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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Feb 1922, p. 6

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The Cough Killer is Busy! Coughs and Colds destroyed by the thousand every day. Instant -relief from your suffering guaranteed hy _taking Buckley's Bronchitis rMixture The remedy whieh ik twenty times strofiger than any other on the market. Money back if it fails r', give relief 40 Dloses for 750 SOLI liv &Hi ruggiets or by mail item W. K. BUCKI.EY, UMITE3 142 Muuat St. Tarente SOLD liN BOWMANVILLE BY FR. KERSLAKE A It Seems So ini Many Cases and Good Health Îs- Always Necessary VISCOUnt, Saskatchewan.-"J took Lydia E. iInkham's Vegetable Con- Pound for weakness of the female organs. 1 bad pains ini the back anci bearing-down pains In the abdomen and was ia a general run-down con- dition. I couid flot sleep, rest or work and was quite unfit to do even aliglit household tasks. A friend told me about your Vegetable Gompound and1 Inl my turn trufy recommend It, as my severe sYmptôms vanished and 1 arn hetter ia every way, I de my own work, look after my chli- dren and see to chiekens, cow and my garden. I also recomrnend it for young girls, Who are weak and rua Clown, as niy 16-year-old daugli- ter bas~ taken it and is quite lier own gay self again."-Mps. Faim. WMitv, Viscount, Saskatchiewan. 1 Live On A Farm Upper New Horton, N. B.- . I have taken Lydia E. Pinkham's medicines and they have doue me a world of good. Since then I have been able to do my housework and 1 have a lot of work to do as I live on a farui. f eeing your advertisement lu the papers n'as what made me think of Nvritiug to you. I hope this will help someone else."-Mas. Wm. B. KEivnu, llpper New Horten, New Brunswick. ZutÛoo Tablets Do Thnree Thingsa ~-oereHeadacho D 20 nutes -bretk up aCoiov«ern1ght -sBtopMoothlY pFMMo nm Theîe. e ee Êbg th.y viiM 40-4w WOUy»U THE $"LIFTUP» (Patented) ALL BIAS FILLED CORSETS are designed in confôrmity with the sciencea of Anatomy. rhe LFTUP " a patented invention with non-slip elastie inside beit. gently supports the abdomen and is vers' beneficial for use a ter an opr- stion involving ani abdominal incision., Most effective in relieving the,, Physiesi ailments from whicb mLny women suffer. WRITE for usef ul lintei on ie and seif-Messurement. FREE, Tise geni4ebpaiented "'LIFTUP" is a BIAS COSET made oely by DEPT iP PH ONE MAIN 3700 COSE TS BURKETON" (Received too late for last week) WPil are glad to hear Mr. Robt. Pipis able to be around again after his accident .... Good attendance at League last Thursday ...A Girls' Training Class has been organized. Mrs. F. Waterhouse, President; Miss Dorothy Shortridge, Secretary; Miss Teenie McKnight, Treasurer; Miss Dean, Miss Curran and Miss Bertha Curran, Social Committee. They meet at the home of Mrs. Waterhouse every Monday evening at 7.30 p. m. .... 'Bad colds are very prevalent. . Valentino day passed off quietly, the school children enjoyed their "Val-, entine Post" and the beautîful sun- shine .... Sleîghriding is the order of the evenings. The young people are certainly taking advantnge of the splendid condition of the surrounding his. Eczeia fil Over Ris Body ~ His Legs-His Arms Coverid John Clarlc of Brookville, N. B., tcrowas i: stery of great suffering inte a few wercls. "I wad terrnented beyond words. ceuld flot slcep, Yeu could net pet a pin on my wlsele body. 1 tried sevora, docters. Tlsey said it was sroîsi, 'Ihree dollar bottles of D. D, D. is ait ý used. 1i bave lot bail a sere foi ive Montlis." Rach week we are celecting a lette'-rs sonse Canadian sunfrer te show wba'. ca.nre donc te itchixlg, burning ulin discase Direh cicar, purifying liquid wash, D. D D. Stop that itch todayi. Yeu are net sskeô te use D. D. D. for weeks before s'eu receive ý>e- sus.