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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Feb 1922, p. 2

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Insurance Agency. Ail lines of l'IRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT, SICKNESSY AUTOMOBILE, GUARAN- TEE. Edith V.' Scobeil, Agent 2nd door west of the "«Big 20" Bowmanville Ontarjo. THEO. M. SLEMON, AUCTIONEER Farm and House Sales a Speclalty. Terms moderate. 1-tf Enniskillen P. 0. Phone 197-r3. VETE RINARY PR. F. T. TIGHE 'VETERINARY SURGEON. Day or Night Calls Promptly Attended To. Office, King-st., W., Statesman Block,, Bowmanville. Phone 23 LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., 4LLD... BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY money to boan on Farm and Town .Property. Royal Bank Building, .Bowmanville. Phone 351. W. F. WARD, B. A. JBARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY Money to boan., Bonds for sale. ýOffices: Bleakley Block, Ring Street, Bowmanville Ontario. Phones: Office 102, bouse 178J. music T. W. STANLEY (London College of Music) Organist, and Choir Leader, Bowman- ville Methodist Church, is prepared to take pupils for Piano and Voice Cult- ure. For termis phone 12, "«Green Court", Argyle Street. 49-3m* MEDICAL B. J. HAZLEWOOD, M. D., C. M. OodMedalist of Trinity University To.ronto. Four years Atteiiding Phy- .sician and Surgeon at Mt. Carmel ,Hospital, Pittsburg, Ks. Office and Residence,, Wellington Street, Bow- mianville. Phone 108. C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M. Graduate of TrinityMedical College, Toronto, formerly of Enniskillen. Office and residence, Dr. Beith's, former residence on Church-st., ,Bow- rnanville. Phone 259. 44-t DR. V. H.STOREY eraduate Toronto University, year and a haif resident physician and sur- ,geon Toronto General Hospital (six morths Burnside Maternity) two and haîf years Military Hospital. Office: Royal Bank Building, Bow- manville. Phone 143w. 10.lyr* DENTAL DR. J. C.'DEVITT Qraduate of Royal Dental College, Toronto. Office, Ring-st. East, Bow- manville. Office hours 9 a. m. to 6 e. m. daily except Sunday. Phone 90a. House phone 90b. DR.- G. C. BONNYCASTLE 'Menor graduate in Dentistry Toronto U niversity. Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of On- tario. Office Ring-st., Bowmanville.; Office phone 40. House phone 22. DR. R. E. DINNIWELL, Licensed to practice in Ontario ,and the Dominion. Dentistry in ail its branches Office-King-st., Bowmanville Opposite Bank of Montreal Phone 301 FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. F. MORRIS CO. Most complete equipment. Sunday and night calîs promptly attended to. Bowmanville phones 10 and 34. Branch at Orono. M. A. JAMES STEAMSHIP TICKETS TO EUROPE-Canadian Pacifie, White Star Dominion, Cunard, Amer- Ïcan. Ask for information. Phone 53, Bowmanville. JUNK DEALERS POULTRY and JUNK-A., Dillick, Duke-st., just opposite Canning Factory, pays highest cash prices for BOWMANVILLE, FEB. 9th., 1922. THE EDITOR TALKS We are ln receipt of a btter from a city booking bureau roquesting us to lot them know when wo are to have the next entortainment in Bowman- ville as they have several of the very best artists that tbey would iite to send here. The samne mail brought us the, Belleville Daîly Ontario con- tainung an article, headed "Develop Home Talent". With a siight change or two this article says it bas become a fad to send out of town for or- chestras for social functions. Or- ganizations vie with eacb other in seeking the most costby "jazz"y muai- clans, and the rivabry in this respect has gone on until it is reported that it cost one local organization $250 to furnish the music for a recent affair. Neodless to say, there is not much profit in functions of this kind._ Why should it ho necessary to ho so extravagant? There is musical talent ln our own to-wn enough of it to supply ail the or- chestras that are needed, if it could ho encouraged and developed. The kernel of the condition is con- taineti in the iast sentence. We have very e;çcelIent talent in Bow- manvilbe awaiting developnment and. we have the musicians here, too, who can direct such deveiopment ln the necessary vocal and instrumental linos. AIl that is required la for some persons to take the bead in bringing the local talent together. This samne article alieges that local musicians have not made the best use of the material at their dîsposal and have failed to consider the ad- visabiiity of coming together la an orchestral society that, would bring out the latent talent and prove to the community that local musicians are not afraid of outside competition. There is a splendid field open for such a body here, and the musician who can visualize the opportunity and take advantageý of it can proye of great service to this musical town and to citizens generaliy. 