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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Jan 1922, p. 5

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MARRIAGES SLEMON-¶J OH NS-ýOn Wednesday, me28, 1921, t t he home of the brides ber, s. Cjephas Johns, H-ampton, by Rev. W. W. Jones, B. D., Cl- ena theen and Mltn verett, eider son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Siemon of Ray- doCnt. GI LOERS-AL LJN-At the residence the b 'rides parents, on Wednes- ay, Jani. 4, by Rev, S. C. Moore, B. A., ot. 1)., Mr. Abert E. Gilders and Miss dithi., oniy daugliter of Mr. and Mrs. W. W.C Alun, both of Bowmanvilie. * PENHALL-At Port Perry, Jan, 3, Richard Penhail, in his 93rd year. CLARKE-In Oshawa, Jan. 3, Agnes Greer, widow of the late John Clarke, formeriy .of Darlirigtofl, aged 60 years. SP EA RAt 45 Greeniaw Ave., Toronto, Jan. 2, Miss Julia Spear, daugbter of the late William Spear. Interred at Bowr- mranvilie. reNUHrN-udny on January 3rd, at Newcastle, Agnes Wilinson, dagtrof the late Capt. Neil Wilkin- sont, and widow of John McNaughtofl, M. ID. M4ATTHEWSAt Couer d'Aine, Idaho, U. S., on Dec. 27, Archie R. Matthews, iate of Montreai, beioved husba.det YFaany _Gouid and brother-in-iaW of Mr. HOLIDAY VISITORS Mr. W. Roenigk, Toronto, at home Mr. H1. L. Creeper, Toronto, at his father's. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Pearn with relatives in Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. E. Sarvis, Toronto, with relatives here. Miss Hilda Bottreli, Toronto, with Miss Agnes Maynard. Miss Alice Thompson with Mrs. J. L. Thompson, Port Hope. Mr, and Mrs James Wiliams aad sons with relatives in Oshawa. Miss Mary Mutton, Cobourg, witb ber sister, Mrs, G.. T. Charlton. Mr. Wllard Taylor ,Toronto, with bis cousin, Mrs. Chas. H. Mason. Miss Mildred Pinch with ber sîster, Mrs. W. J. MeLaughlin, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Kirkendall, Toronto, spent New Year's at home. Mrs. A. M. Hardy is visiting withi Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Hardy, Toronto. Mr. Leadly Grant, Toronto, visited bis uncle, Mr. W. A. Grant ast week. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Perey with their son, Mr. Harley Percy, Toron- 1 I j LP4~ A~.LiJ LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Keys found. Enquire at States- ma Office. Reserve January 26 and 27 for Women's Institute entertainmeflt. FHeavy raif ell Tuesday night and Wednesday, walking was dîfficuit owing to ice, Public Scbooi Board for 1922 meets for organization on Wednesday January 18 at 7:30 p. m. Mrs. W. R. Thickson, Caistor Centre, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. F. 0 Mason, Carlisie Avenue. Women's Hospital Auxiliary will hold the regular monthly meeting in the Council Room on Friday, January 6 at 3.30 p. m. Mrs. C. W. Hicks, GrandRapids, Mich., was calledhere owing to the very serious illness of her sister, Mrs. ýArthur A. Battie, Miss Beatrice Bush, A. T. C. M., soloist of Davenport Presbyterian Church,,Toronto, was recent guest of Miss Helen G. Morris. Mrs. Harry Wareham and daughter Ada, Rivers, Man., are visiting her cousin, Miss J. E. Rundle who has WEDDINGS Knapp-Nottingham Wednesday, Decemb- r 21., at 3 o'ciock in the King Street Mthiodîst Parsonage at Oshawa, marriaLge vý'as soiemnized of Miss Marie Ann e, dlaughteir of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Nottingbamt, Raglan, to Mr. Lorne 1-erman Knapip, sonj of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Knapp, 1'urketon. R eV. A. M. Irwin promdth- ceremony, w ýhile the young copl c~re attended by Mr. and Mrs. Meivile Kapp, brother and sïster-in-lawoftegom They wiii make their hm.ai. Burketon. Hiooper-tlo.c son A quiet but pretty w-dd ng wa s per- formed at the resideacé eof Mr. and Mrs, E. R. Wood, cousi th, bride, 84 QueenI's Park, Toroit, -lSaiturday, Dec. 31, at 4.30 p. mn., 1betwývn Anale Maud Hlodgson of Tyrone aýnd David Gustave . Smith of Bathurst Street Metbodist Hooper of Arcola, k, by the Rev, W. Churcb. The honeymtoopn is being spent ut the residence of Mý,r. and Mrs. C. P. May, Windsor, sister ar d1 brothet-în-law of the groom, after wl llh they will' go to, Detroit and Maidstneý., They were attended by Mr. Victor an-d Miss Mar-. gtaet ooprbrother .andf sister of the bridgrom. Upon tlhpir return they will take un their residene at Tyrone. Ahl good wishes of thîs locitily la being given where both of them airc-well known and the bride bas residedl ai Ty7rone ali her life and the groom ïlîi ben f.arming in the West for quite a iumiher of vears. ,Ternirs eae :-- -a _îï vn-g o ig T 1-f neskillefl P. . Phone 197-r3. aïisMro ibOhw ea V~IeUY ~ ,.. __________________ 1___tive8. ramn and bad walkingSlmnthn FUN.Mr.an r.W ibetwh, Many citizens have already seen 1-tf.-ohn thi aadhe Mrs. W.oGnmble ,ih The Four Horsemen" and are plan- A quiet but pretty wedd ing was telNpreF oUND. n ow--Toernato. r Ms. oh Bgly, to see this wneflpicture solemnized at 3 o'clock on Wednes- --i-Ps'-Op1 f -o li.oo'n- g BoW-,t.n+ +j_ f +1_ Tho&. Taylor, R. R. 6, Bowmanville. .r unexcelled tag Iearning shori f $3,50, NIGHS An Sale $1.39 or 3 for $4.00 J. t,. F. I Toronto Visitors: Miss E. ., Brambly, Saskat- chewan, 's guesi. of Mr. C. Simpson; Mr. Norman 'Bray, Brighton, with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Bray; Mr. Roy Campbell, Oshawa, and Mr. Frank Camp- bell, Toronto, at Mr. J. H. Campbeil's; Master Wallace Pascoe with Solina friends; Mr. H. Stinson wvas elected Scbool Trustee and Mr. A. Ormiston dele- gate to Ontario Trustees and Rate- payera' Association in Toronto at East- er. SCOTTISH FERTILIZERS LTD. Agency Established in Darlington. 1 wish to announce to the farm- ers and market gardeners that I have .'>een appointed local representative (or the Scottish Fertilizers Limited, whicb firm bas been established for oWyr 100 years in the Old Country, and now bas one of the best equipped f ertilizing plants in Canada located at Welland, Ontario. The planit manufactures fertilizers exclusively and is superintç»ded by the best experts obtainable. Their various grades of fertilizer have Ibeen produced to, meet every soil condi- tîon-and, are meeting with excellent. Co"ming THE PICTURE YOU'VE BE AIGFOR- THE FOUR HORSEMEN 0F THE APOCALYPSE> ROYAL THEAý,TRE, BOWMANVILLE WEDNESDAY & TRýURSDAY, JAN. 11 &12ý Matince both days 2.15 p. ti. . Eveniings 8 p. nri.. .............. ............. . . . . . ... . . . . . 4ý NIGHTS

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