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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Nov 1921, p. 6

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[FRAGRA N CE -The aroma o! betokens the perfection o! the leal. Famous îor, 50 years, Salada neyer varies the excellence o! its quality. Profit on Hogs eS a Bank closely associated with Canada's fiproductive industries, we encourage pro- gressive enterprise i farmers. If you seek to ( Î increase your profits through greater hog pro. duction, onut the financing of your project with our local Manager. TH E STAN DA13 AN K TOTAL ASSETS OVER NINETY MILUOCNS Bowmanville Brandi:- Geo. L HaIl ManageL Blackstock Branch: . A. Preston, Manager Rebekah Lodge will hold a Pro- griessive Euchre in their lodge room on Tuesday, Nov. 15. Prizes and ref.reshments. Admission 25c. 43-2 THIS WDMAW'S RENDVERY *Lom kJemarkab1e Restor-* ative Power of Lydia ~ Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. ,neteyOnt.- "Befone using Lydia E. W tar'sVeetahMeCornpound I was ialwneck. 1 a eril pains iný aides and was not regular. Flnally Mzet se wenk I could net g o up staina 'Wîthout etopping te rest baîf way up 1 e steps. I tried two doctors but they tad me ne good. 1 saw your medicine *dvertised In the newspapera and îOhfflht 1 wnnld oivep it ,tva T tnk koti betties of theVegetable Compound and was nestored to health. I am mar- ried, am the mother of two children, and do ail my housework, milk elght eows, and do a hired man's work and ènloy the best of health, I also found Wigetable Cerngound a greàt help for ~yweak back efone my babies were rIn. I reeommend it te nîl my friend-j who are in need of medicine, and yrou' may pnint this letter if yen wish.- Mrs. HENRY JANKE, R. R. No. 4, Ches- ley, Ontario. It lardly seems possible that there la a woman in this country,%..owIll co- tinue te, sufer withont giving Lydia E. Pinkhaî's Vegetable Compounn a trial af ter all the evidence that is contiaually being published, proving beyond cotra- diction tInt this grand old medicine lis reiieved more snffering among women ta any othen medicine in the world. THE "LIFTUP" ALL BZAS FILLED CORSETS are designed in conformity with the science of Anatomy. The 1.IFTUP " apatent.d invention with non.,lip elastie inside bet, gently supporte the abdomen aud ln yern beneticial for use after an oper. ation involving an abdominal incision. Most effective iu relieving those Phvsical aliments from wbich many wpmen uffer. WRITE for useful Mo:ts = onst The e lnuine paeneted "'LIFTUP" Lsa SDUS CORSET madeo oty by IDEAS CoRrDiErsalS!i?*ZD DEPT. P PHODNE MAIN 17100 Niew Eyes ont Yeu ee Preotee a e >UieEve Rec1ie7 Wirite for Frene ye Cire Booki. ODSPHOSPHODINEý TeGreat English Preparattrri. J ones and invigorates Che whole pervous system. makes new Blood in oid Veins. Used for Nervous Debdtty, Mental and Brain Worry, D)esponiden7, Loss, o Ener-v Palpitati«oq'of the Heari, ailing Memory. Price $2 pe. bo<Ï, 3 for $50SoId by ail druggists, or.mailed in plain ,pkg. on receipt of priçce New pamphigt maited free.11IE WOOD MEDICINE C.JORONTO,ONT. Zutoo Tablets Do Three Things [-cur Headache In 20 minutes -break up g Cold 0,cr night -stop Monthly painofetwomcn. There o Son t n tey Wmzu< fooeFUAM 7WIA LuUrL 7C . Expect to find the IFisherman, the 6 I"Mark of Supremacy," on every bottie ofg emulsion that yeu buy. This means that you will Ialways ask for r SCOTT'S EMULSIONI I Scott & Bowne, Toronto Ont. RHEUMATISM.? Health is the Most Valuable Assel You Have. You cannot Afford to Neglect t Cnofton, B. C.-I was troubled for years with inflamntory rheurnatism -and rheumatic feyer. I tried sev- eral cures fo y ~ r~"'~ rheurnatisnm,, but Liid o eceive any benefi fen any of them. 1 khad beeu ta the h os pi tal1 for <mouths, beiag un- able te waik. A friend advised me te try Dr. Piece's After taking the first bot tie I begnu te impreve, aud after taking six botties 1- had ne more rheumatissn. I think Dr. Pierce's Anuric je the most wonderful medikine that any one eau, take for rheumatismi. 1 have recommended tiiese tablets te severai eofrny friende sud they, toc, have al beea beeefitecl by them."-, Melville Collison. People are realizing that, the kid- neys, just as do the bwels ued te be flusled occasIinally. Thie k id- neys are anPli iinti ,,urananad are constanitly ~okusurtn the poisons trer si the b!lood-1. 1e acid baeksupjue hesyteicans- lng, nheumattsmn, nenrialgia, dropsy and îany ,otheýr serionus distuirbanees. This can be ivoided L imiin the kidanýys te inc,ýreased action, aaid organe nly ue wonldd (o wýell te get, Dr. Plieree's Anuie T 1abýuis which are te be Lad nowadCays ,-,at almotan dnug store or send 10e te Dr. Pi-erce's LaiborntLory lai Brldgýebur-g, Ont., for trial package and write for free, con- fidential medical advie. BOWMANVILLE, NOV. 1Oth., 1921. I EARLY DAYS'IN ENNISKILLEN AND DARLINGTON By a Durham Old Boy. -Number Thirteen.