NEW AUTO AGENCZY SW. Pickard, Bowmanvîlle, bas conitracted with the Studebaker Motor Co., to seil their full lino of autu*mr>,lIies, which are bigli clasa la evex'y _vî,y and growing more popu- lar eveý-_m, year, espeially in the lar- gen ceri..tîes. We tbink wbat la good -or thý-- cities is aise good for the towaa --.Ad rural districts. Mnr. I'ickard drove n, new light six model ::fîom the fnctery at Wlker- ville laýt week, driving the wholo dis- tance o::f 247 miles to Toronto la ono day, le --aying Walkerville at 8.30 a. m.,, and-. reaching Toronto at 7 p. mi., st6ppin_ haîf an heur at London for lunch Anyo.-inc wanting a new car can- not do Uîbtter than seo Mr. Pickard. With thie Overland for the prospect who wa. rnts a high clasa ligbt car, and witb th«K-tbree modela of Studobaker cars. Ve believe that we have the best va lues on the market in thoso A Flappy Home ia' m atie happier by good music. You gEt the Beat and the Latest Music on Starr Gennett Records. Tbey a.-xe ail double sided, and are now p:i"iced at 65c for 10 inch; $1,15 E7or 12 inch. They play on any Plkiçnogirapb and improve its Thera there is the GY-RHARD HEINTZMAN PHONOGRAPH which ireproduces truly the tone the ar"ts orlginally put iito the recordEe- Thejir contruction la of the fineat mmd they are flnisbed like a piano. 1?bçy are Try moderately priced. It costa notbing te hear these iw-t ilKerslake' s j Drug Store Phone 49 Bo'wmanville W. Sel Mary Aune Chocolate" ,Everybody lilces theui Announcing WJLLARD SERVICE FOR Bowmanville We takecare of batter- ies-ail makes. We re- charge and repair batter- ies. But ,that isn't ail. We're a clearing house for battery information. f Corm.e in. Ask questions -no matter whether yours 1 s a Wiilard Battery or not. We're glad to be of any service we can. We glo ail battery work for W«Est End Garage as ýîntario Battery Service kloffatt --Motos. Sale Bunilîag others of the Okahoma tribe, and the Chinese bride and groom in New York City were especially enjoyable. The crayon portraiture added inter- esting vnriety ta the program. The next entertailament ln this series lu on Thursday, Maredi 30, when Gorot the Blrcman will b.bore. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Dominion Parliament will meet on Mnrch 8tb. Miss Edith Hillier is visiting frienda in Toronto. Mrs. R. M. Cale bas returned from a trip to, England. Miss Agnes K. Haddy, Toronto, spent Sunday at home. Miss Addie Cawker is visiting Miss May Vanstone, Toronto. Mrs. W. H. Williams, Toronto, is visiting Mrs L. Paterson. *Big drop in price of ment at Cawker's Saturday p. m. ilear Victoria Glee Club ia Meth- odiat Church, Februnry i6tb. SMiss Cern M. Scott, Toranto,, spent Sundny lwitb Mrs. E. Beilman,' SMra. W. H. Carruthers bas return- ed fromn ertrip te California. You are invited to Valentine Con- cert ia Parish Hall, Tuesday night. Rev. Dr. Endicott was guest of Mr. and Mra. W. F. Dale wbile in town. 1Mrs. Thos. Osborne, Whîtby, is vis- iting ber sister, Mrs J. N. Me- Dougaîl. Mrs. Sarah Harris, Oshawa, spent Sunday with bier sister, Mra. James Courtice. Mr. Willard Taylor, Toronto, spent Sund ay with his cousin, Mrs. C. H. Mason, Mrs. Arthur B. Stephens, of Tor- onto, was recent guest of Mrs. Chas. Manning. Miss Olive Noble and Miss Olga Ted, Toronto, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Tod. Splendid program will be givon by leading local talent at Parish Hall Valentine nigbt.. Mn. and Mrs, Thos. Percy spent .Sunday witb Mr. and Mrs. Harley ,Perey, Toronto. Mra. Chas. Warder, Rochester, N. Y., is visiting ber mothen, Mrs, Will- mott, Church-st. Get tickets early for Victoria Glee Club Concert in Methodiat Cburcb,, February l6th. Mra. Archie Bingbam, Toronto, was receat guest of ber sister, Mrs. Alan M.