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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Feb 1922, p. 4

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SLAUGHTER SALE 0F MA.-'ýRMALADE Being overstocked with Marmnalade we are clearing out our entire stock at Less Than Haif Price Don't gyo to the trouble and expense of mak- ing marmnalade this season when you can buy at these prices. SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY ARCHIE'TAIT PHONE 66 PROMPT DELWVERY BOWMANVILLE OVERSHOES Footwear $2.75 ta $3.60 Suggestions A visit ta niy store will convince you that the prie of foot.. wear is getting back ta normal. A glance at this advertisément wîll niake you realize that it is a fact. Rend it carefally. ,I may bave suggested somethîng you bave wanted and 1 ani putting my prices -within your reach. Men's Black or Brown Sboes with round toes, welted or nailed soles, prices $4.75, $5.00, $6.00, $7.00, $8 per pair Men's Black or Brown Caîf Shoes with narrow toe and welted soles, pricea $5.00,1$6.00, $6,50 ta $9.50 per pair Wonien's Higb Sboes, Black or Brown Kid or Caif Leather with welted or MacKay sewn soles, priced $3.75, $5.00 to $9,90 per pair Women's fine Strap Slippers or Pumps for evening w.ar at prices ranging froni $7.00, $8.00 ta $9.90 per pair W. CLA UDE I VES (SUCCESSOR TO FRED R. FOLEY) MOCCASINS Children's to Mon'a $1.00 ta $2.95 CASH SHOE STORE BOWMANVILLE Dominion Stores Ltd THE CHAIN GROCERY STORES 0F CANADA WEEK 0F FEBRUARY IST. TO 4TH. Machine Sliced 'Bacon, lb ...............................t..29c Fresh Cream of Wheat, 4 IL for ..................25c Shredded Wheat, 2 for....................................5 Candies, lb...... ......................... .22c 21in iShoe Polish, 2 for................................... 25c 4 String Brooms ............................................ 39c Ammonia Powder, 3 for ........................2..........3c Bulldog, Chloride of Lime ..............................17c Panshine, 3 for............................................ 25c Rinso, 2 packages..................................... .... l Sani Flush ....... ..........................................30 P. & G., Gold, Surprise or Sunlight Soap, 10 bars .... 72c Rolled Oats 10 lbs. for ........................... ........39c Sherriff's or Pure Gold Jelly Powders, 3 for ........25c Pure Jams, 4 IL tin ......................................... 74c Castile Soap, large bar,. 2 for...... ......... 31c Finest Blue Rose Rice, 3 lbs. for .. ...................... 2U Toilet Paper, 6 for......................................... 2& Finest Canadian Cheese ,..............................24c Choice California Prunes, 2 lb. for .......................27c Sniap .......................................................... l Bulk Cocoa, 2 lb. ,for ....-................................... 29c WE STRIVE TO PLEASE WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION WE HAVE FRESH STOCKS EVERY WEEK ENNISKILLEN League meeting on Wednesday evening was in charge of 4th Vice- President, Miss Alma Werry. A Bible reading was given by F. Dor- land; paper on Stewardship by Mrs. H. J. Werry; reading, "What Then" by Miss Reta Ashton; solo, "Just for To-day" by Mrs. J. R. Ormis- ton; debate, Resolved "ýThat our Ep-' worth League should buy the Presby- terian Church for a Community Hall". Affirmative taken by Mrs. (Dr.) Ferguson and Miss May Werry, negative-Mrs. R. Gilbert and Miss Gladys Stainton. The judges, Mrs. H. Harris, Mrs. Theo Slemon and Mr. Rloy McGill gave the decision in favor of negative .... Hampton Young People will present their play "The Challenge of the Cross" on Tuesday, February 7 at Enniskillen. No charge. MAPLE GROVE Messrs. Rosa Stevens, Ivison Mun- day, Laurence Wood and Miss Viola Stevens motored to Virginia on Suni- iday and visited friends. Viola re- mained for a visit ... . Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lane bave returned from visit- ing their daugbter, Mrs. Russell Wil- son, London .... Mrs. Frost, Sterling, is visiting ber daughter, Mrs. Claude Tucker .... Tbe many friends of Mr. Sam Snowden wish bum a pleasant itime wbile visiting friends ia Eng- land .... .Mr. G., R. Pascoe, Top- onto, visited bis cousina, Mrs. H. G. Freeman and Mrs. Thos. Snow- den .... A number froni bere attend- ed tbe' Holstein banquet beld in Cbristie's Parlors Tbursday evening. ... The many friends of Mrs. F. Swallow will be glad to know that she îs doing nicely after ber recerit operation in Bownianville Hospital. HAYDON Visitors: Mr. and Mra. Herbert Scott, Betbesda, Mr. and Mrs. H. Collacott ,Tyrone, Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. Smith, Mr and Mrs. Fred Smitb, En- field, were recent guests at Mr. Sulas Trewin's; Misa Rose Mountjoy, Nest- leton Station, is guest of ber cousin, Miss Vera Mountjoy; Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Slemon, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Slemon visited at Mr. R. Gilbert's, Enniskille n. ... Mrsý R. Morton is still under the doctor's care, witb nurse, Lowry of Toronto, in charge was well attended. The President ably conducted the opening exercises, then called on the Fifth Vice-Presi- dent to take charge. Bible Lesson was read by Master Gordon Greer; topic "The Value- of- Child Life" was givn by the Vice-Preaident in charge the Juniors. Readings were given by Miss Vera Coulter and Masters Fred Ashton and Arthur Toole. A solo was sweetly sung by Miss Mabel Beech. Meeting closed by Mizpab Benediction .... League next week ~will be Consecration nigbt. Program is in charge of Mr. Clarence Avery. Good attendance requested. Be present to answer te the roll caîl. A cordial invitation to everyone. League commences at 7.30 o'clock.. Church service here on Sunday at 2 p. nm. TYRONE Visit ors: Mr. and Mrs. John Mc- Laughlin, Lieuit.-Col. L. T. McLaugh- lin, Bowmanville,, Mrs Barr, Ennis-_ killen, Mr. C. Evans, Lindsay, at Mr. A.- W. Annis'; Mr. and Mrs. Frank McLaugblin, Eari and Jean Mc- Laugrhlin, Misses E Irene and Z. Marie Werry, Oshawa, at Mr. M. J. Werry's; Rev. J. S. MeMullin at the Parsonage, Miss Evelyn Brent with friends la Toronto; Miss Florence Gardiner spent the week-end with Rev. R. A. Delve, Smitbfield. .. . Glad to know Misa Elma Gardiner is re- covering from recent ilînesa.. Miss Hazel Hodgson bas returned te ber loved work at Bowmanville 111gb Scbool ... . Rev. W. T. Wickett took Sunday services at Soutb Osh- awa Mission .... Miss M. L. Wigbt snent the week-end witb ber uncle, Mr. R. Awde, Toronto .... League on Tbursday in charge of Mr. C. Stin- ton. Miss Mary Richards rend the Bible study, Mr Ronald Scott took unP the topic "The importance of the Child", wbile the week's talks of Rev. Dr. R. N. Burns and Rev. Frank Langford at Cobourg Winter School were briefly outlined by Misses F. 1. and E. M. Werry. Misses Geraldine and Edvthe Clemens gave a piano ont the day.Fodofoats Rather have han, and tonzue? Like ii and whipred creani? Enjoy a good debate, on "Women enteri ng ,the Ministry". with lots of music. YOUIl zet al this and more at Tyrone Churcb, Februarv lôtb, froni 6 p. m, up for S5ceehildren 85c. See costume play at Salemn Feb. 8th. Mis DARLINGTONI MisNellie Guy, Oshawa, waa aa week-end visitor wîtb ber friend, Miss Mary Wood .... Mr. Levi Bart- lett, Ciesarea, visited bis sistcr, Mrs. W. H. Wood, wbo is improvir.g slow- ly from bier recent i,: -.... .Mr. Fred Downey and farniý., l-ave roved ta town. Sorry to losi theni froni the community. SOLINA Quarterly services at Eldad next Sunday afternoon. Miss Lena