Keep with te Times Trade where you can obtain the very beat val- ue for your money. Compare the f ollowing prices: Very Fine B-tlk Cocoa, per lb.................20c Extra Quality Mince Meat, per lb ..- ......... 20e Our Special Blended Tea, per lb ..............35C Extra Fine Nýew Dates, 2 lbs ....-............... 25c Fine Quality Pink Salmon, Tal.............. S Fine Quality Pink Salmon, Halves, 2 for ....25c AI Quality Red Salmon, Tal................33c Ai Quality Red Salmon, Halves .......... ....19c Good Cooking Salmon, Halves, 3 for ..........25c Corn Syrup, 2s ...............................1 ....22c Finest New Strawberry Jams, 4 lbs. net .......90c Finest New «Raspberry Jams, 4 lbs. net .......90C Finest New Black Currant, 4 lbs. net .......$1.05 Casti1e'ýSoa p, large bar ..............................19 ~WeYe1ver At AllTimes MILES KNOWLES Groýcer Phone 36 Bowm.-anville GR E G G SHORTHAND Albert Schneider of New York, w ho, by\writ- ing 215 words a minute with an accuracy of 98.32 per cent, broke the WORLD'S SIHORTHAND SPEED RECORD, at Niagara Falls recently. He Uses THE GREGG SYSTEM The world is pleadïng, for increased EFFIC- IENCY.' Business is urging for men and women with SPEED and ACCURACY in Shorthand. Aim to Obtain the BEST A STENOGRAPHIC COURSE at the BOWMAN VILLE BUSINESS COLLEGE Will fit YOU for this demand. ENTER ANY TIME DAY AND EVENING Individual Instruction SESSIONS Write or cali for full particulars CORA P. FULTON, O. -G. A., Principal. Office hours 9 a. ni. to 4 p. m. King St. Over Webster's Store New Chevrolet Sale s andlService We have secured Sales and Service Contract for this territory and are prepared to give our cust- omers first class service. We will keep a large stock of parts on hand so there will be no deiay. We have a new "490 Special" on hand now. See it. It is a beattty. We also have a service contract with the Ford Motor Co., and will continue to give our Ford customers the same good service with our Genuine Ford Parts and good Mechanics. We have some good used cars on hand at real bargains. Cal and see them. CARS WASHED AND POLISHED Luke, Boys &Cryderman West End Garage Bowmanville BOWMANvILLE, NOV. iOth., 1921. OBITUARIES Mrs. John MeKay. Gamnebridge Mrs. John McKay, a highly respec- ted revident of Mara township, passed away at the Orilla Hospital on Thurs- day, October 13. Mn~. McKay was born in Darlington township being the daughter of the-late Thomnas and Mary Coleman Windatt. She had been in iii heaith since last Spring1 but bore her troubles patiently andi with true christian spirit.ý The fun-q eral service which was largely attend-i ed was conducted on Sunday by the1 Rev. D. A. McKenzie of Knox church,] Gamebridge, ofwhich deceased was a1 mnember., Among the beautiful floral, offerings was a handsome spray from1 the Women's Institute, of Game- býridge. Interment was at Gamebridge cemetery the paîl-bearers being hee, nephews, Reginald Windatt, Edwin Windatt, Russell Windatt, Grant Win-i datt, Younie Wîndatt and Ernest Pat-, vrson of Brooklin. She leaves be-1 sides her soîrowing husband one sonj Angus, two sisters, Mrs. S. H. Ed-1 wards, Toronto, and Mrs. Thos. Tod, towmanville, also three brothers, Peter, John and Thomas Wndatt, al of Thorah. A Pioneer of Belleville and Vicinity Passes to Rest. After being Mi for some time Mr.J Richard T. Watson, a well-known and highly esteemed resident of Thurlow Township, passed away on Sunday moîning, October 23rd. Deceased was born in 1840 on the homestead, 2nd concession of Thur- 10w, just east of the city limits, where he lived al bis if e. Mr. Watson, was one of Thuriow's best citizens ,being in every sense of the word a Christian, lie was one of the pioneers of chuîch work in the city as a boy at- tending the oid