& If yen den't get relief frem the vers' frst bottle we banri yonr mones' back. $1.00 a bnXze. Try D. D. D. Soap, tee. Mr loion for ShIn Dise JURY & LOVELL, DRUGGISTS ARE YOU A TIRED, WORN-OUÏT WOMAN? Every Wonvn N-. i a Tonie and Nervine at Sons i , o f 1er Lif e Toronto, 011_ __ 11A, a tontie and builder 1 eauri brPoeemnl 2ud Dr. ÀIàrc' s Favorite ý ý'esriptîen te wrnen.I -n he imother of 4"' f .1 ~children and av e fu'eiuently lat need of sucli it-t tonie but did neot kuen'wlihat te 'ake until my iYS- - r ~ ter gave Me somc ~y '- ~oe the 'Favorite Pres"ri pt 10n ,' whieli she lih't,-elÇ had found te be god. it w' s- exaetly the teuic my systeai reqired a.nd ene bottle dd wenders for me, se 1 cake pleasure lu telliug others, heping that tliey will give the 'Prescription', n trial and be be Fefîted lusý' 1 h ave been."-3frs. Elizabth Taylor, 261 Ontario St. HEALTIS MOST VITAL TO YOU Hear What Thia Worin SaYs London, Ont.-"I eau highly recom- rnend Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip- tion te the expectaut mother. 1 n'as lu a terriliy run-den'n state. Was very n'enk and nervous and suffered with nusea. I n'as miserable untîl I began taking Dr, Pierce's Favorite Prescription, but MY strength re- turned very quickly and my generni health n'as better atter taking it. My baby was streag and heaithy, tee, and has neyer seea a sicli day." - Mrs. Harry Harris, 195 William St. Go to your aeigliborhood drug store at once and obtain this Prescription of Dr. Pierce's la tabiets or liquid, or send 10e to Dr. Plerce's Laboratory lu Brldgeburg, Ont., for trial pkg. tabiets and write for f ree confidential medical advice. COURTICE FAMILY HISTORY Sketch of the Hiatory aud Times of the Late Christopher Courtice of Darlington, Ontario. Writteu by thse late Thos. Courtice, June, 1900, and printed with alight modification for the Courtice Pic- ic, June 29th., 1921. Christopher C-ourtice, whose ane we meet to bonor, was bora ta Devon- shire, England ta 1796, the son of John and Mary Courtice of Anglo- Saxon blooti, loyal te their King aud country. 1 have olten heard my father spcak of bis uncies being soi- diers in the times of Nelson and Weilington. H1e married Grace Mason, whom he found a truc belp- mate in life's labors andl joys. The family consisted of cigbt cbildren, >tbrce girls and five boys. The eld- est was Ana Mason, afterwnrds Mrs. George Pound; second, John, wbo died in 1849, aged 25 years; third, William, who resides ln Bowmanviiie and is nov. in bis 95th year; f ourtb, Thomas, who lived at Port Perry un- tii bis denth ta 1901; fifth, Christop- her, jr., wbo lived in Darlington un- tii bis death la 1866; sîxth, Margaret, wbo was an invalid for many years and lived wîtb her brother Lawrence until ber deatb; seventb, Lawrence Mason, who lived on the old home- steadin l Dariington until bis death, and eightb, Emily, afterwards wif e of Rcv. Samuel Tucker, who ilei in Tor- onto. Mr. C. Courtice, sr., was a black- smitb by tradI3, and was very success- f ui la bis business at Putford Bridge, Devonshire, England, tili be ernigrat- ail to Canada in the year 1833. At that time though, bis business was prosperous, he san' no room for his boys in the olil country. This made hlm look arounil for a suitable field for emigration. H1e decideil on Can- ada for bis future home. This was very mach opposeil by bis parents and frienils, wbo held up before bim the many difficuities and bardships that be would meet witb. These were not sufficient reasons to prevent our honoreil parent from carrying out bis purposes. Wben bis mmnd was made up that the tbing was rigbt, he would say, "Patience and presever- ance will overcome many difficulties". This incident will be a proof of bis character in this respect. Wbea bis parents were tryinýg to persuade him not to go to Canada there was a per- son ta the neigbborbood who bad just returned anti brought back unfavor- able reports of the country. H1e was pcrsuaded to have a conversation witb this person