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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Jan 1922, p. 1

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<K ~<. f LXVIII. M. A. J'AI Publishers. BOWMANVILLE, ONTAIRJO, JANUARY 5th., 1922. $2.00 a Y ear In Advance 'le a Copy. Stock-Reducing andMen's Iý-,eady-to-Wear Clothing Now Iln Fuil Swing. J i f No. 1 Couch, iohniston & Cryderma n. Bowmnanville Phoneo 14 Limitea j- 'Y' -'1- i 1~ REEVE BAKER ENTERT'AINS MINISTERS AND- CHURCHES MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS HOME NURSING CLASS Darlington Legisiatorz ZEnjoy the St. Paul's Church, Rev. D. W. Best, BOWMANVILLE hl-oiNLItIg1,tEWl rsi- ILS cre oflectures anld demionstra"tionis Bivalves. minister. Il a. m. "The Boldness Mayor-H. L, Quinn, elected boy accla- on MoIlnday, Jaii. '1111, at 8 p). m. !1 i t of Peter and John". 7 P. m.-4Týe mation for third! term. Primary Roomjo the Methoclist chIurch. An unwritten la-w cexists in the Law of Liberty". 2.3 0 p. m. - Reeve-E. C. Rehder (acc.)_____ Darlington Towniship Council con- Sunday Sehool and Bible Classes Deputy Reeve-~m. J.-Elliott (mec.) Counillors-C. S. RIaliman, A. L. MEi ULCSHO OR stitution whereby the Reeve upon re- Mehds hrh e.s ine, R. B. Yates, W. 1-. Thickson, Geo. PULIC _______ 0A tiremençt from office celebrates t toithe W. James, Wm.S."rr.im Moore, pastor, will preach Sunday O1ld m-embers: F. F. Morris, (re- occasion by giving an oyster supper morning on "For Their Sakes". In DALINGTON TOWNSHIP elctd)Ca.FRieM.Aam . tomebrsadl.icr ,fth -OU1 the evening on "Too Busy". Sunday Reeve-Thomas Baker. Ne-w nmembers: Dr C. Wl. Siemion, Ar- cil. Bkrafe sri School and Bible Classes at 2.30 p. m. Deputy Reeve-W. R. Courtce. thur N MceMillan, ilii.Bok. ReveBae ate sring bis mua- Counillors-A. H. Brent, C. w. Souch, Wlim rc icipality well in this capacity for Rev. S. C. Moore gave a very time- Chas. A. Wight. two years decided to wtdrwfrom ly new year greeting te his congreg- Alil re-elected by acclamation. BABY CLINIC further public duties this year and ation in the Metbodist Church Sun- NEWCASTrLE accordingly ordered the feast pre- day morning previous to bis sermon Dr. Bell, Toronto, will be here for pared. At the nominationi meeting from the words "Behold 1 make ail Reeve-Geo. P. Rickard. Coujncillors-H. S. Britton, Dr. J.A. well baby Clinic on Thursday, Jan. his constituents thought he lhad serv- things new", which contaiaed many Butler, Harry Jose, Wm. N. Buckley. 12 from 1.3,0 p. in. to 5 p. m.i in the ed, them so capably thiey prévale d helpful suggestions for beginning an- Council Roomi. ,AIl mothers invited upon him to remaini in office for at other year. Choir under direction of CLARKE TOWNSHIP to bring their cbildren under 7 years least another year, whicb h"-e finally Mr. T. W. Stanley, organist, rendered Reeve-.Frank Allun. of age The Comrmunity Nurse will coasented to do. Hlowever, this "'The Lord is iny Shepherd (Semper) Deputy Reeve-M, J. Holman. be there. continuance of the Reeve's pnublic and Miss Reta R Cole who is home ,,Couneilors-jArthur IleKay, 1 T, Chap -________ service did not interefere with the from Cleveland, Ohio, kindly sang an'To.Ptes. clebration hie had plamnned. Ris ".Holy Night" (Adams) in her usual CARTWVRIGHT TOWNSHIP SILVER WEDDING orders were "On with the feast", happy manner and gave very great ee-Toa F. Bruce. to her hearers. ~ Councilors-C'reighton Devitt. R'chard A hi oeo ihs. r n and se it took place in grand stVle pleasuretelr aes. I the Edgert on', W. B. F'erguson, J. J.,Jobb. Ats ter rth o i elebrate andh lUon Tbursday evening last wI-ith Mr. evening Miss Campbell, a teacher in Ms ee atnclbae h Iand Mrs. A. E. Jennings;, 1ampton, one of ithe Missionary Schools of OSHAWA- twenty-fiftb anniversary of their I- atering in their usual faultless man- Japan, held the undivided attention Mayor-John Stacey. marriage on Saturday even,îni*g, De- nier. Readers, don't bIe rnislead that of ber audience as she related the Reeve-Ceo. T. Morris. cember 31st., when an enjoyable loysters were the only good things progress of Christian education in lst Deputy-J. v. Hill. evening was spent in games and danc- 2nd do-F. L. Mason. in y ailyan fred. M y se,(rved, for there was roasýt chicken Japan, speaking, of the needs of ('ouncillors-Thos. H-awkes, 0. M. AI- ita blepaesend wre receîed y hIý abundance an.d lots of ther ap- teachers for fÇa, Kindergarten, the zer. Johin Stanton, Roland Moffatt, David pc(tizing eats wbich ladenied -ha ban- Primary and now of the bigher IHubbell, D. F. Jobnston. W. J. Trick, o. the happy couple. R. BurnF. W. B. Roweïat. -D . Preston. A. ________ quaet table. schools or colleges. The influence W. Bo 0, . 1R. Iall-fine'of these are N,,ext came 'a "feast of oratory" led wielded on the lives of th*e young niew memibers. CARDS 0F THANKS off by Deputv-Reeve W. R. Courtice Japanese is already awakening tbem ____ whio was chairman for the eveuuing. to a broader view of their -duty as E SHO'RN PÀMrS.olacanfiiyvsht ferdrinking the toast to,) the vener- citizens' and as a nation. She was NE SHOL RNCPA M. .Holl an res and ail wsht -bleReete'hnuter broke outohikhaJpnhatke The Public Sehool Board bas engaged quaintances for their kind symipathy forth inIo song, "For he's a joîîy lber place by tbe side of the two Mr. J. H. Johnston of Toronto, ats Prin- in tbeir laite bereavemnent. ~ood fllow."great AngloSaxon 'nations aýi the cipal and, he entered uapon his duties here____ r,0ýr felow?,on Tue'iday morning. Mr. Johnston has Mr. Baker in bis reply re4ferred to Conference at Washiný.ton. The had thirteen years' experience, six o Mrs. Chas. Edgerton and Mr, Fred the many pleasant associations form- address was most interesting tbrough- which as principal of Goderich Public Fice desire to tbhank their miany 1-1 dcurfig-his-tenure-oî offict-which- ii, le ix>mr--reId.ëead the- ani- Shos ewlo te-e r~ msf-or the- sympathy und Ikind- bans extended oyer 18 years. H1e tbem "O for a ,dcoser walk with cillai to Bowmanville and hope he may ness extended to them during the !Il.- soon find a su'table house so that Mr alotook occasion to pay tribute toe"( Forster) and Miss Cole sang Johnsýton and liittie son may joîn hlm ness and death of their mother and the late W. E. Jewell an.d H. J. Wer- a rather difficult solo "ilear ve Israel" îere. also for the beautiful flowers. ry wbose deaths were distinct Io sses (Mendelssohn) wiith splendid enuncia -_________ to thle community 4ioui, Rer manv friends were highly Tbe' Reeve...refererd tu the high delighted to hear ber again and ap- MOTHERS' CHRISTMAS PARTY SHORTHORN BREEDERS standing of the municipality and felt 'areciate ber giving ber services seoFDRAMCUT Il departmnents o h uiia freely during her holiday at home. Miss M. R. Heeley, Public