RUDON NERVOUS? Weak Women can Find the Help They Need St. Thomas, Ont.-"Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is a grand medicine f o r women wbo ar- at ail nervous weak or run-dow i -vvho -suîwt, womanly ailment, <~-~\ I have not only taken -it myseif and been greatly benefit-ed but 1 /. ýi have known of / many others wbo have been bene- fited, ardi in no0 case havqE- 1 herard one' word of condemnýition a.zpinsýr Dr. Pie'rce'i, Favorite Prescriptlion, but always praise."-Mrs. Sarah Burke, 103 Scott ýSt. The uý-=e cf Iý. Pierce's Favorite Prescription makes wormen happy by makixing thmn healthy. A great many wormen in ýevery part of Canada owe thetr good hioalth of toda7y to this famous iFrescriplon., HAVE YIU ,_C IA CH TROUBfLE? This Wor--an iiinz :SuÀfered Great li1s- tress %-na H eer Experience Dundall4, Ont.--I' ain oniy too'giad to tell -Nhat DI). Plerce's Golden Medical IlDiscovery has doue for me. I doctoreýd three rnonths and got no -relief huit, thanks to Dr. Pierce's medicine, 1 fourd a cure at last. 1 wîill recoinmend it to any poor suf- ferer wil-h ulcerated, stomach and mouth. Vhen 1 started taking the 'Discovery'i 1.veiý,ghed 93 pounds; now 1 weîgh iSl. No other medicine for me. Ais.Malcolm McLaren. You ca..n quiciily put yourself in A-1 condition by going to your drug- gist andl obtaining Dr'. Pierce's Golden. 1V[edical Dhscovery ia tablets or luî;or senti 10e to Dr. Pierce's Laie ffator-y in1 Lridgeburg, Ont., for trial pkg 'and write for free medical Renews StreqtngtIh! *W'here there is& Ineed -for a build- Iing-up tonic after prostrating illness, ISCOT'S EMULSIONI Stakeni regularly, usually speils renewed strength and. vigor.I Scott & lewàe, Toeot.n. I-ALSO MAKERS OF- I (Tablets or Granules FOîNDIGESTION Swe e'ten the Stomach DoIS LEONARD EAR OUL RELIEVES DEAFNESS and STOPS HEAD NOISES. Simply Rub it Back of the Earê, and Insert in Nostrils. Pronf of Quc- cess wiii be given by te diuggst. MADE IN CANADýA ARTHUJR SALES CO., Sales Agents, ennit A. 0. Lennard, Inc., Infra, 0 CII' Ae., M. Y. City JURY & LOVELL Bowmanville I Tne Great Engiish Preparatiàn. J1ýToes alid invigorates the whple Wi-Jnr ssse.mkes new Blood in old Veine. Used for Nervous ,Debiity, Mental and Braie Worry, 1. fol,%. Sold by al druggists, or mailed in plain pkg. on receiptcf price. New pamphlgt mailed F free.nis V WOOOMEDICIE C.TRNOOT Executors' Notice To Creditorsl IN THE M ATTER 0F THE ESTATE 0F William Forsyth Allen, late off the Town of Bowmaflville, Esquire, De- NOTICE is hereby gven pursuant to Section 56 of The Trustee Act, R. S. ., 1914, Chapter 121, that ail persons having dlaimns or demands against the estate of, the said William Forsyth Allen who died on or about the 5th day off April, 1921, at the said Towvn of Bowmaflvilie, are re- quired to send by Post, prepaid, or to de- liver to Misses Clara Allen and Margaret F. Allen, Bowmiaflv le, Ont., two of the exedutors off the will off the deceased, on or before the îath day off January, 1922, their Christiani and surnames, and ad- dressses, with fulil particulars, in writing, off their dlaims, and statement of their accounts, and the nature of their securi- tecs (if any) heid by them. AND TAXE NOTICE that, after the said llth. day off January, 1922, the Ex- ecutors wiil proceed to distribute the as- sets off the said deceased, ampong the parties entitied thereto, having regard on- ly to the cias off which, tbey shaîl then have had notice, and the said executors wiii not be IiabIe for the said assets, or any part thereof, to any person or per- sons, off whose dapim notice shall not have been received by them, at lte time off such distribution. W. L. Allen, Clara