that be might be pre- venteil from going, so our father, when he met hlm, was thus address- cd, "Young man, you are tbinking-of going ta Canada"? "Yes, sir". "Well, there is one tbing 1 wish to say to you: Don't think that when you get there you can go out andl shake these large trees anil the sovereigas will come falling ilowsu". Father said, "No, sir. 1 do not expect that, but I do go witb the intention of cut- ting them down, and cultivating the soul, andl the products will bring me the sovereigus". The answer was, "Weli, young man, if you go witb that intention you will succeed. Go on.p, Witb this 'intention to overcome difficulties, our father and mother witb- five cbildren started for Amer- 'Ica. As they were going on board the sbip -one of bis sisters standing by said to bim, "Christopher, you littie know the trouble you have aheail of you"'. Turniag to one of the cbildren (who was not 50 strong as tbe others) she saiti, "There us one you wili throw overboard before you reach Canada."e However, that was not so to be, as the chilil Thomas referreil to, liveil to be 71 years of age. The family ianded in Darlington in thc month of August, from a schooner wbicb had brought tbem te Toronto, then calleil Little York, for the steamer that took tbem from Kingson to Little York wouid flot land at Bowmaaville or Oshawa, there being no wbarves at eitber place., Findîng a schooner goîng down the Inke on some lumber or wood busi- ness, our father and family went on board. The captain said, "I do not know mach about this part of the country, but I do know when I get to the Township of Darlington". When they reached there, father said, "Put us off bore". So they were left on the shore of Lake Ontar- io, under the shade of a large elm tree, one fine afternooa in the month of August, 1833. Leaving the famiiy, our father anti his brother James, stnrted into the wýoods with guas on their shoulders to finil their brother Thomas, wbo bad pninciples that we-re characterlstC of the family, "Love and uaity, and ai desire to be together". Thse ad- joining lot to bis brother Thomas was selected, then nothing but a f orest of trees, and the h 'ome of the bears and wolves. To work they weat with a will and with the nid of axe and ex-.team he sooný succeeded in ceering a spot to bud a bouse for a home for the family, and a place to worship God. "It was sald of Ab- raham that where hie had a teat, God had an altar", so-it has been said of the Courtice family for many gen- 'erations, "Where they had a home, God bad an altar". We refer to this with gratitude in. our henarts. la the log house then buit, -, e u ved con- tented and happy. îhe hast place to leara the sec.Lï, c-- liappiness is where noue of yo j-ncighbors have a better hou -',or a better coat than your own, .ý_d where your aeigh- bor's wif e aud daughter, do not wcar a bigger bat than your own. "Secure from wiuter's frost and saow From bears andl wolves then prowl.- ing round, A home that wealth could not beston' Content and happiness we fouud". I have often heard our father say hie bas been encouraged by the text, Psalms 74.5. "A man was famous according as lie lifted up-axes upon the thick trees". As the resuit of continued euergy -and perseverauce, the forest soon yielded, aad the fruit- ýu1 fields were encloseil, from five to ten acres were added each yenr. Ronds andl bridges had to be made, and buildings to be erected. The first schoolhouse ln the neigbborhood n'as built, of logs on the south-east corner of the saine lot. This place n'as used for every public meeting, edurational, political, municipal andl religious. Here was the 'gathening place for every popular enterprise. The wrît- er well remembers the first scbool master. Solornon Smith was bis namne, hie was to teach in the winter montbs ouly, in the summner every youngster had to work to help father and mother clear the land. The graduates in Arts and Science