Pinnackle St. Church. Possesed of a good voice he was f or some time a member of Bridge-st. Choir, in its younger days. This he left to 'become leader of the old Bieeckeî Avenue Church Choir which position he held for nearly thirty years, and then spent bis last years as a member in West Belleville. Mr. Watson was for some time a member of the Thurlow Council and also on the Board of Education, fill- ing the office of Secretary for over fifty years in the. School Section where he lived. Flis public ife was above repîoach. A wif e and thîee dnughteîs survive., The daughteîs are: Mus. <Rev.) E. W. Tinik, New- tonville; Mrs. S. G. Sis, Foxboro; and MissAllegra at home.. Service was conducted at the hpme by Rev. A. H. Foster, Pastor of W est Belleville Chuîch, and Mr. Quincy, who spoke of their church if e to- gether fîom boyhood up. A year ago Mr. and Mrs. Watson commemor- ated the fifteeth anniversary of their wedding. Interment took place in the family plot in the Belleville Cemeteîy, Bay- sîde. Mrs. David Forbes, St. Thomas. The'funeral of the late Mrs. Re- becca Forbes took place Thursday, October 20,' from the family resi- dence, 129 Weiington-st., to St. Thomas Cemetery and was laîgely at- ten 'ded. Rev. H. E. Thorneloe, past- or of Alma street Presbyterian chuîch, assisted by Rev. Dr. McTav- ish, conducted the services. Mrs. J. Stevens sang the solo "A Beautiful Land" very sweetly, accompanied by Mis. D. H. MIntyre. The bearers were six grandsons, Deli Foîibes, Richard Forbes, Norman Forbes, Forbes Raven, Harold Penwarden and Wm. Gough. The floral offerings were many, requiring two special cars to convey them to the cemetery, and included a blank et from the fam- ily with the word "Mother", and many designs fTom relatives in the city. Detroit, Lima, Ohio; Chicago, Toronto, Woodstock, and many other places; also designs from Ruby, Rose and Gordon; Mocha Temple Patrol, London; Mocha Chapter, R. A. M.; Ladies", Aid, Aima Street Chuuch; Session, AIma Street Chuîch; W. M. S., Alma Street Chuîch; Ladies' Aid, Grace Methodist CbuTcb, and many others from friends in the city and surrounding country. Relatives present were: Robert Collacott, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mis. John Col- lacott, Mr. and Mis. R. W. Conklin, Kingsville; MT. and Mrs. E. Crawford, Mrs. W. Gough, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. A. Gough ,London; Dell Forbes and wife, Miss Lena Cade, Detroit: Mrs. and Mis. Ira Samis, of Brighton. The ceremony took place at the resi- dence of the bîide's mother anid onfly immediate relatives were piesent. The ceremony was performed by Rev. F. W. Anderson, of St. Paui's church. After a bief visit in Montreal, Mi. and Mis. Samnis wili take up their residence in Bowmanville and their numerous friends join ini wishinig themn years of wedded happineus. 1 i .~ * *n 7 V T!EMQ Tn 091AWA WEDDING Jackson-Johlstofl At the home of Mi. and Mis. A. McDonald, Oshawa, a veîy puetty wedding was solemnized Saturday afteinoon, Oct. 22, by Rev. J. H. Mc- Bain, B. A., when Miss Lillian M. Johinston, daugbter of Mr. George Jobaston and the lite Mis. Johnston, Oshawa, became the bride of Mi. W. A. Jackson,, son of Mi. and Mis. W. H. Jackson, Pickering. At 430 o'ciock the bride, ieaning on the armn ofber father, who gave ber in mai- niage, entered the diawing-ioomto the strains of the' wedding march, played by Miss Aileen Found. The bride woîe a loveiy wedding gown of white satin tîimmed with lace witb long train. i"Heu veiliwas.caught with orange blossoras, and she carried a showeî bouquet of Ophelia and sweet- heart roses. The bridesmaid was Miss Aileen Baîker, of Toronto, cous- in of the bride, wbo woîe pink chiffon veivet with black bat, and carried a large bouquet of pink roses. The