Allen and Margaret F. Allen, Executors late Wil!',am Farsyth Allen. Dated tnls 9th day off December, A D, 1921 50-3w Notice To Creditors IN THE MATTrER 0F the estate off Wes- ley Rosevear Clemens, late of the town- sihip off Darlington, in the County off Durham, a fermer, deceased. NOTICE Js hereby given pursuant to Sec. 56 off Chap. 121, R. S. O., 1914, that ail persons having ciaims or demande against the estate off the said Wesley Itosevear Clemens. deceased, who died on or about the 5th day off December 1921, are required to send by post, prepaid or deliver to the undersigned D. B. Simip- son, R C., off Bowmanviile, Solicitor for Mary Jane Clemens and William Bruce Hloneywell the executors off the w il off the said deceased, on or beforo the fift- centit day off January, 1922, ther christ- ian and surnames and addresses wlth full particuiers in writing off their dlaims, and statemnent off their accounts and the nature off the securiies (if any) heid by thema duly verifded by statutory deciara- tien. AND TAXE NOTICE that affter the said fifteenth day off January, 1922, the said executors wiil proceed to distribute the assets off the said deceased among the Parties entitied thereto having regard oniy to the dlaimes off which they shall Ihen have notice, and the said executors wiil nt bo Sable for said assets, or any part thereof,, te any persoii or persons off whose dlaimn notice shall not have been received by their said Soicitor at the timne off such distributionl. Creditors are requested to send In daims fforthwith and not wait until non" 1,ms ay Dated December 14th, 1921. Mary Jane Clemens and William Bruce Honeywell, Executrlx and executor. D. B. Simpson, K C., Bowmanviile, Ontario, Soicitor for the sald executrix and executor 50 -4w Notice to Creditors IN THE MATTER 0F THE ESTATE 0F Sarah Georgina Channon, late of the township of Darlington, in the County of Du1rham, a spinster, ceceased. NOTICE is hereby given puisuant to Sec. 56 of Chap. 121, R. S. 0., 1914, that ail poisons having dlaims or demands against the estate of the said Sarah Georgina Channon,' de- ceased, who died on or about the 25th day of'September, 1921, are ro- quired to send by post, prepaid, or dliver to the undersîgned Solicitor, D. B. Simpson, K. C., at Bowman- ville, as Solicito-r for James Alex- ander McClellan, the administrator witli the will annexed 'of the property of the said deceased, on or before the thirty-fitrst day 0of December, 1921, thoir christian and surnames and addresses with ful particulars in writing of their dlaims, and state- ment of their accaunts and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them duly verified by statutory declaration. AND TAKE NOTICE that after the said tbirtY-first day of Docember, 1921, the James Alexandcr McClel- ian, as such administrator, will pro- ceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties on- titled thereto having regard only to the claims of which ho shall thon have notice, and the said James Alexander -McClellan as such admin- istrator will not be hiable foi said assets, or any part theroof, ta any poison or poisons of whoso dlaim notice sbali not have been received by bis said Solicitor at the time of sucb distribution. karry -Alun- 'Just west Royal Theatre REBUILT BICYCLES FOR SALE I'BOWMANVILLE, DECý.2nd,11 Mollon, J. T. 1.00 Muirhead, C. P. 2.00 Mooecraft, Mis, D. G. 1.00 Mutton, C. D. 1.00 Mason, Mrs. S. W. 1.00 Murdaly. M. Sr., 1.00 P_ R.0 Nichoills, A. L. 10.00 MUSKOK4 HOSPITAL CAMPAIGN Bowmanville Citizens SUbscribed. Over $1236.00 Mr. John H. H. Jury, Chaîrman of Local Committee, bas requested pub- lication of- the- lîst o- contribiitors