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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Feb 1922, p. 3

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- wv ~ ~___BOWMANVILLE, FEB. 16th., 1921 BRIGHT DURHAM COUNTY GIRL i- i ' 1Rl iIlQ- 47 Dundonald Street, Toronto, I u An Li I N./'ki~ LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Da Febraury 4, 1922. DerEditor,-ln common with Now it's Lindsay that-wants the your readers everywhere, 1 read ai- lbT l rovincial Plowing Match. ways with much pleasure your inter- v rop In urice A t C~a1'v ers 'W. F. Niekie was elected in King- esting notes regarding the success o~f L ~ ER ston by-election, majority 615. Durham boys who left the good old Ü"W EI -Owing to the increase in postage county, and have won high honors for rates ail subscriptions to this journal themselves and credit for their early FO If you are looking to buy the best groceries at the must be paid in advance. homeland. F R i L lowest prices this list will interest you: Al. dMcLean 1says~ 61 boys from 1 take the liberty of suggesting Linsaywer kiledinthe war. $12,- that Durham girls who have achieved à%d' - Pur Alme Jm,4 ls............... 000 skdor war memorial. marked success deserve appreciative Pur AymerJa , 4lib .................................... OC Some observers hold to the theory notices in the Durham papers, too; Canned Peas, per tin ....................................... 15e that the sleeping sickness had its and have great pleasure in directing Aylmer Corn, 2 for......................................... 25e origin in a store that did net ad- the attention of the people of 'Dur- vertise.hamnto the deservedly high rank of and so reasonably priced, New Pruines, tender and meaty, lb ...............vert..se.5 Miss Rachel Copeland, daughter of John Hunter, lot 7, con. 9, Cavan, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Copeland, 160 too. Peanut Butter in bulk, lb ..................................25c has sold bis farm 'of 150 acres, one Spadina Rd, Toronto, a Durham girl FnyBiscuits, 6 varieties, lb......... ...1 7c of the' best in the Township, price as a violinist. After a long and Large G ......................... ............................25 ten thousand dollars.creutaingn ndandfr Dlv ed fsh fm rape Fruit, 3 for"***»*' -****2 In Bowmanville those bard work- some years under some of the best eird fes fom Tiger Catsup, large bottle ..................................2()C ed citizens we caîl councillors would teachers in Europe, she is to-day re- ou geehu stoy r Lobstr, 1_glbtins onl .............. b refrredte as "Alderman" in cognized as a performer on her orgenosstiyu Lobte,......in,.nl......................30C Lindsay. Tony out in that country favorite instrument of remarkable Marrowfat Peas for cooking,, 2 ias ..................25c burg, eh? ability, and of great promise. home. White Beans, handpicked, 4 lbs .....................25C W are told that the back of the Organizations in Durham and other witris broken. We can't say that near-by districts that wish te give Pork & Bean "Dove" Brand, in Sauce 2s .............15C we have noticed this but we can a concert of the highest character au thoratively say that the back of would, I arn sure, be enraptured by s our coal bin i broken.-Newmarketth enchanting cfÈis.Cpe J. ~ Jackman & Sons More Dargains In iviatExrs.ln.uieoMn p- The death occurred at the Home The 1f act that she was born in East Florists and Growêrs Watch our windows for more extra specials this for the Aged last week of Mrs. Ma- Durham should make Millbrook and in hocebee. t illbewel wrt yurtrîcia Harrison, aged 81 years, who Port Hope peopleproud, and if the PhoneO 80 Bowmanville Saturday i hiebe. I ilb elwrhyu had been at the home for the past people of West liurham hear Iffr while.tea years. Deceased was a former play, they wiIl be preud te recognize resident of Orono. her as one of>their'own, too.