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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Feb 1922, p. 8

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CANADIAN GIRLS' CONFERENCE Ladies' Silk and Serge Dresses, one Lade'adGrs wae ot third off regular prices at Couch,~ cleariga n-hr f eua In connection with the Conference 'T u'rIg"A~L-I4,'*Johnston & Cryderman's. 2-t priceatoeh ouon&rye- for Girls and Leaders to be held here A D _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ mr'.2 ýon February 17, 18 and 19, thereare two interesting contests now open. 1. For the be'st Poster depicting THU-RSDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1922 e" A any phase or phases of Canadian GCrl in Traininig work 'two prizes are ________________________________________________COA An thr.a _______~~C -ï L L- _ 7w j __ ___ ________ ____ ALERE AR ICM,4AL C.M Graduate of Trinity University, also ýof Royal College Physicians, Edin'- Fburg. Specialty-Diseases of wom- -en and children. Office-Parker's ABloIc, Newcastle. 3. A. BUTLER, M. D., C. M. 'Hlonor graduate of Trinity University,, ýFellow of Trinity Medical College. 'Licentiate of the State University of :New York, Matriculate of the Post- 'Graduate Medical Sehool and Hos- pital of New York and Fellow of the 'Toronto Academy of Medicine. Office -Mrs. McNaughton'à Residence, Newcastle. Hours-8g to 10 a. m., 1 to 3 p. m., and by appointment. MAIL CONTRACT SEALED TENDERS, addressed to the Postmaster General, will be received at Ottawa until noon, on Friday, the 3rd March 1922, for the conveyance of His Majesty's Mails, on a proposed Contract for -lour years, six times per week on the route NkEWCASTLE RURAL ROUTE NO. 2 from the Ist of April next. Printed notices containing further in- formation as to conditions of proposed Contract may be seen and blank forms of Tender may be obtained at the Post Office at Newcastle. and at the office of the Post Office Inispector, Toronto. A. Sutherland, Pest Office Inspector. Pest Office Inspector's Office, Toronto, Jan. 18, 1922. 4-3 Pari sian Iligh Class Tai lor f orm erly of Bowmanville 110w at 207 COLLEGE ST', TORONTO Will be pleased to continue and accept orders for --Ladies' ýor Gent' -Garments, also dyeing, through Our Bowmanville agent, Mr. G. N. Thurston, who bas our samples. O0ur usual first class fit and workmanship will be guaranteed and will be personally looked after by myseif. Louis CoweII Phone College 3217 W Toronto interesting- anci -inspiring-semo jlseat onmeII UIC VV :i~.U vissrs uarx ý----fe--e-t 'iparepasi' aay ~~ ~Sc ozt ah-d-ïnderson elected-by popsu Ž-jt-51e ioran[TisV k we record the--leath -of-Mr. Per of Pr taer". Thbe chu wase by Counties Council. teir seats. Community- singing led resident of Tyrone, son of the late Pwer filedadtelaTge congreg an W. P. Rickard was again elected ', Mrs. Frank Braenton was much en- Archibald Bingham and Agnes Mc- wen hoe eelngthebeterfo Chairman of the Board and H. R. 3oyed and a pleasant and profitable Ilveen Bingham who was born in havng boeetere.ngPetreeVic-Charman.ror eveninig was brought to a close by aLAsmtoQuebec,, nearly 88 PeaJ.Sce-tt Mntgmryws a-unique "Flower Story" which was L'ssoiton Dr. Elibeth Ktey nd Nusep.ntdSctarot easmery at $40 - erpreted byr Mrs. C. J. Tlancock. years ago-, and came to this part of Dr.MElizabeth her sy dnd NurGeo$g0'Ontario when a lad of ten years of Howy av cmpetd her xa- oite Scrtay-resuèrat Mr, . R ihradMs ereage.lHe was one of a faniiy-of -four lloeyhav cmpete teirexm-per annum. Jamieson were appointed a program osadfuiilsadwstels ination of the pupils of our school Following committees were ap- commsttee forgrs n a the nex meti and pronounce them a very bealthy pointed: g survivrtheing eein lot of children, being much above the Finance-Pearce, McCormack, which will ho bold on Friday, March b A embpeuiricdn ncn average la that respect. This is as Wright. 