to the Muskoka Hospital Campaign as follows: Central Public School $53.92 South Ward School, do 5.37 High School 20.37 Jorusalemn Lodge, A. F. & A. M. 50.00 Grant from T own Council 200.00 Ross Can Co. Employees' 11.25 Bow. Foundry and employees 70.00 Goodyear Co. employees 54.25 iRebekah Lodge No. 125 10.00 Maple Leaf Circle 2.00 Aluin, H. 2.00 Aitcheson, R. F. 5,0 Alin, Mis. Jane 1.00 Aléxander, J. W. 10.00 Alexander Household 2.00 Alldread, D. 1.00 Allin, Mis. J. 1.00 Allin, W. C. 1.00 Brown, C. L. 1.00 Boyd, C. W. 1.00 Bottreil, Thos. 1.00 Bleakley, A. 1.00 Brooks, Mis. F. H. 3.00 Bounsaîl, Mis. E. R. 1.00 Bounsali, Gus 1.50 Bounsaîl, Mis. F. H. 3.00 Bounsaîl, C. 1.00 Beilman, A. E. 1.00 Bonnycastie, G. C. 15.00 Beriy, W. J. 1.00 Berîy, Mr. and Mrs. 2.00 Butson J. 1.00 Bagneil, Mis. C.' 1.00 Bagneil, Mis. 1.00 Babcock, J. 1.00 Bassett, M. 1.00 Borland, Mrs. A. H. 2.00 Baiiey, Mis. 2.00 Burden, Frank 1.00 Bate, Mrs. 1.00 Bennett, Mis. James 1.00 Cowell, L. 1.00 Cawkeî & Son 2.00 Colwoll, Mi. and Mis. A. 2.00 Corden, Miss Eva 1.00 Cordon, Mis. G. A. 1.00 Cavorly, R. 2.00 Caverly, Mis. L. S. 1.00 Coulson, Mi. -, 5.00 Clarke, Mis. E. S. 1.00 Carruthers,' W. H. 2.00 Carrutheis, Chas. 1.00 Culley, Mis, W. J. 1.00 Cale, Mis. 1.00 Cook, Fred 10 Couch, Mis. Wes. 1.00 Chase, G. E. 1.00 Couch, Johnston & Cryderman 50.00 Cann, Wm. 10.00 Couch, Mis. W. B. 10.00~ Cole, F. J. 1.00 Copeland, R. 1.00 Cann, Mary E. 10.00 Cann, Bertha 1.00. Dustan, W. H. 2.00 Dustan, Mis, W. Hl. 5.00 Darcb, A. 1.00 Denseis, W. Hl. 2.00 Devitt, Dr. J. C. 2.00 D'alo, W. F.1.00 Dart, Mis. E.2.75 Den1sem, A. H.1.00 Edmondstone, G. A. 2.00 Elliot, Alox. 2.00 Engel, S. A. 2.00 Elliott, Maud 1.00 Ellef, Kriss 1.00 Edsall, S. S. 5.00 Elliott, Milton 1.00 Foster, F. A. 10.00 7 Fîiends 8.50 Foley, F. R. 4.00 Foley, W.. 1.00 5 Friends 5.00 Foster, S. 1.00 Fairbain, Miss B. H. 1.00 Grant, Jas. 1.00 Greenaway, A. 5.00 Galbraith, Misses B. and F. 1.00 Gillie, N. E. 2.00 GuI, Major, R. J. 20.00 Goodyear Hotel 3.60 Gould, M. G. V. 5.00 Grant, Anthony 1.00 H-obbs, W. H. 10 Hailer, E. S. 1.00 Hoîsey, Wm. 1.00 Hearle, Miss Dora 1.00 Hearle, Mis. 1.00 Hazlewood, Dr. 5.00 Hobbs, Miss M. 1.00 Hughes, Goneral John 20.00 Hailman, . .2.00 Hicks, R. 1.00 Hamblyn, Mis. P. 1.00 Hellyni, John 5.00 Hoar, Mis. Wlbert 2.00 Heircock Bros. 2.00 Honey, S. J. 1.00 Homne,John 2.00 Holgate & Son 25.00 Hlynds, Mr. and Mis. 8.60 Infantine, Jas. 1.00 Jury, Jno. H. H. 50.00 Jury, Mis. Jno. H-., H. 50.00 Jewell, T. C . 15.00 M. A. James & Sons 17.20 Jennings, Mis. W. 1.00 Kent, Caîl B. 1.00 Wish them Merry Christmas b-y-Long-Distaue--- SOyou're not going home forChristinas'?" "Afraid I ca't afford it this year. It's going to be very lonely here too! M'I get letters, of course, but how I do want tg talk to them, be one of 'em!' "Wby tbat's simple. I can't go home eitber, but I'm going ta cali my Christmas greetîîîg te every one of my folks persanally -talk fa them by Long Distance. l'Il wager l'Il almost he able to smeil the good old furkey cooking." "Whaf a splendid idea!,IPm so giad you made me think of it. Christmas won't ho such a ionely day after aIl, Long Distance will give mother the feeling that IPm not so far away!" That's just wbat Long Distance is going to, do for distant relatives, sons, daughters, sweethearts, this Christmas day. It's goîng ta make the "Merry Christmas real-bring the missing one so close that tIhe loneliness and pain of separation will ho forgotten in the joy of heaiing the dear voice again. Station-to-Station service with low Evening aind Night Rates has brought Long Distance within thse reach of everyone. .Every Bell Telephoneý is a Long