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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Jan 1922, p. 7

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Po, you, drinKi OR JST TA? Ther&'s a distinct difference ini favot, of 46Sala.da" H208 A slow oven will not spoil your baking when you use ORDER F"ROM YOUR NEIGHBOFHOOD GROCERY Treat Youîr Liver FairUy e, A disordered liver"throws the whole Hef system wrong and affects the health your generally. Beeham's Pis act di- liver, rectly on the liver, cleanse and act strengthen the stomach, regulate the right the system, and make you fit and well.* You can have a healthy body, strong Take ervous system, bright eyes and clear Take complexion if you, Beeecham'sqe Sold I I25c-40 pilla *verywher e I*5c9 il in boxes -OC9 PI S5tart the Vear Right By B uying Your Groceries From HARRV PHONE 186 ALLIN BOWMANVILLE 'R' Use Murine e Rernecly YO -Nizbt and îMornin.g. Ecep ~eum Eye Cisan, Clear a Ml eaty. Write for Free Fe s Çare Book. MS-iç EYagRcisdï o. East ViosirpcîL Chicago cSlk's Cotton Root Compound. A ceafe, s'eliable reguating laecficine. Soid in tbree die grees c f str(ugth-No. 1, Si; No. 2, 3; No. 3, $5 per box. Sold hy ail druggists, or sot pn-paid on reeipt of phce. Ïcrea pnlet. Address. THF COOK MEDICINE Co., TORP)NTO, ONT. (Formeaiy Windss,.) BOWMANVILLE, JAN. 12th., 1922 NEWCASTLE Miss Ethel W ade is visiting friends in Toroato. Mrs. R. P. Butler is under the came of the doctor. Mr. W. il Jackson is visitiag Bow- mnanville friends., Mrs. Ransom Clarke- is steadily im- proving ia health. .New material for the Community Hall la constantly arriving. Miss Amy Hunter, Toronto, was a visitor in the village on Monday. ,Mrs, (C. W. Baker, Montreal, is vis- iting lier mother, Mrs. J. Rowland. Mrs, J. Thom, Toronto, is visiting lier sister, Mrs. J. W. McLauglin. Mrs. Wm. Hunter is visiting with lier sons and daughter in Belleville. Tanlac is appetizing and invigora- ting Try it to-day. Jury & Loveli. Mr. Wes. Banton spent the New Year with bis son Charlie, in Osh- awa. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. B. White speat the New Year witb triends in Port Hope. Mrs. Frank Hawkins, Hastings, vis- ited at ber father's, Mr. Ben Moise,, Beaver-st. Miss Gusffie Marks, Toronto, is visiting ber sister, Mrs. Ed. Thackray, King-st. East. Mrs. B. Moise is spending New Years witb ber daugliter, Mrs. Hawk- ins of Hastings. Mm. and Mms. John Uglow spent New Yeams with Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Carvetb at Orono. Mms. Milton Wigbt and family of Providence, witb ber mother, Mrs. John Rickard, Cburch-st. . Miss Evelyn Everson of the Normal School staf of Stratford, is visiting at Mr. W. H. Jackson's. Mrs. Quinn and family have retura- ed to Ottawa after visiting at ber fatlier's, Mr. Geo. Deline. Mr. Harry Cowan is home from Saskatchewan visiting at bis fatbeT's, MmV W.l. Cowan, Nortb-st. Mm. Arthur Rowland, Toronto, came down to ent New Year dinner witb bis mother, Mms. Jas. Rowland. Mr. H N Bowen bas moved fmom the Rutherford bouse on Mill-st., to Mm. W.,Kenefick's bouse on George- st. No matctem how deep-rooted the coma may lie, it must yield to Hollo- way's Corn Remover if used as dir- ected. Banker J. S. Montgomery an 'd family are now occupying their new quartera in the Standard Bank Block. Mm. and Mms. Dm. Leslie' Fallis and 'son, Bolibie of Shelbourne, are visit- ing witb ber mother, Mrs. James Rowland. 1Mrs. Hay was "at borne" to a large number of ber young fiends, Wed- nesday evening, when an enjoyable tîme was spent. 1As a vermicide an excellent prepar- ation is Mother Graves' Worm Exter- minator. It has saved the lives of countless childmen. Contractor'James McDonald bas completed the improvements to the Standard Bank poperty and bas me- turned to Toronto. Mr E. A. Simpson bas a gang of men baleing bay on bis farm east of the village There is estimated to lie about 150 tons in th e lot. Our former townsman, Mr. Jas. Telible, wbo is now a resident of the Queen City,- came down to pay his respects to friends in Newcastle. Two teaspoonfulîs of Tanlac in a little water taken tliree times a ýday just before meals will make you eat better, feel better ,sleep better and work better. Jury & Loveli. Mm. and Mrs. G. lackwell and Miss Campbiell, Toronto, spent the week- end witb their sister Mra. Geo. Honey, witb whom Dr. and Mms, C. W. Slem- on. Bowmanville, were guesta on Tuesday. Visitors at Mr. T. W. Jackon's for New Years included Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Gibson, Mr. and Mrs. C. Law, Mm. and Mrs. A. A. Gibson and son Reg, Mr. and Mrs. W. Jamieson and Mrs. Woodcock. Miss LaRue Davis of Chattanooga, Tean., only weiglied 76 pounds. After taking tliree bottles of Tanlac, she noW weigbs over 100 pounds and is enjoying the best of health. Jury & Loveli. 