3rd, and you are cordially invitedý to Arte eu~ricdn ncn weexecedfo i i awel non PrpetyMofa, lake Morattend. nection with the Bingham and Mann fac thaetewcasr tleis awol neo the Allin. tClrk, ooefamilles was that three of one were facttha Necasle s oe oftheAlln. 1 .'united in inarriage to three of the healthiost towns in Canada. Visiting-Feniiing, Anderson and CLARKE AGRICULTURAL other family. Thomas Bingham Talking about price deflation the Wright.' SOCIETY married Elizabeth Mann, Gilbert other day our esteemed friend John Prize-Rickard, McCormack. Bingham marriod Mary Mann and Allin oxprossed himself very em- Montbly meetings will bo beld first' Officers Elected for 1922. Thomas Mann married Margaret phatically and backed up his argu- Mpnday of each month at 8 p. m. Bingbam. meats by saying that hie had a pair of* Acounts were passed as follows:1 At the annual meeting recently of Mr. Gilbert Bingham's wlfe pre- good dr4ft horses for sale and when Fred Graham, coal......... $99.841Clarke Townsbip Agricultural So- deceased hlm about 47 years, loav- the buyer came along hie cooly offer- Toronto Globe, advtg. ......4.00 ciety these officers were electod: ing hlm with the care of bis family od $50.00 each for them. Needless Request of Rev. J. E. Fenning President-iC. A. Chapman, Orono. wbo roceived from bis bands and to say John was thoroly disgusted and that county grant of $50 re cadet lst Vice-President-F. B. Love- heart an oducation whicb. they after- stili owns the horsos. corps be paid to him as cadet master kmn, Newcastle. iwards bonored in life and character. 1was, held over tilI noxt meeting. 2nd Vice-President--H. J. Seuch, GletBnhmwsamnwo Maple Leaf Trio-Mr. and Mrs. iMessrs. Carke and Pearce were 0rono.GletBnhmwsamnwo Walte Bats, Msicins, nd apointed delegates to attend annual Se'y.-Treas.-Adolph Henry, Or-eeroewokwhmlodaod Miller, Elocutionist,, will appearMin 5 convention of Ontario Scbool Trus- neighbor and staunch friend. Some Mtbodist _Sunday School Room, tees Association. Drotos.FAliGCan . twenty-seven years ago bie went to ]i'esdyFebuay 2st Thso It was decided to advertiso in The j. StuttC .PwrW .Mf the United States and made bis home who heard this popular trio a year Independent for a truant officer 1t fat, W. F. Rickard, W. E. Archer, with bisondaughter(Ete), Ms.J.w., ago are again looking forward to a salary of $15 per year.1 ThosPatrsn Rev. J. . Re McPht esn, arsat owng towav real genuine feast of music and liter- J. E. Matcbett declining to act Rev.* A. Edmison, F. Blackblurn,abute yorltrgogtolv ary talent. Resorved seats 50C. on the Board the Secretary was in- Wm. Neal, A. N. Robbins. Dr. W. F. with bis daughter (Ida), Mrs. John Plan at Britton's Grocery Store, Feb. structe dto advise tbe Council ac-MEryA.J abnG Mi- Bell of Des Moines, Iowa. 1 3th. . 6-2 codinycelr, . . amln, GiaoMit- Last Tbanksgiving lhe weat on a Mr. George Reid one of our "old Principal Bradley of Public Sehool elTT.CamnF.ricob visit to Marshalltown, and about ten timrs"drfte ino ownon atr- asauthorized to purchase map of Lady Directors-Mrs. C. A. Chap- days provious to his death he tooka day last, and bis numerous friends; Europe. ma1r.S utlMs .A cold which later developed into hee ee uc ese o see his Averago attendance for January Rolph, Mrs.