Distance Station Needbam, Jas., 1.00 aid in that direction. Nowhouse, P. F. 2.00 When the doctor knows what the Osborne, W. H. 1.0o trouble is be can search intelligently Quinn, H. L. 1o.o)o ta find out why it is. No medicine Paînton, Miss E. 1.00 and no kind of treatment can cure Pickard, A. W. 2.00 any ailment or disease without the' Passent, A. 1.0(o cause is first removed. Poomer, G. E. 2.00 The cause of higb or low blood Pethick, Mis. 1.00 pressure is net ahways due ta faulty Pointon, Mis. W. 1.50 diet. Rickard, Mr. E. 1.00 Neariy ail cases of bigh blood pros- Rice, Chïas. _ ___2.00 -sure -are---reieëved1 a-ndi frequently- a Rico, Mis. Chas. 1.00 critical or dangerous condition avert- Raffanf, Mi. 1.00 ed by cutting out mont, beans, peas, Roacb, L. 1.00 cheese and fried foods and substitut- Spencer, Dr. J. 5.00 ing fresh raw fruits and raw veget- Smith, J. H. 1.00 ables. This is becauso such a diet Spry, Thos. H. 5.00 is in itself cleansing and curative. Stacey, Jno. 1.00 About a year ago I was called in Scott, A. R. 1.00 consultation in the case of a woman Stevens, Miss 1. 1.00 nged 50 yoams. I found ber blood Smith, Miss I. K. 2.00 pressure 265, and yet she hadl been Short, Mrs. W. D. 1.00 on a special diet for over a year. A Souch, Eva 1.00 vemy thorough analysis disclosed Steinburg, Mms. H. 1.00 chronic baîdening of the arteries. Scobeli ,Edith V. 2.00 The other doctors estimated that Spicer, J. 1.00 she mîh iefontr t sx Tho T. N. 5.0 months, but I advised direct tient- Tai.T .5.00 ment of thse blood to increase the Toni,ReE A. 1.00 figbting capacity of the ceils called Toekin, Wv. E.A.o.0 Leucocyte and Phagocytes, witb a TrulI, J. . 1.00 still more radical change in the diet. TruIl, M. H<100 This metbod was foilowed and she is Trele,Rs. 1.00 not only alive but in btter bealth TlVann, . C.2000 than at any time during tbolnst foui Vau, Forece1.00 years. Wîas, Mis.enndMis 5 Her bload pressure wili niways be Wooleym, M Miss.20 above normal, from 40 to 60 degrees White, Ms E. £2.0 ,above-hut that will not prevent ber Whlias, Msm. 1F. from living in comfort for many Williams, Mis. . H . 020ooyoars. A diagnosis of chîonic Williams, MW. H 20 Brig-ht's disease is not now considemed Williams,& Cana.00 an order for a wooden overcoat al Young, Gea. W. 1o.5o0 rs Young, Miss 10 Higb blood pressure fîequently ia- Yates, R. E. 1.00o dicates auto taxeiniaor self poison- Yeo, W. H. 1.00 îng, an infection at some point in 95 subscriptions undor $1,00 each oui own body, and thîs source of in- making the grand total $1236,.21. fection must be found and success- f uily treated. With thse poison re- Florence Nightingale Lodge mnved, rature will do the cuiing, A. Bagneli 1.00 One roason why bigh blood pies- Gea. Mason 1.00 sure is s0e angeraus is that the sick A. Mitchell 1.00 poison is se stîmulated by the candi- Dr. Slemon 1.00 tion that ho feels fine. How often J. Pînto <0 wo hear it said of n persan wbo bas . B. MMumt y drapped dead from a ruptured blaod F. C Pehic.10 vessel that, "Only this moîninig ho F. C. PMtimne<0 told me ho nover f oit botter in bis T. E. igginbotam100 lhf e". T.E.arHoth <100 In many sucb cases the cause of ChgaresHon 1.0 the higis blood pressure was in diseas- W.arW. Horna1200 ed kidneys, and because an analysis C..ylern 2.00af the urine had nat been made the F..yBrown1.00 disease was net even suspectod. Eveîy W.R.Carwn 1.00 persan past foîty sbould have thse A. Haddy 1.0 uin analyzed each year at least. C. M. Cawkem 100 Safety first. Lanbwt epwl F. M. McDowel 1 «o0 instead of paying ta get weil afteî Cea. E. Maynaid 1£oo mucis needhess suffeing. Sam Reynolds 1.00 Very often an analysis of the urine John Hoimes 2.00 may indicate that a change in the S. R. Grant 1.00 diet is ail that is necessary ta pro- A. Marrow 1-.00 vent the developisent of disease. G. H. Awde 1.00! In the series of lessons that are ta A. Gibert 1.00 fahiow I, wili toach you "Row ta keep -well," and how ta keep yourself $38.00 yaung. Row ta help others less for- tunate tban yourself. I will gladly Soies Fiee Before It.