Realth ofte mnuia ýirse, put on something new to Bow- Aplctosfr feinstth miachine were well represented. __il___i__iinilir ,' vening, assisted by Applorton s lela owmarnvile o -Beve- Baker with aev-er-aL,-ther soe twn ades wilien hegave a Christ- S'rhr aei ovnnvleo m as a y "o "m n "ers 'nd'f ier w ' m n a cl -th - w iti b e acce t -d b y t e spekes aida ig cmplmet o>ho y eaonof lhousehiold cares are Secretary, or other ofri-ers; up to and heaaecpable and t-horough EARLY POER STIO HIS u Iualcept at home.Jaury1, 92 11nerin which Mr. W, R. Aýlin, REST Thýe Bungalow, qoLrnter of Lowe and1 nldn aur 5 92 manrCefeStreeýts hiad ben vry taStefully Apflication must be accomypanjie.d ]le Clerk and Treasurer, hall per- -'dcoar tbCitms greens, and aby certificate of registration and ý'ormied bis numerous duties. John V. Gould, ,Oshawa, Age 87 wodxfîic ltee n hn ute etrv fee of $5.00, returnable on Ex-Reeves James Stanley, W. E. Cornr.1 Il I thr we.represent ourtide and Geo. A. Ste»hens re- Ila the death of John F, GonîI, aindS itase y to tell thiat theýywer oduction of animal at sale. his87t yerat is ome 32 Sm- osty omem~esfor ats the guceS John Baker, F. C. Paterson, Arred to their previous e,-ý,erierce hs8t er thi oe 0 i-entered Èt'he cheery bGuiilding and ,u>.aI Pestint -brta iI council and to the pres,,, satis- coe Street South Moùnday forenoon, brighit fire gl,,owviin l,(the open týire-p)1i 'ce,' ~ sdn.Sceay fi tory financial standing -ýu thle another pioneer and familiar figure, thet Loak heome il e? wns 'DIole';n't1 1-2 t si.and one identifled we<h the very Did wve say it wýas a parity for mjothjers?. TH-E PENNY BANK .uclosA. H. Breit., C. w. early bistory of Oshawa and East vos. Bu'f one had nelt beenI! tôld(".a 11______ So ých and C ý.. Wight, sittu n c- Whitby, passes from view. The town had de mreyby the,--nois,,giey e incounicil, la Uheir açidresses bad no btter known and mnore 1high- anneaý god-her e Ih bve Bfoo slies the .Septumber andi dclt.wit t~ vrins~esntdaylyrevird itien an bs dat, v- thoue t i iig c Iln'1-rt Te ctober (9'21 c~nt~f 4e çs- an'ornn'uplt.,th înin \SntM isua~ii3 con ton fecigthe ianicplt.en Ïatter ho bas long passed the -psal- trestlng part. Jr.C. W siom.., D.H Fer- ist's allotted span, wlll be regrottod -miss MyrtIe Pasueeoefthe niverstty blsoiga vt~eo 8 guskr, Messrs. Alfred Hogarth and by many, particularly old residoents Se ttlement, Toronto, was present and Cents por plPpîl. This beats Ltud- FG woknwhl on.toid the wemen somcthing of the work say, Barric., dollingwood, Ottawa, F ýKerslake spoke briefly on Board h ke hmlog that is beiag done in the ciety by Smith's Fails, Stratford and soune of liaalth matters. inMo<bers" clubs known as 'Whit Shield W.G.Rude ndF.~ The late John Gould was bora i Clubs". After hearing her thtewounen other larger places but It llows our M23ss. . G.Runle ad F J.East Whitby Township, lot 5 con- present voted unianimousiy toeorganze sîster town of Port Hope to beat us Groat, ,, uditors for 1921, comment- cession 4, on June lOth, 1835. Ho a "White Sh'eld Club" in Bowmanvilc. by, twvo cents which hurts oýur sonr- ed orn th'.e accuracy of Treasurer AI- was the son of a pioneor, Joseph Miss Paiicoe delightcd ail later by her sitiepd nouprgs.