal- THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS INCLUDE Jaio come to this House". The it sý 1 a dig ernblea11 life. d White Cooking Beans, 6 lbs............................. 25c choirý reudered two heautiful select- Canned Corn, 2 lbs.......................................... 25e ions with Miss Marion Onchard a., or- ganist. 'An unthem, "J' beard the Canned Pineapple ...... ...........1........................ 25e I Voice of Jesus Say" and a quantet, Mrs. Wm. Trewiu, 'Haydon, Mrs. CanIne d Peaches.............................................. 25c ad Asbton, Messrs. Herb. Staînton H.A Oio rg in ...........20 adJohn Slemon sang "Reapers are 4H.iA. i lmr Prie ....Ja ............................ 1....20 Visitors: Miss ai Black Hart, Bethauy, vîsiting laraet rtsd-SpecialBac ea,'4sc IL 3 lias, for........... »...... gar E. Staples; Miss Ethel Culbent, Castile Soap ,7 bars for ...................................25e Toronto, visiting ber brother, Mn. Russell Gilbent, Linwood; Mn. Cous, Finest'Golden Syrup, 2 lb. tin ............................35C ins with bis son; Mr. and Mrs. Wm J. Clemence, Newcastle, ut Mn. Wm: Catsup, large bottie ,very tasty...Il....................... 20C Stainton's; Mn. O. L. Byersan friend Mn. Esmond Hall, Toronto, ut Mn. Nathan B yens'; Dr. and Mrs. C. lg Le an o u o e M d W. Siemon and family, town, Mr. andi i e a d F rO r o e M d *Mrs. Herbent Siemon, Miss Greta and friend, Toronto, ut Mn, John Slem- Cooked Mveats' ons'; Misses Sadie Virtue, Toronto, Launa, Hampton, Mn. and Mrs. Fred Teeval euainw aeetilse o lJeddon and family, Columbus, ut Mn. Teeval iptto ehv salse o John Orchand's; Miss Irene Preston fresh meats is well known throughout the country. For visitîng Miss Ola Gw' Cuvanville; some time we have been making a very superior brand Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Tr'wiu and family, Haydon. ut Mr. Elias'Asbton's. of Home-Made Cooked Meats which are exceptionally, English and Scotch Linoleums1 2, 3 tasty and appetizing. When it comes to 'Cooked Meats and y&. wdeat Couch, Johnstoa & C ydermn's we take the lead for variety, quality and best values. If - BU COA NOWyou have neyer tried Our- coo)ked meats there's a real BUY COL NOWtreat in store- for you. Try a few slices to-day, Now is the time to buy coal. Plenty of Nut and Funniace Coal at aM C. N. R. Tyrone Station, j Pons 46r318-n2, 29-tf BUTCHERS and GROCERS BOWMANVILLE Inatàil Your Furnace, BEFORE THE RUSH t ,Ar rer. ti-n and Ab" ste Sctb,s, a .. Esarrfems adfor costractmo I A 1/, - - . 8.I E- q-P . RoýoY AsI P. Cas Inca A-fl Pr~ Br/T,,fl5 Qasr Oampc~ Be ready f or winter. Pipeless Furnace in- stalled in one day. No muss or fuss. Lots of testimcmials from satisfied users. Caîl and con- :sult us. We are Heating experts. Greenaway&Elit Consulting Engineers Phone 18 day or niglit Bowntanville Il SUMMEFURNITURE FOR OUT DOORS>.- To get the greatest enjoyment from outdoor lif e you you must have comf ortable furniture. You get solid comfort when you buy furniture here.' We are now selI- ing Verandah Chairs, Hammocks, Baby Hammocks, Hickory Chairsad Tables, Stools, Cots, Mattresses, etc. Furniture Dealers & Funeral Directors Chairs, Bowmanville And Orono FRESH GROCERIES J 'AND BEST QUALITY Patras Currants, IL................................. 20c Very Best Prunes, lb........................ 20c Bulk Seedless Raisins, per lb ..................... 32c Best Rice, 3 lbs. for............................... ..25c Corn Starcli, 2 lbs. for ..............................25c Cheese Loaf, lb .......................................45C Salmon, _small, 2 for ..................... .....25c -Salmonf, tali, 2 for ................................25e Salmon, tail, real good ...................19...........ie Lacrosse Sockeye Salmon .................... ......55C j SPECIALS IN BULK TEA New Black Tea, 3 lbs. for... .......... $1.00 Very Special ,Blaek Ceylon Tea lb ........%.40c Extra Special, Black Tea, lb .................60c Fine Green Tea, lb ...........................-.......60C MILES KNOWLES LGrocer Phone.36 Bowmanville BLACKSTOCK Special service was held in the Ang- lican Church on Sunday nîght, when Rev. C. R. Spencer, Millbrook, ad- dressed the mnembers of the Black Preceptory the church being filled to capacity... . Mr. Milton Sanderson had charge of the Union Church ser- vices Sunday evening speaking to a, large audience. . .. Mrs. Richie, Pet- erboro, and Mrs. Patterson, Norwood, are guests of Mrs'. J. Jobb..Mr. Percy VanCamp and Mr. and Mrs. R. Willan and family spent Sunday in Port Hoe.,. . Mr. Adelbert Beacock and Miss Margaret have gone on a trip to the North West. .'. .A com- bined meeting of the Women's Mis- sionary societies was held Wednes- day last week in basement of the Union Church, when a bale was pack- .-A.-..-AA