- 1 have ne knowledge of the gener- al appearance of Enniskillen at pres- ent as te ita homes, streets and sur- roundings. I arn very sure though that it is net in the sanie conditions that I recalof it in the early days- weeds, chiefiy thisties, growing in vacant spaces, and on sides of streets in places here andj there, gates bang- ing by a single hinge, the crown of an old bat pressing ont here and there, wbere a pane of glass had been and sîdewalks, what there were of theni, more or less disrupted. These conditions were greatly irnproved, however after Sylvester took hold of the founn'dry. The place was enliv- ened considerably as new workmen arrived and made their homes in the bill top village. When Robert Hall was appointed pathmaster, about that tume, te make needed improvements on ronds and streets he made a careful survey of the work te bie done., The number of days rbad work, as it was ealled, due froni each property holder depended upon arnount of bis property, but every male over 21 years, was sup- posed te do one day's work in some assigned place, whether owning pro- perty or net, or in lieu of day's work, te pay one dollar. Some of the lnrg- er real estate holders miglit have froni twenty te thirty days. A day's work was allowed for each man and herse, se it was easy for a herse ewn- er te haul gravel, or mun the rond scraper and soon work up the allottedf days. Previously there lad been, mucl loosenes or earelessness, as many would sornehow sidestep the work, but Hall snw te it that encli and every one came te tume and did his bit. Whether it wns a written law or net, I do net know, but a man was supposed te work with sucli tools as lie lad., He was net foreed, te buy or borrow for thîs special work. Bill Willigsbsowed up on bis day te work witlna huge butelier kaif e, and re- perted for duty. Hall said nothing, but felt the edge of the kaife, and poînited te n nice crop of thistles stretching along tbe rond, snid, "Go te it, tlere's your day's worký." The laugh wns on Bill this tume, for it would have-taken hi a rnontli te cut tliem with the knife, and tbistles were net pleasant te liandle., He liustled off snmewbere and borrowed a scythe, and did the work well. We beys inter lad n fine bon fine wben the thistles were dry. ,Under Hall's supervision and ener- gy the weeds in open spaces and along the rend disappeared. Gates hangiag by one linge, lie allowed the man responsible bis day te repair. Broken walks were repaired and new ones laid;,altogether the place get fore, and looked se spick and span, asBihl Willis said "Eaniskillen look- ed like it lad on its Snnday clothes". But more than one inn is needed to be interested in appenrance and clennliness of n place, and in two or three yenrs wns bnck in same old rut. It seeîed to me a shame, tee, a vil- lage se pleasnntly leeated, surround- ings attractive, plenty of wooded hilîsnar, te see streets devoid of sinde trees. In n cornmunîty of people ail of one mind, and taking pnide in appearance of houses, and cleanliness of the vil- lage, muel can be done to tînt end. A week set aside, as "elean Up week" under supervision of a cemmittee of women appointed at n meeting of citizens wonld work wonders, tee. Interest the chidren also. If encli householder would plant nleng the front of bis lot, the haîf dozen or less of the beautiful maple trees easily obtnined there, it would ndd te ther value of bis property. These trees being plaated individually more in- terest weuld be taken in their care and preservatien. Stnrting with sernethîng like the "deean up" campaiga, other work can bc plnnned, snch ns îost needed te be dene. In these dnys of automobiles,, wlen there is sncb ready intercommunion, a clean and thnivîng Enniskillen, wonld be the envy of other cern- munities, and they would soon begin action along those hunes, too. Some villages have alrendy exper- ienced wlnt ce-openative effort ean do, and have risen froni n state of staleness and deadness, tenamch more sntisfyiag state of human exist- ence. Get rid of tînt nenveus, fretful f eeling. Brâce up. Take Tanine and yen will look everybody in the face with a smile. Seld at Jury & Lovell's. Mr. W. R. Allin, Hampton, lias been appointed Issuer of Marriage Tna,,,~1-h., f,.An. i, ~ aR 44 Worms sap the strength and under- mine the vitality of children. Strengthen theni by using Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator to drive ont the, parasites.