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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Dec 1921, p. 2

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Insurance Agencyi. Ail lnes of l'IRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT) SICKNESS, AUTOMOBILE, GUARAN- TEE. 'Edith ,V. Scobeli, Agent 2nd door West of the "Big 20" 'Bowmanville OntarWa LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LLD..., :BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY money to boan on'Farm and Town Property. Royal Bank Building, Bowmanville. Phone 351. W. F. WARD, B. A. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY Money to loan., Bonds for sale. Offices., Bleakley Block, King Street, Bowmanvilie Ontario. Phones: Office 102, House 178J. MEDICAL B. J. HAZLEWOOD, M. D., C. M. Gold Medalist of Trinity University Toronto. Four years Attentding Phy- sician and Surgeon at Mt. Carmel Hospital, Pittsburg, Ks. Office and --esîd-ence, Weftngt-on--Street, 13ow- manvilie. Phone 108. C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M. Graduate of Trinity Medical College, Toronto,, formerly of Enniskillen. Office and residence, Dr. Beith's, manville. Phone 259. 44-t DR. V. H. STOREY Graduate Toronto University, year and a haîf residelit physician and sur- geon Toronto Generai iHospital (six months Buraside Mat;erranty) two and haîf years Military Hospital. Office: Royal Bank Building, Bow- manville. Phone 143w. 10.lyr* DR. J. C. DEVITT Graduate of Royal Dental Coliege, Toronto. Office,-King-st. East, Bow- manville. Office bours 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. daily except Sunday. Phone 90a. House phone 90b. ~DENTL~ DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE Honor graduate la Dentistry Toronto University.* Graduate of the Royalý College of Dental Surgeons of On- tario. Office King-st., Bowmanviile. Office phone 40. House phone 22. DR. R. E. DINNIWELLnaro Licensed to uractice i nl-vi BOW.ýINVILEDEC. 22nd., 1921.1 THE EDITOR TALKS When the wr7iiter worked on a farmi hie learned to use time and duties economically. The bigness of thel task sometimes causes some to standi and complain while another person wlll "go to it" and have a large sulce of it performed while the other stands pleading inability to do it by the time set. There are some people, too, who inake 'hard work of thé simplest task. Whatever the y have to do, they spend more time and strength on it than one would sup- pose possible. They take twenty steps when five should ' be plenty. The older we grow, the more easily we should work. For one thing we should learn to work deftly. Clumsi- ness wastes time. The- skilled _fact- ory worker accomplishes what seems a miraculous amount to the average novice. Always try to be learning a bet- ter way if possible. Sometimes we hear people speak disapprovingly of short cuts. But everyone should be on the lookout for short cuts, and never use a round-about way, when a'short eut, wifl seive. It is the sham f aise cuts that are objected to; the short cut to weaith by the way of -dshorrsty, thre-sotttt a-du- cation by getting a smattering of information on certain points. Thèse are, not really short cuts. They may be short enough, but they do not Iead to the desired goal. Con- centration of attention is one 'of the great secrets ofworkîng easily. When we allow our minds to be distracted by- little- things, we -increase- the amount of tim-e necessary for ac- complishing our task. The one who can keep his mind upon his work is the swiftest worker., Work while you work, etc. We are told that 26,445 Canadian ex-service men have been establish- ed on the land and are nearly al rnaking good; that Canada's water- power development represents an in- vestmnent of $475,000,000, while the quire 18,000,000 tons of coal year- ly, or that nearly 88 per cent of the world's supply of asbestos cornes from the Province of Quebec. Nat- ural Resources Intelligence Branch of the Department of the Interior, has issued bookiet of "Compact Facts", containing information re- garding Canada; its