* Williams. Miss Mary Brimacombe spent the wee-en wth, Mr. and Mrs. Rd. Snowdea, Osbawa. Miss Irene Stewart of Toronto, spent the week-end witb bier nunt, ý Mra. Albert Colwell. Misses Olive Wallace and Jane Grigg, Toronto, spent the week-end at Mr. David Grigg's. High School students are prepar- ing the play "Midaummer Nigbt's Dream" for February 23rd and 24th. Miss Mabel Lowe, Oshawa, Miss Grace Lowe, Toronto, spent the week-end with Mrs. C. Wesley Mat- tbews. Mrs. J. E. Matchett and daughteri Gladys, Newcastle, visited at Mr. Harve Matchett's, Oshawa, over the1 week-end. Mr. and Mra. John 1. Bell, Mar- sbniltown, la., were guesta of Mn. and Mra, Win. Cana and other friends while ia town, Mrs. Geo. A. Watts and Miss Bing- bam, Hamilton, were guest-s of Miss Aima J. Pollard and other frienda wbile here at week. Messrs. Thos. Bottreli & Son re- cently sold and shipped $80 wortb of prize winning bantama te J. F. Mc- Lean, Brandon, Man. Mr. F. F. Morris who la a mnember of the Executive of the Ontario Fan- erai Service Association, was la Toronto this week attendîng a mneet- ing of the sanme. Mra, Walter H. Lyoas, Toronto, was bore Monday visiting bier mother, Mra. J. H . Brimacombe and attend- ed the funeral of bier aunt, Mra. Thos. Ashton, at Eniîiskilien. Mra. John Fletcher who bas been in the hospitai witb pleurisy bas sufficieatly recovered te go to Toron- to where abe will reside with bier son James, for several weeks.' Bowmanviile is a musical commun- ity and citizens are assured of a musical trent wben Victoria Glee Club, Toronto, presenta its program la Methodiat Churcb, February l6tb. Valentine Social on Monday,, Feb- ruary 13 under auspices of Junior Missioaary Society of St. Paul's cburcb. Cood program, contesta and refresbments. Everybody welcome. 'Admission 25c. Mn. and Mra, W. T. Taylor, Solina, annouace the engagement of their third daugter Edna May to Mn. Er- nest Larmer, son of Mn. and Mra. JohnLarmer, Blacksteck, marriage te BIG DROP IN PRICE 0F MEAT League meeting Monday evening ________j in the Methodist Church was con- C. M. Cawker & Son recently pur- secration service, Mr. W. Pointon, chased a car of very choice butcher' lst Vice-Presideat, in charge. The cattie which they are featuring on Scripture Lesson was read by Mrs. Saturday afternoon and evening at L. J. Brooks; piano solo was nicely the foýlwing very low prices: Steak rendered by Miss Dorothy Plummer; per Ib. 22c; Rib Roast 20c; Chuck Rev. E. A. Tonkin gave' a very fine~ Roast 15c; Sirlein Roast 22c; Boil- address on "The Relation of this ing Beef from 10e te 12c; aise Home League te the coming revival ser- Rendered Lard 15c; Home Rendered vices". Miss Marjorie Plummer, Shortening 10c; net more than 4 lbs. Secretary, conducted the Roll Cail. of shertening te ene custemer, sup- MeysBotherhood was entertained Nol~ arimiet ocopai fte an oyster supper in the Methodist No rguent hn o tecoai ofthe Church by the young men of Dr. chig ices w en you thsecanbyes Slemon's S. S. Class on Wednesday, choces ofmeas a thse rics. February lst., Evening was spent 1in games and musical numbers by Mrrison's Orchestra. Short speeches ZION were made by Rev. S. C. Moore, Mr. Thos. 