Tay- lor, Toronto, bas tonsilitis and is home for a re...... .Young people en- joyed a jolly party at Mr W. H. Montgornery's Tuesday evenmng... . Mrs. R. C. Scott continues quite iii .... Many from Solina paid their last tribute to their aId friend, Senator Beith on Saturday .... Mr., and Mrs. W. Chas. Werry, Miss Audrey and Miss Gertie Duncan, Oshawa, visited at Mr. A. L. Pascoe's ... . Reeve and Mrs. H. L. Pascoe, East Wbitby, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Pascoe, Enfield, Mr. Howard Mackey, Brooklin, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Rundle surprised Mr. Richard Pascoe on the eve of bis 8th birthday on Saturday evening and enjoyed an oyster supper toget- lier... . Miss Ham, Oshawa, visited at Mr. W. N. Pascoe's .. .Messrs. Frank Pascoe, Ted Chant and Anson Balson frani Zion Cburch and Mes- srs. Chas. Smith, Howard Wonna- cott, E. R. Taylor, Fred Crome, Hilton Tink, Jack and Jim Reynolds froni Eldad attended the Senior Boys' Conference at Cobourg and were deligbted with tbe addresses and the excellent treatnient received froni the citizens of the Counties Town .... Messrs, J. Baker, H. E. Tink and S. Edgar Werry attended a Shorthorn stock sale at Asbburnf on Friday .... Mra. T. Pascae and Miss MargaretA Hamipton, visited at! Mr. H. E .Tink's and Mr. R. J. McK.essock' . ... Mira. Frank Wee- lake was quite jîl but-is mucb better now. The Wamen'a Institute will meet at home of Mrn. S. Williams, Thurs- day afternoon, February 9th. Mms. R. J. McKessock will give an addresa on "Laws of Ontario" and Mrs. Rus. seIl Gilbert will also give a paper. AIl ladies invited. DARLINGTON FUNDS Financial Statements of Patriotic, Red Cross and Park Fonds. Auditors of Darlington township' gave a certified report of Receipts and Expenditures in connection witb the Patriotic and Red Cross Fund, al- sa of Park Committee appointed by council, W. R. Allin being Secretary- Treasurer of botb committees: Patriotic and Red Cross Total amount subscribed, $10,982,- 60, of whic'h amount $10,451.50 was paid in, leaving $531,10 uncollected. $208.35 was received in interest, making total receipts $10,659.85. 0f this amount $6,625.00 was forwarded to Counties' Treasurer for Patr*otic Fund, $4,018.70 to Canadian Red Cross Society, Toronto; $11,50 wasý allowed, for expenses of speakers fromn Toronto .and the balance of $4.65 was spent in printing and stat- ionery by Secretary-Treasurer. Park Funde Receipta froni ail sources $1,366.70 Park and Bungalow ex. $1,826.25 Balance in bank $ 4 0.45 Balance will be used towards fur- nisbing Park Bungalow. DARLINGTON COUNCIL Town Hall, Hampton, Jan. 28, 1922. Regular meeting of council, mem- bers ail present, Reeve Baker presid- ing. Minutes were rend and confirined. Auditors presented report for year 1921, sbowing receipta of $87,330.15; expenses $85,407.89, leaving balance of $1,922.26 and uncollected taxes of 1921 of $4,264.40. Report adopted and 50 copies ordered printed. 1 W. C Parsons was appointed As- sessor for 1922. By-law No. 821 was igven its sevemalý readings confirming his apointnient. By-Iaw No. 822 was given ita three readings fixing price of dog tags fori 1922 at 15e eacb, the assessar ta, have sale of sainie, Deputation of Women's Institute, Hampton, addressed Council in re- gard ta erection of a nienorial ta the boys who went overseas. Council decided ta take matter ito considema- tion wben a special committee ap- pointed sanie tume ago brougbt in its Thols. Mount oy, W . F.' Bo*nusa*. *.75:ý F. Gilbert, sbeep damages..30.00 Counties' 'fleasurer, sale of land costa................75 Taronto Stamp and Stencil Works, dog tags ........... 