> It Testifies for Itself-Dr. Thomas' Eclectrie Oil needs no testimonial of its powers other than itseîf. Who,- ever tries it for eoughs or colda, for cuts or contusions, for sprains or burns, for pains ini the limbs or body, wvell know that the medicine proves itself and needs ne guarantee. This shows whby this Oil is in general use. Mr. Roy C. Brown, lias been ap- pointed clerk at C. P. R., to succeed Mr. Hugh Moore who lias been trans- erdte B owmianville. -Guide. Miller's W-orm Powders net se thoroughly that stomachie and intest- inal1 worins pass from the chuld with- eut being notîced an~d without incon- venience te the sufferer. They are painiless and perfect in action, and at ail times will be fonnd a healthy mnedicine, strengthening the infantile stoachandmaintaining it in -igor- ou-operation, se that, besides being an1 effective vermifuge, they are ton- ical and health-giving in their effeets. PORT HOPE GIlRL VIVORCED BY HUSBAND1 Dirk M. Bruyn secured a divorce, from his wif e, Ora C. Evans Bruyn, in the Chicago court on Wednesday, on the plea that she locked h imr up in a rooma for hours, beat hirn, and otherwise maltreated himy. Thie f orm- er Mrs. Bruyn is a daughter of Frank C. Evans, a cattle drover of Toronto, formerly residjingaut Wild Wood, Port Hope. They v1, ,xe married in Crown Point, mnd., September 21, last yearj after an aequaintanceship of two weeks.-Port Hope Guide. Usually more satisfactory to enjoy a reasonably lengthy courtship. the happier it is the longer it may con- tinue. There would be fewer un- happy marriages and divorces if the contracting parties kept comnpany suf- ficiently long to become well ac- quainted-Editor. Oshawa's birth rate is hîgh. Oc- tober's record was 44 births, 8 mar- niages and 15,deaths. ASTHMA AZMA 30 Smakiug -Ma S9rak- SU Just swalluw a Cumsi RAZ-MAH le Guaranteed te restore rnormal breabig$top mucu faisn gain thse bronctatub, g1 Iglita of quiet *le à »tapa~ So Id by Jury & Loveil Everybody Praises Beechami's Pis after a fair trial. Those praise loudest who have used them long- est. The great merit of Beecham's Pis has been proved ail over the world. There la notbing but praise everywbeie for SoId everywhere p in Canada. In boxes. 25c., 50c. First, Doctors «M n.hýen a Sidu Specialisi Then a botle of D.D.D. We shall publish every=wel.or the benefil, of skin, sufferers in thisseton. few words. wrttn y aadenpCpe -som etthem et =rmneC-aIl% heartfelt t;riese frelief 1from terrible suffering.> A sentence or two froin a letter froni .. W ýCoros ,1 Mebourne Ave., Toronto, a mans ot »gn stnig. ave been a sufferer for twr, years with eczema oi the legs and ankles. E tried three or four différent docters, ý went te skir, specialist. All otno use. 1 used ae dollar bottin cf D.Dý D-that jeal. Todauî If yen wish te try a ,,bottâà et'this Prescriptio!r tfiat Mr. Corns found se remarkable. we wiiî guarantee relfef on the fIrst bottie, or Four nione- back. Btorp thant tc& today. $1.00 a bottin. Try DL, D, D, Soap, too. INA' Lotion br 5kMnDsas JURY & LOVELL DRUGGISTS EOWMAN VILLE Aines Holden'Overshoes are made from materials specially selected for warmnth, wear and appearance, and are the ideal Faîl and Winter footwear for farm, coast or town, when full protection and light weight are desirecL. We stand behind ail Ames Hoiden Ruýhber Footwear. We support the guarantee- and are responsible to you for ench pair sold. Read the guaran tee and when na2king your next selection, let us fit you with Am-E RUBBER F OWý.. For Sale By FRED R. FOLEY Bo'wianville 11 EAR O LYou will find itat &Hlgod dealers. EAR O L ý;1;made bM Comabftwoeu Sia»##eîd & 4djii" RELIEVES DRAFNESS 9fld end Tuin-Picce Suï;ir04aflffrJ4le ISTOPS HEAD NOISES. Simply Lhn.Îteda e*crs orgotagchd IRub it Back of thse Ears and le knee and eib.to P for TUO S(alge. n Cdu fre cens w ert i N by the drngofse- rMen and Womnen. Vd Insert in Noatils. P-te rof ofsct.gh n leee. o RRN .WU MADE IN CANADA San>le bovk shoieing diferes 0gh and iexlures mailedfee. ARTHUR SALES CO., Sales Agents, Toronteo" P. 0. Leonari, lnc., 1ffro,,70I 5tb Aie., M. Y. City FrSale hi Bowmanville-by JoRY~ & LOVELL - - - - XI! Marshall Products are Sanitary and Guaranteed Marshall H5air To p Mattress ïMarshall Cotton Top Mattress Marshaldown Mattress Marshalfelt Mattress Dandy-ly-on Mattress Fleur-de-lis lMattress Better Days Corne frorn- Better--Nights Everyone wants to, enjoy that fine "good morn- ing" feeling. The mattress is the foundation of restful sleep. You cannot lie in an uncomfortable position on a '.Marshall" because it is scientifically construct- cd to mould itself to the body curves, supporting ,cach and every part equally. F. F. MORRIS CO.' Sole Agents for Bowmnanville The Marshall Ventilated Mattress Bowmanville Ontario Company, LimitedfOM v Toronto - a Ontario 1Tv Ont i -F- ýi 1 -L -4 - A ý-1

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