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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Jan 1922, p. 7

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:Farmers' Attention We are now booking orders for Contract Peas for the year 1922 and will be glad to have orders frorn a limited number of good, careful farmers, having good soil prepared for the coming crop. We believe the price we are able to offer will com- pare favorably with any crop on the f arr. .Our stocks of FLOUR and FEED found complete at ail times.- will be Phone 203. USE IT. HoggS& ytie, Limited. Ontario "Bon Voyage" As the slip of destiny brings us to the end of another year we wish our good friends "bon voyage" through the year that lies ahead. AROHIE TAIT PHONE 65. Prompt Delivery. Bowmanville Co*pélanqd Shoe Sto-re EXTENDS TO YOU THEIR GREETINGS AND BEST WJSHES FOR THE COMJNG, YEAR AND WISH TO EX- PRESS APPRECIATION FOR YOUR PATRONAGE IN THE PAST. ONTARIO T he Sea.âon's Greetings AND BEST WISHES FOR FULL SHARE 0F THIINGS FOR 1922. THE GOOD THOMAS TOD Baker and Conféictioner Bowmanville BOWMANVILLE, JAN. 5th., 192. THE LATE WM. RICKARD,J.P. The late William Rickard who died of pneumonia on Sunday, Dec. l18th, 1921, alter a very brie£ illness, was bora nearly seventy-niae years ago in the county of Devonshire, England. When he was only three years of age he accompanied bis parents wheni they sailed from Liverpool for Can- ada and laaded in Kingston, Ontario, in 1845. He spent his early boyhood days with his parents, first on what is now kaowa as the Renwick farm lust east of Bowmanville, and later on the Lovekia farm where Mr. C. Reg. Lovekin aow resides. H1e re- ceived bis education at Shaw's Scbool and had for bis class-mates the Bor- lands, Lovekias, R. J. Mallory, tbe Ba-eses and Sîmpsoas. After coin- pletiag bis Public School education he worked for some time with bis father on the Wilmot farm, now own- ed by Mr. Duncan Galbraith. At about twenty-one years of age hie gave up farming, temporarily, and became engaged in the drug business ia Newcastle with the well-kaown firm of Nortbrop & Lyman. A few years later be married Hel- ena A. McCoy, third daugbter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel McCoy, Newcastle. Mr. Rickard remained witb Nor- throp & Lyman for some time evea after tbe firm moved ta Toronto, but the desire to return to the sou hae- came so strong tbat bie bought tbe "Ivory" farm near Newcastle and up to tbe time of bis decease bie bas been actively eagaged la farming. H1e bas also carried on a successful coal business la Newcastle. H1e bas been interested, too, in the apple, business, carrying on an extensive export trade. Mr. Rickard bas been keenly interested la fruit-growing for some vears and always spent a great deal of time in bis apple orchard and la tbe raising of small fruits, raspber- ries especially. Ia public lite Mr. Rickard playad an importaent part. He was Reeve of the Village of Newcastle, member of the Counties Couacil for Durbam and Nortbmubarland, and later was tbe Wardea for these United Coun- ties. Ia a latter of appreciation and sympathy seat by tbe prasent Ward- ea aad Members of the Caunties Caouncil of Durbam and Northumber- iand to Mrs. Rickard upon tbe death of ber late husbaad, the annals of the United Couatias are quoted thus:7 "The annals of thase couaties record that tbe late Wm. Rickard bad tha very reat honor of presidiag as War- dainlatbat mamaorable year 1901 whea lis Royal Highness Tbe Duke of York visitad -the Provincial Capital, the city of Toronto, whera he was ac- claimed by the Populace gathered from tbe four corners of tbe Pro,- vn e-lanumerable addresses ware, presanted to His Royal Hgbaess-.ia spired by a great devotion ta tha British Throna. Mr. Rickard as. Wardea was the bearer of and pra- sented with miarked ability and dis- tinction an illuminated address to tbe Duke of York (aur present Sovereiga) on bahaif of tbe United Counties of Northumberland and Durbam. 