AUCTIONSALE The undersigned has received structions from FRED DOWNEY U. F. 0. MEETING DARLINGTON MAPLE GROVE l Providence Farmers' Club will hold Mr. and Mis. Jos. Bell were linTor Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Everson, Osh- ______US _ IIISEE the regular meeting ini Shaws Sehool onto to see Mis. Bell's sister, who s aw, visited their cousin, Mrs. Wm. li House on' Tuesday, January 1'7, at seriously ili. ..Mr and Mrs. Noble Snowden on Saturday. .Misses Reta Early Seed Preparatioi1 a Mark Northumberland and Durham Apple Growers' 8 p. M. Mr. Geo. E. Chase, Mana- Metcalf and Mr. Odas Metcalf, sh- and Irma Power have returned home li gof the Hydio Electric Power awa, were recent visitors e....ate a plesnvstwthfinsa of Good Farmling Association to be held in the-Tow iIl -Gom4sien~--Bomar is-Besit-anxMrttochf +t izz iitw ith fie__________a e----- - -- ---- -. -~-----~-~---- - -'~---.- ---~---,-«-~-"~-- -~-,------,--,- 0 - 1