-, tw in's looks. oî n i i e are oal readings and made hier hearers hope that ivprd inorrgesvetw Goud nd iswie, aric Loe!, ilîs il n&t -e the -ist tm she will be and we do sin.cerely hope that nowi- Mr, Jamnes Curtis, Scheol Attend- who came frem Somersetshire, Eag-Iheard in Bov"manville. the pupils enter upon this new year ane ~ficr rfere rifl t wr Ind l 83, woyer ato bsThe event of the evening was, ef course. the l sloa urte Pn, of 4ierfre rifyt oklni 83,toyasatrhsthe visit nf "Father Chestmas" who dis- e lls od pterPny hf is lepartm-ent. birth. Under trying crcumstances tributed the gifts from the tree te those Bank as te, put Bowmnlville far Mr. John Reynolds, Collector Of known to early settiers 88 yoars ago present. ahea'd of the p»oud hlîside t ovn Taxes, related some of bis exper- la this section, a large family' was About eleven o'clock ail went home de- down bytho Ganeraska river. We .lences i his 15 years as collecter. ..i,, claring they had had a Most enjoyable ms o aescn lc nay Messrs. J.A. McClelln. Gen. WThe far i riiaîniiin athe timeand feeling that it would be hard ms o aescn lc nay Mesrý.J. . MClella. -eo.Wýpossession of the family until 1888, to wait till January 10 for the next meet- thing to Port Hope, Bowm-anville James anid W. R. Allia also spoke when deceased moved to Oshawa, ing of theur Club whieh had been opened deposits' la Sep)tember and October wlpv ora tmhr fyersh we 0del' ghtfully. brie oranubr fyeas iy.sSol meeting on January 10 wlll hc held amounted to $315.64. There are The bsppy evening losed with a n prominent exporter of cattle te the! in tRie Presbyterian Sçhool-roomn at 7.30 272 accounts and on June 20 the bal- toast te MYr. and Mrs. A. E. Jennings, old land, retiring when about 75 years P. m., when ail mothers are invited., ance te their credit was $1,723.48, and the >de who assisted (Misses of age. Since that time ho bas lived _________wbile Port H&pe's was $2708,ý71. Vera .Bpiýer ai-d Mary S ouch), f ol- continuously la Oshawa. Many years1 lowed !iy the National Antbem. ago hoe took quite an active interest. PLEASANT SURPRISE PARTY in~pl~" andilnthie-campaignrf 1868, w~ the late Geo Brownu, forj A haippy gathering of relatives and [--i-M-TH]EEDITOR'S 1WAIL BIRAGG nesieniie i h Tr ighbnrs gave Mr. and Mrs. Donald Me-_____ SFAMILY RE-UNION mny rs en astife wih tho Tor- Donald a real surprise on Tuesday everi- Mr1,.HRenlsringfo. ontok. oho ,ws te Lberl cn-1ingwhien tbey assembled te celebrate MrS..Renls rtigfo didate for South Ontario. Mr,. Gould wý tio he the Frifteeath Ânftiversary of Bothwell, December 26th, 1921, says: The annuel New ,'Yarsre-uinien ef the was one of the prominent .lvrkers on thei r, marriagfe. Dçar Editor,: Enclosed pleaise findi orag aIry an d aibibatfl i laî.Awyswa iht be 4 ter thecompany whihnmbrd$6.50 for The Stateamail and The. *hm etM adMrs. W. .S. 1Bragg, about lwyswlat n41 werccomfortably settled, Mr. oot al Goe.ýr12 KinIgstou Roald Eat, ' n Monday, Janulary called a man of the home,' deceae .Ç.Fneicaied order and explained TOrno aily are lbo tefor ve192 21922. 