1is public enterprise and valued services given ta bis commun- ity and these Couaties in those years1 gone by, stand out prominently in tbe records and la tbe memary of his confreres. 11He served bis commun- ity wall and faithfully wbom hee bad the hoaor to represent ia the councils of tbe Nation." Ia tbe two fallowiag years, 1901. and 1903. Mr. Rickard representeà West Durbam in tbe Ontario Legis. lature and as a Libaral was >a strong supporter of tbe Ross Goveramant of that pariod. His speech la tbe Hbuse, which was the means of gain- ing for hlm an enviable reputatian as a clear thinker and gifted speaker, was his memorable address openiag tbe debata on tbe notorlous Gamey scandai. in religion deceased was a Method- ist. As a young man bhe was a teacber la the Metbodist Sunday Scbool, Newcastle, and later becama Superintendent. H1e was always a very careful Bible student and as a young man lbe took time to commit omemory large portions of tbe Bible. Up to tbe time of bis deatb hae bad been for a number, of years President of tbe Upper Canada Bible Society of Newcastle. Ia business, Mr. Rickard showad mare than ordiaary ability. His keen insight coupled with bis integ- -rity won for bim tbe respect and ad- 1 ---- - . - > - 1 . - - ý anc) 1 DARLINGTON COUNCIL 'rown Hall, Hampton, Dec. 29thj., 1921. Final meeting of couin0il, membmes ail present, Reeve Bakerpriig Minutes of Statutor.ý meeting 'were read and conflrmed. Provinc ai -Board of d{oalth acknow- Iedged receipt of annual report of Local Board of Health. Counties' Clerk forw arldd opy of By- law No. 1047, confirming !iy-law No. 808 of Township of Darcliagtýoa providing for stopping up and sale of original road ai- lowaace beoween lots 3;4 and 35, con . 5, Township of Llarlington. F.lad., Report of Park1s Cûýmmittee To the Reeve and memblers of Coundil of Township of Darlington. Sirs-We, the undermentionad membars of your Park Commiittea-, appoiatad bv resoin ion of Council on FetI)ruary 28th, 1920, with power to supei),se the levai- ling of Park grounds, eeto of fence around the, grotinds, comipleeton of en- trances to the grouinds, aad to make other necessary ipoeet needed, beg to make report asflos To amount collected biy s cit ion- and other donations...$ý1,346.25 Expenses on grounds and buingýa- low ...................1,326.25 We beg to further rep,)rt that your Commnittee has endeavnred tI o carry out the work entrus-ed ta it witlI a View to making the place as attractive anlcld suýt- able to the uâe of ýthe gnrl ulcas it was possible to do w ith th , eans in hand. We also beg ta report tha,)t wa have had erected on the grontis an up-to-date bungalow, or Ladies' Res i Roomi, which, we are pleased to say, han bewen complet- cd without having to ask oncil for any financ -ai assistance. Thanking you for your favorable con- sideration la the past, ResPecýtfully yours, C. W. Souch,' Chairman; T. F. Ston. house, A. E. Jennings, Cnas. Stonhouse, J. J. Virtue, F. J. Groat, fomimittee: W. R. Allun, Secretary-Treasurer. -- On motion of Coun. lrent am(I Wight the report was adopted and ordered ta be placed in minutes ai Co)nacil. Cauncil expressed lits thanks ta the Cammittea for the valuable sricsreadered. Clerk was instructed 1Ut procure nec- essary dog tags for192 Clerk was 'nstructed tg advertise for tenders for otice of asseýssor for year 1922, tenders ta be in'tby 29p. m. on Sat- urday. Jan. 28 192, wth thie request that applicants appear bef1ore Council on date mentloned. Time for collectbi of 't\es was fur- ther extended to Janluarý. 