1Newcastle people were pleased to see Henry Simpson able to lie on the school is in a better position at. pres- ent than for many years past, and speaks volumes for the teaching staiff and management generally. The sad news of the deatb of Mrs. Fred Toplis, a former reideat of NJewcastle. eached tbe village this week,. Her Newcastle frieads ex- tend their svmDatby to the beeaved liusband and Iittle daugliter. Since BVILDIN~G LOTS FOR SALEi I arn offering two of the choicest one acre building. lots in the town of Bow- manvilie at very reasonabie prices. in good iucaity on Liberty-st., mast one block ,,outh of Nursery corner. Excellent gar- den witb abç'ut 50 good appie trees on eýach lot just coring lto bearing. Nor- man S. B. James, Statesman Office, Bow- mnanvIlle. 50 MEN WANTED $6.00-$12.-00 Per Day. Being paid to our successfui students. Learn auto tractor mechancas. Be an auto expert on ignition, Iighting,ý start- ing; learn ail about overhauling, repair- ing, driving motors, gas tractors; big wages, steady work. Write for beauti- rul free catalogue. The big I-emphill Sehool at Toronto *s the largest and best equipped scbooila Eastern Canada. -lemphil's Big Auto Oas Tractor School, 63 King St. West, Toronto. 50-4w TAKE NOTICE!l MID-WEEK HALF HOLIDAY To The Buying Public of Bowrnanville. ,WE, the undersigned mercliants, business and professional men of Bowmanville, hereby agree to close our pla ces of business on .Wednesday afternoons from 12.30 o'clock dur- ing 1922, excepting month -of De- cember-,and also grant our employ- ees a half holiday on above after- noons, under the same arrangements as existed during 1921: Coucli, Johnstoa & Cryderman, Ltd. McMurtry & Co. Ltd. S. W. Mason & Son Dominion Stores Ltd. W. H. Densem C. L. Brown1 Louis Cowell R. W .Copeland, P. C. Trebilcock F. J. Horne, Dr. G. C. Bonnycastie F. R. Kerslake G. A. Edmondstone James Bennett Alex Elliot R. M. Mitchell & Co. A. Haradea W. H. Dustan Harry Allin G. N. Thurston John Babcock T. H. Knight S. A. Engel F. R. Foley Dingmaa &,Edmondstone Mason & Dale J. J. Mason & Son Miles Knowles Dr. J. C. Devitt Wifliams & Cana F. Kiiox Mrs. Edith V. Scobeli Rice & Go. Hladdy & Co. Dr. R. E. Dinniwell C. M. Cawker & Son Jury & LovelI W. H.Cole Hydro Shop A. Tait D. Alldread A. L. Nicholîs Samuel Allia F. C. Pethick G. W. Humpage W. J. Dudley T. Hl. Bookhani John Perey J. T. Mollon leaving Newcastle Mm. and. Mrs. Top- lis have resided in Kitchener. If you want a piano hoisted just speak to Councillor W. N. Buckley. He established som'thing of a record the other day and altho badly liandi- capped by just beinrg out after a sev- ere sickness. He hoisted- Banker Montgomery's piano from the side- walk through a second story window in less than five minutes aftem he bad the ropes adjusted. Miller's Worm Powders are the medicine for childrea wbo are found suifeing £rom the ravages of worma. Tliey immedaitely after thestomachic conditions under which the worms subsist and d*4ve (hem from the system, and at the samne time, they are tonical in their effect upon the digestive organs, restoring them to healtbful ciperation and ensuring im- munity from furtlier Idisorders from such a cause. Miss Helen Farncomb eatertaiaed a number of ber young friends at a skating party on New Year's Monday and ia the evening served tea to the happy group of twenty who sat around the deligbtfully decorated and sumptuously laden tables and partook in genial company of the New Year's festivities. The guests of honor ,weme Miss Farncomb's cousin, Miss Dorothy Farncomb of Toronto, and Miss Chase of Nova Scotia, a former college chum of MacDonald Hall, 0. A. C., Guelph.