'In this connoction, too, the public achool board sbould again consider the ap- pointmont of a music teacher for the town achools, there being no doubt but that parents wiil hoartiy on- dorse the suggestion. We got a surprise the other day îvhen we read of the action of the members of Ontario County Coun- cil la memorializing' the Ontario De- partment: of Education to amend the Education Act so that the salaries of public achool teachers may ho re- duced. bore la the memorial: read il, carefully for it la a remarkable production: "That whereas taxa- tion la this country has become a burden, and this la largely caused by the excessive salaries paid to school teachers, and these higb salaries are unduly, encouraged hy the presont Pystem of goverament grants paid to achools on the basis of the amount of salaries,- and not on the basis of qualification and experience; ho it theref ore resolved that this Counicil refer the question to the Education Committeo with the view of having the Ontario Department of Educa- tion amend the Act", "Excessive salaries", forsootb! There are ubany persons whose salary should hb& re- duced. before the teacber's. As we obtainedà the foundation of our ,education in two schools in Ontario county and in April- 1867 was awarded our first certificate of quali- fication to teach scbooi by the On-, tario County Board we feel the actiorf of the reevos and deputy reevos- of that county rather.keenly as we have regarded Ontario as one of the ban- ner counties of this Province and con- sider tIis action unworthy of its representative mon. Considering what it costa to obtain the education to teach school and the ordiaary oxponses, personal and.pro- fessional, that every teacher must pay out, $1000 a- year la not too high salary for the average rural school teacher. Further, the good influence of the school teacher who lîves la the section, ilalher associa- tions with the young people and. la the homos cannot ho estimated la dollars, for hier, influence on the mouiding of habits and character is very strong-stronger, indeed, than that of any other person, not even excepting the mînister. Even' now there la a great scarcity, of capable scbool teachers and especialiy so of mon teachers who are not attracted by the prosent salaries. Ia our opinion, and we taught school for ton yoars, the public achool teacher of a rural school who is not worth a hua- dred dollars a month, foI' the ton One of the comuaionest complaints of infants is worms, and the most effective application for them la Mother.Graves' Worm Exterminator. Corns are caused by the pressure of tight boots, but no ono need be troubled with them long when se simple a remedy as Holloway's Corn Remover is available. BIBLE CHRISTIAN CONFERENCE Members of the Annual Assembly of 1865. Through the kindnoss of Messrs. Alpha and William B. Pinch of this town we have, been shown a composite photograph of the members of the Bible Christian Conforence that met in Bowmanville in the moiith of June 1865-nearly 57 years ago, the im- print on the card reading: "Photo-1 graphed by Robert and Henry O'Hara, Bowmanville". This picture has a peculiar interest for us for the reason that we knew more or less un- timately most of the ministers and sotue of the laymen Who composed that conference, one of the most prominent of them being our "Father in Journalism", the Rev, Cephas Barker who was the editor of the Bible Christian Observer, the church paper of that denomination publish- ed at the Bible Christian Publishing House in Bowmanville in the present Horsey Block, 3 doors east of Hotel tBowman, now occupied by Brown & .Bennett. Mr. P. C. Trebilcock was 1the Foreman of the printing and pub- lishing departmnent and in 1878 whon we became proprietor and publisher of The Canadian Statesinan the paper xvas printed in that well