'Howell, Secretary of World About 45 members of Zion League Bretherheod Movement fer Canada, visited Simcoe-st., Methodist League, Mayor H. L. Quinn and W. J. Mer- Oshawa, on Monday, January 3Oth. isen, Dr. Siemea, Rev. L. E. Zavitz Our League furnished the program, of the Disciple Church. About 40 it was prepnred by our Social Vice- memibers of the twe classes were pre- President, Miss Cern Cruse, who tookI sent, New officers of Men's Brother- the tepic "The Life of Abraham Liti- hood are: Hon. Presidents-Rev. S. coin", the rest of the programn con- 'C. Moere, A. Mitchell, Dr. J. C. sisted of solos, instrumentais, rend- Devitt. President-Mr. B. C. Fen- ing and n report of the Cobeurg Con- neil. Secretry-Treasurer-Mr. W. vention by Mr. Anson Balson. Osh- Claude Ives. Tencher-Mr. W. J. awa League entertnined in Ai style Morrisen, B.'A. On Thursdny evening, Febrnury 2,______ about 30 yeung peeple gnthered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Russel Rob- CLARKE COUNCIL NOTES ins (nee Mnud Allun, f ermeriy of Bewmanvlle). About nine oelock Mr. John Ricknby is Township Walter Vivian cailed the compnny te Clerk. order and called on Russel Stainten, Messrs. C. A. Chnpmnn and Sam- who rend n niceiy worded nddress to uel Jones are 1922 Auditors of Mr. and Mrs. Robins nnd at the pro- Township acocunts. per time Mi. Reford Cameren pre- Mr. R.- J. Rewe is assessor fer sented them with n benutiful cut 1922, salary $200 and 5c per tag is- glass fruit bowl. Mr. Robins made sued. Dutiesbegin Februnry ist. a suitable reply, and ail joined in Mr. John Penwarden is a inember singing "'Fer he's a joliy good fel-. of the-Board of Health withReeve low". Speeches were made by Mess- F. Allun and Medicai Heaith Oflicer. rs. A. D. Langmaid,' Tracy Giaspeil, Garnet Beckel, Fred Cameron and Arthur T. Stainton and Miss Fier-, ACCIDENT TO MRS. STOREY ence Cameren. The remainder of the evening was spent in games and Port Hepe Guide says: Mrs. James refreshments were served aise the Storey, while crossing fromn the east grom'stretwhich was oranges side of Ontnrio-st., te hier home on grlom tre nt Friday night, slipped and feul on the On Sunday afternoon at S. S. Mr. icy pavement, She sufl'ered n Ted Chant gave n report of the Ce- fracture of the right hip and being bourg Convention which was very1 unabie te attrnct the attention of interesting. The Aduit Bible Classanny person remaîned eut in the cold presented Mrs. Herbert CameronJ for more than haif an heur. Mrs. wîth n ioveiy littie Bedroom Ciock as1 Storey was taken te the hospital on a small remembrance ef lier Zionl $aturday afternoon and is resting friends .... Wednesdny night. Feb. 1cemfortably to-day. Mrs. Storey 8, the Young Men's Cinss are havîng is mother of Dr. Vernon Storey, Bow- a "Father & Son Banquet".- The' manville, who was called home on outside speakers for the evening be- account of the unf ortunate accident mng Mayor Quinn and Dr. C. W. 1te lier. Slemon of Bowmanville, and Mr. R. J. McKessock, of Solina... Mr. A.T T. Stainton is in Toronto tis week 1//'4.û...-aLO .... Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Awde, WA T H %-pSI Heward, Sask., is visiting at Mrs. H. G. Pascoe's .... Mr. and Mrs, Herbert On Monday, February 6, between Cameron and family are moving ta Goodyear Club Hotel and Goodyear their farm at Tyrone. Sorry te bace Factory, 15-jewelled goid watch, them. . Columbia series, open face. Finder Attend the Victoria Glee Club Concert will be rewarded by leaving watch in Bowrnanville Metbodist Churcb, Feb 161 at Stateeman Office. 