- H-omne Rendered Lard, per lb. 15c; Home Rendered Editor E. A. Harris of the Gazette, Lest some one might possibly mis- Burlington, has been elected Warden understaad, un justice, te Miss Cope- Shortening, per lb. 10e (not more than 2 lbs. to a custom- of H-alton. Ia 1920 Editor A. S- land I wish te state that neither she er.) Forester, Oakville Star, had the hon- nor anyone on her behalf auggested or and twelve years ago it fell te that 1 should write te Yeu. Editor R. D. Warren, Georgetown James L. Hughes. C. C'~I7V"D &Herald. M .ie ti A YW E ÏRSO N Supreme Lodge of Sons of ,Eng- Editor's Note-We heartily en- land has appointed in thjs part of the dorse every thought expressed in Dr. BUTCHERS and GROCERS BOWMAN VILLE Province these District Deputy Grand Hughes' welcome letter, for we have Presidents: Durham East-Waltr enjoyed1 the pleasure more than once Millson, Clarke, P. 0.; Durham West of hearing Miss Copeland playhe __________________________________________-Edmund Tl4ackray, Newcastle; violin. Yes, Durham bas eve;; South Ontario-J. T. King, 239 reason te be proud of Miss Cope- Burke St., Oshawa. land's achievement as a musician.i Bay of Quinte Methodist Confer- tn e% ence will meet at Ontario Ladies' College, Whitby, on June 2th. Full conference on June 2lst, the fourth Notice To Creditors T e Cer G o e yWhitby. Prograntconmittee met I THE mA7TR F the estatP <of MONUMENTAL ART WORKS at ellvile rcenly ndarranged a Erastus J. Burk, late of the towrish!P 1 ETBIHD15 provisional program. of Darlingtofl' ini the County of Dur- IiABiE 15 Mr W T . retoan lttr farmer, deceased. ipre ieto V...-,4r.1W. T R. Preton in .etter NOTICE is hereby given that al per- Ipre ietc xiveIyLLlng fresii, clean aflu up-to-uaLe. te Port Hope Guide protests against sons having claims against the estateAN SWD importation and use of Chînese eggs o Erastus J. Burk, who died on or about SCOTCHAN WD Groe i Caada diulgng ondtios uderthe 24th day of August, A. D., 1921, are GRANITES in arensure whîch eggs repound iins dr equired to send by post Prepaid or de- Ifyugti tTeCre rcr you aesr he gsaepoue nCia liver-to the undersigned agent for Mar- and onlytebs rdso These egga should be stamped "Chia- garet Grace Burk, Florence Gertrude I h etGae ?J of atsfctin-ha i th kynteof urevr- ese" and should net be mixed with Burk and Roand Fitzgerald, the execu-à VERMONT BLUE MARBLE the anaianprOdUCt. on or before the first day of March, A. D. 1 employ ne cemeterY-caretakers41 increasing business. A man dashed dowa the corridor 12,ta rCrtanadsrae n as agents preferrlng te senl xy owniJ:' of aslepin ca calin ou: "as ddresses and full particulars in writiflg goods thus saving the Purchaser of a slepin carcallng ut: Hasof their claims and statements of their anyone aay whiskey? A lady has accounts and the nature of the security, the agent's commission. A Cali For choice butter and fresh laid eggs we satisfy fainted in the next car". A flask if any, held by them. solïcited. was handed te him. He took a lib- AND TAXE NOTICE that after the mostdrik, rtured he faskandfirst day of 1March, A. D. 1922, the said the mot areuar c+fVfl'Ur eral exec eune h fakan ,utors will proceed te distribute the F. H. BOUNSALL then said calmly: "It always upgets assets of the said deceased amioag the Proprietor. Bowmanvllle. me te see a lady faint". parties entitled thereto, having regard Phone 326W only to the dlaims of whjch notice shallBx9 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Carr, Ce- then bave been handed in te the said bourg, celebrated the 5th anniver- agent. B H A R R Y A LLINsary cf their marriage. February DATED at Bowmanvilie, this 28th day 6, 1872, Miss Mary Nichols aad o au Ey .DIT . 192.OBELILl PHONE 186 BOWMAN VILLE SehnCr eeuie nmr Box 308, Bowmanville, Ontario. mage by Rev. Wm. Biggs ef Method- Agent for the above named executors ist Church. The bridesmaid was of the estate of the will of Erastus J. Miss Margaret Johnstoa and the Burk, deceased. - groomsman was Mr. Samuel Nichols. Fieads presented an address and rsuitable presents. Mr. nad Mrs M A. James, old frienda and neighbor; Notice To Creditors join in the goed wishes extended. INTE Pre-stocktaking sale now in ful I u MATTER 0F the estate of t S A U Gv"'oeH TER 'UL-% S A L E sigwt aydsrbebr William Hlutchinson, late of the township swin wih may dsirble argînsof Darlington, in the County of Durham, at Couch, Jehasten & Cryderrnan's. farmer, deceased. 