Gîft Chesta - EIIAssortrrents IIof ail sizes. È&LmEs & EbWARbs SOLD IN BOWMANVILLE BY ALEX. ELLIOT Jeweler A LO UD CALLI to gain thie Hearing of every am- bitions person is what we wish to make. We xant to tell you that if you desire to be a Success la this Worcl's BUSINESS you must be a master of some particular work. THE BOWMANVILLE BUSINESS COLLEGE .tei(,bisyou aIl Commercial Stud- ,es, and prepames you to rapidiy gain Success. Positions are constauthy await- lng, our gaduates. It's Bot too Inte for you to make youm stamt TO-DAY, Write for full particulars. Cora 'P. Fulton, O. G. A., Principal - i Recharging Batteries' at the new Willard tion Will be ONE DOLLAR Sta-1 Our repair prices are the lowest possible con- sistent with, expert WOrk- mnùship and quality parts New batteries are now at the lowest since 1913. Ail batteries left at the West End' Garage given this service. Oùtario Battery Service Moffatt Motor Sales Building Bowmanvalle ing any too bright It speaks weli Honor graduate of Tinity University, Apy1frctlgu oteSceay for the fammers of this district. Felow of Trinity Medical, Coliege. ph o aaou oteSceay Owing to au ovemsight on the part Licentiate of the State Univer'sity of Secretary, F. C. PATERSON of our Reporter inteig about the New York, Matricuhate of the Post- doing of the Methodist Choir on Feb. Graduate Medicai Sehool and Hos- PORT HOPE, ONT. [12, the name of Mrs. Charles Cowan pital of New York and Fellow of the President, J. BAKER, Auctioneer-L E FRANKLIN was omitted from the list of those Toronto Academy of Medicine. Office R. R. No. 1, Hampton taking a promineat part. Mrs. Cow- -Mrs. McNaughton's Reidence, an and Miss Edna Riekard rendered Newcastle. Hours-8 to 10 a. m.,1 Th~ e~wa~t1 Irepene ~ E THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1922 NEWCASTLE NEWCASTLE COUNCIL BIBLE SOCIETY MEETINGS CITIZENS GATHERED AROUND ______AT NEWCASTLE THE FIRE PLACE Mrs. J. R. Butler is indisposed Regular meeting of council was_____ Mrs. Emma Bonathan is visiting in heid February 13,lh when ail members The world wide work of the British <Continueti from Pa-e 1) Toroto.wer preentexcpt Cun.Buter.Foreigil Bible Society as regards New- ware rcîe anwimeu Ce h o., as Messrs. J1. W. Alexander andi J. Miss Edna Riekard is visiting Tor- Reeve Geo. P. Riekard presided. w eek-end on the, occasion of a visit from uL. Mitchell were out of own. onofied.Mr. Frank Allia addressed the the District Secretary Rev. W. E. 1-as- Nurses' Residence Condemnned on ofrieds.sard, B. A., B. D. On Sunday, Mr. Has- Mr. Norman S. B. James, Member of Mïr. Erie Toms, Belleville, was in council la the interests of Messrs. sardadessedteFebrra o- olia rsoe o te gowr town this week. Pearce, Selby, Parker and Brown re- gregation in the morning and the Meth- ocing carried on Oy this institution and f Mis Grti Mrtn svsingqeting htvlaepa o qa dist at night. A few weeks previousiy referred to,, -hesinoonveniences iinder Mis GetieMa s vsitng uesingtha vilag pa fo eqalRev. R. H. A. Ilaslama of Toronto, had Khich the nurses f uifiled their dot-es., friends at Madoc. amount of work to balance statute nready, presented the subjeet in ,"ho 111e government inspecter hati con- Mr. H. B. Foster shipped a car of labor to be performed by above men- Anglican Church. Mr. Massards addres- -rrineci the nurses' resîdeîîce as ttaîîy stoc viaG. T R.tioncd persons on west boundary. crete instances of the "power uf the inadequae for present requirements. If stok va G T.R. eso Sunday were replete with con- fhluibslital is to re ain the good name il Mrs, J. E. Matchett ils visitiflg Recitîest was gran+cd that each per- Bookpamong peuple benighted, and werc th it es ustd fo ie the aeflaries friends la Toronto. son perform double the statute labor delîvereti witb