- C. L. Powers, Mrs. pneumorna from wbîch ho passed "4genial smile". George is one that at Public School: Senior 40, Inter- Aop erMs .R opr wyo audy Jnay2,i has "made good" in the great west mediate 29, Junior 34. Mrs. R. Il. Brown, Mrs. C. B. Sis- bis 88th year. an d 15 10w farming a fine 320 acre Fees paid: -Mrs. Geo. Robinson sons, Mrs. 0. . Rlph Miss Winnie A service was conducted at Mr. farm in Saskatchewan. Hie informs $12, Walter Couch $2. Staples, Mrs. N. Rickard. , M cPherson's bome by Rev. A. B. us that bie bas so far escaped ail the After the adjournment the Wil- Hon. Directors-W. J. Brag .Lae fe hc h ean entanglements of matrimony but we mol, Modal for Goneral Efficiency and P. P., F. W. Bowen, M. P., W. . wermeroughtte ow manvithe le for think it would be wise for some Prof. John Squair prize for French Maber, G. H. Linton. e bogtt Bwmnil fr mothers to keep a watcbful oye on wore pubhicly presented by Chairman AuvosW .Mfas il in therfiy po n omn "George" and bis winning smile. Rickard to Volney Moore and Mar- Soucb.vilCmtey ion Gray, respecttvely, wbo in repfly Society is again entering the Rev. D. W. Best, B. A., minister of Rev. S. G. MeCormack of the ProS- expresed their appreciation to the Standing Field Crop Competitions St. Paul's Cburch, conducted the ser- byterianChurcb, Messrs. John Bon- donors and the board. with Oats (Banner) and Corn. vice at the grave, Messrs. Chas. M. athan, Geo. Fenning and Harold Gib- Instructive addresses were also de- Delegates to Fairs Convention, Cawker, John N. Lawrie, J. A. Me- son of St. George's Sunday Scbool, livered by Reeve G. P. Rickard, Toronto-C. A. Cbapman, Geo. Mit- Clellan and C. Artbur Cawkor act- and Messsf Larry ,oso,-Erîc Pearce, Picnl MgtadBra -dley -and choîei a pfberes Volney Moore, Roy Branch and War- Rev. S. G. McCormack. Tbe Liter- Dates for 1922 Fair are September 0f a family of seven cbildren five ron Davidson of the Methodist Sun- ary Society also contributed to tbe 28 and 29. survive, Mrs. J. I. Bell, DesMoines, day Scbool attended tbe recent enterfainment4' Iowa; Mrs. J. W. McPherson, Mar- Leaders' and Older Boys' Confer- Fuller rerit of presentation and I EOIM shalltowa, Ta; Mr. John Bingbam, once beld in Cobourg from1 January addresses will appear noxt week. MMRA. Port Arthur; Mr. Thos. Bingbam and 27tb to 30tb. Tbe conference was______ COWAN-In loving memory of Alfred Mrs. V. G. Palmer, Chicago, fI., the a great success and proved very bolp- îrwin Cowan. Died Feb. î4th. 1919. tbree former boing presont ati the fuI to the more than 400 delegates We littie thought his time so short funeral. wbo attendod. Tbe first reports will Furs below cost at Coucb, John- rn, this world to romain, ho givon by two of the Metbodist stor, & Cryderman's. 2-t That night. whon from his home he went, Among the relatives acompanying S. . dlegtesat he loe o th Prabyerin ookof raie. oodHewould nover return again. the romains to Bowinanville were Mr. S. S.eathedtes te hhmclnsewof te rrgsvoaand Mrs. John T. Bell; Mrs. Archie rezular session next Sunday after- assorment of bindings and prices, at 7e s al ho careful while wo lve; Bingbam, Toronto, Mrs. Geo. A. r'oon. February 12. to ho followed tbp, "Bim 20"1 Bookstore, Bowman- iraere In timeke ne day; Watts and Miss Belle Bingbam, Ham- by others on succeeding Sundays. ville. W. T. Allen. 5-t Father, Mother, Sisters and Brothers. ilton. You have the satisfaction 'of knowing it is good bread made right here in the village. H.S. BRITTO"e«"N Baker & Grocer Newcastle IS THE TIME TO BRING YOUR CAR IN TO MY GARAGE AND HAVE IT COMPLETELY OVER- HAIJLED. TUIE NEWCASTLE GARAGE -E. C. HOAR, PROPRIETOR Royal Purpie Stock and Poultry Speciftic Oyster Sheil and Grit, 13 lbs for .............25c ..... i.................................. $1.75 Royal Purpie Calf Meal, 25 lbs. .............. $1.25 Linseed Meal, Epsom SaIts, Laying Meal, Ground Bo'ne Crenoid Disinfectant, gallon ...................95C H. C. BONATHANý Phone 3722 Newcrastle

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