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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Jan 1922, p. 3

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Ti*p f or 1922 The mreat at this store cornes £rom the very best grain fed cattie. That means choice, tender and juicy meat with a flavor that puts an edgeý on ippetites. Try a roast to-day. G. A, Edmondstone One door east of F. F. Morris Co. Phone 21 Bowmanville Special January Furniture Sale Now Going Strong. Corne in and see these big values. WILLIAMS & CANN Furniture Dealers Phone 58 or Î59 F une rai Directors Bowmanville rso UsedCarszn Esy Terms ALMOST LIKE GIVING THEM AWAY AT THESE PRICES They have b)een recently overhauled, are now in good condition and are being sacrificed at a tre- mendous drop in'price. Hurryif you want one: 2 1921 Ford Touring Cars with Starters 1 1917 Ford Touring Car 1 1918 Ford Touring Car 1 1919 Chevrolet Touring Car 1 1920 Chevrolet Touring Car We must have room. See thern as early as possible. West End ucGaage Bowmanville e'.,? 0 4 BOWMANvILLE, JAN. 12th, 1922 CLARKE'S OLDEST PIONEER The few living old fr 1iends of Mr. Simon Powers will be sorry to learn that he has been in very poor health of.late, aithougli at present bis con- dition is reported slightly improved. He will be 95 years of age in Mardi, and is, we believe, the oldest living pioneer farmer in these United Counties.-Orono News. 11He is father of Mr. A. A. Powers of the U. F. O. POP. OF NEARBY TOWNS The Dominion Statistician bas made public the census returns of several Ontario towns baving a popu- lation of 2,500 andover. Those of local interest are: Population 1921 1911 3,230 2,814 Campbellford......... 2,878 3,051 jCobourg............. 5,330 ý5,074 iPicton............... 3,324 3,564 Port Hope........... 4,458 5,092 Whitby.............. 2,804 2,248 MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS East Whtby-Reeve, Levi Ellins; Deputy Reeve, John A. Nesbitt; Council, Dr. A. A. Farewell, F. E. French and Irwin Ormniton. Port Perry-Reeve, Chas. A. Run- dle; Council, Wrn,]Real, W. W. Cros- ier, R. B. Smallman, Pbilp Figary. Scugog-Reeve, Geo. Sweetman; Council, James Crozier, J.. Aldîed, Frank Dowson, Clarence Hood. Reach Township-Reeve, Walter Weir, Deputy Reeve, George A. Mc- Millan; Councillors, W. W. Holtby, W. F. Tbompson and Daniel McDon- ald. GOLDEN WEDDING Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Huggins, Thora- ton's Corners, recently celebrated tbeir golden wedding-fifty yeaïts ofý happy wedlock-at theýr borne, about thirty-five immediate relatives being present. The afternoon was very pleasant. A purse of gold was presented to Mr. and Mrs. Huggins, the handsome gift being accompanied by a suitable ad- dress. The congregation of King Street Metbodist cburcb, Oshawa also extended to them best wishes for a continued life of happiness and pros- perity. On behaîf of tbe church, a beautiful tapestry',chair was present- ed to them. PORT HOPE UP IN ARMS Mr. W. H. Floyd, Police Magistrate at Cobourg, has been appointed by Attorney-Geneîal Raney a District Magistrate with juri;sdictîon in these United Counties of Nortbum- berland and Durham. The Police Magistracy of Port Hope became vacant by the death of Henry Whi'te, Esquire, The Guide considers this appointrne nt an insult to electors of Durh-am, claiming tbat the honor and emoluments of the office belong to Port Hope. Any town in the Pro- vince, it says, would be indignant if treated in a similar manner. Tbe Cuide predicts that when the Provin- cial elections are held ilon. Mr. Raney will see the effect oftbe popu- lar resentment created by 'his action in this case. BOWMANVILLE ELECTIONS From Orono News' Correspondent. This racy comment of the recent municipal elections appears in tbe, last issue of the Orono News: ,Municipal elections on Monday, January 2, passed over very quietly, many ratepayers neglecting to corne out in the cold to vote, consequently there was no great