characterîst c impressive- o()o n' ybteracmodto o MisHlaGboToronto, is vis- required by him and bill village for Oes itS nurses andi other bellp It had been Mis illdaGibonOn Monday night in the Methodist suggested that a new modemn hospital ing under the parental roof. haîf amount at rate of $5 a day for Sehool Hall a meeLing was beld to reor- lbe Ouilt and, the presen, one be used Mr. Harry Couch has jurchased a man and team, work to be supervised ganize heelocalsbranch of the Bible Soc- -r a nurses' resideîîce. laundry, etc. new car for his iivery business. oy Road and Bridge Comimittee. iety rT ll tae adreby Mr. Mr. J. D. Carruthers tlîoughî greater Mr. W H. lark's yonges son Mr. Geo. Eilbeck was requested to ent of Opportunity" helti the close at-caentitesthudbeaknnteI Bert is criticaily iii with l2neumoIia. appear before council at next meet- tent un of a large audience of both child- teen age boys of the town. One way of .ren and grown-ups. The following, offi- doîng Y lswould be oys ugtfiîa com- rMissoAnnte Drummnd is donigt ics aayastxcletr eswre elected for 1922: President mn. alweebosmgîme o frm Trno vstn e ay Mr; F. W., Cowan was appointed Mr. Thos. Moffatt; Secretary-Mrs. Chas. "uta neet n erain friends. 1MIancock; Treasurer-Miss B. Mclntosb. Beautify' Exhibition Grounds Misses Zora Dafoe and Bila Turn- to represent couneil on Board Of These, with the resident ministers andi a I)uputy-Reeve M. J. -Lliiott was asked bul sen te ee-ed it fiedsEducation for three years commiftee consisting of eMrs. S. Mc- tu speak on the ques-ion 0f parks. At bul spnt he eekendwit frend . Lqughilin, Reeve Geo. Rickard anti Mm.'tresent there is nu suitable fieldi for la Trenton.. Rcsolution of protest against rais- -W.Il. Gibsun const tute the executîve athlet.cs and the speaker though, if citi- Mr Tim Shaw has returned to Ing standard for matriculation to for the year. Contributions approximat- zens andi Agricultuglal Society would co- Picton after a pleasant visit with University was passed and copy of ing $50 bave already been received and it operate the Exhibition GJrounds coulti fis expecteti that many mure will responti 0e matie intu a very attractive park by friends heme. samne ordcred sent to Minister of as the opprunity offers. pîanting trees as Weil as adding other Miss Gladys Jones is as§isting in Education. improvemenîs. As a municipality titis y_________ town bas donc pracîîtiqýy notbinê .n the the Post Office during the absenceof Cierk was instructed to write wyo eoilfrmnwofl vr Miss Lvkn onis raue e araso seas. A tree migh- ho planteti for eacb Forean evisis n reeip of taes.soldier who made the supreme sacrifice. Forean evisis n rceip 0f taes.Mr. T. M. Knight feIt that the Iown consignmnent of crushed stone for Accounts werc passed as follows:, LATEý JAMES GIBSON, CLARKE was talling down on the bousing proposi- Commnit hal. HdroEletri, steetligting$7000 lik wih te erlyion. Serious consicderation shouiti be Commnît hal. ydr Eictrc, tret lghtng 70.0 Alin wih te erlyhistory of New- given 10 th.s subject as rnany more Don't f orget the big free entertain- A. A. Coiwiil, milk to Belgars 2.08 castlee and Sofh ake as svei people ioulti move here if propcr bous- ment b the Horticuitural Society on Bradley & Anderson,,auditors' Iedahu ae isnwbich fook ing accommodation were available. Hc Thusda, arc 2n. place at bis residence, lot 21, con. 3, favoreti sîeh ascsheme as ativocateti by Thrsay Mrc 2d.salaries and postage 22.20 Clarke Township on Monday, February Mr. Mason. Mrs. H. C. Bonathanwas in Tren- By-laws weme read empioying cer- 6, 1922. James Gibsoît was the Ihirti Mr. Alan Campbell was pleaseti to sec ~Ofl ~ Elofferison in a tam iy of ten ut the late Francis thc fine cooperative spirit of tbc citizens tonTuedayattndig