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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Jan 1922, p. 8

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COURTICE 10frs. S. Penfoand lias returneti fromi a isit withi relaitives, in Port Perry... Mr. andi Mrs. EB. S. Wilkins spent Newý Yers TorontoIý with bis parents.... Misses iAe ndi forotby Brooks gave a pleasant party to their frientis on Satur- day \.eintg at their home... .Mr.. Roy Penifounti was home from Lindsay over the h"ia.. r.John Water, Mr. Frank ale andi Mr. Angus Truli were in oono rcently ..Mr. R. Trimble and faroiily. Maple Grove, *have inoveti ýinto M3r. -B. Courtice's house on Kingston Roati. .. .Miss Torotby Boyce is teaohing scbhool at Trentoni. SOLINA ~iI.S. Edigar Werry was electeti School 'Trustee andi Mr. R. J. MëK'essock dle- gate to the O. :B. A. at Toronto .... .Mr. and Mrs. S. G,.Chant attendeti the fun- eral of her father, Mr. J. B. Ayles- worth, Newburgh. Ho was in bis 94th year, anti is son, Sir Alan Aylesworth, K. C., was once candidate for the Com- mons in Durham County .. .. It was with sincere regret that is maxly friends bere bieard of the dcath of W. B. Burgoyne, St. Catharines. Me was Grand Worthy Fatriarcb of the Sons of Temperance anti was weil and favorably known bere ...Miss Lonie Ann.s, Toronto, was with ber parents over the hoidays...,Miss Vera Baker is nursing ber uncie, Mr. Ponhall, wbo is fil at Port Ferry. Pub- lic meeting i Sons' Mal this Thursday evening to discuas a Community Mail. Reeve Baker w il preside ...Mr. Ait. Ayre expects to exhibit siiep ait Ottawa Fair. . . Mr. anti Mrs. W. D. M-ýcLaughlin and family, Oshawa, visitoti at Mr. A. L. Pascoo's, New Year's. .... Rev. W. H. Spargo, Bowmanviile, preacheti an ex- cellent sermon here ý,untay .... Farmers' Cuh intenti baving a debate at t heir meeting Friday wee.... .Mr. H . E . Tink Is Presidont of Farmers' Club, Mr. J. W. Yellowiees Vice-Presitient, anti Mr. H. G. Pascoe, Secretary-Treasurer anti Mana- ger ..Adut Bible Class electeti these ofilcers: President-Mr. A. L. Pascoe; Vice-Pros.-Mr. J. T. Runtile; Se'y.- Treas.-Miss Butla Mockaday; Teacher- ~Mr. R., J. McKossock; Asst. Teacher- Rev. W. W. Jones, B. D..Miss Etith Pascoe bas gone te Mampton te resitie -with ber grantimother, Mrs. Jesse Arnot. Mr. R. J. MciCessockle attending the fuberal of is mother at Meaford, con- ýsequently school is cioseti for ibis week..- .Mr. Chas. Vice of Cbapieau, is visit- cng b's brother, Mr. Water Vice. Regular meeting of Solina Wom- en's Institute wjll be held at the home of Mrs. W. -R. Westlake on Thursday, January 12 at, 2.30 p. m Ail ladies invited. HAMPTON 1-oliday visitors: Mrs. J. Willis anti chiltiren, Toronto, witb ber parents, Mr., andi Mrs. J. Coiwiil, sr; Mr. Bverett Kersiako ant iM. Howardi Price, Toron- to, at Mr. F. 1Kersake's; Miss L. Doitige of Osbawa, at Mr. J. G. Burns'; Mr. Milton Avery, Miss Jean Doncaster, Bow- n4anvilie, at Mr. R. Averys; Tbe Misses Jobns andi. Mrs. W. N. Brown, Toronto, at home; Mr. anti Mrs. A. Parker, Tor- .onto, Mr. C. M. Burrows, 'Oshawa, at Mr. J. . Burrows'; Miss Eva Souch, Boçemanviile, Mr. anti Mrs. E. Sarvis, 'Toronto, at Couneiîlor C. W. Souc's; Mrs. Jno. Wakely te iii; Miss Sadie Vir- tue, Toronto, Mr. anti Mrs. Frank Virtue anti eiltren, Buriington, at Mr. J. J. s. W. MASON & SON ANNOUNCE A rastic no- Com mencing Friday, January 6th, 1922 Ladies' Coats, Blouses, Skirts, Hoisery, Underwear, Stapleý Dry Goods, Etc. COMBINJNG QUALITY AND THE DICTATES 0F FASHION WITH REMARKABLY LOW PRICES. THE BIGGEST BARGAINS BEYOND A DOUBT EVER OFFERED To THE CITIZENS 0F DURHAM. RATHER THAN CARRY THE MERCHANDISE OVER FROM ONE SEASON TO ANOTHER THE EN- TIRE STOCK 0F WOMEN'S WINTER APPAREL IS REDUCED S0 SHARPLY AS TO INSURE QUICK AND FINAL DISMISSAL. Stylish Blouses at Value Saving Prices, An exceptional collection of costume blouses of heavy georgette, crepe de chene and tricolette, in ail the favorite and popular colors, elaborated with real filet, beading and embroidery, smart overblouse and :tailored eff ects. These blouses are picked from the best of our stock and rezularly seIl as high as CIoth Coats Less Than 2Pri'ce. A real money-saving opportunity offered ladies in need of a new coat this winter-bal- ancé of our stock,all this year's coats, new and, up-to-the-minute in every detail, warmly line(d. comfortable and fashionable with Skirts, Greatly Reduced In Prices. in our Skirt 'Department will be found a beautiful assortment of fashionable and good quaility skirts in Silk Poplin, Navy Serges and Grey Tweeds, ail well tailored and in any color desired,, specially priced for quick selling in 4 lots at A .. .~.4fl4A~ -fl . SI ______________ ..... . .... ale

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