9, 1922, with 2 per cent ta stili appl * v Treasurer akoxided rcipté' ao $2.00 from J. 0. Langmiaic,!'renl of road allowance 1921 and 40 cents front TOwn-, ship clerk for sale of çdog ta4ýs 1921. Orders drawn an l'reasuire'r Were F. L. Byam, reile $ 2 Ja.Sulley, gavl1.37 J. Luxton, worký oncuer 2.00 S. J. H-oney, 7graIvai 2.13 Jas. Veale. gravi .2 Johna-Darch, gavl2.25 .ohn Marin . grAvoi 3.50 Wrightson, W' ght, gravel, 4.00 H. Rahm, gravel 4.87 A. Nichoils, statute labor, 1921 6.00 P.' W. Rundie, gravel 9.87 Cyril Ruadle, statute labor, 1921 15.00 Steve Sabuiyk, gravel 15.75 S. E. Werry, statute labor, 1920 16.00 Pediar People Ltd., culvert tube 42,64 J. L. Parsons,, W. P. Bon us 3.50 Municipal Warld, blank forts 99 Clerk and Treas., postage, cnt- ionery, telephone etc 20.60 C. H. Smyth, error la' assess- ment. 1921 4.00 A.& J. Abrahams, error, la income...assessmeat 76 .1. J. Virtue, taking Jas. Nesbftu to Cobourg 10.00 N F. MaeNachban, costs -an property for sale 1.3 Tlt'nk of Moatreal, office rent, 1921 30.00 C'. W. Soucti, council services 2.00 A. H. Breat, do 2.30 W. -R. Courtice, do 2.60 T. Baker. do 2.40 C' A. Wight, do 2.60 W. R. Allia, services 4th qwarter 130.00 Counicil adjourned sine 11e. W. R. Allun,, Tp. Clerk. THE NEW YEAR The naw year lies ahead, With ail its stored-up treasures, With ail its praîse uasaid And ail its waiting pleasures. Sarana and saered days, And days wîth ltriumph ringing, And f air and fiawery ways, The yaar is blithely bringing. Bayond the wbole year lies, With aIl its praciails chances, And ail its rasy skies,, And ail its glad romandes. Why sbauld we nurse a fear, Or laak abead with sadness? Beyond us lies a year 0f glory and of gladness. COUGHS ANO COLOS I often tenac ious;' are a drain upon the vital forces. SCOTT'S EMULSION Sstrengthens the whole I drive out the pre- disposing cause. Hately's Garage, B owma nvjiIe Worms feed upon the vitality of' children and endanger their lives. A simple and effective remedy is 1Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator. Get your Tanlac where they've got it, Jury & Loveil, There is no poisonous ingredient ln Holloway's Corn Remover, anid il, cani be used without danger or ýinjury. E'àlectri cal Woirk 1 Car lighting, starting, and ignitian systems. Also ail kinds of Electrical appliances repaired and overbauled, house wiring, etc. D. A@. Smith, Parisian TailorJ L. COWELL, PROP. Horsey Block Bowmaaville BEAUTY 0F TJJE SKIN Iis the naturai desire of every wan'n and l1,obtainable hy the use of Dr. Chase s Oitment.limpies, hiacidieads, roughnýess and reciuess of the skia, irritation and eczema disappeat', aud the skin is lef tsoft0 smooth and veivety. jAlI deaiers, or Edmaqnson, Bates & Ca., Liited, Toronto, Sampie free if yon mention tbis paper. Sbtarti*n.gSaturday, Janl. 7t] 0F Women' s Coats, Suits and Dresses,, Neyer -before have you had the opportunity of buying Wearing Apparel s0 cheaply..We manufacture these garments and they are strictly first-class, in every way. We must clear them out at any price. Look over the following li4t, then conieý and see us. Goods guaranteed, and if unsatisfactory, your money cheerfully refunded. I dozen Coats, Silvertones, Velours and Polio Cloth, Reg- ular $22.50 for $8.99 1 dozen Coats, Velours and Bolivia Cloth, Regullar $25.00, for $11.99 Coats Fur Trimmed, ail styles, values from $27.50 to $55,00 for -$13.99 and $32.99 1 dozen Suits, Serges, Gabar- dines, Regular $25.00 for j'h dozen Suits ,Regular $30.00 for $15.99' 1 dozen Dresses, closing out this line for $4.99 Silk Dresses, Reguilar $25.00 to $35.00 for $7.99 and $9.99 Ail wool, na vy and black skirts a great bargain for $2,75 Blouses, Sweaters Also Reduced Oshawa 5 BOWMANVILLE I - LADIES' & GENTS' TAILOR MADE SUITS of wool, indigo dya, Blue Serge regular $75 and $80 for $40.00 and $45.00 Special off ering for two weeks only Remember that our garments are tailored-not factoriad. We guarantea you fit. - iýl 1 LEONARD

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