~wt £1 Vol. L.2X'VIII. M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, FEBRUARY 23, 1922. $2.00 a Year, In Advance 5c a Copy.No8 g. Ii BEST VALUES 0F THE YEAR now await you during our February Sale of present day requirements in clothing and other apparel for men'and women. Greater Bargains Than Ever On Mardi lst we take stock and until that date greater bargains than ever wilhie given in the following goods: Furs Regardless 0f Cost Every fur piece now in stock has been marked down to clear regardless of original cost. Ladies' Dresses And Blouses Ladies Who are looking for real genuine bargains in fashionable Dresses or Blouses, here is an opportunity that you cannot overlook, Ladies' Coats Now $10 Only a f ew left, but they must al est of these coats were priced at $25. for> only $1 0.00. go. The cheap- Your choice now Another Worth-While Saving Ratlher than carry over any Knitted Goods we are sacrificinig Sweaters Scarfs, Gloves, etc., at wonderful values. Melle's Overcoats And Suits Men, don't think of buying a suit or an overcoat un- tii you have first inspected our goods at reduced prices. Couch, iohntstonr & Cryderman. Bowmaniville Phone 104 LimItea J,. HOW ABOUT THAT NEW SPRINGa SUIT?0 This is an invitation to every man who reads this advertisement to visit our store at the earliest opportunity and inspeet the new 1922 Spring Models In Suits We are making a specialty in made-to-measure suits in fancy worsteds and grays, herring bone blues and botariy serges. Latest models in single breasted straight front sack coats, 1 or 2 buttons. Made of genuine cloth like you had before the war-and prices are haîf what they were a year ago. NOW $25.00 TO $45.00 FIT GUARANTEED-BEST 0OF TRIMMINGýS TAILORED BY RELIABLE PEOPLE W.H COLE, Outfitter for Men, Young Men an~d Boys Opposite Bank of Montreal Bowmanville ITIZENS GATHERED AROUND wbile the great moguls of the town con- TEEN GIRLS' CONFERENCE, erre. Being alive te the Poss bilities THE FIRE PLACE fof rsuri- an industry as I was developing, they quickly got to the root of the matter Community Spirit of Bowmanville nnuaî Meeting of Chamber of andi madle a reai proposition to me. in- aied s.ead of placing a, block of Our stock bere, _________ Commerce HeId at Bungalow. the whole undertaking was investigatefi iinf taken up, lock, stock and barrel. 1 Work for the 'teen-age girls of Aodb mor mie asebengaf tze hnsNow liere xve are, emiploying 115 people; South Durham, shculd rertainly take reud bead te assmoe men thntcu-50 cf whom 1 brouglit from Toronto, 10 eastis edan ify rmoe e woattended others from ou-Lside points bave been grea tie forward after the spien- he annofil meetng cf Bowmanville since afided, besicles g ving employment did conference held here last Friday, iamber of Commerce at the Bungalow te 55 local people. Forty-five cf the local S'aturday and Sunday. 198 girls and iday evening. There were manufact- eînployees bave become skilled hosieryleetig heA lcas ors, mechanics, merchants, clerks, operaters and the others are as yet, con- laders represnigteA lca, octors, farmers, ministers, laborers, law- siclerefi apprentices. Baptists, Methodists, Presbyterians, ma, the id icenempwoeil fianciers, The weekly payroll cf the Company is and Church of Christ of 21 places in iud the rrdgetryplae inai gthrefi in the ne.ghboriood cf $1500.00 and 'is South Durham gathered here te study undfielare ireplae i a inormi eing gradually increaaed. The output the Canadian Girls in Training pro- laner. bacs been developed se fiat now you may nefore the meeting was calied to order say chat che Thomson Kuktting Conmpany gram, and learn how they could best hat veteran of local