area, population, trade and industries; their exteat, capital învested, wages paid, values of live stock, principal crops and amounts produced; minerai -re- sources and present production,; al- so forest resources and f orest pro- ducts. You may have a copy free on application to Superînteadent, Natural Resou rces Intelligence Branch, Department of the Interior, Reader, are you marrîed and can apppreciate a good joke? This is told to show how one married lady terribly frightened another married lady, the simple thought of the fut- ure possibility being terribiy appaul- jing to any woman who marries a musician. But here is the story:- DURHAM CLUB MEMBERS A note from Mr. Thomas Yellow- lees, Secretary of the Durham Club of Toronto says: The deatb of iev+DrMarâha-l--Pý -T-uvi eg-fcl ike- a boit 'from the blue on bis maay admirers in tbis city as be was much beioved and respected by a very large circle of friends. In our Durbam Club in Toronto, be occupied a large place among its mnembers and was a valued contributor to its montbly gatherings. Two days after our last meeting where he and Mrs.-Tai- iing were in attendance, and spent a deligbtful evening; ha was seized by bis fatal iline(-ss. At bis funerai there was a large attendance of men from avery walk of lif e, besides a great many ministers. Revs. Dr. E. A. Her, Y. W t Ro c hester-, -r.- Patterson, J. A. Mustard and R. P. Byers, M. A., took part in the ser- vice. The club was represented by Dr. J. L. Hughes, T. Yellowlees, E. Fielding, W. F. Màas, R. W. King, Prof. John Squair, M. A., T. E. the body lay was banked witb fiowers and a wreatb from the Durham Club, expressed their sympathy and loss. IN THE EDITOR'S MAIL Our old friend, Mr. John Congdoa, formerly of Tyrone, writing frorn Duhamel, Aita., under date of Dec. 14, sends bis subseription for next year and says: I arn sincercly hoping thismay find you ail wcil. Giad to say we are ail weli at present. The weather wc are having cannot be excelled for the winter season, being wonderfully mild, sbortening the wînter for man and beast. Glad to say, too, that this part of the country 4s-weil splied--with- oo , and we bave cvery reason for thankfulness. Aay person or persons coming to AI- berta from Darlington, we should beý pleased for tbern to eall on us. With the compliments of the Season to Mr. M. A. James and Staff, and ail our Darliigtoa old friends, 1 remain, Yours Truly Pains under the shoulder blades tell of liver clerangein'ents. Other indications are sallow complexion, indigestion, constpa- - tioir,--biliousness- nnd--bilious--heacF- aches. The quickest way to arouse the liver to healthful action is by use of Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pis. Continued use will insure lasting relief, correct the whole digestive system and purify the blood. Mrs. Win. Barten, Hanover,' Ont., writes: "For sonie ime 1 suflered f rom liver trouble. There was a bard, bearing- down feeling in my back which 1 could flot get rid of. Some one advised me to try Dr. Chas's, Kidney-Liver Pil1s. 1 did so, and found them excellent. The dragging feeling in my back dis- generally. I have great confidence in Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pilis. and always keep them on hand for generai use." Dr. Chase's Kîdney-Liver Pulls, o ne pili a dose, 25c a box, al deal ers, or Edmanson, Bates & Co., Limited, Toronto. W. H. COLE-OUTFITTER FOR MEN -AND BOYS Worth= hile ifts calied overhead expenditures. Busi- REVIVALS IN UNITED STATES niess to be made successful demands more intelligent, constant and vig- Remarkable Number of Conversions. orous effort than when~ conditions were more favorable and less exact- Ia two letters that have corne to ing. To-day running an ordinary our desk witbin a few weeks there farrn or any other eniterprîse means are accounts of remarkable evangel- work, brain activîty and personal istic services in churches la two large supevison, la other wordsmen Annerican iis Dr. R. W. Kim- must of necessity mind their owa bail, 709 De-wey Avenue, Rochester,- business. The day of the