-Theme are heîp yeu persanaily if yau write ta many wbo bave been afflicted with *me of yaur ailments, but 1 want Yeu soies and bhave driven themà away ta pay me by pnssing it on ta same- with Dr. Thomas' Echectric Oul. AlI ane else. similarly traubled sbauhd lose nai "Tho greatest ambition in hife time in applying this splendid emedy wortb striving for is to ho of service as thero is notbing like it ta ho bad. ta athors'". Yeu can help by teling It is cheap, but its power is in no othors ta read these articles regular- way xprsse byitslowiprce. ly.ALL readers of this communication HOME HEALTH CLUB are at liberty at aIl timos ta write for inf ormation, pertaining ta the Edîted by David 1. Reeder, La Porte, subject of beaitb. Address al Ind. communications ta the Home Healtb' BLOODPRESURE:Club, LaPorte, Ind., witb name and BÉOODPRESURE:address in full and at leasf 6 cents in It bas net been a grent mnny yearspotg for 1ely sinco the fimst instruments were madepotg rey for ascertaining the blood pressure, and altbougb every physician should A Real Asthma Relief. Dr. J. D. ho prepared at ail times fe use one Kellogg's Asthma Remedy bas nover in makîng bis diagnasis, I regret to been adverfised by extravagant state- sny that comparatively few are Se monts. Its dlaims are canservativo' equipped. . indeed, when judged by the relief A knowledge of the blood pressure which it affords. Expect reai ro- is a great diagnostic value, and as a lief and permanent benefif wben you correct diagnosis is of thse utmost buy this-remedy and you will not importance ln treating the sick, no bave cause for disappoiafflent. It menas sbauld be overlooked that will gîvos permanent relief in many cases. 100%0 Money at 3 % Doubles Jtself in 33 ' Years- Money at 8% Doubles Itself in 12 Years [f your money tg now earning oniy i3 % why Dot re-invest It [n a first-class securlty where your interest return wiil be 150 per cent, more than at present? The 8% convertible debentures of The Mout Royal Hotel CIompany, Ijimited, carrying a bonus of 30% comynon shares, offer sncb an oppor- tuinlty. Send for descriptive cirenlar. STo W'Fr.,A. Mackenzie & Co., Ltd 1 38 King Street West, Toronto. Dear Sirs: Please send me a copy of the efreular descrlbtngI the 8% Convertible Debentures of The Mount Royal Hotel Company, ILmited, and oblige. Name tu fun ...................I................ Full address ....................... .........................1 .. . . .. . . . . Ple...e...r..e..l. ....... ------- -a- -m-M- LAS T MINUTE SHOPPERS Don't forget that a delicious box of 'C. B.' CHOCOLATIES is the gift of gladness. Sold in Bowmanville by THOMAS TOD Baker and Confectioner Bowmanville r. -DON'T INSURE- Until you have consulted us. Wxve are in a' position to give you insurance in the Ibest cômpan- ies--assuring you of undisputable protection. YOU CET THE BEST WHEN YOU INSURE WITH JJ. MASON & S")ON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 50 Bowmanville WHY YOU SHOULO SAVE 'ro insure yourself, against an unknown future. 'ro insui5e happiness and comnfort in your oci age. --- ---- -, -- - --7 ro insure1 provision for your f amily in the event of vour death. Commence Saving to-day with THE ROYAL BANK 0F CANADA R., F. AITCHISON, Manager. Increase Your' Income