groom *as ably attended by bis bro- ther, Mr. Frank Jackson, of Toronto, while little Miss Marion Jean McDon- aid, thehride's cousin, in pink crepe de chene with bat to match, made a chauming flower girl, caiiying a bas- ket of roses and sweet peas. The bridegroom's gift to the bride was a platinum bar pin set witb diamonds; to the bridesmaid and pianist silver Va-ty -ae aÈtgth-lwrgr-a gold ring set with pearîs. After the ceremony a buffet luncheon was seuved to some,40 guests, duîing 1wbich the toast'of the bride was pro- posed by Rev. J. H. McBain, and re- sponded to witb good grace by the bride. Later on in the evening Mi. and Mis. Jackson ieft hy motor fou a trip to Toronto and Hiamilton, the bride travelling in a tailoued suit of navy blue with cufs and collai of opposum fui, and bat to match. On their retuin Mr. and Mis. Jackson will take up residence in Toronto, where the biidegroom hoids a responsible position at the head office of the Can- adian Bank of Comme rce. Blake Symons, Welcome, feli from an apple tree and was seriously in- jured. For the convenience of the travel- ling public I wish to announce that I amn now making daily trips to Osh- awa in my large comfortable motor bus. Leave West End Garage, Bow- manville, ut 7 a. m, leave corner King and Mary-sts., Oshawa, at 5 p. m. Saturday leaving Oshawa at 12 noon. 36-t Art Cole, Proprietor. Rhe--u matis m Nuriti, Sciatica, Nouralgia. Temapleton's Rheumatic Capsules Eave brou«ht good kiolth to haual--mlfioua Ahealthf ul, money-eavlng remed, vaU known for fifteea years, pre- cribed bi, doctoru, sod by drue- Sias, $ 1.00 a boix. Ask Our agents or wite for a f ree trial package. Ternpletr"q 1-il Kin9 W.,Toronto Sold by Jury & Loveil C iropractic S(Spinal Adjustmonts) Remove the Cause of Diae without Medicine or Knife. Cliii opractors have remarkable suc-. ceas iu removing the cause of Appeudicitis, Deafnesu, Asthma, Rheumatlam, Lumbago, Lame Back, Constipation, Piles, Female Diseases, Stomaeh and. Kidney Troubles. Nervousnesln many forme respond readily to Chfro- vractie. Examination Free at Office. DR. S. M. JONES. 86 Simca. St. N. OKw Phe. e 4 im . M. E.Robcon, 170 Dublin St., Peter- boro'. Ont., writes: "My daughter of 16 lbat appetite. color and was on the verge of nervous collapse. Pive boxes of Dr. Chase's 'Nerve Food completely restored her bealth and strength' Mrs. Wm. Woods, Coldwater, Ont., wrltes: I'After the birth of mY baby 1 was inn down, nervous and could not eat ýnor sleep, jumping at the least noise. Dr. Chase's Nerve F'ood buiît me up and made me strong and well Mis. H. Alchorn, 23 Gerald St-, Charlotte- town, I, writes: "Dr. Chase's Nerve Food was recommended to me by an aunt who used it while passing through the change of life and was completely built up by its use." Mis. Jos. Lalonde, Hydlro Glen, Ont., writes: I was so run down and nervous asat summier that 1 was !p. bedl most of the time. After uging Dr. Chase"'s Nerve Food 1 amn able to do my housework, and, though 76 years old, teel better than 1 have for years." PIANOS & PHONOGRAPHS DOMINION PIANOS AND MITCHELL PHONOGRAPHS ARE THE STANDARD for QUALITY SOLD ON EASY TERMS F. J. MITCHELL Telephones .1-m1- Mitchell Building, King Street. 92 and 105 Bowmanville PLAYER PIANO ROLLS Let the Women Teil ' Their Story 'From my experience as a wife and mother I find that the mai ority of users of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food are women, especially women passing through the change of life; next by young mothers to regain strength after baby cornes, and also by mothers for th eir young daughters enter- ing their womanhood. While it is good for ail classes of huxnanity, I arn sure it is especially so for women, as they seem to be troubled most by nervous diseases."