* Could Hamdly Live for Astbma. Writes one man wbo after years of sufering bas found complete relief tlirougb Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy. Now lhe knows how need- less lias been bis suf ering. This remedy gîves sure belp to ahl afflicted with astlima. Inbaled as smoke or vapor it brings the help so long need- ed. Every dealer lias it or can get it for you from bis wbolesaler. Rev. Wmn. Limbemt, Toronto, preaclied vey , acceptably in the Methodist Churcli, morning and evea- ing and at Clarke in the afternoon last Sunday. Tbe Methodist Churcli is f ortqnate in liaving secured the services of Rev. Mm. Limbert who will relieve Rev. H. S. Spence, the pastor, for the balance of the con- ference year, Rev. Mr. Spence went to the General Hospital, Toronto, on Wednesday to undergo a serlous op- eration and bis many friends hope and pray for his complete recovery and retumn te his pastoral charge, restored in healtb and strengthi. The Oul of the Farmer.-A bottle of Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil in the f arm bouse will save many a journey for the doctor. Itis not only good for the children when taken with colds and croup, and for the mature -wbo suffer f rom pains and aches, but there are directions for its use on sick cat- tle. Tbere sliould always be a bot- tle- of it in the house. Almost every Municipality in the Province lias d one something ia the way of a memorial to their "Sold- ier Heroes" of the late war, but New- castle in this respect is sadly lie- Orono Newýs says the Farmers' Or- ganization won a complete victory in Clarke township municipal elect- ionls and the Township Council for 1922 is U. F. O. Clarke township also gave Mr. A. V. Reid an enormous majority in the recent Dominoin con- test. E1ectricai Work Car liglitiag, starting, ignition systems. Also ahl and kinds of Electrical appliances repaired and overhauled, bouse wiring, etc. D. A. Smith Hately's Garage, Bowrnanville The Railways of Canada Draw to,,Your At tention the ZEYW RAIL WA&Y RATES! FOR PASSENGERS The advance on sleeping and parlor car tickets authorlzed in 1920 has been eut In haf-the advance made on ordinary fares at that time havlng been completely taken off many months ago. FOR SHIPPERS The percentage of advance granted to the Railways in 1920 has been reduced ten points. In addition to a five point drop at the first of the year. These changes became effective December lst. Your qcost of Lvn xYOUR cost of living should be directly affected. If it is not it b becau .se (k) ,as the railways have poînted out- before,, the actual money paid for their services is an almost neglîgible factor In making prices, and because (2) even the huge sum now cut out of the rallways' revenues and amounti ng to approximately- $25,000,000.00 annually-becomes a very small f raction of a cent when split up among the billions upon billions of sm~all and large articles whieh constitute the freight traffic of Canada during a year. And beeause -e (3) the Court whlch has the power to control railway rates Is nOit able to direct who Is or Is flot to get the benéfit of reductions. In other words, whether these savings ln railway charges are passed on to you-or whether they are absorbed in marketing, cannot bo controlled etther by the railways or the public. BUT this fact remnainis àa very great sumn of money-- Benough to build every Vear a small city, or a Que- bec Bridge, or four hundred and fifty -of the newest and most powerful locomotives-is now remnoved from the revenues of the Canadian Railways and should be reflected, at least to some extent, ln the family budgets of -ail Canadians1 W HETHER your railways can continue to function without thé revenue thus lost to them, is an experimental problem facing the various managemnents. It depends largely on whether trafflo keeps up or falîs 'off-and whether costs risc or decline.' But the managements are attempti ,ng the problem cheerfully and with determination to keep Canada's railway service-the cheapest, mile formile, and among the most efficient In the world! * satmated. Thne RAIL WAY ASSOCIATION of Canada 263 St. James Street, Montreal, P.Q. 306 Union Station, Winnipeg, Man. Farmers' Attentionl We are now booking orders for Contract Peas for the year 1922 and will be glad to have orders frorn a limited number of good, careful farmers, having, good soul prepared for the coming crop. We believe the price we are able to offer will com- pare favorably with any crop on the farm. Our stocks of FLOUR and FEED will be found complete at ail times. Phone 203. 'USE IT. Hogg & Lytie, Limited. Oshkawa Ontario C.rearn Wanted! Prices of Cream are 'high. We pay> Good Prices for. Good Cream. We Want Yours If we fa il to cal on you we would appreciate a phone cali or write us. Orono Creameryl Co., ORONO

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