te fneal f tin alaiedoffcer, imiting expen- Gibson. anti was bomn at Darlington, as was soown at Ibis meeting. Hc was Mm. housin LnddBlsoadngsvea diture of any member or committee, Yorkshire, Englanti, comîng to Newcastle strungiy in accord xith tbe rcmarks Mr.Tho. Lddl isloaingsevraland authorizing Reeve and Treasurer wîth bis parents when a lad eigbt years matie by Mm. Ellîod uon beauf.fying andi carsof eda pots t te C P.R. o borowcerainsum ofmony fr Jof age anti lauded at Port Newcastle, increasîng the cfficienby of tbe Faim Sati onfodr his vnear at GiCsbP. R cu rrnt ertendtum f nn frS eptember ird., 1845, atter a voyage of Grountis. E thoughî it woulti bo a Staio fr isvieyad t risb. urrntexenitreuver six weeks' duration. great asset lu the uown 10 have a comn- Mrs. P. O'Neii took la the at hom~e Council adjourned to meet March The Gibsuns Iook up resitience on the mtinity hall which coulti also be useti given by her1 sister, Mrs. L. Young in l3th. farm adjoining bis late hume, now owncti as a meeting place for tarmers. Napanee on Saturday, 39 relations anti uccup cd by Mm. William Yoe, anti Goodyear Plant Susy 1 the original house ut logs is still in gooti Mr. A. M. Hardy, Superintentient ut being present. condi',lon despite ifs constant use of local' Guodyear Pactory, in an interest- t'resbyterian Book of Praise. Good oe 0 er.igwyrfre otegoigue assotmet o bidins ad prces atNEWONVLLEif was very interesfing fo liste" f0 Mr. 10 wlîîch rubber products weme put to- the "Big 20"1 Bookstore, Bowman- M.adIis lrneMthl Gibson relate somne ut bis many exper- day. S nce the firsî of ble ycar $30000 ville.d W. T. CAllen. Mi-th l ences ýn thuse pioncer tizys. Me re- of new machinery had been instaileti in Bob Walton bas treated his "black are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Milton mm1et urncl u frttp rmIe rloca Go oarpakn f0manutac- mara" oa contofpait ad ow heTamblyn of Oono.. Ms. George, "The Laike- as heing througth a densee rubber ahestsakng Uvr2, maia o ea o pit ndnw he1geclnswamp teewsn bridge af t rube0hel were also bcing tumneti illegr* brd. Te o asdn Thompson who has been visiting "Ilunters Creek" simply a crussing matie, ouý daily. Goodyear Co. is in a botter is friends lu Torontohe jobeturned.ethe landi where thie Newcastle Higb financial condition at present anti pru- at the West EndGarage. red iCha noba etre Scbouî now stands was soli bush, anti icets are better than during tbe past Dont orgt o tted.airCCn-s. Britton, Jr., Oshawa, spent ',the ruati that nuw leatis to Oruno was a h.Iree years. Pay moll now averages tata gven b youn peope of S Sundy at r. W.C. Lne's. . Mrs. very pour ettair but the landi on botb vî$500prmnh Geor gies church laoAleandr Hal Allin of Orono, who has beon vîsiting sides vere prettr well "cut off" as fam General Outlook Brightcr hemrgs'sterrcMrsi AldxanuraJoaelfortrh as Menxicks Corners. Mm. Gibson 2M. E. C. Rebtier, Manager of Bow- Tuesday, Feb. 28th. See advt. e iteMs i, oe frotnremnarkedcabout lube fence on the_ manville Foundr-Y Co., saitili was realiy Mrs J E.W.Phlp ascaledtosome weeks mtrned last Sunciay. . West s*de ut the roati jîst north ut the through thc Chamber ut Commerce that Mrs. J. E. WMmPC. W. Joues arîdo son WilliS tlorks. if ivas the irst, snake 'tenue lhe te.r business is in Bowmanvîîîe to-day. Port Hope on Saturday owiug to the Mr G* . Jnsan oilhatieT cm seen, anti appearedt i e very The by-law calleti for $60000 îvorth of deat ofhemcouin Ms, oges. hiswere în Cobourg on Tuesday attend-1 olti cft that lime but tha' samne tence i buildings ', o erocteti anti they already deah f hr ousn rs.Roers, hi ing- an entertalument and' banquet, still doing tiuty in the samne olti Place anid hati uver that amnount. Business a week she is la Lindsay vîstîug ie