amount of enthus- iasrn. Four Goodyear employees were nominated by the Chamber of Commerce, but only'one was elect- ed. Four from one institution caus- ed suspicion among quite a number of people who suspected that the Goodyear bad a f ew axes to grind, and that caused a stampede. Then, again, the question of hav- ing a Public Health Nurse f or the town caused another upheaval among the cautious and go easy people, and' any candidate with views leaning to- wards the nurse question was promptly marked for the back route. BRIGHT GIRLS'AND BOYS 0F TOWN PUBLIC SCHOOLS- Winners of General Proficiency Prizes in 1921. Prizes were awarded at the end of 1921 to the two scholars who won the bîgbest and next bigbest stand- ing for general proficiency duîing the year in caci class. The prizes were awarded at tbe c losing of scbools before the Christ- mas bolidays by Acting Principal Artbur C. 'Trusier, but the list did not reaci us in time for eaîlier pub- lication. A general proficiency prize is woith winning and tbe girls and boys are to be congratulated for their good work. CENTRAL PUBLIC SCHOOL Sr. IV-Agnes 'Vanstone, Joyce Muiîhead. Jr. 1V-Mary Muirbead, Leland Berry. ,SriIIî-Doreen Battie, Annie Cart- wright. Jr. III-John M .Jarnes, Adeline Merritt. Sr. II-Nelda Lyle, Nellie Bar- reil. Jr. II-Marion Hamilton, Bernice Fenneil. Sr. 1-Jessie Macfaîlane, George Cheneîy. Jr. I-Donald Williarns, Harold Slem on, Primer-Winton Bagneli,, Jack Jennings. Clags 5-Jabez Vanstone, Phyllis Darch. Si. I-Geoffqiey Te4ett, AWchie W',oo0d. SOUTH WARD SCHOOL Jr. II-Lena Barrett, Claud Blunt. Sr. I-Leslie Tudor, Isobel Mit- chell. Jr. I-Edward Flaxrnan, Dorothy Marsh. Plrimer-Evelyn elaxman, June Lougbman. ACCELERATE-IT'S 1922 If you toot your little tooter And lay away your boîn, Within a week there's iot a soul Will know'that you were born. -Advertîse. THE NEW YEAR A flower unblown; a book unread; A tree with fruit unbaîvested; A path untrod; a bouse whose rooms Lack yet the beart's divine peifurnes; A landscape wbose wide border lies In sulent shade 'neath silent skies; A wondrous fountain yet unsealed; A casket with its gifts concealed; This is the year that for you awaitsl Beyond to-moirow's- mystie gates. -Horatio Nelson Powers.' STOCK SALE AT LINDSAY The fourti annual sale of the Victoria County Hereford Breeders' Association consisting of 45 bead of pure bred Polled and Horned Here- fords will be beld at Fanning's Sale Bains, Lindsay, Ont., on.,Wednesda.y, January 25th, cornrencing at oh~e o'clck, eïm. cash or eight months' credit on appîoved joint notes bearing interest at foui per cent at the option'of the purchaser. Gatalogue otfi application. George Jackson and Ted Jackson, Auction- eers. Geo. W. Taylor, Secretary, Bob- caygeon, Ont., R. E. Thurston, Presi- dent, Bobcaygeon, Ont 2-2w* RAILWAY'TIME TABLES FOR BOWMANVILLE. Grand Trunk Railway. Going Eas,. C oing West D Express 12.33 a. m. x Express 8.42 a. m. Express 4.22 D *Express 9,18 a. m. Express 5.38 D D Express 10.35 a m Pass'ngi 10.02 x x Passenger 3.09 p rn Passenger 7.06* x Local '7.14 p. m. Passenger 7.13* D Mail 9.58 p m. Passenger 8.16 x xPassenger 1.18 p m Passenger 1.56* *Sundays only; x Daily except Sun- day';, ! Flagged. Canadian Pacifie 'Railway Coing East Coing Wet Express 10.18 a. m. Express 5.50 a. mn Express 2.36 p. m.* Local 8.20 a.m. Local 10.08 p. mA' Express 4,40 p. m. Express 12.20 a. m Express 7.42 p m* *Daily except Sunday.' C. B. Kent, Towri Agent. -ranadian N;,tionaI Railway. West Bond East Bound.- THRUGH'THE AGES education b as lived and tbîived un- til, as we enter the portais of an- oth'er New Year of progress, now trianed experts are demanded la ai- most every departmnent of business. We. offer thorough tuition and practical instruction at THE BOWMANVILLE BUSINESS COLLEGE ,ln extending greetings for the New Year, we suggest that you resolve to p ectus. CORA P. FULTON, O.G. A. Principal Yonge & Charles. Streets, Toronto Is strictly first class in ail depaît.. ments and unexcelled in the Do- minion. A sound business edu- cation is a sure stepping-stone to success, but the imitation kind is not. Why not investigate the subject? We will gladly send you our large catalogue whicb contains complete information. For your sake send for it to-day. Students adrnitted at any time. Oui graduates ar e erinently.suc- cessful. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. Business Training for an>' boy or girl is of life long value, eveni Eif they neyer have to s ee. a living in business. Oui: eleven Schools in Toronto offer unexcelled facilities Churches have had two Sundays with small attendance owing to un- favorable weatber and street condit- ions., Tbe funny paît of the condit- ion is that the elderly people got to cburch while the young men and women were absent. The nigit bas a thousand eyes, And the day but one; Yet tbe liglit of the briglit woîld dies; Witb the dying sun. The mind has a thousand eyez And the heart but one; Yet the light of a wbole Mfe dies Wben love is done. h dl SCOTTISH FERTILIZERS LTD. Agency Established in Darlington. I wish, to announce to the farm- ers and Market gardeners that I have been appointed local representative for the Scottish Fertilizers Limited, which firrn bas been establisbed for over 100 years in the Old Country, and' now has one of the best equipped fertilizing plants in Canada located at Welland, Ontario. The plant manufactures fertilizers exclusively and is superintqnded by the best experts obtainable.- Their various grades of fertilizer have been produced to meet every soil condi- tion~ and are meeting with excellent resuits where others have failed, You are not experirnenting when you use Scottish Fertilizer, Furither in- f ormation will bc gladly furnished upon request. See me bef ore buy- ing your fertilizer. Thos. Taylor, 1-tf.R. R. 6, Bowmanville. ;ala GAnq îuÂi. saxoDuî paxg uo 2UIA!I eldoad 'sauil £utu wut uop u 'umop a.iu SaSzd quq4 'MON Brer Hale of The Orillia Packet says he has been living on crearn and honey since C hristmas.' If it is the Devonshire variety he is to be en- vied. It is a wonderful' brain in- vigorator. Mr. Wm. Greewood bas bought the Robt. Cooper farm, 6th con., 50 acres, Clarke Township, with stock, implements and feed This was forrn- erly the William Pringle f arm. Mr. Greenwood 'takes possession in the spring. STENOGRAPHIC AND BOOKKEEPING Complete commercial and general, lm- provement courses. Our 11aUl terra wifl ,ommence Sept. 6-Lh. CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE, Toronto and LUsnawa- Phone 18 day or night Bowmanville Eat More ]Bread TOD'S BREAD IS FULL 0F NOURISHMENT. BAT MORE 0F TOD'S BREAD. TOD'S BREAD IS GOOD FOR OLD AND YOUNG. TOD'S ýBREAD IS DELIVERED DAILY TO' YOUR HOME. THEOMAS TOD Baker and Confectioner Bowmanville HA PPlY NEW"A May we take this opportunity of extending to our many friends and customers all goodwishes for a Happy New Year. We also desîre to thank our rnany cy~storners for their valued patronage and to hope we may again be at their service during 1922. MeClellanl & Co., Limited King St. East Bowmanville Office Phone 15 House Phones 228, 274, 218 Wfli gme el ifelong roof service. q1 Iwhy and ýwherefore of the internai Iworking of the municipal mnachine, Leave your order now before as it is a study by itselfe; but to an we mnove to Toronto about Jan. Ioutsider it presents a sornewhat mixed lSth. appearance just at present, We may be mietak enr.i failing sight compel you but have jyour eyes properly examined now. IYou are assured of a proper examination and good glasses here because we practice Optometry- !ail exact science. OuirItegister- 1 ri oU C. M. CAWKER & SON - 4 .4 Bowman~iltn L~Ifl2 St. E. ~riv~h and ci~nld rot ge~ I _________________ Seo - - ---------------- - HURRY UP CALLS For the Plumber SNIGHT or DAY We are always at your ýService. Greenaway & Ell iott Consulting Engineers

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