equippedj printery there being no large news- _paper press in The Siatesmnan office. The house now known as Lorne Villa in which we have lived for 43 years was owned and the north dwelling occupied by Rev. C. Bar- ker. At that time Rev. Paul Rob- ins was the Book Steward, so that there were two Pauls 'and a Cephas on the staff. If we mistake not Mr. John Stacey and Mr. John Curtis now of the Methodist Church here learned the trade of printing in the Observer office as it was called for short. Mr. James Gale was another gra.duate of the office. But we have wandered away from the 1865 Bible Christian Conference. We shahl publish the namnes in the order in which they appear in the composite photograph. We may be in error when we say that the memn- bers of that Conference are ail dead except perhaps one. They were:« Rev. Cephas Barker, President; Rev. W. R. Roach, Secretary; Rev. Paul Robins, Book, Steward; John Chap- pie, T. Greene, Richard Huriey, J. Edwards, Joseph Hoidge, J. Van- stone, William Hooper, J. B. Tapp, John Williams, George ilazledino, G. Gioyne, Henry Renner, Jesse Whit- lock, Henry Ehbott, Jacob Gale, John Pinch, Thos. Clarke, R. Re.ddy, Ed-,t ward Roberts, W. Woodman, David1 Cantion, T. R. Hull, W, Ebbott, W.9 Madge, J. Wood, William Jolliffe, A. Gordon, G. Colwell, William Win- datt, J. Shackson. J. Enticknap, J. Sencabaugh, Archibald Clarke, Geo. Bodle, Henry J. Nott, Thos. Courtice, H. Wills, S. Curtis, J. Kinsey, S. Jol-i lif e, H. Ham, T. Heard, R. Sniale, John Harris, R -Hicks, Geo. Dunkley, J. Shortridge, Wmi. Yeiland, Chas. Honev, H, Colwell. R. Davidson, Wil- liam L. Wickett, M. Minnear, Walter Avers, J. Ellicott, Robert Courtice. We presume this conference met in the building now occupied by Messrs. John-Holgate & Son, corner of Qucen and Division Streets, which was the Bible Christian Church. It may not be. known to many of our younger readers, that West Durham was dotted with Bible Christian Churchos. In Darling- ton there were Ebenezei~, Providence, Cardiphonia, Eidad, Hamplon, Tiay- don, Tyrono, Bethesda and Salem. It was in the year 1883 that the Methodist Church in Canada in its prosent form was constitutod by the union of the Bible Christian Church in Canada, the Methodist Episcopal Church in Canada and the Primitive Methodist Church in Canada. The total membership of the Unit- ed Church at the time of the Union was 169,803, and the membership iast June was 400,789. In 1883 there were 1633 ministors whîch in June last was increased to 2,536. At the present time there'are 3,745 churches and 4,753 preaching places. The Methodist population in Can- ada is upwards of 1,079,892 or about 15 -per cent of Canada's pomulation. FUN AN INDISPENSIBLE GIFT. The one who la endowed with the gift of humor should not undervalue is heritage. For there are few more useful accompishment than the abil- ity to make your associates laugh. There is a tonic power in aiaugh. A smiling face-invites good fortune. If one has the gift of humor, hoe bas no need to envy artists. If hoe can make the sorrowful forget their sor- rows, if hoe can heip the tired worker se beneficial and sure as complote relaxation between the covers with nothing to do but ont and sleop. A great many people who are now in their graves would ho alive and hanpry if they had net allowed them- qelves te ho victims of the mistaken idea that a cold amounts te littbe and can safely be ignored. MAKES US FEEL VERY GOOD Notice to Creditors The prompt paying subacriber is the publishers' yearly delight. bis or N*1OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TIllÂT ai persons having dlaims against the ber friendsbip rings true. The joy e s ate of Mrs. Agaes McNaughton. late the nimble dollars bring is ladiscrib-, of the Village of Newcastle, in the able and lasta far iato t ho future. County of Durham, who died on or about The ct f pomptpayentblesses the 3rd day of Jaauary, 1922, are re- The ct o propt pymen cîiredte send by post, prepaid, or to the givor aad receuver.' A duty deliver to Mrs. Sarah Mcbaughlin of the well done always briags ts own re-1 village of Newcastle, Ont., Executrix of the wiih of the deceased, on or before the ward. We thank one and ail for the Lst day of March, M92, a statement of prompt renewal of so many hundreda thuir dlaims, wvith full particulars. And of our subacribers for 1922 