at that time were not nsany, in fact, they were not needed as there was no caîl for specialists. There were mnany Of us that graduated at the school of "Hard Knocks" that pro- duceil men for the times, men with backbone, not men of straw. if you waut a rake go and make it and use it. If you want a harrow or a sleigb, go andi make tbem and use theai. Necessity was the mother of invention. Among tbe eanly settiers we may mention the names of James Rundie, William Rundie, Samuel Mason, Wil- liam Annis, William Oke, Thomas Worden, Richard Osborne, Robert Courtice, Capt. Truli, and fatherps two brothers, Thomas and James Courtice. The new settiers soon had an op- portunity to show their Ioyalty to ',King anti Country". In 1837 the Mackenzie rebellion broke out. Many of the Dalingtoa settiers, led by Capt Truli turned out and marcbed to Toronto to show their loyalty and when ten or twelve miles from Tor- onto tbey went into the woods anti eut sticks and. placed the41s on their shouiders, having no guns. Sir 'Francis Bondhead was thon gover- nor-General of Canada, and ýwhen they marched up King St., the Gover- nor came out and adtiressed the crowds, and made special mention of bis Darlingtoa frientis wbo came to belp without arms. It is well to note that the preseat members of the family, are possessed of the saine spirit Of loyalty as their forefathers. ru the Great War al I. Phone 18 day or night Farm ers' the eligible young men of the family were with the colors overseas and in! this connection we are proud and ,jateful to record the names of Gor- ,on Roach, Wilbert Gilroy,- Alfred ýoy, Roy White, Albert Truli, El- ,sîer Rundie, Harold Courtice, How- ard Courtîce and Roy Courtice. (To be continued.) WEATHER DOWN SOUTH Snow, Ice and Storona Injure Orange Crops. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Bradley, Osh- a-va, have arrived home from Cali- f ornia, where they have spent nearly three months. They visited arnong other places Los Angeles, Pasedena, San Diego and Long Beach. The winter in the South this year has been an exceptional one owing to the Lcold and snow, and mach damage was donc to the orange crop, from whiých, it is said, recovery will not be made «for two yenrs, and will resuit in high prices for the fruit. MU Smokinl N Spuà u--hSonmuff juif Swallewa avSUpIOe RAZ-MAH lit Guarant,,d te restore normal breathlng, stop lmucus r therings ln the bronchial tube.4 gîve g ihaof quiet aleep; centalasne haltformlu dru. 81.00 at1y.urru Ç eoTralr:;eatour agenc oeor= Sold by Jury & Loveil She Would Not Be Withot Tîhemi Mrs. Funk Tells Other Women About Dodd's .Kidney Pis. She Suffered Terribly and Waa so Bad She Could Not Do Her House Work-What Dodd'a Kidney Pilis Did For Her. Winkler, Man., Feb. 20th., (Spe- cial> .-Just how Liodd's Kidney Pis have made a reputation as suffering women's best friend is again shown in the case of Mrs. J. J.,Funk, a well known and higbly respected resident of this place. Let ber teillber story in her own words: "Jsuffered for years from kidney trouble, female weakness and nerv- ousness", Mrs. Funk says. "I was so bail 1 could not do my houseworke 1 suff ereil terribly but nfter using Dodd's Kidney Pis I feel much bet- ter. "I can do my housework again and 1 will keep ou using Dodd's Kidney Pis until I arn entirley welI. "I arn well satisfied with what Dodd's Kidney Pilîs have done 50 f ar. Everybody who suif erers shoulil try them. 1 would not be without Dodd's Kîdney Pis", Ask your ueighbors if Dodd's Kid- ney Pis are not the greatest of ail kiduey remedies. 