6-t Do00Minin 1 Sto'h Jr113 esIamLat d THE CHAIN GROCERY STORES 0F CANADAK WEEK ENDING FEBRUARY 11ITH Pure C astile Soap large bar, regular 18c, 2 for ....31c P. & G., Gold, Surprise or Sunlight Soap, 10 bars . .. .72c Fels NapthaSoap, 10 for'.................................85c LifeBuoy Soap ..........................).................... 8c Palmolive Soap................................................8Sc Jnfant's Delight ......................................lO.......11c Ivory or Fairy Soap, 2 for ............................. ...17c Frankford Peas ........................................ ..... 16c Early June Peas ...............................................20e Frankford Tomatoes ........-............................... 16c Frankford Corn, 2 for .....«**................"**"'*25c Choice New Lemons, dozen ...............................29c Tiger Catsup . ..........................................25c Ail Candies, lb. ................ 22c Assorted Chocolates, 50Oe values, lb ..................29c Shredded Wheat, 2 for ...............................1.....25C Toilet Paper, 6 for ......................................... 25c Finest Canadian Cheese ................................... 24c WE BUY IN LARGE QUANTITIES A ND CHEAPER THullA ANYVRTAiLETru iq CANADA. WE BIKTHS COURTICE-At Bowrnanvilie, Hospital, ileb. 7, te Mr. and Mrs. K. E. Courtice of Courtice, a son.1 AITCHISON-At Bownanviile Hlospital, Feb. 2, to Mr. and Mms. R. F. Aitchison, Royal Bank of Canacýa, a son (Douglas Hope). LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Building prospects for next spring and summer are very bright. See special low prices for ment this Saturday afternoon at Cawker's. The rates of postage on newapapers is aow six times wbat it was in 1917. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Luke and fam- ily recently visited bis parents atý Whitby. See particulars eisewhere of St.1 John's Brotherhood concert on Tues- day, February l4tb, Mr. S. Roy Jnckman is attending the Ontario ilorticultural Society Convention in Toronto. Miss Theresa Darcb, Toronto, vis- ited her mother, Mrs. J. H. Darch wh obas been sick but is improving. Miss Olive Found, Ebenezer, anad ,Miss Diamotid, Toronto, recently vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. E. Aliman, near Whitby. We congratuJlate anothe West Durham boy who is f ast winning his way ns a leader in the Canadian busi- ness world. We refer to Mr. George W. McLaughiin of General Motors Limited, Oshawa, who was recently elected on the Board of Directors the National Trust Company of Toronto. Attend the Victoria Glee Club Concert1 in Bowrnanville Methedist Cburch, Feb 161 e MINISTERS AND CHURCHES On Sunday, February 19, the preacher moraing and evening will be the Rev. Dr. Seager, Provoat of Trmnity Coilege, Toronto. 1Church of Christ, Rev. L. E. Znvitz, paster. Sunday subjects: il a. m.-The Lif e Abuadant, "Long. suff ering". 7 p. m.-Wliat the Bible teachos us, "AboutSmn". On Suaday evening lnst Mr. Albert L. Hircock sang n sole "My God My Father While I Stray" at the eveniag service in St. John's Church which was excellently readered. Methodîst Cburch, Rev. S. C. Moore, Pastor. Sunday subjects: il a. m.-The Stewardship of Pray- er. 7 p. m.-Vessels on the voyage of 1f e-a sermon for youag people. St. Paul's Church, Rev. D. W. Beat, minister. il a. m.-"Tbo heirs of ail the Age.s". 7 P. m.