musicians, Davidi is in normal product'on, behind witi or- take advantage of the oppertunities rrrison, with bis augmentefi orchestra fiers and witlî the future well beoked uP- fer work it offers te the crganized ntributcd severai poptilar numbers Ten familles have been lecatef i n Bw- hich brought forth well deservefi ap- manville, some of whicb have purchaseci Sunday School class. luse. bouses, otiers bave soifi their former A'h pnn etn nFia Mfr. A. M. Hardy wbo occupiefi the bomnes aud are tenants centempîating A h pnn etn nFia bair revicwed briefly the hîstory cf the owuersbîp soon. evèning in the Methodîist Church, hamber of Commerce and made fitting 4erence ta the less the organization hafi Unjust Criticism Miss McKowan, President of the istained during the year by the remev- Uniust criticism bas been hurlefi at our Girls' Work Board, presided; but on fromtew ofGco L.Hal, Pesientfeinale workers. That kinfi of fiamaging Saturday the girls elected their own 1 rm fi ilr Steens.Hall,-President, moral bearsay can only come frem a dfi-efcrs 'Ms Hln M- th failloyalev nficonPsientuseased braid. We try ce eliminate every Of escnosng Ms ee e îrkers. Mr. Haryaladitheojctofs atom of falseboofi by direct action. These Gregor as President and Miss Ruth ,s. eetng a erdy iv te suggetos very girls that you see so fuillcf action Grigg as Secretary for the Confer- ths etinws tereby thsggbtonrsiare always keen tedo their share in ailo h eaiigssin ght e c istncwerfor tisbottrmentcommunlty organizatiens anSf- weifarc ence. Frtermiigssin igte ofmusitanfc eifcr for tebtemn work. 1 might say chat thirfy-four cf Of the'conference these officers pre- C te cmmuityandtoelet oficrs orour employees are participat ng in the ieasstdbMss cKwn isuînig year. Girls' Work Boardi banquet temerrew.sieasstdb Mss coan fiefore the secretary's report was reafi They work just as they support ticir Miss Gemmeli and Miss Thomas, mig sheets wcre flistributefi and cern- fellow workers, keen, alîve andf vigor-NainlSc knity singing was. influlgefi in during eus, a credit te any cemmunity, and vvbat NtoaSretaries of Girls' Work lecvcning led by Bowmanvîlie's ever is more, thcy bolfi an unshakcn faiti in fer the Presbyterian and Methodist :pular singers, Messrs. H. J. Knlght, R. their works. churches, respectively, and Miss Tag- 7Mitchell, Ge. E. Chase, C. S. Hall- 0oef your merchants saifi te me the gart, Provincial gSecretary of the in, and, T. S. Holgafe with Dave R. e her day that it was a lucky day fiat orrison at the piano. te e eo h hg alw fGi ris' Werk Borgaetlsoth aretary Mason's Report tbymtm ntcig edwSt fer aetl t h here. 1 have given every ounce cf en- Cenference as a whole; but for thel Mir. Chas. H. Mason, thc indefatigable ergy 1 possess te get the Tbomson Knit- greater part of the time the delegatesI cretary, was on the job with ail kinfis ting Company over the top sud when te pep andi rend is annual report frem cimes come that you neefi îeîp, I pray wcre dividcd into greups--the girlsý îicb we make these exfracfs: that that samne stick- to-it-iveness fiat inte ten gireups, each representing an Icake pleasure lu submitting te you a permelates or industry wlill net be founfi organized Sunda y School class with )ort of the work of your Ciamber of wanting te belpi you put the next onethiledradofcseetdfr mmerrcefer the year 1921. over. ' their lonfern. Thcerslee for- Our iast annual meeting was afifressefi(.,Keynote cfTheCladersnity Mr Jh Eili o Blevll.Co-operaaon, eanescuiese and enter- ecd under instruction with Miss The first question of, mportance th1at prise, shouifi bc tlcak,,ynotu , f-thtO wîîole Thomas. Thus aîl hnd an eppur- lenwExecutive bai te deal with