gentle- N. Y., writing us. recently says: man farmer bas passed; so bas the day of aay other business beiag suc- In November we had a giorious cessfully carried on without work, evangelistic campaiga in Rochester and thougbt and direction by the when Annie Semple McPherson of proprietor. It is tbe* man Who stays Los Angeles, Caîf., Who is a Cana- wîtb bis business from eariy mora- n dian ber bîrthplace being Ingersoil, ing tilil te at nigbt Who, make a suc- Ontario, brougbt us a wonderfui cess of kt. 11e need not necessarily ýsweet message of the love of Je-sus be a slave to business but be must, and Ris blood shed on Calvary. At be the master of it and do the plann- these services over 2,000 went f or- ing and directing and keep in con- ward for prayer. Convention Hall stant toucb with the operations and which seats 3,300 was packed night këEcii-up4o-diate,-- likewisd ' in- the after- night and-bundreds were turned constantiy varying conditions and away wbo' couid not be admitted. methods that produce most satisfact-Sh is tboroughly filled witb tbe spirit ory resuits. Kaow every detail of of Christ and ber meetings werle the business and stay wîth it if suc- reaily giorious. cess is to be achieved. Mea, mind __________________ your own business. ________________ THE CHRISTMAS REMEMBRANCE WILL NOT BE,-, LESS WELCOME BECAUSE 0F ITS REAL UTILITY You'Il find the sort of gifts men and boys want in our store, and in exclusive selections. We assure you that anything you buy here will be low in price, high in quality and give perf ect satisf action. MEN'S SILK TIES Ia fancy box-ail new designs. Spedial 75e to $2.00 MEN'S HOSE Fine quality Englisb mere or worsteds, la new ings, heather clox or' black, Cash- color- plain UNDERWEAR Fleece lined underwear, beat makes, ail sizes, PURE WOOL SWEATERCOATS With new shawl colilar, al wool, fast colors. hast season 's FUNERAL DIRECTORS ~F. F. M R IVC. Most complete equipment. Sunday -and night cails promptly attended to. Bowmanvilie phones 10- and '34. 1Branch at Orono. VETERINARY DR. F. T. TIGHE ~VTERINARY SURGEON. Day or Night Calis Promptly Attended To. ýOffice, King-st., W., Statesman Block, Bowmanville. Phone 243. M. A. JAMES, STEAMSHIP TICKETS TO EUROPE-Canadian Pacific, White Star Dominion, Cunard. Amer- jean. Ask for information. Phone 53, Bowmanviile. JUNK DEALERS POULTRY and JUNK-A. Dillick, Duke-st., just opposite Canning Factory, pays bigbest cash prices for ail kinds of poutry and junk. Phone 299 or cali at his residence. 5-tf DAILY TRIPS TO OSHAWA For the convenience of the travel- ling publie 1 wish to arînounce that 1 arn now makiag daily trips to Osb- awa ia my large comfortabie motor bus. Leave West End Garage, Bow- manville, at 7 a. m,, leave corner King and Mary-sts., Oshawa, at, 5 p. m. Saturday leaving Oshawa at 12 noon. 36-t Art Cole, Proprietor. $5.OO0 Down and $3.00 a month buys a new SINGER SEWING MACHINE Repair work of al kinds done. Russel Hobbs At J. T. Molon's Store King St. E. Bowmanville of weecs. W at eautîruî caucîrenV exciaimed ýthe newly married one. "Yes", !repliecl, the proqd,dinother; 4é1pt MPA te1yonutiei.aeoinci dence. At our wedding suvper the boys wbo payed with'my husband la the orchestra sernaded him. and they piayed ý"Three Little Maids'" from the 'Mikado'. Is't tbat funny? At this tbe other bride turned pale "Mercy!"' she gasped. "At our weddîng supper Tom's friends ser- enadcd hlm, too, and thcy rendered "The Sextet from 'Lucia"'. Oh! Oh!! Fellow-worker, are you in love with your work? If not why not? Wc can trutbfuily say tbat wc have workcd bard for over sixty years and to-day we woubd rather work a reas- onable tirne daily than spend the hours in any other manner. Why do you like work, you ask? J3cause as Dr. Frank Crane that versatile author says "Business is the most wholasoma occupatioùi hi wbicb a beathy man ca engage and it bas in it more resources of eajoyment. There are ail sorts of reasoas for carrying on a business but the hast reason is because you like it. The happiest man in this world is the one n-ho is doiag' wbat lie bas always xanted