-ý"Ruth"- A stery of home lif e i nAncient Ia- rael. 2.30 p. m.-Sunday School and Bible Classes. St. John's Church, Sunday, Feb. 12, 6th Sunday alter the Epiphany, Rector, Rer. C. P. Muirbead. 8 a. m. -Hioly Communion, il a. m.- Morning Service. 2.30 P. M.- Sunday School. 7 p. m .-Evening Song. LOST LOST-In Bowrnanville, about latter part of December, a geid bar pin wlth arnetbyst stone in centre. Finder kinfi- ly leave at Mitchell's Drug Store and receive reward. 5-tf. ESTRAY-l3lack Collie Dog, blind la ene eye, strayed froin lot 17, B. F. Dar- lington. Kindly phono Blake Short, 188- r31, Bowrnanvilie R. R. 2. 6-1 IFinal Reduction of Prices Before Taking Stock Another grand opportunity to make substantial sav- ings on every-day needs. The stock in these adver- tised lunes is limited, so we advise early shopping to avoid possil.ility of disappointment. THESE PRICES'ARE ONLY GOOD TILL FEB. 1ST.' CHILDREN'S WOOLEN SUITS Girls' ancd Boys' Woolen Suits with Overalis, Pull- over and Cap to match, in white, saxe, buif, rose, mode and navy only, To Clear at $2.98 SPECIAL VALUE IN CORSETS Another week oniy, $3.0O, exceptional value in corsets, special for this, D. & A make, in ail sizes, regular $2.7'5 and To Clear While They Last at $1.59 pair MORE BARGAINS IN TOWELS A speciai line of large white Bath Toweis, to clear 98c, smailer size, same quaiity 45c each. Another shipment of that Tea Toweliing of exception- ai quality, To Clear at 23e yard FLANNEL AND FLANNELETTE Four only, pieces of fine white Shaker Flannel, extra quality, good weight, To Clear at 35e yard 12 oniy, pieces of Stripped Engiish Twill Fiannelette, fine quaiity, can't be beaten for serviceabie wear at 23c yd FASHIONABLE WAISTS The balance of our fashionabie waists which have been divided into two prices, To Clear at $2.49 and $4.95 The- balance of our Housedresses in many different attractive patterns, in any size you may require, from 16 to 23 are clearÎng at One Third Off. This îs8 your chance to get a Housedress cheap. 100 oniy pairs of Ladies' Black French Kid Gloves, extra quality, in vogue again, To Clear at $1-93 pair S.W.mason&2CLSon.. Phono 106 Ladièe' Ready-to-Wear and Dry Goods Bowinanville Fl -~ 1 1 ARTICLES FOR SALE COWS' FOR SALE-Some good young Egostein Mleh Cows, some just about to renew. Apply to Frank B. Rundie, Rt. R. 2, Bowmanville, or phone 176-r 21 4-tf FOR SALE-Gentleman's Dress Suit at a great bargain, only worn twice, size about 36. Owner has grewn toO large for it. For particulars apily at Statesman Office. FOR SALE-A good auto seat top bug- gy and carrnage harness. have ne further use for them. Wil seil reasonable. phone l83r31. Mrs. Margaret Burke, Bowmanville. 6-2* FOR SALE-Several pure bred York- sbire Sows due from tat of March to let of April; also cerne hog pigs 4 menths old. Apply te Wm. Hays, lot 20, con. 2, Clarke, 2 miles east of Newcastle. 6-tf 1* TO LEI' TO L ET-House conhaining 8 rooms, waterworks and batbroem. Âpply te R. R. Stevens, R. R. 3, Bowmanvllle, phone 175-rS, 6-tf Geod 6-roem frame bouse on Concess-, ion St., Bowmanville, good cellar, sof t and hard water, good garden with a number of fruit trees and current bush- es. Apply te E. F. Weatherlît, Concess- ion St., East, Flowmianville. Phone 345. 