wve take take notice thiat after the isi day of as a exresionof aproal f te iMarcb, 1922, the Executrix wl1 distrib- as an epressio of appoval e th u h assets of the deceased, among course pursued by the managementi the parties untitied thereto, hiaving re- to make this a home paper, fllled with1 gard only to the caims of which she shall local news and striving ,for social' thun have notice.,, and nolitical conditions that will Sarah McLaughlin, Executrix of the estate of Agnes McNaughton, benefit the common-wealth , elevate, Deceased. the moral tone and produce general j 4-3 buippincas. And rigbt bore we de- sure to express our sincere thanks to' those wbo stand by us year after year s0 loyally la sucb a businessliemn N tieT Crd os n9r. May you thare fuliyla the oCrdk r Notice To Creditors IN TEE MATTER 0F the estate of William H-utchiason, itcte of the township of Darliagion, in the Couaty of Durham, farmer, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that ail per- sons baving claims against the estate of William Hutchiason, who died on or about the l4th day of Januarl~ A. D. 1922,1 are required to send by o prepaid or deliver to the undersigned ttgent for LebusMlaud lloney and Meivin J. HT. flutchinson, the executérs of the last wlhl of the spid deceased, on or before the Ist day of March, A. Pý 1922. their Christ- iagn and surnames and addresses and fu narticitlars in writîng of their cliamns andi statemunts of thuir accotmts and the naueof the sucurity, if an y, held by them. AND TAXE NOTICE that after the first day of March. A. P. 192_2 the sad -yP.-cutor5 wili proceed to distribute the ý,s;qts of the sad decuaspd amonr the ruqrties entitied tbereto. haviag regard oniy to the claims of whieb notice shall thon have been handed la to the 'said Rzent T)XTEP at -Powmgnvilie, this 251h day of .anuary, A. D. 1922.1 ' Edith V. Scobell. Box 208. B3owmanville, Ontaro.0 Agent for the abov- naimed uxýeci'ors nf l-le estafe of the wili of Whhiam TIt- ehiison, deceased. .5-1 IN THEfn ,Yr I i OF.jtheeestate of Betsey Gage, late of the Town of Bowmanviiie, in the County of Durham, Widow, deceased. NOTICE is herehy given pursuant te Section 56, Chapter 121, R. S. O. 1»14, that ail persons having dlaims or de- mands against the Estate of Betsey Gage w ho died on or about the luth day of October A. D. 1920, are requutred to send hy post prepaid or deiver te the under- s gned Soictor herein for The Toronto General Trusts Corporation, Adminisî- trators of the Estate of the above nameti Betsey Gage, dec«aseti, on or biefore the Istday 0of March, A. D. 1922. their Christian' and surnamnes and-addresses and full particuars in writing of their daims and statements of their accouais and the nature of the security if eny. heid by themn verified by Statutory De- claration. AND) TAKE NOTICE, that afterjthe lst day of March A. D. 1922, the Adminis- trators will proceed te distribüte the assets of the said deceased among the parlies ent'tled thereto, having regard only to the dlaims of which it then shail have notice. DATED at the City of Toronto ibis lSth day of January A. D. 1922. D. G. M. GALBRAITH, 611 Lumsdun Building, Toronto. Soictor for The Toronto General Trusts Corporation, Administrators of the Estate of 13etsey Gage, deceased. 4-3 Notice toCreditoi's Notice To Creditors INNeTHE MMTR, OF othee Estat o Bowmanviiie, in- the County of Dur- IN TIIE MATTER OF the estate o hamn, Cabinet Maker, deceased., Erastus J . Eurk, late of th e township NOTICE is hereby given pursuant te of Darlington, in th e County of Dur-; Section 56, Chapter 121, R, S. O. 1914, ham, farmer, deceased. that ail persons having dlaims or de- NOTICE is hereby given that ail per- mands against the Estate of Nelson M. s~ons having dlaims against the estate Gage wbo died on or about the l9th ut Erastus J. Burk, who died on or about (day of July A. D. 1889, are required to tle 24th day of Augus,, A. D., 1921, are send by post prepaid or deliver to the required to send by post i)repaid or de- undersigned Solicitor herein for The liver to the undersigned agent for Mar-, Toronto Ceneral Trusts Corporation, Ad- garet Grace Eurk, Florence Gertrude 1 m nis'rPtors of the Estate of the above Burk and Roland Fil zgerald, the exeu- nmed Nelson M. Gage, deceased, on tors of the lat will of the said deceased, or before the lst day of March