was .crjmtith. e i optimist sieut is tunity net enly te hear about, bumt connection with tic agreement be- achievemerîcs from the bouse tops tint cen tic Bowmanviile Feunfiry Co. and tic whun egs cf peesimists may be ever- actually te demonstrate for them- Ltown ne tic purchase cf fiat Facfery wielmefi. selves what the C. G. 1. T. programn lfiiug. Mr. Rehder put if before us There are many serious questions for really is. cft le wished te builfi ist summer while yeur Ciamber cf Commerce te debate scontract with tic tow'a flif net expire thus year. Induetry le ceming into its The spirit ef the conference was tii January lst., .1922, but was desireus own andi your organizaclen must bceoqulp- seen markedly in the devotional per- knowing juat where he steofi befere pefi te bandhe tic problem efflciently. in - iode with which each session epene. nmmencing eperations. formation muisc be ac.ailabie aud if for hswe alldbyM C sA T'he Exoi elefiscvIrl ïmeetings nie othet tesson, a body cif the best tal- Teewr byldb r.Ca.A cussing thiis proposition wh.!ich ultim- eut in, the town must be caliefi upon te Wight, Miss Fra'nces Cryderman, Mrs. ely was handefi on te tic Town Councîl cake ail tiese matters unfier advsement.Nomn icad ndMsDosM- i put te a vote cf tic people and pass- Small places have grown te ýe large Cormnnell. SolesssDors 1.Tic Exerufîve has at ail fimes en- sizefi cities tirougi the efforts et organ- Cnel oo were beautifullly ren- cvorefi te mnake itscîf cf tic beet use izefi go-getters. Let os icafi. Afiopt dered at the different sessions by tic town by working lu co-operation a slogan suri as "10,000 lu Five Years". Miss Mildred Souch of Hampton, bý tic Town Concil lu every way pos- Never say it rani boclone-because 1e, oy making suggestions te tiem, by go-getters neyer utter suri stafements Miss Gladys Westaway of Port Hope,, ng prepagaufia work wbici tiey lu et lîmîtefi action- 'if ONE ran't per- and Miss Evelyn Brent of Tyrone. er officiai ofFice are net !in a position haps TWO rau".Thsledr wewrenti fie. We muet, psy s compliment te Liowmanviàiles Adivantages Toelaeswowr o n ayrQuinn whc bas at ail fîmes worked lýowmanville isntlcy. Sed-carge of greups had sessions with Dsly with tic executive on ail quet- seorves everything suc goca. A. beauci- Misses Gemmell, Taggart and Thomasý s sud bas been at ail fime$ ready ta iully situateci cewn-s more desirable in which they studied the organixa- fid a baud or investigafe suggestions, place celive in does nec oxsz; abunfi- tien and carryiug eut of the C. G. During tfis timie Tic Chamber cf Comn- suce cf fresi air; a nover fallng supply trce securedfo fr the town tie uew lu- er puresc spring water, a magnîifie uc 1. T. program, în a very praculcali stry weii andi favorably known as Tic waceriug place on Lake On carie, splendi way. homson Kuiff- ng Ce. Mn. Wilson, the raîltea fi clities sud above ail, s live anager, wio will spcsk te us inter will oi'ganlat-ceofcf itizens wicî tie bit iii One cf the pîcasant surprises cf the f ouit ho silo te fteil you mere fuliy tlieir teecli, resdy te go wien tie drlvlug conference was a meat interesting at benefif fie Chamber cf Commerce ferce is provîded. s te iim. The socung oet fis inclus- Lot cari cf us here spread tic message and instructive story-telling heur on ygentlemen, ne fouit assistefi mater- tint Bowmanvlle 15 a rosi,ive pince. Saturday mereing under Miss Gem- ly lu psssiug tie Reider By-Law. Spread it fl Setters, lu conversation, lu mell's instruction. Miss Gemmeli hici at preAent gives fie fown the new action. Lef's mark fis town up iu b.g hsbe eerdt sa ai owmnnviile Foundny Buildugesuad tic lte rs on tie mapl, so tint