yteBl...M.adMs must be well uver a century olti. on the up grade anti generîti outluok is f riends.LJamesN b i ttgvel a dr.nn r ary He was an enthusiastic lborseman anti much brighter. Besides taking came ut Mis nne ewm adthe mis- y ýou coulti always inti some very super-loabsitsnOtaufhyremig foMaiubeso teinrlaivs nDmeniaari Jme Gbsnsstbl. nregular shipments f0 Western Canada fortuneto f ahi from a chair duringfranme fterrltvsnÏraiasi ae Gbo' tbe nadNwZaad mn reste the oure o he hosehld utis o Tuesday. Those present weme Mm. bis yuunger tiays lbe was tond of hîîu n ntinNZaat. Amn reste thedacou seve ely injeod heuaie nd î.Rb.Ridadtocid-at0limayagoiamoaotsot re now fmling inelutie 45,000 o.1 stuve he n Ms ot.Ri ndtoc id n odm oo anaotsot tops, 14,000 oven racks, anti a standing Fridy an sevrelyinjued akleen, Mr George Reid from the West, o deer, bear anti iolves, in the nearby or dem for 1000 pistul rings per day. nnd side. . i~Jzi edo oôt m 'Woods. Hie was a strict disciplinamian BiksnPot rPoducts Prof Hibeeaccmpaiedby us ud neer ucd obaco r lquo, ati tte ExReeve T. S. Miolgate spoke for the Prof 1-igbe acompnie bybisMms. George Graham and Mm. Robert rermarked that h e always kept clear of Oîîfarîo Pot eries Limîleti, Bowmanvilies wif e, Dr. Annie Higbee, are ocp-Neittwu classes utne-oekepr n ingDr.G. . Crveh's cgeat- ebt.. . andrî Mms. Harry Stone jlwes enhtieprs at e st îndusîry. Me saw great possîbili- in D.G.H.Crvtscotae are i yt s ;,,r the development of this busi aemoving to the village They havei lu early lite hie marrieti Eliza Cersuati- ness bu, lu brick anti Pottery products. Noewsteonthe-lrcae . th bgrented part of the old Manse . . .. Ienwho pre-ticceaset iihlmfour years It would m iake it lpossible lu boy brick Shome oftalehepurchaseroatothe bî Miss Annie Nesbitt, Mililuer, left for age, andt f0 is union were bomu a tamlyluchre at least $700 per 1000 cheaper than Shothon Sleheld l Toono l Tusda mmnig. tfour buys andti hree girls, the survv- elsewhcre. They expect f0 have bolh week weme S. Rickard & Son, J. F.BlMin on Tedauurig..ig members. ut which .arc Mrs. C. M. plan s in uperation early tfOis Spring. Son, Tos. Cl Mence Gertie Martin is visitiug frîends Edidy, Mms.S. P. Yoe,. rank anti Ernest Ife thanketi the Chamber ut Commerce Osbomne &at Marmora.. Mrs. Fleming of Bow- ut Toronto anti William at home. Nine for ils couperation anti felf thaf their Chas Allia. avle tiiiin red hr .. rn-hiltimeiianti five greal grantichilti- firm hati the nucleus for an immense Mms Win. Riekard has returned Manili iiigfinshm.. 1 ensurvive. business In tbe very near future. Mr. home after a pleasant visit wt o Rev. E. W. Tink bas returned nfteri James Gibson was a truc Anglo-Saxup, iziultae suggosf cd that any publicîty manvllefminds Weareplesedvjsiting bis parents at Brookhj . .. . ever readti udu what bis hanti tounti given the town if should tiaialI tîmes give manvile frindbeuW r- Mr. J H. Penwnmden, wîf e and fnmilyî lu do, a luyal supporter ut the Anglican ils pure sorna watem sîîpply the greal- to report that she feels much bee l otordto Bowmanviîîe Saturday. . Chrh anti a staunch Conservative in e promnence as it was une of the best fitted by hiem rest. p tc. ses thetwn liossesseti. Mr. Wilson McManus bas rented Is it not pecuiar? Out of thousands' The tunerai ,vas belti from bis lafe Election of Officers his farm on the Kingston Rond, Eastwho are always predicting such are resîdence un Wetinestiay, February s lu Election of officers was pruceetiet with, 't'hngsas icedavsandthuderOruno Cemetery anti was largely attend- cveryone present bcbng g yen an oppor- and is moving with bis famihy to the tîg snc dv n hn e tiby trientis trom ail parts ut the town- tuînîty ,ýo vole. Five were numinateti v stomms lun winter time and