'Ihe frie.nds assembled ilu th, while interested in ail civic affairs, riely thereasen fer the companly cor-nrfmlyaega t aeyu fornnea. il ready te- enjey uai lite gnod took ne active part. He was a lifa i witt pec(iail invitatien and called newsy paper regularly anid especially thinigs wbi ad been provideud. At 1. long Methodist, and was one of the MakDwoterd , enjo.y the Senior Edîtor's"aks and e'clock dinner was re94dy and the older pow holdiers la Simcoe Street Mýethod-drs anry,192 are glad ho keeps sowel It is his nem -rs first assemrble.d in the large ist Church whon the prosont building DearMr.and rs.Donld 19o22., activity that helps to keep hlm ulp, no dining ronm wbieh wvas petiydecrated was opened. Up utiltwo or tLee We nrîeusadnîghr e. odut for the npcas. Rere eýveryone fully fînsadnihosbgt enjoyed the reist goes, plum pudidng, years ago ho was a regular attendant, tak tis opportunity, tho l5thl auniver- lt is sad te read of se miany of our pi adDeonbreCeaewthai heifirmities of age interforing w%,ith sa ri ' nIoyur marriage, te show our ap- old chumis and friends -)assing- away. rest of the gond thlngs. Atrdne the bis religinus duty of long standing. m1-Irciato of ynur neighborly andhe- Here, ltee, many are passing away friendsasmbd in the iargcý sitting Ho was twice mrid bis first i ,1' ;lrt very suddenly of late yoarsý. W e r)OMS wbere auie gamels anid social Adlade wemhome- W- lhave always found yeu ready te antfre oinrv'ea u l Suppt eregn atýc during aen ore Emily id Croak, lepd mT- a ipIing hand and your cheery home and wc wish 911 well and send Supe lIýïý,I -,t7 o dloclk adh ried la 1856, passing waay la 1909. dhpeositie n has been an insp ration many aga eveybed enjyedthcmselves. A f ew yearà later ho married Mrs. tiul mayhap getils The eveng wî.s agý,iu devoted te McCrimmon of Bowmanville, wbo sur- We ask yeu te accept these glîts net gamos and musieo overybedi' joîniug in vives him. Ho also beaves two sons, for theirvau but in the spirit lu which tho chorus suig The Bragg Trio 'thiiey are given te shew our groat respect Right where yen are lot rmusic grow' sang several numl.ers te the enjoyment Clarendon 1. T. qould, of Baltimore, for y0, ne iIglît ls as great as a frieud Jst do your bit and ae'er say No- et al . swr ls, the soies by Msss Marvland and Moîrose G. V. Gould, an -w,1aim you betb as one of our J Oitto kasdWlc. At the clseofsqthe, barrister of Bowmanville. A brotb bst We 'sincereli' hope yuu will both According te your Talent. There's preoaym ovcd'. a.1 bri.goartb i' vfoteefr oehlvsl otoadaispi-rarcteeujey mati' more years te- eyes on ,,ou, se hait te e aadhsesan fmoi-, of ter, rs.h Wm. Basin Botonetandr, and nur meeting borle wîll bind us Think of reward la 1922. ihly fori thi kind ~plity n oand a- itr rW .Bingof Toronto, dose îtonue great aim, wben we leave tifr homo fr hid aunayl ateing t formeriv of East Wbitby. There are ti orld te meet in Hoiaven abeve. Prof. Cl. C. Laugher MYus. Bac., which tho comva,ýnyrspde heartily in also aine prrandchildren and fivo oiigtiede pbhaîf f Iyeur neighbors and 16( upbeia St., Sarniat, i' uto the sua way uratgrndcildra is edes sonfrinul,: M.ind Mrs. E. Wiiiiams, Mr. of the ahove quatrain. 1la sending- A commiitte a ap td o rrn eatraarîrt' Hs edtso, mrs MDowsofl, Mr.sand Mrs. 1. F. f o,,ilevs ,jne or nextne ElilaR. L. Gould, of New York,.aPar .adMs.8 . ienli. on1bis usrito for 1922 ho w'rit- fo ear's gaîtlberIng censistiug opnroiminet itize.i.nnilnof.tatmetroplsnM.E iîîm, nbh If ettheom-es: Central Metbodist Chuirch is. on- LOOK-MENI - Special Values In Men's and Boys' Cloting and Fu.crni"lshîings AIR This Month: Here's a oPportunit'î to save many dollars in yoiir clothi g needs. Outfitter ýfor Men, Young Men and Boys Oposite Bank of MàrtrealBwmnle I -' _________________________________ .......... c J 1 _ïb, t

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