0F shaa Rforer ays OntheOc-NOTICE is hereby given that ail per- OF Ohaw Refrme say: O theoc-sons having dlaims against the estate casion of the twentieth annivel'sary of William Hutchinson, who died on or AUR~~W~~W~ W~ of their wedding Mondayev ang bout the l4th day of January, A. D. 1922, -'. m IL arerequired to send by post prepaid or M R AFeb. 6, Mn. and Mrs. A. F. Cox, 13 dlvrt the undersigned agent for LA L-rElgin Street East, were givea a pleas- Leah Maud Iloney and Melvin J. H. ant surprise when a large number of Hutchinson. the executors of the ast will thei frend andreltivs, ieluingof the sp.id deceased. on or before the lst thei frend andreltivs, icluingday of March, A. 1). 1922, their Christ- I Being overstocked with Marmalade we are about twenty £rom Bawinanville, vis- ian and surnaires and addresses and full ited their home. The gathering Particulars'lu writing of their cliains and '" numbered about ninety and the evea.:' tatements of their accounts and the cleaingoutourentre toc ating was passed ia dancing. Mr. Cox's ntr of the security, if any, held by .' orchestra furnishing the music. A AND TAXE NOTICE that after the Less Than Haif-Price pleasant feature of the event was first day of March, A. D. 192_2 the sad the presentation t Mr. and Mrs. Cox executors wil Proceed to distribute the teassets of the said deceased amnong the'V a token of their best wishes for many only to the claims of which notice shahl Don' go o th troble nd xpene ofmak- ofsme hndsme Lmoge dises a ptieen titebed thneohin regr ing marmalade this season when you can buy at years of happiness and pnespenity. aen. h enhaddi ethe si Mns. T. A. Chadburn read an approp- DATED at Bowmanville, this 28th day thes priés.iate address while Mr. William Cox of January, A. D. 1922. made the presentatien. Dainty re- Edlth V. Scobeil,j SEE UR W NDO DISLAYfreshments were served which cern- Box 308, Bowmanville, Ontaio. S EEOUR'WIN OW ISPAY pete a ost njoabl eveing 0Agent for the above named executors pletd a ostenjoableeveing.of he estate of the will of WIlainHut- Among those from out of town were chidison, deceased. 5-3 Mrs. J. Glanville, Mrs. Delmage, Miss I E. MeReynolds, Miss Doris Wither -__________________ AROHC«rl-IE TAITIn ideg, Mr. and Mrs. Nerman Pingle, Mr. and Mrs. W MeReynolds,, Mr. c PHONE 65 PROMPT DELIVERY BOWMANVILLE adMs .H ihrsadsn I This organization Mn. and Mrs. Thickaon, Mr. andil E ecticL1ad. wrl.1t1rc DI Secretary-Treasu rr--R. J. Smnith~ V~ ~ffrl IDEnniskillen. fuh> qr,. isj' ~ ~ea~ AAnÏ'lillq.ui A.. ('n rmmhaI III Directrs-Lewis Allia, Hampton, sn ls o o.I sai a a~ M eICleIIuI&I Co.,L miUt Dr. J. A. Butler, Newcastle, F. J. Write o for hndbooc. ]Kiug St. East Bmnil Stirret, Port Hope, Geo. Lansin, P.MCINTOSH.ý,CHI EF 'Rn1Ncjp L OL 410 hone 15 Hous Phone&228, 24, 218 Recommendation fer Bee inspect-& W I S M CE 228, 24, 218 ors: R. J. -Smith, Ernnsk-.7len, end ~~ Hlector Inch, Port Hope. R N O 10K_ OUT Watch Our Windows AFor Extra Specials This Week' G..A. Edmiondstone One door east of F. F. Morris Co. Phone 21 BoWmanville If you want Quality I have it. If you want Style I have it. If you are looking for something smart foi cail on the opea dShoe kSi *OWMANVILLE r Spring ONTARIO a is the most famous dance orchestra in the ords have introduced a new element iato They make records exclusively for : .aser, 0 s victor 18744 Underneath Hawaîian Skies-Fox Trot Sip Sip Sippy Shore-Fox Trot 18818 Second Hand Rose--Fox Trot . 1Have You, Forgotten-Fox Trot 18825 Weep No More, My Mammy-Fox Trot April Showers-,Fox Trot 18826, Everybody Step-Fox Trot Ka-Lu-A-Blue Danube Blues-FoxTrot 18778 Learn to Smle-Fox Trot Oh Me!,Oh My!-Medley Fox Trot on XW-inch doubIe-sided records, 85é., you the complet e set? Ask te hefflangof thetse aletiu plied on the Vi ctrola BerUner Crmophn ompany, Lirmited, Montreal ,)-Fox Trot ýy Fox Trot Trot ý-Fox Trot Fox Trot ,t .1 ~1 rn

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