other cal- ship.. The pal-bearers were five grand-foPesen A.M HadJT. Car- vilageandwilh occupy Miss Dora amities, some oue is correct ouýce un ai suns anti a nepîîew. rtithers, R. E. Wilson. Dr. J. C. Devit Langlem's poperty on King-st. while and wins famne as a prophet.. __andC._Arhur_________I_,,vas_______ Mrs. R. W. Gibson was called to Sormy to leamu Mm. Clemons Percy bason engscdhietnubrf Toronto on Saturday hast oWing to votes shoulti ho Vice-Presitient. Blection Mm.Gîso hvig etwlh srlusla grippe .... Local Oangemenae resulteti. Pmesiten-A. M. Hýartiy; V ce- acc ien hoa fin etth ak whomeu odngacuerbx soilid .~President-R. E. Wilson; Secretary-Cbas heisoplye.Laes eprt taedance, Wednesday, Mamch l.... ..AI 1. asn. h e i s m p l o y d . L a e s t r p o r t s s t a t e n u m bo Lf rc ehe ro t tr ed d t h e b i g we n tys n a mw s e o r E . s m e dT f o r Executive Cummittee, eleven heing eleet- he à o a airwayte ecoery i ockey match lu Port Hope Friday i A serlous accident befeli the youugf night. ... The public are espectfully W ITE MATTER 0F the estate of Knight, Alan Campbell, J. Du. Carmuthers, souof m. . . Btie Tusdy hst dviedtha th hlckdog tht aso arggr Caswell, late ut the township N. S. B. James, C. A. Cawker, Dr. J. sonlesoeiM idîngdowButler îl. Ho y laf aboutt the bak arelikethe t a f Clarer, luthe County ut Durbam, fC. Devitt, Dr. G. C. Bonnycaste, G. N. whlesligriin ow bll H lafaou te an ae ie hestffspn ter eceaseci. Tliorston, P. F. Morris, M. A. Neai. %Vhilc the ballots were being colînteti man unto a sharp sang which lieue- -not haîf as foerce as they look, . NOTICE is bcreby given that ail per- QapI. J. B. Neal enterlaineti the galber>ng trated the abdomen. Dr. B. J. ,. Messrs. Geo. Ovons, Frauk'Ovens, sons having claims against the estate witb card tricks anti other cojuring Hazlewood was cailed and had the lit- Geo. Burley and Fred'Smith were in of Margaret Caswell. wbu tiieti on or stunt s which matie fume pass su quickîy le sffeer ushd t Bomanihl I Trono o buines . Oganzedabout the GUI day ut February, A. TD. 1922, Ibat tew realizedti Iat the boom of id- +l ufr reate t. i Ban i ble Cor nsonsione Pres.. teianzdare requiredti f0senti by post prepaiti or nigbt hati arriveti. Hospital frtetet ibetis o he Pebtra eiiver f0 the unders 'greti executor u oteofThlk Counchlor . N. uckhe is n- I Cumch ntertinedthe mebrsftcaid tieceaseti, on or betoreIe20b On motion ut T. H. Knighî, secondeti otiatigor Wsome vacantlo s .n- at hertî the cogrgaioble scil ayo day of Marcb, A. D. 1922, their Christ- by Rcv. D. W. Best, a hearty vote ut gotatig fr SMe acat lts t he ongegaionin soialwayonian anti sumnames anti atdresses anti jolil hanks was vot cd the. ulluwing for the Newcasthle-on-the-lake., We under- Fiday ovening, February 17th. Mm. particulars i writing of their dlaims anti gonerous assistance given ln making stand that it is bis intention to erect D. Hawthorn acted as Chaimman. Af- statements ut their accounts andtihIe Ibis event sucli a profitable anti interest-I numer f smmo cotaes.Hat te deotina exrciesthee wrenature uf the security, if any, helti by ing evening J. L. Claytun, F. P. Morris a nme fsme otgs asýrdvtoa xrieteewr them. Go.. Willianîs & Cann, M. A. James & off to William! If Newcastle hnd eadings, rocitations, solos and duets, AND TAXE NOTICE that alter the Sons, Capt Neal, Members ut Orchestra, more of bis stnmp as citizens this vocal and instrumental Also a short twentieth day of Mamcb, A. D. 1922, the McClellan & Co., Archie Ta't. boom frm te Spt. il f wichsaiti executor w.ll proceedti l distribule If woulti be difficoît lu uverstate the burg wouhd soonbom addmess frmthe Sp.alo he h assets1ot the'saiti teceaseti among the unanimity ut sentiment anti optimism in Newcastle wa5 welh repesented at were