to do and is rnaking it pay. As a ruhe business men are the soundest rindad, ieast egotit lcast given to bunk and bumbug and altogather the most wbolesome and cheerful kind of f oik. If there is to be a jury on the Day of Judgment I hope it wil ha made up of mca wbo workad bard ail their ives, for such a jury wouid corne nearer hand- ing out aven justice than aay other mea I know". Young man, if your heart is not in your work, better conslt a doctor to find out the cause, for thechances are he'li find a streak of lazînesla your anatorny that the sooner it is worked out of, your sy- stemn the btter for your future wcl- fare. That disease is fer more coin- mon and more to bc dreaded than tuberculosis, appendicitis or kidney disease. A fcw Sundays ago a towa min- ister prcached a sermon on "Mmnd your own Business"-a motto once f ound on the face of an oid dock. It is an excellent motto for these times. Mca go into a business us- ually to make a livelhbood, et the saine time hoping to bave a surplus over expenses and the cost of liv- ing. In our lifetime-a reai revolu- tion bas taken place in every occupa- tion and ine of trade. New con- ditions demand a change in methods and business management.' Com- petition is very much keener than la former times. Expenses have might- ily iaereased, especially what are Grand iÎsplay of First -Prize Beef At.Edmondstone y'S We have been very fortunate this year in securing the flnest lot of Christmas meats we have ever had. You will think so, too, when you look over this partial lîst of our holiday display. It will be well wo rth your while to inspeet this wonderful dispiay of 'prize beef at an early date. YOU CAN'T BEAT THIS FOR PRIME BEEF 1 White Durham Heifer, fed by H. E. Tink, Solina. This heifer took first prize at Bowmanville Fair in a large class. i White Durýham-Steer and 1 Red Durham Heifer, fed by S. E. Werry, Solina. 1 Baby Beef, fed by J. Frank Osborne, Town Line. The mate to this caif was bought by Wm. Dryden, Brook- lin, and sent to Amherst, Nova Scotia, where it won 2 first prizes in large classes. Don't f ail to see thi.s beef as it certainly is a dandy. 2 Yorkshire Hogs, fed by Win. Snowden, Maple Grove. Lambs and geese also from J. Frank 'Osborne. Besidles the , above we have an unlimited quantity of plump well fed potiltry of ail kinds. The above list was purchased for me by Samuel Snowden, the well-known drover and wholesaler butcher of Maple Grove. SCALDED CREAM ALWAYS ON HAND We take this opportunity of wishing our many friends and customers the Compliments of the Season. G. A. Edmondstone One door east of F. F. Morris Co. Phone 21 Bowmariville Real nobby ones, siik liaed, new shapes, fabrica are fine Scotch cheviots, somethinir spc- ». ciel, § $1.50 to $2.2F HOUSECOATS AND 1BATHROBES Every man sbould bave one, very pretty designs, great valutes, too, $12.00 to $15.00 PYJAMAS Neat patteras la Englisb Flan- adas, extra special, $2.25 to $3.00 MEN'S FINE SHIRTS We have the finest range ever shown bore, extra big values, $1.75 to $5.00 OVERCOAT ELEGANCE The mucb-talked about 'oer coat values, were $55.00 to $62.50, now, $13.50 to $30.0 KNITTED TIES Pure silk, a big variety to choose from, in fancy boxes, $1.00 to $2.0I ORSPECIALTY Ab OUR moa Ia made-to-measure ciotbing, best materiais, newest styles, great wearing qualities, fit guar- anteed. Ww.H. GIFT GLOVES 'U.ilr 1bLAKI b Brusbed wool or silk, in aew colorings, extra special values, $ 1.25 to $3.00 )autiful range, cceptable gifts. $6.00 COcc Outfitter for Men, Young Men ai Opposite Bank of Montreal For mena'and boys, kid or wool, also mitts and gauntiets, all sizas and kiads, NEW LOW PRICES NEW BLUE SUITS Fox guaranteed serge, new models, were $35.00, our special, $26.50 ULSTERET1 ES Sec our excellent 'range of these, speciably priced, $27.00 FREE PRESSING Ail suits sobd from December 1, we guarantee to press them free-once a montb for three montbs. id Boys BowmanvilJe t........A w ~..«..... Bamum FoMnandBy ýi 1 -pc«.,d- and 1 !,It rnuch bnfitted -f-TPA- ,q-T

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