evoryone bsbe eerdt sa"ai 4iff cd building cf tic Thomson Knitting chrougieut eur fair landi wiîî net number Story-teller" aud the termi well de- Dboti ocrupiefi by goofi live goiug if amoug chose sleepy cet cru towue se scribes hier. icens. muci epoken et sud se off en seen. You wii readily sec f hat witieuf come My organizaclon wll support ail piro- One cf the never-to-be-forgotten id cf an erganizatien outelde cf fie gressÎve mensures chat wli bring li- parts of the conference was the sup- wn Ceunicil some fraudulent enterprise modiste or future prcserity to f is towu. ould bc foistefi netfe town or scme D.stanrce no handicap. Day or nigît per on Saturday evening. The won- afi tiing aliowed f0 slip firough sud you have tic support of over Que Hue- derful way in which the combined Ssecurefi by anefier towu. tirefi Boosters, ready te serve tie Town cf forces cf the ladies cf the local ',nof ber Industry wiich we enficavorefi Bowmanviiie. comne te termis with, the Glass Duel- R. E. Wilson. churches had made a banqueting-hall ms, was tiorcughly investigated but Ceuncllor Gee. W. James spolce on tic of the lecture roem of St. Paul's, ulfi nef reme te terme witb îîcm as rommunity spirit urging a doQser co- wîth C. G. 1. T. posters on the walls iey requirefi a guarantee cf $25,000 operation and weldlng cf rifizene cf ail sud the local colors of blue and gold orfi cf stock andi a factory site cf 10 ciasses for fie general good ef tic town. ,es of landi whici te us difi net appear Tiohme f Commerce le a ciamberwrkd itth naoalC G.. ail.of citizenip' andi tic peesibililies are T. colors of blue and white into the A Ccmmunity Picuir was arrangefi ereaf if ail w.ll1 jump lu andi work wiclc seheme of decoration; the, splendid id carriefi ouf on Auguef 1sf wiicî ens ioartcdly tegefier for tie betterment eof pe htws rvdd h a om a pîcasure stanfipoint a liuge sucthe cemmunity. uprtawspovd ,th wy ss-financial otierwise. Ross Cen Co, Shows Profit in which 226 people were served at T'own Council was asiced to endcavcr A tenture of fie eveuiug was tic ne-' one time without causing the walls establisi a Pasteunizefi Milk Plant lun marks from represonatlves efthfe local te bulge, weuld cf themselves have :wmanville, aur Executive havlng fouud industries. Mr. Leon Raffauf, Manager made it an event ta be remembered. itat suri coulfi ho donc being bene- Rose Can. Ce.. saidfilhi plant anw But the mcst mrelu hn was 4aI fa eut people andi nef interfering working overfime sud marvgious thin aterially wifh any otier seurce of sup- beokefi te lceep them geing fulltimie the way in which our girls proposed Y.Thils wiill ikely again bc brought te October let. It mad been eaid tint sud responded te the varieus toasts, 'ore f b's year's Ceunchl. eniy 5% of Canadiani industries siewed Council wss recommenief te place a profit lac year sud Rose Can Cc. was as if as one person remarked, "'After- nel af each endi ef the Town afivertis- n ils ris lse as would ho ebowu iu the diuner speeches were every day 9 Bowmanville sud, announcing tic statement presentefi co tic siareholfiersý events in their young lîves". Toasts cd limif, sud were asked te enforce at tîcir meeting tus menti. He refer- CndOrLaes h oe espeefi law. nef te tic maux unfavonable stories aboubt te aaa u eaes h oe As a resoît cf tic activities eft fis -his rempany wbici greetefi îim ou romn- folk, Girls' Work, sud Boys' Werký !eufive somte 19 nominations were lue te Bowmanviiie sud afidefi tint suri were proposed sud respcnded te by de for 1922 Ceuncil, 15 being neminat- knockiug borts tie moral sud growfiMssMrenWrdrc Bwaville, by fie cemmiticeeappoint ef ix fie oetcown more thin anytiing ec .Mr.MsMainWreofBwa eufive te invesfigaf e tic possiîîifîtes Raffauf camo i'ne fnom the Uniteud Miss Aima Werry of Enniskillen. Miss ftis year's Ceunril. States sud sinre iocating lu Canada bas Laura Virtue, Hampton, sud Miss E. The ntaio ottrieshasbee Il takon tie oaci cf aileglanre te Great M. Werry cf Tyrone, Miss Dorothy Iled noce te romain je Bowmanville. JhBr.talnD.W..st Ms Ml [s wili be ce ef eurlange industries Canners to increase Output JhsoMs .W et isMi t fiovelope as if promises, for we have Mn. Adelberf Sf eiuburg speakiug for fie dre d Lawrie sud Miss Ruth Grigg of enatural raw matenial aud location Dominion Canners' Limitcd et wiich firm Bowmauville, Mise Muriel Hancock fuths I'efusfny sud ail fiat Is required le islecal manager, saifi fie past season cf Port Hope, sud Rev G. T. McKen- assistance te put fie infiusfry in a hclitcben a succestul crie iaving turel-ziofEnkie. Mss arre lrking condition, negnrcling whiri tie efi eut over 1,250,000 cane cf peas sund eofEnsil. Mss arre imber of Commerce la lenfiing ifs. ns- cern. Tiey hopefi to exceed cis out- Bounsaîl sang beautifully "Our Grand ;tuce. put fis yosr 'by ai lest 500,000 cane if Canadian Land" the girls jciuiug in n motion et Mr. J. H. Cryderman a tiey get thecocepensfion efthti local the couadagopo ecsl nry vot eetoftianks wss accordef fie growcresuad farmens wio bave taken .cousdagopo ecsl ctsry for is werk sud splendid ne- libotal acroage lu fie paat. Ie an- girls sang a very pretty chorus. But t. oýher coltîmu atfent,'on cf, meeting et perhaps the number that caused the lynr Quinn Speaks farmens intorese c in growîug cern anti greateet surprise wne the singiug of ien Mayor TH. L. Quinn rose ta speak pes is caliefi,th rzcousbagopofBw was greoted w fi "sec hlm smiiing", Demand for More Housesthprz cousyagru ofB - large representatire gaflîng cf ciii- Ex-Mayor J. J. Maun sti uck ftic kex miauville girls. This chorus "Cana- s suri 'as filie ronsîderefi s groaf note of fie gathering when hoe saif tic dian Girls" was composed by Miess ýpratien sud a goofi emen for fie fut- spirit f ftic meeting was fiat ail onite MargeieJns is-omsu esuccesesuad prosponity et eurtotwu. for a bigger anf botter Bowmauville. Toe geieJne is-om su swersbip wns unstinfeng in ils praio acremplisi fils we muet have more ile- dent of our High School. ho vork tic C. et C. was foiug sud fie dfities nf ousiug accommodat'on for The Sunday afternon session in the -Oporation' tbey had given tic tewn empiexees. Pnoerty owuens arne more Cuc fCrs a itn ls uni. Muri goof sieulfi resuît fnem preferaîle te routons, Ho afivecatef fie Cuc fCrs a itn ls ih meetings as fis le wîîcî citîzens engsuizing et s compaux wîose pupoete the whole cenfereure when Miess ered suggestions sud oxchanged ifiýas would ho te finance second m.origages, Gemmell in a beautiful talk gave te fie goofi cf tic town le genoral. Councilior C. S. H-alman. Ciairmantcf the girls sud others present a splendid Wlsan's Inspiring Letter Poor Relief Commiitee, roferref te fie VICTORIA COLLEGE GLEE CLUB The entertainment given by the Glee- Club 'of Victoria College, Tor- onto, on Thursday evening in the Methodist Church here afforded a fine treat of musical and literary numbers with some humorous sketches for var- iety. The Club numbers over thirty young men and is under direction of Conductor E. R. Bowles, who has had large experience and great success in training young people in music. The iprogram consisted of choruses, quar- tets, duets, readings, musical mono- logues that greatîy pleased the large audience assembled. Special mention should be m.ade of the choruses, the quartet by rMessrs. Walker, Agnew, Brown and Cayley, whose