5I 'I Bowrnanville Attention We are flow booking orders for Contract Peas for the year 1922 and willbe glad to have orders from a limited number of good, careful farmers, having good soul prepared for the coming crop. We believe the price we are able to offer wîll com- pare favorably with any érop on the farm. Our stocks of FLOUR and FEED il be found complete at ail times, Phone 203. USE IT. Hiogg & Lytie, Limited. Oshawa Ointario Carvehlng Now is the best tirne for having your car- over-, hauled. We can give it better attention andi give you a set prîce for the job.an and «as, oil and accessories. We carry a large stock of Genuine Ford, Chevrolet parts on hand at ail times. Cali get, our price. Satisf action guaranteed. New and second hand cars for sale, Bowmanville Buy Dîimond Ware or Pearl Ware kitchen. uten- sils and save work. They are so clean, with a flint-. hard, smooth surface that wipes dlean like china. No scourlng, no scraping or polishing. Just use soap and water. Every conceivable pot and pan îs made i either Pearl or Diamond Ware, the two splendid quatity SIMP Ena- meled Wares. Dlamen<l Ware îs a three-coated enameled atee4 sk bine- and white outside, snewy white inside. Pearl Ware is enarneled steel with two coati AL of grey and white enamel inside and ont. Eitber ware will giv.e long service. Ask fer M p Peari Weare or DïamSd, Wit 401 a*, -. USH.gEET METrAL PRODUCTS C MONTREAL TORONTO WINNIPEG ~.xl.EDMONTON VANCOUVER CALGARY 5 You can use sweet milk, sour milk, battermilk or water with ORDER FROM YOLJR NE!GHBORHOOD GROCEE % 45 Vlakes Neiglibors of Cus Liers!. epeople n'onder at m, succesiu being able to increasE b ut there is really no secret ta, it. One night 'hcn my ismness n'as at its n'orst, in a heart-to-heart talk with mv- Àlf I worked out these facts:- '-t has aiwnys been'easy ta, do business witb my neighhor,% ecause I ec ud meet thero and talk te them. They like to de -siness witb peepla tbey kuon'. The enly trouble is, the n'orld as gren'n se large it's baàrd te rmeet andl be fricudiy with a loti people. Well, la it?" I asked myseif. "If 1 en make geoil Liends an ,ood custemiers by mneeting.tbem, n'by can't 1i eet tbem ïnd ,alk te thcm over the telephone? 'The next day n'as Wednesday. Weduesday afternoen' is loeil timne te telephope-te cires are net se busy, nnda<e Unch, mest foike f ec friendly. I caileti up by Long Distan. e"' hrce mcenI've long n'anted te seli-mnen n'ho have nevc et r, P. my -stor'e, introdured myseif la an easy frierndly faubtor, udn of'féede them oi-nue real bargains. Say, do yen knovw, tvx If these mcn came ta te sec me the next day aiid hi' :e-ht a g' o.-- ýýill? They're go(,,-" riends of nmine non'. I'vc p'ot ('vei 5e nsso customei-s like thinl a shart time. 'Just being neigbborly is the secret of building up business. At some time or other I manage to telephone uearly cu cry estem-erwc 've < e, '- t-er7 Bell got. Dees them god. Docs me goed. s ~ TC1Pphone P'-sonai sol icitation 15 still the one ~ \i4 s a 12fr -",v of makin' a sale." ~/ I'm So Tired Fatigue is the resuit of poisons in the blood. So wheu the kid- ueys fait to purify the blood one of the first indications is unusual and persistent tired feelings and pains ini the back. Neglected kidney troubles lead to years of suffering f roin rheumna- tismn or develop into such fatal ailments as Bright's disease, The kidney action is pronuptly corrected by use of Dr. Chases Kiduey-Liver Pilîs - the best known regulator of kiducys, liver and bowels' Mrs. John Ireland, R.R. No. 2, King, Ont., writes: "*i was a great sufferer f rom severe headachq, and bilious speils. 1 îried a number of remedies without obtaining asiy benefit until 1 was advised to use Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver F111,. These completely relieved me and madle me Icel like a new person. I an ery grateful le Dr. Chase'& medicines Vfor what they have clone for me, andi you rnay use my Ieter for the henefit of others." Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pis, one pili a dose, 25c a box, ail dealers or Edmnanson, Bates & Co., Ltd., Torcuto. HURYUvP tÇ"ALLS eFor the Plumber i 8 or DAY We are always at your Service. Greenaway & Elliott 1Consuling Engine.ers

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