heartily applauded. At the close Parties enlifledti ieretu, baving regard evitiemce ai Ibis "gel togetuier" meeting. the Girls' Conference held la Bow- efresbments were served. A cordial only to the clams of wbich notice shah Every citizen was entbusiastuc over the manill, oer he ee-en. Sme nviatin as x±eide toailtothon bave been receiveti. outlook for local industries as stateti Inanill, oer he eekend Soe ivittio wa exehdd t al to DATED aI Newcast le this lSth day of by their represenlatives anti seemedti 1 of thoso lu atteudance were Misses come to the Bible lass and hints Febru.ary, A. Du. 1922. be ready anti willing to cooperate in any Vera Barrie, M. Gray, D. Couch, M. weme dopuied of asimilar evening linoa oft ueetfo h rgesat otr An Evening of Fun and Frolic Fairy Canta-ta A Comic Play in thmee Acts by the young people of St. George's Church, Newcastle Sangs, Readings and Dialogues in the ALEXANDRA HALL ,NEWCASTLE TUESDAY, FER. 28th At 8 p. m. Admission: -Aduits 35c; Children 20C Plan of bail now open at Win. Jamieson's Hardware, Newcastle. Anlother Car' of Coal In We flow have ready for, immediate delivery Scranton Coal in Nut and Stove sizes, also soft coal. FRESH CEMENT We have for sale Portland or Super Cernent in any quantity desired. F red Graham PHONÉ 332;5 .NEWCASTLE Baker & Grocer Misses Muriel Hancock, Garbutt, Lawrence, Korman, Vemna Cann, Helen Wakelin and Kathleen Oke have returned from attendiag theý Canadian Girls lu Training Confer- once, Bowmanvie.-Port Hope Guide. People are being stimmed up at last in an endeavor to oppose the stmong efforts to gain fumtbem advantages for Sepamate Schoohs. The West Rid- ing of Durham bas omganized as fol- Lows: President-J. W. Rae; 20 Vice-Presidents; Secretary-Tmeasumer -..Thos. Smith, Omono; Chaimmen of Sec 'ions for Chamke-I. T. Chapmau, Kirby; for Newcastle-Fmed Grabam; for Darlington-Rev. W. T, Wickett, Tymone; for Bowmnnvie -Gen. John HIughes; for Cartwright-7Creighton Devitt-, Blackstock A pracîicah method by hhayo can spply beautiful, wash"ai, beheapoa ilisrdwood effects over aid discohoned 3oft wood or previouuly finithed fie.. Jours, wuodwork, furaiture. COMt aîbout 3 cents per square foot Lochs anud wears like real hsrdwaod finish. Learn f0o rain in 5 minutes at .)- ------ THIS OUPONgondi forOn THI COPON2 5c Cati cf Chi- ,Namel Varnish upon the Purchase of one new 15e hrush <mnere-; r le inisure a faim friai) duringounrCHI-NAMEL DEMONSTRATION. (Dates given below.l If laiger cao is desired, coupon will apply as 25e agsinst Dnrchase uries. .............. ..... Addrss....... ........... . . . . H. C. BONATHAN Hardware Newcastle Newcastle RIGHT UP-TO-DATE We'me not going to lot those city folks put it over us-not if we can belp it. Up in Toronto they've been falling over each other to get ESKIMO PIES. Not the ordinary pie variety, but a coating of chocohate lu which is delicions ice cream. We're goiug ti have Eskiuuo Pies starting Satumday., You can eat a whoie on.e., Take one home ýfor overy member of the family, Grocer Newcastle COPAEOUBRIE WITH MAIL ORDER HOUSES And invariably you will find that our prices are lower, quality considered. Mitts going at less than cost. Horse l3Blankets clearing very cheap. Help the Hens---give them Pan-a-cea., Buy yoursupplies here and save money. A TRIAL ORDER WILL CON VINCE YOU WM. JAMIEIm"SOeN Hardware Store Newcastle Feed Them Plenty' Neyer stint the children on bread, particularly if it is Britton's Homne-Made Bread. Every loaf of Briton's is cram. full of nourishment-good for grown-ups as Well as children. Bread is the cheapest and best food. Eat more bread. Hi . . BRTTO N' COAL 1 have -on hand a supply of the best SCRANTON COAL both Nut and Stove size. Sheds at the G. T. Ry. Phone A 1220 Geo. a mieson Newcastle 1