voices blended well and who'proved high class entertain- ers. Mr. R. G. Agnew, as a reader, antd Mr. M. A. Cayley in his 'musical mon- Lologues gave much satisfaction. The up-to-date Grand Opera Act was well presented and cleverly put on,. even to the lady (?) who carried out the part with the others in a way that captivated and convulsed the audi- ence. The debate by the Parish Council on "The Town Pump" was rather amusing. As entertainers the various members are capable of putting up a popular program with ample variety to satisfy any audi- ence. The Brotherhood under whose auspices they appeared is to be con- gratulated. LEADERS AND OLDER BOYS' CONFERENCE Bowmanville, Saturday, February 25 Say fellows! Get your thinking caps on; let your imaginations rua_ riot for a f ew minutes and see if you can imagine two hundred boys sing- ing the songs they like best, yelling the yells that they have made up for the occasion, putting on stunts of their own choosing, and in general having the tîme of their lives! Would you like to bc sick when there was anything quite so enjoyable as that going the rounds? Well 1 should say not!1 Weîl that's the onîy thing that needs to keep you from doing those very things in the Bowmanville Meth- odist Church on Saturday, February 25th. The Leaders and Aduits OnIy Ses- sion of the Conference will be held in the morning. That ought to give you plenty of time to get your Sat- urday work done so that you can have the rest of the day to yourself. Then the Boys' Session begins at 1.30 p. m. and continues tîli 8.00 p. m.. But we're not going to listen to speeches all that time! l'Il say we're not! The greater part of that time we're going to be in action, doing the very things that the great C. S. E. T. Program teaches us to do. WHAT! You don't knowwhat the C. S. E. T. is? Well I should say it was about time you woke up! There are just about 12,000 teen-age boys in the Province of Ontario who could tell yeu. Don't let us be behind all the rest of the Province. Give this program the once-over, and see if we are not right in prom- ising you the best day's sport you ever have had. But remember that we will be crowded at the Conference and especially at the banquet, se that if you want te get in on this good, time, you m-ust REGISTER AT ONCE. THOMSON KNITTING CO. WINS AT PARIS Six car loafis of Bowmanville boosters journeyefi by autos to Paris Thiurs Feb. 16, to witness the hockey game between Thomson Knitting Co. and Paris inter- mediates. The lhappy caravan includefi Messrs. R. E. Wilson, F. C. Pethick, P. P. Newhouse, J. 1. Bundy, C. Milne, G. C. Paterson, W. Billings, E. Varcoe, W. E. Sugrue, Art. Densem, Scotty Wright, Henry Buchanan, James IEowfiler, R. Maxwell, Haroldi Boyes, Geo., Parkin, Dan Dancey, besides the players. Brantford Expositor has this to, say about the game: In a particularly fast game of hockey the Bowmanville teamn defeated the Paris intermefliates by 5 goals to 2. The game was only an ex- hibition one, but fiespite that fart the spectators were troated to one of the best gamnes seen here this season. The visitors are a well-balanced team. They are fast skaters, goodi stick banfilers, andi play a nice comibination, and are a creflit to the town they represent. The Par's boys also played a good game but the 'visitors were a littie better The game started promptly on time and with keen ice play was lightning fast. Bowmanville was the first to score, which they did in a few minutes time. From then on play was very even, neither team haveng the advantage, until just hefore time Paris tiefi the score. The second period was nearly ail Bow- mnanville, and only the goofi work of rha less