-Mrs. H. Alchorn, 23 Gerald Street, Charlottetown, P.E. L Every woman is interested in an- other womnan's letters, and weshall give the women a chance to present their experience with Dr. Chase's Nerve Food by quoting from their letters. If you do not find anyone you know among these ladies, write us for ref- erences, from people in your commun- ity, or ask your friends and neigh- bors for particulars, about Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. There is scarcely a town, village or haznlet ini this great country but can produce splendid evidence as to the restorative, upbuilding influence Of this well-known treatinent for thre blood and nerves. Mis. Jennie Haywood, 98 Turner St., Ot- tawa, Ont.: After 16 weeks inaahospîtal with rbeumnatie fever 1 returned home a comaplete nervous wrec k. 1 took six boxes of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, and have had no return of nervous trouble or rheumatism."l Mrs. W. H. MeIntyre, Gananoque, Ont.: "About five yearsago 1 used Dr. Chase's Nerve Food when In a state of absolute col- lapse, and continued its use until I had taken fourteen boxes. I cannot praise it enough, for it worked a miracle in my case."' Mrs. May W. Taylor, 1309 Davie Street, Vancouver, B.C.: "Ten of my ci ,rcle told me that they take Dr. Chase's Nerve Food for that 'all-ln' feeling attendant on the care of children and performance of housework. I myseif take it for nervous irritability, and absolutely depend on it. I give my chil- dren the Nerve Food durlng 'examination week,' and arn sure It helps them." Mrs. Annie Bellamy, 33 Pauline Avenue, Toronto, Ont: "Since the 'flu" epidemlc people are resorting to preventive measures more than e'ýer, and find that Dr. Chase's Nerve Food gives protection against the Alu' and ail other germ dise.ase." Mis. W. H. Stoker, 68 Robert Street, Hamilton, Ont.: "A young mother toldme she was so glad 1 advised her to use Dr. Chase's Nerve Food after her baby was born. She had tried many things, but after no success with them I told ber just how much benefit 1 had gained with Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, so she also used it ýwith the same wonderful resuits." Mis. R. 1. Scott, Teacher, Czar, Alta.: "Alster teachjag school for two v. amy nerves were in a shattered condition, and I had aimost incessant headaches. The doctor told me I would have to quit, but a teaaiier friend told me how she was restored by Dr. Chase's Nerve Food under similar, condi- tions. My nerves were comipletely £jstored, s0 that 1 thoroughly enjoy life." Mis. John O'Donnell, 50 Colonial Street,' St. John, Nfld.: "While sorne used Dr. 'Chase's Nerve Food for run-down condition, ragged nerves and sl'ieplesness, there waa one ailment which predominated-nervous headache. In combating nervous headache Dr. Chase's Nerve Food has no rival.,, DR. CHASE'S Nerve Food Is gentle i action and wonderfully potent in forming new, ricli blood and building uip the nervous system. It is wom-an's greatest friend at every critical stage in hler life and le endorsed by women everywhere. 50 cents a box, ail dealers, or Edmano& Bates & Co., Limited, Toronto. BRAND NEW Ail Wool Army Blankets Weigh over %4 lbs. each, treble the warmnth and wear of an' ordinary Blanket and haif the coat. $2.90 ecd, $5.60 per pair $3.50 cdi, $6.50 per palir Kbaki Flannel Shirts $2.00 Vo $2.75, ail wool undeuweau, $1.00 peu garment, Sheets 3 yards and 2 yards, $2.50 eacb, Single Bed Spreads $1.50 each, Socks 30e peu pair,, Fatigue Breeches $2.00 Vo $3.00, Putties, Great'Coats, I-ayer Sacks, Medal Ribbon and Brooches. ALL GENUINE ARMY GOODS NOTE THE ADDRESS FE, DURIEU, 21 PRINCE-ST. OSHAWA p. w B Mason & Dale's llardware The Store wth the Big Hardware Stock Phoiie 145Bomnil