4-tf. HOUSE TO RENT-Furnishefi, large1 substantial red brick, good locality. good cellar, furnace and cookstove, eectric ligbts, part can be shut off from heat If desired by couple or small famlly. Renter must guarantee cleanlIness and cars. Fer terms appl3' te box H. H. or Phone 58. MARRIAGES RAHM-SMITH-At the, Parsonage, Tyrone, on Saturday, Feb. 4, by Rev. W. T. Wickett, Cecil Edward Rahm, B3urke- ton , and Miss Helena May Smith of En- niskillen. LANGMAID-FOUND-At Oshawa, Januarv 28, by Rev. EU T. Cotten, Stela May, second daugbter of Mn. George Pound, Ceurtice, and Gordon Roy Lang- maid, Oshawa. RHAM-FOWLER-At Methodist Par- sonage, Whitby, ThursdOy, January 26 by Rev. F. H. Howard, Maudy Fowler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Fowler,, and Robert Rhs&am, both of Darlington Township. DEATHS CASWELL-In Clarke, Feb. 6, Margar- et Casweli, aged 62 y.ars. GIBSON-In Clarke, Feb. 6, James Gib- son, aged 85 years and 7 menths. FORDER-At Blackstock, January 27, John Forder, aged 67 year., 6 months, 14 dayo. NEWSOME-At Cambray, January 30, Rebecca White, relict of the late Law- rence Newsome, aged 88 years. ALLEWELL-At Cannington, J&nuaryl 24, Emma Jane George, beloved wif c of William Aliewell, aged 53 years. BATES-At Port Perry, January 29th., Selina Ann Ladbrook, beloved wife of Rev. Thos. H. Bates, aged 61 years. HORTOP-In Broeklin, Feb. 6, Joseph Nicholson Hortop, dearly belevefi bus- band of Frances Hortop, in bis Gth year. HOLLIDAY-At the home of bis uncle, T. M. Gourlay, Whitby, January 28th., Malcolm Douglas, infant son of Mr. W. J. Helliday of Broeklin., ELFORD-At Henry, Soutb Dakota] January 27, Cornelius Elferd, aged 71j years. Nephew ef Mrs. Jane Allun, Centre-st., Bowmanville. GORDON-At ber home, 41 St. Clair ave., east, Toronto, on Februàry 6tb, Agnes Buns, widow of tbe late John Hamilton Gordon, and daughter of the late Gavin Burns of Osbawa.1 wRIGHT-On Wedtiesday, February 1, at bis residence, Newcastle, John Joseph Wright, fermerly of Niagara-on-the- Lake and .Toronto, in bis 75th year. In- terred in Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Tor- onto.1 ASHTON-At the residence of ber son-, în-law, Mn. Thos. McGiII, near Ennis- killen, on Saturday, February 4th., Mary Elizabeth Greenaway, widow of the late Thomas Ashton, Haydon, aged 82 years, 7 months. DOBSON-At the residence of ber daughter, Mrm. Reilly LaTrace, near Port Huron, Mich., January 27, Sarah Ann Williams, w1dow of the late George Dob- son, ln ber 81st year. Sister of the latei W. H. Williams, Liberty-st., Bowznan- rille. 1 mHOUS WANTED HUE WANTED-6 or 7 roomed modem bhouse, or unfurnished flat. Ap- ply Thomson Knitting Co., Bewmanville. WANTED-A Gentleman or Lady re- presentatve in Bowmanville te handie Watkins' Products. Ail or spare tures. Fine opportun ity. Write for f ull par- ticulars. The J. Ri. Watkinis' Company, Dept. H7, Hamilton, Ontario. 5-4 WANTEO-Reliable woxnan to worlt for an elderly lady living alone, ail mod- ern conveniences, ne washing or îrening; good wages; t ego out of town. Expen- ses paid. Apply te C. A. Drawer B, Bowrnanvilie. 6-1w* L PROPERTY FOR SALE FOR SALE-Bri'ck residence, 7 rooms, and one acre of land, with fruit trees, at Nursery Corner. Apply te W. B. *Plnch, Division-st., Bowmanville. 5-tf FA RM FOR SA LE-100 acre farin at Purple Hill, Cartwright township, near scbool and cburch, about 4 miles frein Burketon. Price $3500. Apply te Bruce Honeywell, 60 Duke-st., Toronto, or phone 194-r2, Bowmanville. 52-tf FARM FOR SALE-W. R. Clemens' Lfarin, located Tyrone, Ontario, 154 acres; 20 acres young orchard; faîl work done; faîl wbeat sown. Possession at once. Ajply Bruce Honeywell, 60 Duke-st., Tor- ente, or phono 194-r2, Bowmanville. 52-tf