A. D, on or before the first day of Mardi. A. D. 1922. their Christian and surnamnes and 1922, their Chrstian and surnamnes and addresses and full particulars in writing addresses and foul particulars in wriingl Of tlieir dlaimrs and statements of their of their dlaims and statemnents of their accounts and the nature of the security accounts and the nature of tie security, if any, held by them verified by Statu- if any, held by them. tory T)eclarat'on. AND TAXE NOTICE that after the AND TAXE NOTICE that aftcr the flrst day of March, A. D, 1922, the sald lst day of Mardi A. D. 1922, the Ad- executors will proceed to distribute the minis rators wiil proceed to distribute assets of the said deceased among the the assets of the said deceased eimong par'ies entitled thereto, having regard the parties ent'ted thereto, havin'g re- only to the dlaims of which notice shall gard only te the dlaims of which it then then have been handed in to the said shall have not'ce . agent, DATED at the city of Toronto this DATED at Bowmanville. this 28th day l18th day of January A. D. 1922. of January. A. D. 1922. D. G. M. GALBRAITH. EDITH V. SCOBELL, .611 Lpmsden Building, Toronto. Box !308, Bowmanville, Ontario.j Solicitor for The Toronto General Azent for the above named executors Trusts Corporation. AdmnIIstratorýs of ourktheeased. o ErastusJ. the Esitâte of Nelson M. Gage, deceased. Burk deease. 53.14-3 THE WALL 0OF CHINA Ia 214 B. C., the, Chinese commonced building the Great Wall, which isoiated their country from the reat of the worid and helped retard their national progross, The business ma n who- maintains a wali of "digaified reserve" towards the.buyi ng public la just as sureiy retarding bis own business growtb. People like to buy from the "store thbat shows its appreciation of their business, gives good value, and courteous, kindly ser- vice, wilh a "come again" invitation. Your advertisement la "The Canadian Statesman" would be a standing invitation to your store. Wben our readers open up their paper do they see your "hid"? THE WISE SHOP WHERE THEYi ARE INVITED Issued by Canadian Weekly Nowspapers Association bond Office, Toronto, Canada. LOOK_ OUT Watch Our Windows For Extra Specials This Week, G. A. Edmondstone, One door east of F. F. lgorris Co. 'Phone 21 Bowmanville DûeOMINION PIANOS, In homes where there are children the choice of a piano seriously affects the future musical aip- preciation of the child., A fine piano accustomns the impressionable ear of youth to tone, perfect- ion,wvhule a poor piano deadens the fine percep- tions. As a furnishing for the home, the Do- minion is a masterpiece of the cabinet-maker' s art. Its perfection of f orm appeals no less than its perfection of tone. The Dominion tradition is to make the finest possible piano and seli it at the lowest possible price and upon the easiest possible terms. And for this reason, the Dominion can be purchased at a price which probably will surprise you by its moderation and upon terms that will reli'eve the purchase of' inconvenience. F. J. MITCHELL Sales Agent Mitchell Bldg. Phone 92 or 105 Bowmanville High Quality Lowest Prices Prompt- Service These three facts are" the foundation of our steady growing meat business. Every purchase from our store carnies the guarantee of being the best the -market affords. WE DELI VER THE GOODS Wibert J. Djudley Horsey Block Phone 225, House 272 Bowmanville 'id I h. ~ I SURPRISE! SENSATION!!1 SUCCESS!111 ICE CREAM ECLAIRS CHOCOLATE COATED IMAGINE.: It's a, bar of freezing cold ie Creani, dipped into a pot of boiling9 hot chocolate, pulled out and shot to the freezer again. It gives you the most won derful ice cream and chocolate combination you' ever tasted in your life. ONLY 10c EACH-TRY ONE THOMA S TOj4D Baker and Confectioner Bowmanville Insurance Rates, Reduced In Bowmanville Now that the tariff rate for insuring dwell- ings in Bowmanville has been reduced -10e per $100 below former rates it should induce owners of property to inereaâs, the amounts of insurance. Lt is a fact that véry f ew carry anything like adequate insurance, and now that the rates' are so reasonable owners should remedy this in their own interests, CALL AND TALK iT OVER J. J. MA SO N 0&"SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 50 Bowmtmnville

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