21.02 A, Mihîson, adv. S. S. No. 14 100.00 Council adjourned ta Saturday, February 2 5, at 1 P. ni. W. R. Allia, Tp.CI k NESTLETON M. s. Samuel Crawford visited her d aughter and sister in Toronto.. .Mrs. Wilton Cread and son Em- iGravenhurst, is visiting her faner and friends around here... Special meetings ended on Sunday, Pastor Carruthers givixig a very earn- est appeal on "Corne for ail things are now Ready", followed by com- munion service, Those meetings and discussions have been very help- fui to Christian 1f e for those who attended. . . Superintendent of Sun- day School, Mr. J. M. Emerson was on the job again on Sunday after an absence of five weeks and was greet- ed by a large turnout. During his absence the duties were conducted by Mr. R. H. Suggitt and bis ser- vices were much appreciated... . Our hockey team went to Janetville on Thursday and was badly defeated by the boys of that burg. Score 6-0. The teams are now even, GO4"*OD FEED Is too- scare to feed to Lice and Sheep Ticks Clean up your sheep and cattie and save feed. No stock will thrive if infested with ver- min. FOR THE MAN Who prefers Helle- bore Suiphur and Ce- ment, we have the Sul- phur and Hellebore. FOR THE MAN Who uses a prepared powder we have Zeno- leum Lice Powder 35c each or 3 for $1.00. FOR THE MAN Who wishes to make a double job at once we havethe Reliable Zenoleum Liquid which both dis- infects and kilîs ver min at the saine time. 1 quart tin .............$1.00 2 quart tin............. $1-75 1 gallon tin............. $2.75 WE SPECIALIZE ON CON- DITION POWDERS Kersiake' s Dirug Store Phone 49 Bowmaaville1 SALEM Saleni League will present a cos- tume Play, The Hon Mrs. Ling's Con- version, on Wednesday, February 8. Admission 25e and 15c. AGRiCULTURÂL SOCIETY The adjoumned genemal meeting of West Durhami Agricultural Society xil be beld an Friday, Feb. 3 ýat 2 P. ni., in the Council Rooni. AUl nibers and others attend, John Baker, R. F. Aitchison, President Secretary.ý BURKETON Revival services coilducted by Mr. and Mrs., Duetta are well attended and many are beîng brougbt ij"- the kingdom of God ... . A little *is- itor bas came ta stay at Mr. Inaley's .... Church services at Il a. ni. and 7 p. ni. were well attended .... Sun- day next S. S. will be at 10.15 a. n.i., cburcb at il Everyone corne and' keep the cburch full,. . . Mrs. -Jas., McLaughlin is i] .... Colds are prev- aient, but weather is unusually mîld. January gave us niucb sunshine. Feb- ruary keep up sanie blessing. Odds Ends Remnants. Left Overs from our January Saler.. We find many odd fines that must be sold quick- ly andif price wil do it the goods won't last very long. We have sorted out the different lines so that -you can save time, in fact -you can wait on yourself if you like.,,1Corne on in and get a share of these offerings., ODDS AND ENDS 0F HOSIERY GLOVES UNDERWEAR NECKWEAR WAISTS SCARFS AND TAMS MEN'S OVERCOATS MENPS SUITS MEN'S ODD PANTrS ODDS AND ENDS 0F DRESS GOODS SILKS TABLE DAMASK TOWELINGS PILLOW COTTONS RUBRERS PRINTS & GINGHAMS TUK ODDS AND ENDS 0F FLOOR OILCLOTHS LINOLEUM RUGS SHOES WOOL' BLANKETS KIMONAS MEN'S UNDERWEAR SWEATERS ETC., -ETC.' ETC., ETC. SOX RUBBERS WOOL SOX HOCKEY BOOTS ETC., ETC. McMurtry & Co., Ltd.' PHONE 83 WEST END HOUSE PHONE 83 The Shop That Leads- j No Time Like the Present1 Do not put off buying this season's Hats too late, Your size rnay not be here when you want it, This season's variety in Men's Hats take in several styles and materials. - For a man to be weil dressed it is absolutely necessary that his hat be up to the minute. We are off ering these specials in Men's Head- wear ail this week. $5.50 and $6.00 Hats for ...................$3.00 $5.00 and $4.00 Hats for ....................$2.00 Also Men's Ear-Lap Caps to Clear at 75c & $1.00 G. N.eTRT O Kà NI Bowmanville's Up-to-date HaberdasheryI j and Fur Shop.I 1

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